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Posted on October 5th, 2017 by Clyde Lewis



I had a conversation with my friend Dave Paull who is a very well-respected investigative journalist. He had just had a conversation with his old actor buddy and he told me their conversation was about the Las Vegas shootings.

Dave said his friend was leaning towards the idea that the whole situation in Vegas is yet another false flag, meaning, he thought that it was a staged event.

My face went sour and I said, why?

Well, his friend was concerned with why we don’t hear of the funerals, why haven’t we seen any indication of dead bodies, and what about crisis actors?

I said the investigation is still under way and apparently that, “whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” or in this case whatever happens in Vegas is erased in Vegas.

Since Sunday night, reporters from around the world have been scouring the casinos, hotels, and bars of Vegas trying to find anyone who knew anything about Paddock, who for now is the most lethal mass killer in American history. As of now, four days after Paddock’s rampage, not a bartender, a dealer, a clerk, a host, or a bellhop had come forward to say they remembered anything about Paddock.

A Starbucks barista said something about how he would get coffee and that she thought he treated his girlfriend, Marylou Danley in a cruel manner.

It has been rumored that for some time property owners in Vegas have been very “hush hush” about what goes on in their casinos and hotels.

Many things about Las Vegas, many of the things it advertises as its redeeming qualities to the outside world, are not real. It is a place of fantasy, excess and abandon. The city’s slogan is, “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.”

The reality is much grimmer.

You hear stories about people over dosing on drugs and being kept alive just long enough so that they don’t die on a property, so that the property doesn’t have to tell the press that something bad happened there; in fact, you don’t really hear about bad things happening in Vegas.

It is bad for tourism.

But of course, suicide rates are high there and with the gambling element the city in some respects hasn’t shaken off its reputation for organized crime. Las Vegas in the past has had a very shady history after it was cleaned up – it now seems to keep a lot of ugliness from creeping into the zeitgeist.

As a person who loves history, and also enjoys testing conspiracy theory – I have been thinking about just how history will define what happened in Las Vegas last Sunday. Sometimes I ask myself, who or what organization is in charge of writing contemporary history? I have lived 53 years of it, and when I was in school, I was forced to at least study 200 years of it, in church I was told that I had to read 6000 years of history that was recorded by men inspired by God and not scribes that are motivated by agenda and greed.

I am not trying to be glib about the Bible, as we have discussed before there have been ancient script being unearthed that confirms bible history and other scrolls and script that challenges or corrects events that have been told.

When we look at contemporary history and the conspiracy theories within it there is a lot of it that can be cut down as disinformation, but when conspiracy theory unravels as fact you have to realize that it certainly debunks cherished myths that we hang on to with regard to history.

Behind the scenes, I have been researching the Kennedy assassination because, at the end of the month we are supposed to be learning about the release of the documents on his assassination.

I noticed in my Netflix movie cue is the academy award nominated film “Jackie.” I decided to stay up and watch it. It was most certainly one of the most depressing films about Kennedy- from the perspective of his wife Jacqueline.

It was hard to get through actually and the only reason I stuck with it is because of the performance of Natalie Portman – it was amazing.

I guess I could say that when it comes to movies about Kennedy, I get caught up in them.

Oliver Stone’s film, JFK, ended with closing statement about the enormous amount of still-secret government documents relating to the JFK assassination and the fact that they would not be released until 2029. The tidal wave of letter-writing and phone-calling to Washington D.C. that followed the film precipitated a congressional decision to speed up the declassification of those files. The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 was the result, and it was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on 26 October 1992.

The Records Collection Act also created an independent board to oversee the declassification effort — the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) — and invested it with the power to direct agencies to release documents, with direct appeal to the President as the agencies’ only recourse. The law defined “assassination record” very broadly. It decreed that no records could remain classified beyond twenty-five years of the enactment. In other words, the law mandates that all JFK assassination records must be fully declassified by 26 October 2017.

President Trump has been urged to release these documents post haste.

Now, mind you, these documents have been sealed for 54 years and we are expecting them to be all there, and all revealing without any redactions?

I highly doubt it - this is the problem with sifting through documents and declassified information. Sometimes you just have to fill in the blanks – the blanks that are the black boxes that hide details.

I believe this is why Oliver Stone decided to throw in the arrival of the agent named X. If you recall One of the most crucial scenes of Oliver Stoneundefineds JFK occurs when a mystery man portrayed by Donald Sutherland steps out of the shadows to speak to New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison played by Kevin Costner.

undefinedI could give you a false name, but I wonundefinedt,undefined he tells the Garrison. undefinedJust call me X.undefined

undefinedIundefinedm not going to name names, or tell you who or what I represent,undefined the man says mysteriously, undefinedExcept to say undefined youundefinedre close, youundefinedre closer than you think.

In the screenplay it says the Agent named X that something about his manner speaks of authority, knowledge, and above all, old-fashioned honesty.” Everything Iundefinedm going to tell you is classified top secret,undefined he tells Garrison, and gives the DA what the script calls a undefinedsignificant look.undefined

And then he proceeds to fill Jim Garrison in on the truth behind the conspiracy that killed John F. Kennedy.

Now in reality, X didn’t exist in history; however, some believe that the character was based on Fletcher Prouty who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Kennedy.

His information sounded so plausible and so real that Jim Garrison had something of substance. It gave him a base for his investigation into a wider conspiracy.

Since the mass shooting in Las Vegas, we have been receiving some of the same information from sources that aren’t playing the mystery game – they aren’t all that anonymous. People like Billy Hayes, who knew Stephen Paddock’s background with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. He knew about the planes Paddock owned along with the previous owners of the planes. Hayes also knew about his job as a highly-paid accountant who oversaw black budget projects.

It was that information that we first reported as it would indicate that the alleged killer had connections to companies who work on highly-classified defense projects. It was crucial because the police and FBI assessment of the shooting was that Paddock was a Lone Wolf acting alone.

He of course shared connections with other Lone Wolf or Lone Nut Killers going all the way back to Lee Harvey Oswald and his role the JFK assassination.

We were also getting information from another reliable source.

John Carman, a former law enforcement and secret service agent that served under two presidents.

He was giving me background on the weapons used based on sounds and the activity and also telling me that he believed that Paddock did not act alone and that this looks suspiciously like a weapons deal that went horrible bad.

As we built our case against the mainstream narrative, I wanted to back off because of an email that was sent to us. It was labeled “secret” and parts were redacted. We wondered who sent us the information – we tracked it to researcher Rob Gray from Texas.

The e-mail stated that Stephan Paddock participated in illegal arms deals and that he secretly worked as an FBI conduit in the Las Vegas area. The email said that he took part in a weapons entrapment scheme similar to Operation Fast and Furious.

From 2009-2011, under Operation Fast and Furious, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Phoenix Field Division, along with other partners, allowed illegal gun sales, believed to be destined for Mexican drug cartels, in order to track the sellers and purchasers.

The e-mail goes on to say that Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine arms transfer. However, according to the e-mail, members of ISIS had learned about the scheme identified the negotiator Paddock as an agent – they showed up at the hotel, killed Paddock, and then used the weapons to carry out the massacre and then fled the scene.

There were parts in the e-mail that confirmed much of what we were hearing and so I posted it on my Facebook page, in order to get the attention of anyone that would confirm or debunk it.

This, I thought was an agent X moment, because it literally confirmed what little we got from our sources. It literally filled the blanks and while it most certainly is a well thought out conspiracy theory, the idea seemed so plausible and so real that it was unavoidably compelling.

After we read and posted the e-mail we found out that the information was also posted on 4chan.

If any of the information is true, this would explain why ISIS had claimed that one of their soldiers had carried out the massacre.

Even though the FBI denies any connection to ISIS and while there is no evidence that Paddock converted to Islam, ISIS claims the name of the soldier who committed the massacre was Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki, or if you decode it, it means Abdul Bar (The American).

Whereas ISIS media statements initially said Paddock converted to Islam undefinedmonths agoundefined the new statements from ISIS claim he converted six months ago.

Although ISIS has repeatedly claimed credit for the shooting in the days after the attack, both his brother and authorities have dismissed the possibility. He had undefinedno religious affiliation, no political affiliation,undefined Eric Paddock said in an interview, adding: undefinedHe just hung out.undefined

Assuming that FBI and police investigators are truly coming up short on motive or ties to terrorism, a main perplexing oddity that stands out is the clearly immense amount of prepping and planning that went into the attack combined with the seemingly non-existent public messaging left behind by the shooter.

Some analysts are pointing to the surprising fact that ISIS has throughout the past years been fairly consistent and disciplined with its claims. They argue that the terror groupundefineds tripling down on prominently publicizing and claiming Paddock should give investigators serious pause to consider.

Or they can investigate that this Abdul Bar (The American) was not Paddock but an American mole who takes orders and apparently makes transfers of guns with an inexperienced real estate agent like Paddock.

Or perhaps Paddock knew what he was getting into. Entrapment is something the FBI does all the time and he could have been the dream patsy in an entrapment scheme.

According to Jennifer Breedon, an international criminal law attorney, The FBI is being sued by a victim of an ISIS-inspired attack in 2015 during a controversial undefinedDraw Muhammadundefined cartoon drawing contest in Texas. The lawsuit alleges the bureau may have been complicit in the terrorist incident by not acting upon early warnings signs.

In the Garland, Texas attack the only security guard that was injured, is now suing the FBI even though the two terrorist in the incident were killed.

Some of the facts are indicating the FBI had an undercover agent that was trying to get in with ISIS, trying to find out these ISIS groups, and he wanted to make himself higher up in ISIS ranks to know more of their fighters. Apparently, he stayed in the car behind them, which came out in another case filing with the FBI.

They did not prevent it because if the attack had been carried out successfully, and people died. It was likely this undercover agent and his supervisors in the FBI felt that this would promote him up to high ranks within ISIS – the undercover agent would be promoted up, because the attack was then successful. So he did not prevent it for that reason.

So this means that the FBI now need to do these undercover operations to get inside the minds of terrorists to find out, who their partners are, because there is literally no other way under US laws for them to investigate, who’s going to be an extremist and who’s not, unless they pretend to be ISIS themselves and go into this, carrying out things such as the Garland Texas attack, and other things like that.

So is this what happened in Las Vegas?

Last night in a press conference, Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo revealed in a press conference that the suspect Stephen Paddock may have had an escape plan and also the Sherriff started speaking about the possibility that Paddock did not act alone.

Paddock would have had to have been a undefinedsuper heroundefined to pull it off, Lombardo said, before catching himself for using the word undefinedheroundefined to refer to a mass murderer.

undefinedLook at the weapon obtaining, the amounts of Tannerite available - do you think this was accomplished all on his own, face value?undefined he said.

You gotta make the assumption he had to have help at some point, and we want to ensure thatundefineds the answer. Some people were saying that the Sherriff may have slipped up under 72 hours of lack of sleep and stress, but what he said is what most Americans feel, that the Las Vegas massacre is part of an even deeper conspiracy.
