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Posted on January 22nd, 2018 by Clyde Lewis



Over the weekend, all of the talk in the media was about the government shutdown. Every time a shutdown happens I always wonder – do we really need the government? Then I wonder - do we really need this government, especially a government that doesn’t care about what we want or what we think?

The government is a monopoly that we pay into when weundefinedre forced to pay the government for public services, with no alternatives, their priorities then become that of those who willingly pay them.

These are the lobbyists, who are always expecting something in return.

The state demands that we give them money, make payments, pay taxes, pay fees, and no matter what he quality of service is they continue to receive payment.

We accept this type of treatment, and we have for several decades.

What makes a government different from every other social institution is that it has been given the legal right or insistence to initiate force against you. Our government was organized to protect an uphold the constitution, However, the people have opted to negate the constitution in favor of statist operations and plans where the government is in the business of escalating the use of “force” until you comply. Force can now be escalated without due process of law, through extrajudicial execution.

The people have now embraced this in order to avoid the sticky process of trial by court and so trial by force is preferable and in some cases torture till death is also preferable by the court of public consensus, which makes their judgments through the auspices of a controlled media.

Laws have now become death threats, which is why people comply with them.

It appears that in the United States we have lost purpose and so government, which can now be called oligarchy, has replaced it.

We no longer have a government by the people for the people that ship has long since sailed. It has hit an iceberg and sunk with the arrival of the Cult of Oligarchy.

If we look at our government as we would any other item, like food, or medication we would learn that it too has a sell by date—or an expiration date.

To those of a dispensationalist background it can be said that even the planet is seeing its last days.

In the good old days, we would see crazed individuals walking the streets with sandwich bards saying that “The end in near” or people passing out flyers telling us to repent because our days are numbered.

Well, the world still seems to be intact, but our Western culture is now falling apart, and the government we say that is for the people by the people is now becoming an expanded and unconquerable Oligarchy.

Now I know there are a few people that maybe thinking I am somehow couching this as an anti-President Trump rant. The truth is I am not and the very idea that I am doing so illustrates my point about the misguided notions which have been programmed into the populace about party over country and constitutional freedoms and the monopoly of agenda and ideology that presents itself in the evils of identity politics.

The truth that is so uncomfortable is that scientists, historians and politicians alike have begun to warn that Western culture is reaching a critical juncture. Cycles of inequality and resource use are heading for a tipping point that in many past civilizations precipitated political unrest, war and finally collapse.

It’s intriguing to hear the Left continue pushing the idea that the last election was somehow rigged through collusion between Russian “Oligarchs” and certain members of the Conservative Right.

The open secret is that scholars who view this country without all the political leaning and false bravado have stated the whole United States is considered an Oligarchy today. And when the corporate media and corporate politicians, run by the U.S. Oligarchs tell them about the “Russian threat”, they repeat it like they were born yesterday.

When the certain left-wing elite meet with the Russians about sales of uranium, they are called “strategic partners.” When a presidential candidate stands accused of using Russia to allegedly fix an election, they become “sworn enemies.”

When it is alleged that all of the meddling with Russian Oligarchs was done under the watchful eye of a former liberal Democrat President, it is labeled fake news.

As it is repeated to us by the corporate media as well as by government officials, the word “Oligarch” concocts otherness and unknown insidiousness of criminality and inhumanity.

We can use the word to describe Syria or China, Russia, the Middle East and North Korea. This cleanses us from any particular sin and it paints a reprehensible, manipulatively cultish quality in our society.

It is bad manners to say this of course because if you do you are siding with an enemy or an “other” and we are often told that we have never had it so good.

If we were to say let he without sin cast the first bomb we would do it, because it would make ourselves feel better to punish the enemy Oligarchy instead of the one that has its grip on all of us.

It is a fool’s game and no one can be convinced that what is happening is part of a twisted cult that is encouraged by corporate politics, corporate media and corporate NGOs.

What is left are the cottage industries dedicated to victimhood. They conduct their witch hunts; they erase history and accuse people of improprieties without giving them due process. What they get is trial by media and the public allows it. It is like the people circle around the accused like vultures and yet we point fingers at other countries saying that they are worse than we are.

We have 8 people that own the bottom half of the wealth of the planet. None of them will set foot on a battlefield. When the shutdown occurred many of the men who fight heir wars were not paid.

Half of the US population is reaching poverty, and also reflected in mass incarceration for the prison industry, the housing crisis, the health crisis, police killings, natural catastrophe, loss of legal rights and loss of human rights on many grounds.

The globalist war policies that have been embraced over time have killed 25 to 35 million people across the globe while cornering 1 out of 100 people into refugee status globally.

In order to distract us the media tells us that, we are now supposed to be concerned about “Russian threat”. The media pretends to believe that their act of resistance is in response the over the all out likelihood of Hilary Clinton winning the election and that it was almost certain until they actually started counting the votes.

The media wants us to believe that they have credibility while ignoring the health report issued about President Trump saying that he has great health both mentally and physically.

They lower the bar of journalism by fat shaming him and telling everyone that he is prime candidate for a heart attack because he pounds Big Macs on Air Force One.

The media is now solely responsible for why all political dynamics suck.

The people are solely responsible for believing the twisted political agendas of what the media is peddling and repeating it as if it was gospel.

We are told that we need more war, and the people rejoice. The wages you get remain below the average and people are coerced into apathy. Your right civil liberties have now been virtually programmed out of most Americans.

Americans have now been programmed to support the militarization of the police, and the unlimited surveillance panopticon that has turned America into a gulag.

But it never fails - Americans will be playing this good cop bad cop partisan fight as if it was a football game, even though there is overwhelming evidence that the game is one hundred percent rigged.

Looking at the way Americans tend to vote, one could understandably draw the conclusion they’re all just apathetic and would vote for a communist takeover if it were helmed by Oprah Winfrey.

No one wants to admit that they are wrong, no one needs to know what your weaknesses are, and no one wants to divulge any prejudices they may have as it may result in accusations of being racist and or politically incorrect.

Sometimes people when they reach a certain age, decide that they no longer wish to hide their prejudice or even their racial biases. They become bitter even with the understanding that multiculturalism is inevitable and may result in one’s own racial demise.

As it is human nature to avoid admitting being in error or having been duped, for most humans the ego zealously flees the admission to oneself of significant error.

Challenges to our worldviews or paradigms of belief are also quite jarring – they can unsettle our comfortable existence and lead us to question everything we held dear, and might even lead to psychological or spiritual crises when the consideration of being fundamentally in error is on the table.

When we hit that point, choices are made to either change our thinking or to absorb and even embrace negative and or destructive thoughts where the conscience feels threatened and soon the ego and the intellect become damaged. Thoughts stray into territories that are so paranoid that no one can dispel them.

The ego erects a series of firewalls to protect its fragility in order to maintain the archetypal systems of symbols that have been erected in the mind since birth. These are your true core beliefs. Sometimes core beliefs are hostile survival thoughts and they never seem to be inclusive. Anything foreign or unfamiliar no longer has a tolerance because in interferes with perceived safety and cognitive resonance all together.

We develop a matrix, a structure or a series of structures within our core that we see as impenetrable and no one can tell us that our various fears are not justified.

These structures, even if manifestly in error, are still mysteriously propped up by the mind or ego because of the psyche’s desire for order and meaning.

However, for those who enter arenas where the goal is to challenge these structures of belief, such as religion, philosophy or even alternative information, being open to the possibility of change is required.

Furthermore, it is not easy to give up, and in arguments about the future and why things seem to be falling apart we have a number of scapegoats we most certainly feel deserve our undivided hatred.

The Constitution of our Republic is supposed to give us our so-called freedoms. Unfortunately, it is representative of a form of government which seemingly no longer exists in this country today. The Constitution has been replaced and the Republic shoved aside and replaced with a corporate democracy similar to what appears to be the fascism of Mussolini, and the so-called improved Communism of China.

The New World Order according to the Oligarchs is supposed to bring us into the new dawn or new age of enlightenment. It promises to be the Golden Age.

This New World Order is not some prophetically speculative or futuristic fairy tale, but a real world reality. It is not some “wacko conspiracy theory” advanced by the fringe of society like the powers that be would have us believe. It is now a blatant and fully reported because we the people demanded “change.”

All the so called “change” and the rejection of “making America Great again” by the so called resistance entails is a projection of what each individual thinks they will be rewarded in the end.

In essence, the Oligarchy suggests to the slave that he or she will be rewarded for their servitude and his nationalist zeal.

It is the same bill of goods that Hitler sold to the Germans, it is the same line that ISIS is giving Islam, and it will be the same philosophy that will be preached from every platform as Europe is frantically finding ways to eliminate the problem of Islamic immigration and take over.

All enemies will be redefined and aligned in order to serve the purpose of an Oligarchy who knows the value of war and how it conditions people to unite against a common enemy, created by the Oligarchy.

Despite changing alliances, the mainstream media hides or smoothes over such contradictions with Newspeak. Thus, history is re-written to explain that the new alliance always was so; the populaces accustomed to double-think in order accept it and allow for the lies and betrayals to continue without a rebellion.

Meanwhile, small uprisings and protests erupt, many with real no substance. It is business as usual and people continue to patronize the business. Some people who are awake are asking why? It is obvious that billions of dollars are funneled into the research and development of effective propaganda and psychological operations.

This has been done for over a century, and this advanced arsenal of psychological weaponry has been pointed squarely at manipulating and controlling the way Americans think and vote for generations. They are the victims of this psychological abuse, and the oligarchs who are using it to rule them are psychological predators.

They have seized upon many Americans and have programmed them into acting like cult members. The abuse and trauma has made its indelible mark on the average American and it is becoming difficult to break away from the destructive cult-like environment.

Look around you and what is happening and admit to yourself that it is working on the majority of Americans that feel they have no purpose.

If you need a purpose, then commit to the idea that the Oligarchy has duped you. Realize they are a fraud that has been propped up in order for the weak-minded to worship.

If there is to be a revolution or resistance, it should be had independently with grass roots leaders who believe in the basic principles of what we stand for as Americans.

The American people are not stupid – they are victims of sophisticated propaganda that is enticing and misleading.