The other night I researched and presented a show talking about genetically modified soldiers reportedly fighting Syria. Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari made the accusation that the some of the solders there, ones that he calls “terrorists” are not even human.
He called upon the Council’s member states to rid his country of “genetically modified moderate terrorists” and asked them to take back their brutal garbage which they have exported to Syria over the past five years.
This sparked a conversation about the possibility of an advanced supersoldier program enacted by DARPA to genetically enhance the brains of soldiers so that they can have an on and off switch that can trigger the him or her into becoming a perfect “mind controlled “killing machine.”
The show took an interesting turn as former soldiers and spouses of soldiers called into the show to say that they believe that they have either taken part in this program, are still in the program, or have spouse’s that they suspect are in this covert program.
One man actually called the show to tell us that he now lives in isolation taking a tremendous amount of drugs to suppress his urge to kill. He stated that he has been in jail and was programmed to be a killing machine in Vietnam.
In 1990, movie audiences were captivated by director Adrian Lyne’s psychological horror film, Jacob’s Ladder.
The story is about a Vietnam veteran whose combat experience left him suffering from flashbacks and strange hallucinations, the film put a spotlight on the American military’s use of chemical and biological weapons during the Vietnam War.
In the film, they talk about a drug referred to as “The Ladder,” a powerful hallucinogen they believe the government was testing on them. Although only a movie, the premise behind the types of chemical warfare and drug tests discussed in the film isn’t all that far from truth, and “The Ladder” bears a striking resemblance to a real chemical weapon/drug known as BZ.
A strong hallucinogen, BZ was designed to render combatants confused and lethargic, as well as cause severe, but temporary, memory loss. It was originally developed by a Swiss Pharmaceutical company as a possible ulcer treatment. The company quickly decided that it was unsuitable for ulcers due to excessive hallucinations.
Around this same time, the United States military began investigating BZ as a possible non-lethal psychoactive incapacitating agent. For years, the US military had been researching psychoactive, psychedelic, and dissociative drugs in search of the perfect weapon they could somehow administer to the enemy.
At the Edgewood Arsenal Army facility in Edgewood, Maryland, there were several military research projects concerning the use recreational and pharmaceutical drugs. Others experiments focused around the use of THC, ketamine, phencyclidine, fentanyl and LSD, There was even a program focused on developing an LSD artillery shell that would disperse an aerosol trail to rain the drug down on people.
Though many of the drugs were tested on both civilian volunteers and the military alike, in the end, BZ was the only biological agent to be weaponized.
By 1964, the United States Military had begun building its stockpile of weaponized BZ. The drug was placed in cluster bombs and was designed to spray out as an aerosol when detonated. Although never used in actual combat, the US military held on to their supply of BZ bombs until it was destroyed in 1989.
During the show, there were many people who were sending me messages about the use of these drugs and indicated that this was all connected to the MK Ultra, MK Naomi programs.
MK Ultra was the mind control operation that utilized drugs and infrasound weapons for mind control and MK Naomi sprayed biological substances on unsuspecting people in order to cull and control the populace.
However, the show that we did days ago was not about MK Ultra Programs for mind control—it was about genetically altering the brain and the DNA of a person in order to control them with can be called a sophisticated “joystick.”
It would be literally turning humans into mind controlled machines.
Just yesterday it was reported that Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups, he got more than the information he was looking for – he also accidentally received a mysterious file on undefinedpsycho-electric weaponsundefined with the label “EM effects on human” The file included methods of undefinedremote mind control.undefined
The file reportedly contained various diagrams detailing the horrors of “psycho-electronic weapon effects.”
One diagram lists the various forms of torment supposedly made possible by using remote mind-control methods, from “forced memory blanking” and “sudden violent itching inside eyelids” to “wild flailing” followed by “rigor mortis” and a remotely induced “forced orgasm.” It was not immediately clear how the documents wound up in the agency’s response to a standard FOIA request, but there was reportedly no indication the “remote mind control” files stemmed from any known government program.
Popular Mechanics published a statement saying that while they acknowledge that mind control programs existed in the government they reported that the information did not appear “official” in any way.
According to Popular Mechanics:
“The federal government has absolutely experimented with mind control in a variety of methods, but the documents here do not appear to be official. Waltman had no idea why these documents were included in his request and isnundefinedt sure why the government is holding them. The WSFC did not respond to requests for more information.”
A website that publishes controversial government documents called “Muckrock” believes that the documents are not official government documents either.
However, they do point out the interesting references to “brain mapping” and “remote mind control” using cell phones, computers and other appliances.
We have information as to where most of these documents originated from. They were created or procured by Eleanor White, a targeted individual of mind control and retired engineer from Canada. Her website, no longer exists. These documents were also featured in a 2005 newsletter, MKZine, published by executive producer of Ground Zero, Ron Patton.
Because of the extraordinary interdependence between humans and the technologies they create, and because nearly every complex system of interest to humans involves both technological and human aspects, the marriage between man and machine is becoming a fast paced technological shotgun wedding.
We are simply becoming joined at the hip with innovations such as neuro-inspired tech anthropomimetic mechanics, synthetic memory and as they explore the brain further we may need to find a way to lock out anyone who may want to hack or hijack our brains in order to become remote-controlled puppets.
George Orwell once made the statement that, “Circus dogs jump and do somersaults when the trainer cracks his whip. But the really well-trained dog is the one that jumps and does somersaults when there is no whip.”
Imagine someone remotely controlling your brain, forcing your body’s central processing organ to send messages to your muscles that you didn’t authorize. It’s an incredibly scary thought, but scientists have managed to accomplish this. Scientists were even able to prompt their test subject to run, freeze in place, or even completely lose control over their limbs.
A new study at the University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences, focused on a technique called “magneto-thermal stimulation.” It is process of mind and body control that requires a full DNA reconstruction.
It requires the implantation of specially built DNA strands and nanoparticles which attach to specific neurons — but once the minimally invasive procedure is over, the brain can be remotely controlled via an alternating magnetic field. When those magnetic inputs are applied, the particles heat up, causing the neurons to fire.
In the recent documents that were acquired by Curtis Waltman, there was a primary focus on electromagnetic alternating field technology in order to control a human being.
What we see in the documents features “psycho-electronic” weapons that purportedly use electromagnetism to do a wide variety of horrible things to people, such as rewriting the mind.
It is uncomfortable to think that governments have spent billions of dollars to ring sophisticated Pavlovian bells to get their dogs to do tricks without being told.
We have been concerned about attempt by our government to use sonic weapons on citizens ever since it was reported that the U.S. State Department confirmed that at least 16 U.S. diplomats suffered a variety of physical symptoms doctors believe were prompted by a sophisticated “sonic” device. Multiple news outlets have reported that the symptoms vary from headaches and vomiting to more severe issues like permanent hearing loss and brain damage.
Research uncovers an array of conspiracy theories shrouding programs of military research into the battlefield operation of infrasonic weaponry or police experiments within crowd control situations.
However, how can we not think that sophisticated mind control mechanisms are not being covertly placed in many of our phones and computers?
Today it can be said that modern mind control is both technological and psychological.
Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.
The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script which has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons.
For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.
An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function. Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities in mind altering and control may be unleashed when 5 G electronics become standard.
It can be speculated that with a new generation of power comes the potential for our phones, computers, and television screens to become Psycho-Social weapons designed to make everyone “psyched lone rangers.”
Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.”
The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.
It appears a concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake cognitive free humanity.