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Posted on December 13th, 2017 by Clyde Lewis




Today, I received an e-mail from a reliable source that encouraged me to revisit a report which I gave about a mysterious asteroid that came into our solar system. He had just listened to the show I did called “Pushing God through the Wormhole” and told me that he had inside information about a multilevel attempt to construct Intel data about how we are reacting to reports of strange anomalies in the sky.

He said that this is an effort by NASA and another unnamed research organization that is gauging what the public think, how disinformation is distributed and how the internet reacts to government agencies and their reports of space threats, and extraterrestrial confirmation.

He said that yes, extraterrestrial confirmation is now being rendered officially and that there are stories that are being released into the media that indicate a psychological operation is monitoring social media for reaction to the confirmation of microbial life in Space. Alien-like life in Antarctica and possible missions to Mars and the Moon.

I just read the other day that two days ago President Donald Trump signed the “Space Policy Directive 1,” a directive that orders NASA to start sending American astronauts back to the moon and eventually to Mars.

President Trump spoke at White House ceremony and declared that this marks an important step in returning American astronauts to the moon for the first time since 1972 for long-term exploration and use.

Currently, Americans are sent up to the International Space Station in Russian capsules, since space shuttles were retired in 2011.

Boeing and Space X are both working on sending transport crew to the International Space Station in 2018.

This was apparently one of the signals that confirmation is near, and yet there is another story about Antarctica that confirms what reported in January of this year.

Bacteria discovered in Antarctica that can survive only on hydrogen carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide have been found there and as we reported is now the catalyst for moving forward in the search for the discovery of alien life on the icy moons Europa and Enceladus.

Antarctica is among the most extreme environments on Earth and it was previously thought that the stresses of freezing temperatures, limited carbon, nitrogen and water availability along with strong UV radiation restricted life.

But new research reported in the journal, Nature, has shown the desert soils of Antarctica harbor surprisingly rich microbial communities.

Essentially, the bacteria can survive with little sunlight, no geothermal energy and extremely limited nutrients.

The discovery was the result of DNA sequencing and analysis of soil samples collected in Antarctica.

My source who formerly worked at NASA and JPL claims that this is moving us closer to official confirmation of alien life.

I am so happy that we have been able to clue you in on all of this information long before it landed in the New York Post and elsewhere – I knew when I presented this information at Contact in the Desert that it was sound, and important for people to understand.

It all began with the presentation, Invasion 97, where I reviewed the information of the Phoenix Lights and speculated that perhaps the events of 1997 were actually part of a psychological operation where the military used reverse engineered technology to either stage a psychological operation or that there was a real alien invasion 50 years after the well-known flying saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.


You can decide what your gut tells you but my gut told me to be vigilant for alien confirmation in 2017 and I have not gone back on my claim and according to my source, there will not be former disclosure only a sense of confirmation over the critical mass.

Finally, I was told in the e-mail that the most important thing that I should address is the claim I made about the return of an alien artifact and the connections to the Black Knight Satellite.

I thought it over and I was thinking that maybe he wanted me to discuss that new discovery of what was called, Oumuamua - the cigar shaped asteroid that passed by Earth last month.

In the Ground Zero show “Pushing God through the Wormhole” we first addressed this asteroid and why it seemed a bit odd that scientists were overtly curious about it and why they decided to give it a Hawaiian name called Oumuamua, which translated meant “an ancient messenger.”

I questioned that the asteroid was just some space rock and that there may be more to the story — well now there have been score of stories indicating that this so-called asteroid may be indeed an alien artifact that scientists want to send a probe to observe it and have it scanned for alien life.

Scientists had originally thought that the cigar-shaped object was a very strange passing asteroid. But a number of things have led scientists engaged in the search for alien life to wonder whether it might actually be an undefinedartifactundefined from an alien civilization.

Researchers involved in the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) project are now preparing to point a powerful telescope at the bizarre object and find where it came from.

Oumuamua is about a quarter of a mile long, 260ft wide and currently travelling at 196,000mph.Rather than moving through space like other space rocks, astronomers believe that it is undefinedtumblingundefined through our solar system.

It’s odd shape and the way it is behaving is causing some scientists to rethink what it may be. In fact, the excitement is now over whether or not this so-called rock is really a derelict alien spacecraft.

Dr Jason Wright an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State University, says: undefinedSuch derelict craft would, if they are not travelling so fast that they escape the Galaxy, eventually undefinedthermalizeundefined with the stars and end up drifting around like any other interstellar comet or asteroid.

undefinedIn fact, since they (presumably) no longer have attitude control, one would expect that they would eventually begin to tumble, and if they are very rigid that tumbling might distinguish them from ordinary interstellar asteroids.

Dr Wright suggests that the object could be a undefinedVon Neumann probeundefined - a theoretical self-replicating spacecraft that visits star systems.

Some researchers have suggested the object’s long needle shape would be useful for a long-distance spacecraft, since it would minimize the chance of being hit by interstellar gas and dust as it traveled through the universe.

Breakthrough Listen, which is a SETI project is using the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia, US, to study Oumuamua.

Today was the first full day that the giant dish there, the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, listened to the object across four radio frequency bands spanning one to 12 gigahertz.

What is most odd about this whole situation is how much it is similar to a science fiction story that was written by Arthur C. Clarke called Rendezvous with RAMA.

The “Rama” is the name of an alien star ship, initially mistaken for an asteroid and named after the king Rama who is considered to be the seventh Avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. Clarke explains in the book that by the 22nd century, scientists have used the names of all the Greek and Roman mythological figures to name astronomical bodies, and have thus moved on to Hindu mythology. Rama is actually asteroid 31/439 and it has been detected by astronomers in the year 2130 while still outside the orbit of Jupiter. The object’s speed (100 000 km/h) and the angle of its trajectory clearly indicate that this is not an object on a long orbit around our sun; it comes from interstellar space.

Astronomers’ interest is piqued when they realize that this asteroid not only has an extremely rapid 4 minute rotation period but it is quite large in size for an asteroid. An unmanned space probe dubbed Sita is launched from the Mars moon Phobos, and photographs taken during its rapid flyby reveal that Rama is a mathematically perfect cylinder, 20 kilometers in diameter and 54 kilometers long, made of a completely featureless material. In other words, this is humankind’s first encounter with an alien space ship.

The manned solar survey vessel Endeavour is sent to study Rama, as it is the only ship close enough to do so in the brief period of time Rama will spend in our solar system. Endeavour manages to rendezvous with Rama one month after the space ship first comes to Earth’s attention, when the giant alien spacecraft already is within Venus’ orbit. The 20+ crew, led by Commander Norton, enters Rama and explores the vast 16-km wide by 50-long cylindrical world of its interior, but the nature and purpose of the starship and its creators remains enigmatic throughout the book.

The only life forms on board Rama are the cybernetic biological robots or “biots” who completely ignore the humans. All they want to do is refuel and be on their way. We as humans can’t fathom why the biots have no interest in us.

Now that psychiatrists have initiated their plan to council people after there is no doubt that aliens exist – I am beginning to wonder just how close we are to the confirmation process—and who will announce it first. Will it be scientists, religious leaders, or amateur astronomers?

Another question is have we had our real rendezvous with Rama – only this time it is named Oumuamua?

Oumuamua behaves oddly. Planets and asteroids circle the sun on the same plane, like water swirling around a basin. Oumuamua dipped into the solar system from outside the plane, as if it was leaked from a cosmic faucet.

The object is colored Red.

It is shaped strangely, too. Most asteroids of this size are spherical. This object has the proportions of a giant cucumber. In fact, Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb recently told Milner that undefinedOumuamua has the optimal design of a vessel meant to travel through space.

In fact, when Clarke wrote, Rendevous with Rama, he actually used it as an opportunity to create a way that scientists could identify objects with unnatural shapes.

Clarke demonstrated the mechanics of interplanetary orbits and the way Newtonian physics apply in large-scale spinning habitats, how to take advantage of light-speed radio delays, even down to terminal velocity.

The Project to investigate Oumuamua is called Lyra and there are two proposed launches to met up with the object – one that will take a year and if there are promising results, a 20 year mission.

Scientists say that they will keep studying the asteroid as it passes through our solar system until the asteroid is too small to be seen. The asteroid is also expected to leave our solar system in January of 2019