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Posted on September 20th, 2017 by Clyde Lewis


I admit there has been a number of abnormal and paranormal events that I have focused on as of late because it seems like every dime store numerologist and arm chair astrologer is telling us to prepare for the end of the world.

You can be rest assure that I am fully aware of over active apocalyptic minds working over time to let you know that there will be an abrupt end this Saturday September 23rd. All I can tell you is that if we make it until Friday, all you have to do is check in and see if Australia is okay because it will already be the 23rd there.

With all of the disasters, catastrophes, and technocrats telling you about Climate Change, the parapolitical tomfoolery continues and as I have always said, I am not at all loyal to any political party or president when the parapolitical rears its ugly head.

I am relying on the idea that many people are awake and can see how there is a changing of the paradigm happening and for those who don’t see it, I am about to point it out and it may not be comfortable.

I think it is time to get beyond the media’s typical histrionics and contrived fanfare and realize that as always we are all being played because we are not paying attention.

Before I get to the meat of my topic, I want to emphasize that we all need to come to grips with the idea that elected officials including President Trump have flaws.

He had flaws when he was campaigning – the media sees to it that we are reminded everyday of this and the so-called counter protestors AKA, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, under the direction and deep pockets of George Soros have made it a thriving industry.

When you strip away all of the punditry and supportive propaganda the basic job of a president is to focus on constitutional tasks and foreign policy to keep us safe and secure our liberty.

However, if you monitor a lot of the commentary on social media you will see that there are a lot of Americans who have somehow developed this myopic view that elected officials are moral leaders who are proper subjects for hero worship.

This type of sycophantic activity is seen in the lines that are still being formed at the Costco stores where enthusiastic people want an autograph in a book written by a criminal like Hillary Clinton. It can also be seen at continues political rallies where enthusiastic fans of President Trump haven’t got the heart to tell him that campaign is over and that he won.

But of course, the insanity is not showing any signs of stopping.

After the Emmy Awards, I saw something that really bothered me — the sour attitude among the left is getting old and hiring punching bags like Sean Spicer as the butt of jokes makes it all look like desperation.

The sad thing is that Hillary Clinton was interviewed on NPR and said that she is vigilant and is waiting for any results or even proof of Russian collusion and when that happens she will challenge the election results.

When interviewer Terry Gross asked about challenging the election over Russian collusion she said “She would not rule it out.”

While many Hillary Clinton supporters are still sour about the loss she suffered last November, especially given the fact that she received approximately 3 million more votes than Donald Trump, most of them understand that the rules are the rules.

It’s not the Electoral College they are so furious about. Instead, it’s the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with a hostile foreign power in order to tilt the election away from Clinton and into Trump’s favor.

So far, it is all some right-wing conspiracy theory and as we say, theory is only theory, but if it proves true the thought of challenging the election will excite her fans that fawn over her.

What is aggravating is that she made these comments even though she understands that even if Mueller proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump colluded with Russia to influence the election, it would be an incredibly steep hill to climb in order to overturn the results or force a new election altogether.

But of course, it is all about playing with the base and toying with their loyalty and I see it as a pathetic and desperate move.

Hillary is not the only one that deserves some much needed rebuking.

President Trump may be indicating that little by little he is caving to the Deep State and as with any other president with good intentions, there always seems to be a point where protecting the constitution and fighting for the will of the people takes a back seat to the global puppet masters who wish to see this country implode.

From the beginning we have known or at least surmised that there has been an active intelligence conspiracy against President Trump. The idea subterfuge has always been discussed and how one man against the system will eventually become a hostage to the Deep State.

Well it looks like the same old same old is now happening and most Americans are unaware that even with their external savior at the helm, there appears to be a myriad of awful incentives created by the Deep State that are beginning to corrupt him and when in the past we have seen presidents knuckle under to the wishes of the CIA – Trump has now become an unwitting agent of the art of CYA for the malicious and conniving members of the Deep State.

Though outrage over mass surveillance swept the United States after Edward Snowden’s revelations in 2013, there is little discussion of these invasive practices just four years later.

The outrage against Barack Obama’s mass surveillance invasion was warranted as he became the champion of the light hearted police state. The apathy of the left made it possible for the surveillance apparatus to succeed.

Now, President Trump recently nominated a staunch advocate of mass surveillance to chair one of the few barriers standing between intrusive government spying and the American people’s privacy. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) was created in 2004 at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and was intended “to help the executive branch balance national security priorities with individual rights.”

The president announced his nomination of Adam I. Klein to chair the PCLOB. Klein published in the Wall Street Journal last July, he contended that the 9/11 attacks occurred because the government did not have a powerful enough surveillance apparatus.

Klein also uses court decisions to justify his support of warrantless searches.

Make no mistake; though Klein has been known to clam in that he advocates a balance between national security and privacy, he routinely comes down on the side of government surveillance. Considering Trump’s previous actions and rhetoric, Klein’s appointment is nothing short of predictable.

The truth is they just don’t wiretap the bad guys—they wire tap everyone and now they are breaking into credit records and causing false flag breaches to ensure that a new system of global control will be in place and ready to be mandatory by next year. Once again, the surveillance apparatus fails the American people and their privacy is exploited without as much of an investigation from the Trump administration.

In a lot of situations it appears that Trump is finally receiving decent coverage in the mainstream media, which is appears to be a bad sign because some people are claiming that this likely means he is slowly caving to the wishes of the “Deep State.”

His supporters won’t admit it, but his former supporters are now angry that he seems to be working on a bipartisan level with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

President Trump announced his intention to remove the US from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord last April. In the wake of this action, American political and economic leaders took their own actions to defy the President and as we know after the devastation in Texas brought on by Hurricane Harvey, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a spending bill that would grant $10 million in funding to the United Nation’s Climate Change body.

The $10 million allocation came as an amendment to a $51 billion spending bill that outlined funding for the State Department and foreign operations. This money will go to the body that oversees the Paris Climate Agreement, which in turn provides resources to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

This raised some suspicious as to the effectiveness of the President and how it appears that those under him continue to show a tremendous amount of emotional responses to climate science.

Meanwhile, vicious hurricanes continue to ravage islands in the Atlantic but since the allocation of the $10 million dollars to the climate criminals, most of them have remained clear of the U.S. mainland.

While we have been distracted by the hurricane season and the disastrous earthquakes plaguing Mexico, it may be important to demonstrate some other indicators that the Deep State seems to be winning over Trump or that they are planning to program him or tricking him into continuing their global control.

The Deep State has been known to maneuver and exploit the American hive mind loyalty to certain candidates and in the process make policy that appears to be keen to the intellect and better for foreign policy but in reality it is just another boondoggle that literally puts an administration in a position to be blackmailed.

It has been known as dossier politics and has been a major tactic used to during the Clinton administration and during George H.W. Bush’s administration. Ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy it has been argued that there is an intelligence cabal within the CIA and that it has been part of a “dark command” that places their puppets in power in order to bring about a New World Order.

The Deep State wishes to continue its war diplomacy in order to bring defiant countries to their knees. Last Monday, an overwhelming majority of senators approved the massive National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), totaling roughly $700 billion dollars.

It is $630 million above what the Trump administration proposed and was passed after lawmakers rejected an amendment from Senator Rand Paul to rescind the longstanding authorization for use of military force imposed in 2001.

If you read between the lines, this means that a war is about to be waged and that we need more money to fund it.

During the Obama administration, the National Defense Authorization Act continued to be the cudgel that was used to justify keeping the United States in a state of war indefinitely.

According to Ron Paul, it has allowed the U.S. government to wage “unlimited war, anywhere, anytime, anyplace upon the globe.”

Proposal for endless war, media manipulation of reality to favor police state militarism and collusion along with a lack of commitment to the original plans brought forth by Trump – smell of a Deep State silent coup.

The Deep State is still getting what it originally ordered.

You certainly are not awake if you are not aware of the fact that Americans are still duped into believing that their political side is free of wolves —Americans are being brainwashed into accepting abhorrent policy because of sensationalism and hyper reality. We are still being programmed to harbor fears of external threats, and accept as gospel establishment-approved narratives.

The media wants everyone to think that we should all be comfortable with the idea that much of the country is against the president. However, let’s be honest with ourselves what is happening is beyond President Trumpundefineds control and if he doesn’t eventually play ball with the deep state he most certainly will have a target on his back.

The Deep State and the elite cabals cut across all party affiliations, branches of government and economic strategies. It is not restricted to either political party, Republican or Democrat. It includes free marketers, some economic nationalists, Wall Street power brokers and militarists.

All compete and fight for power, wealth and dominance within this administration. The correlation of forces is volatile, changing rapidly in short periods of time - reflecting the lack of cohesion and coherence in the Trump administration.

Never has the US power elite been subject to such monumental changes in composition and direction during the first year of a new presidency. The Deep State wants to paralyze Trump and coerce him into following their plan by not only having him following the whims of the CIA but make sure he follows their lead while simultaneously being an agent at the political art of CYA.
