A few says before we set the clocks back an hour to observe standard time, I was on the bus heading into work and overheard a conversation between the bus driver and another passenger about Daylight Savings Time. The man was telling the driver that it was time to set the clocks back an hour, and then in March, we move them ahead and by November of 2018, we won’t have to worry about it anymore.
The man got off the bus before I could ask him if he was serious or not. When I arrived in the studio, I immediately went to my computer to see if there were any stories about the United States wanting to end Daylight Savings Time in November of 2018.
I could not find anything saying that this would happen and there certainly wasn’t a conversation about changing the way we perceive time.
Now, it may be an abnormal obsession I have and I really don’t care about whether we jump an hour ahead or back, or jump times zones – only that back in 2009, I made a prediction about what would happen after December 21st 2012. While everyone else was spreading the end of the world doomsday predictions about the end of the Mayan long count, I had a different idea about what would happen.
I created a lecture called, Forestructuring of the New Aeon, which I gave at colleges and the Ground Zero Lounge claiming that after 2012, I felt that those who control the time scales would have to reevaluate universal time and time zones because of the fact that the wobble of the Earth and axial precession would be factored in a new way to interpret time and time zones.
The idea was based on really nothing scientific, but as the Mayans based their calendars on the stars, we would eventually realize that the way we measure time would have to change because of how we are in the new century.
When I first mentioned this in 2009, I was told that it would be impossible to create a new time line or a new history. I had stated that the time line would be in conjunction with the advent of the discovery of the “New Jerusalem” and a time measurement that would be more desirable for business, worship and new discoveries in dimensional and quantum discoveries. In 2010 I mentioned it again on the air, and then there were a number of stories that were reported that indicated to me that the changing of how we view time would be implemented slowly, like the metric system ideas that were first proposed in 1968.
Back then it was proposed that the United States was supposed to wean itself from pounds, inches, and feet and get used to grams, centimeters and meters.
It was supposed to take ten years to do this.
But they did not make the switch mandatory. Instead, business owners and people who opposed big government and globalization did not use it.
There were many conspiracy theories that were spun saying that if the United States went full metric – the next stop would be a world government.
Those who saw conversion as ceding control won the battle for hearts and minds.
We still use metrics in many ways, from the two liter Bottle of Coke, to the 100 milligram pain pill and every once in a while the temperature is given in Celsius.
The biggest problem with the metric system was that the benefits of switching were negligible, and the costs were huge, but I still see that eventually the old system will be replaced as we edge closer to a world government.
This brings me back to the prediction I made in 2009 about a global time change.
Not soon after I mentioned this on the air, there was a story that was reported in the European press regarding Mecca.
A large clock was constructed by the Saudi bin Laden Group that cost 800 million dollars. The monolithic clock overlooking Mecca was a message sent to the world that Mecca was ready to challenge the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time.
The clock’s four faces are 151 ft. in diameter and are illuminated by 2 million LED lights along with huge Arabic script reading: “In the name of Allah”. The clock runs on Arabia Standard Time which is three hours ahead of GMT.
Furthermore, it was later discovered that the Einstein Rosen Bridge or dimensional vortex was a reality and hovered above the earth. It was with this discovery that I realized that causal engineering would be an everyday part of our life.
Then came the announcement of the restoration of the 13th house of the Zodiac Ophiuchus. Many people were not affected by the announcement while others were frantic because they had to deal with a change in their star sign.
But of course things had to change in the Zodiac with the removal of Pluto as a planet and the idea that the earth has experienced a slight axial precession the move was logical and would pave the way for the new time controls and synchronization of a new universal time scale.
Now most people do not know that a new way to measure time is already in the works and it won’t be long before it will gradually be implemented.
It was announced on December 27th, 2011 that the International Bureau of Weights and Measures met in Geneva to consider removing leap seconds from international time scales.
If you think this is not a major announcement think again. This means that something very important is happening. Time is now being tinkered with and it is because precision is losing its grip on our time and we can no longer keep it.
It is important to constantly update time because of how our technology operates. There have been new calendars proposed including the idea that we should go back to the Lunar Calendar of 13 months where each month has 28 days and we no longer have a leap year.
Four day work weeks have been experimented with and Russia reduced its time zones from 11 to 9.
I have now learned that the man I overheard on the bus may be telling the truth about the ceasing of Daylight Saving Time.
Scientists now say that humans around the globe should simply adopt a single universal time. They are proposing that every one should be prepared to live according to world time.
Scientists have been finding more and more evidence to suggest that our health is suffering because of the twice a year insistence by the government that we change the time.
Some people might say that Daylight Saving is a hallowed national tradition because Benjamin Franklin had the idea first, but when he wrote about it in 1784, he was in Paris and he meant it as a joke. He wrote a satirical piece about how the French could save 200,000 candles a year if they adopted his plan. He said that they should move their clocks ahead 20 minutes every Sunday for a month in the spring time.
The French, of course, had no sense of humor, took Franklin seriously, and adopted the idea.
Now, 70 nations have adopted the idea and now it appears to have worn out its welcome.
There is an old song by the band Chicago that asks “Does anyone really know what time it is? Does anyone really care about time? And the answer is actually no.
The human body doesn’t know what hour it is, it doesn’t know what day it is. Humans are ruled by an internal biological or circadian clock that’s ruled by the presence and absence of daylight. Meaning we produce hormones to help us fall asleep when it’s dark, and hormones to help us wake up when it becomes light again. But, when we ignore that very basic mechanism and force our bodies to function according to arbitrary times, tinkering with the clock puts our health at risk, researchers say.
A study that came out in 2015 found that unhealthy people tend to struggle with sleep problems as it is (more so than their healthy counterparts) and the transition into daylight savings time is even worse on their already throttled sleep schedule. And the real kicker is it’s all completely arbitrary anyway.
The global time zones we currently set our lives to were first set up at the Meridian Conference in 1883. In an effort to reconcile the literally hundreds of different time zones adhered to around the world.
Nations agreed to have 24 time zones, each one 15 degrees wide, based on the Greenwich Meridian in London.
Now scientists are asking to get rid of the old antiquated system we currently use for the time and have pondered: What if we all just lived according to a single universal time zone like pilots do? We’d still get up in the morning, go to work, and go to bed at night, but we’d all be living off the same clocks. Your personal schedule wouldn’t change. It would just be the same time everywhere on Earth.
As for daily life, nothing would change very much, except one big thing. Everyone in the world would be reading the same time on their watches at the same moment.
The question is whether or not everyone is ready for a Universal world time or are we still worried that doing this would push is closer to a world government?
Now, mind you scientists are also saying that it is not just the world that needs time realignment – our times zones as they are in the United States don’t make sense. Some are saying that we need to rethink them in order to make them work for transportation and other businesses.
California is now proposing to not observe daylight savings time. Other states that do not observe it are Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time on tribal lands), Hawaii, and the overseas territories of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
Back in 2011, the International Date Line was altered and American Samoa was affected. In fact, they lost an entire day. When Samoans went to bed on Thursday, December 29th, 2011 – they woke up on Saturday December 31st, 2012.
George W. Bush lengthened Daylight Saving Time by a month in 2005 as part of a sweeping energy bill signed that year, citing the need to reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil.
Now the world may eventually say that the time for Daylight Saving Time is over.
The problem with the finality of daylight savings time is that people who have lived their whole lives with it my able disoriented without it.
A proposed universal time observance is an attempt at creating what is known as the “new spatio-temporal order,” implemented for world government, commerce and the accurate militarization of time.
Platts, a global energy, petrochemicals, metals and agriculture information provider publishes volumes of papers that talk about global energy and plans for the future. In, Platts Power - Volume 46, there is a section on universal time and how it is the first step in universal agreements and strategies for the future.
It read that a universal democracy would start with universal time observation. From there comes a universal agreement in weights and measures; namely, the metric system. The universal coinage and money system, and then a universal language that would economize schooling and eliminate future wars.
The changing of time is obviously important for the globalists to create a world Utopia.
Is it worth losing sleep over?