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Posted on October 13th, 2020 by Clyde Lewis


I don’t know if you have noticed but I have been having a little fun this Halloween season by finding true stories that remind me of B-horror films. It has been fun being a bit creative in delivering these strange stories that are true and yet they have a flair for the science fiction horror fulfilled conclusions that I have made recently.

While it appears all too easy to find a story that relates to an old science fiction or horror film, tonight I created my own horror film scenario and also created a graphic for a film that never existed. If you take a look at the graphic that I produced for the monologue—I made it look like a 70’s grindhouse movie poster.

I was inspired because, my producers and I were looking at some fake movie trailers that were created for the movie, Grindhouse.

It is hard to believe that the movie Grindhouse was released in 2007. It saw Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teaming up to bring a horror double-feature experience with two very different films, but there’s a part of this project that has been either ignored or under-appreciated: the fake movie trailers. Grindhouse was a full experience with two feature-length segments, advertisements, in-theatre announcements, and fake trailers for upcoming films, all in the style of B-movies with filters that make the images look deteriorated and effects to make them look jumpy and old.

Planet Terror and Death Proof are the main attractions of Grindhouse, and they are very different from one another, although both fall into the category of “exploitation films”: Planet Terror is about zombies, and Death Proof is about a psychopathic stuntman. Very much like them, the fictional trailers are very different from each other, and some of them went from fake to full-length features a few years later.

I was watching a couple of them with Wes last night.

Grindhouse had a total of five fake trailers, all of them from different directors. Robert Rodriguez not only brought Planet Terror to the project but also a trailer for Machete, starring Danny Trejo. It actually went on to be a real movie. Rob Zombie also brought a piece of his work with Werewolf Women of the SS. I am still waiting for a movie but to no avail. There is also a gruesome trailer called Thanksgiving that was produced by Eli Roth.

This type of stuff reminded me of a story I was told by a guy who used to work for United Artists back in the 1970undefineds. He said that a lot of the Grindhouse movies of the 70’s were actually created in the art department before they were movies. Someone in the art department created a movie poster submitted it to the head Mucky Mucks with the money -and scripts were then written based on the poster.

So last night after everyone left the office, I stayed up and created my own movie graphic for a 70’s Grindhouse film that doesn’t exist – I called it Bad Medicine Run Rabbit Rub – it was in homage to the TV show, Utopia that is on Amazon Prime right now.

I have always wanted to comment on the TV show on the air but I of course have been deemed notorious for giving away spoilers and so let me say that tonight’s show is actually an attempt to bring the stark reality forward –from a so called science fiction show that is more about what is happening now than trying to entertain.

undefinedUtopia,undefined more or less, is about a deadly manmade pandemic that has characters that seem all too familiar who are following what is happening right now.

You can see it as predictive programming after all, because it was a British TV series that was created years before the pandemic and then was adapted to an American version in 2018. It was released last month heavily adorned with disclaimers saying that it has nothing to do with the existing pandemic.

But what is most disconcerting is how they nailed what is happening now in real time.

This has been its critical flaw and most critics have said that while the show is well done – its timing couldn’t be worse.

This being 2020, a year of exhaustion, anxiety and despair, asking the average viewer to get excited about undefinedUtopiaundefined may be equal in appeal to, say, sitting down with someone who has narrowly escaped the California wildfires and offering to soothe them with a undefinedChicago Fireundefined marathon, or a screening of undefinedBackdraft.undefined

undefinedUtopia,undefined meanwhile, is a fiction that imagines a dark, dystopic fantasy of our reality, which is already a dark dystopia, and attempts to resurrect the sort of cryptographic mystery that you would find on a Conspiracy theory website.

The conspiracy theory surrounds the story of a comic book called Utopia, a young heroine and a villain called Mr. Rabbit who a group of young conspiracy theorists wish to track down.

I would call required viewing for any Ground Zero listener who wants to see what real forestructurring and predictive programming is and how if the series is correct how we will all end up if the plans of a Malthusian megalomaniacal millionaire follow through and his vaccine leaves an indelible mark on mankind.

John Cusak plays billionaire industrial pharmaceutical pioneer Dr. Kevin Christie who if you blinked you would see that he represents a less nerdy but equally creepy Bill Gates. He like Gates invests in all things from something like the Monsanto like GMO called SIMPRO a meat substitute that is “simply protein” to vaccines to help with a current pandemic that is killing children.

There is more to the story and of course the creepiness is compelling but the secret reveal at the end is enough to convince paranoid people that this is going to be our future and with Bill Gates record it does not surprise me.

Bill Gates has made himself the global vaccine czar as his foundation spends billions on spreading new vaccines globally. While much attention has been given to the role of Gates behind the corrupt WHO in promoting radical untested coronavirus vaccines, the record of the Gates Foundation pushing an oral polio vaccine across Africa gives more sobering evidence that all Gates says and does is not genuine human charity. The UN has just recently admitted that new cases of infantile paralysis or polio have resulted in Africa from an oral polio vaccine developed with strong support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The vaccine industry loves to cite development of vaccines in the 1950s as solely responsible for eradicating what was a severe paralytic illness that reached a peak in the USA after World War II and as well, in England, Germany and other European countries. Now, despite the fact that no new cases of “wild polio” virus have been detected in all Africa since 2016, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their allies in the WHO proclaimed that Gates’ $4 billion ten-year African vaccination campaign using an oral polio vaccine had finally eliminated the dreaded polio. That was at the end of August.

One week later on September 2, WHO was forced to backtrack and admit that new polio outbreaks in Sudan were linked to an ongoing series of new polio cases in Chad and Cameroon. According to the WHO, further polio cases have been registered in more than a dozen African countries including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia. But the shocking thing is that the outbreaks are all reportedly caused by the Gates-backed oral polio vaccine.

In a revealing comment, a CDC virologist involved with WHO and Gates Foundation in the Africa mass polio vaccination campaign, part of something called the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, admits the vaccine is creating significantly more cases of polio paralysis than the deceptively named “wild polio” disease.

Bill Gates was reportedly responsible for driving the campaign to develop the liquid oral polio vaccine and massively administer it to the populations of Africa and Asia despite the near absence of any cases of “wild polio.”

Back in August we did a report with James Corbett and with a document provided by aftermath.media we detained what was released the survey of “International and Competitive Law.” Deep within the survey there is a 2017 report called, “Accountability of International NGOs: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare Provision in Developing Countries and the Effectiveness of Current Measures.”

The Gates Foundation focuses on world health and population and highlights its strategy of accelerating scientific discovery with reducing costs. Since the early 2000s, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), Global Health Innovative Technology Fund and PATH, all heavily funded by the Gates Foundation, have been distributing vaccines and drugs to vulnerable populations in Africa and India. In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded experimental malaria and meningitis vaccine trials across Africa and HPV vaccine programs in India. All of these programs resulted in numerous deaths and injuries, with accounts of forced vaccinations and uninformed consent. Ultimately, these health campaigns, under the guise of saving lives, have relocated large scale clinical trials of untested or unapproved drugs to developing markets where administering drugs is less regulated and cheaper.

The point being Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations that most of these vaccinations that Gates has been experimenting with has been killing people sterilizing them, or leaving them paralyzed.

Needless to say, for the fans of the TV show, Utopia, all of this sounds academic, however, there has been a number of stories as of late that are casting doubt on the techniques to stop the spread of the real pandemic that are in place and if we rush to get a vaccine – we may be facing health problems that will plague generations to come.

Can you imagine a vaccine causing so much damage that it could render men and women sterile, or paralyzed?

Barely a week after applying for emergency use approval from the FDA for one of its COVID-19 antibody therapeutics, it appears trials for one of Eli Lillyundefineds therapeutic drugs focused on the virus have been paused.

News of the trial was broken by a doctor on Twitter before it was swiftly confirmed by several media organizations.

New York Times reports that, the government-sponsored clinical trial has been paused because of a “potential safety concern.undefined The report cited emails that government officials sent on Tuesday to researchers at testing sites, which the company confirmed. The trial was designed to test the benefits of the therapy on hundreds of people already infected with the virus. The company did not say how many volunteers were sick, or any details about their illness.

The pause in enrollment comes after Johnson & Johnson confirmed that it had voluntarily paused its Phase 3 vaccine trials after a participant in the 60k person trial came down with an unusual and unspecified illness. An AstraZeneca trial in the US has still not restarted more than a month after issues with a couple of patients caused them to briefly pause all trials around the world, though all the others have restarted.

More than half of trial participants develop adverse events after getting the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine.

About 58 percent of participants in cohorts 1a and 1b experienced local adverse events, while 64 percent of them also suffered systemic adverse events. Of the participants in cohort 3, 27 percent of them experienced local adverse events, while 36 percent suffered systemic events. Of the healthy adults aged 18 to 55 years old in cohorts 1a and 1b, 19 percent of them came down with fevers, while four percent of the adults aged over 65 years old in cohort 3 developed fevers.

Most of the fevers were considered mild or moderate and resolved within one to two days after vaccination. However, five percent (20) of the participants in cohorts 1a and 1b suffered from Grade 3 fevers of over 101.3°F. Grade 3 adverse events are considered to be serious reactions. They are only one grade removed from undefinedlife-threateningundefined (Grade 4) and just two grades from undefineddeathundefined (Grade 5).

Now mind you, testing vaccines is a difficult science but again while the mainstream media has said they wouldn’t trust a vaccine offered by President Trump, I would most certainly not accept a vaccine that Bill and Melinda Gates have funded.

It is like something out of a horror film – it is like something out of the TV show Utopia.

According to the Informed Consent Action Network website, the boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials are supposed to be independent of pharmaceutical companies. ICAN’s intensive investigation into these boards has revealed conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies that are shocking to the conscience. ICAN, through its attorneys, has therefore filed a formal demand to remove these individuals from these boards.

In a letter sent to Alex Azar of Health and Human Services, Dr. Peter Marks of the Food and Drug Adminsitration. Dr. Scott Atlas Advisor, White House Coronavirus Task Force and Dr. Anthony of Fauci National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, show there are deep concerns for conflict of interest with some of the so-called experts that are being consulted about COVID-19.

The letter reads:

Dear Secretary Azar, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Marks, and Dr. Atlas:

undefinedWe write on behalf of our client, Informed Consent Action Network , to express serious issues it has uncovered regarding the Data and Safety Monitoring Boards that are overseeing the clinical trials for the four experimental COVID-19 vaccines currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials in the United States. The clinical trials for three of these experimental vaccines – the ones to be sold by

AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are being overseen by a Data and Safety Monitoring Board created by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The clinical trial for Pfizer’s experimental vaccine is being overseen by a different Data and Safety Monitoring Board provided by Pfizer, and together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, . Public health experts have repeatedly told the American public that these board members are independent of any influence from the pharmaceutical industry. However, ICAN has learned that two of the members that it could identify have significant ties to various pharmaceutical companies, which raises significant concerns regarding the independence of the Data and Safety Monitoring Boards

The members of these Data and Safety Monitoring Boards were selected in secret. They meet in secret. Their identities are supposed to remain a secret. This veil of secrecy has held with the exception of two members. The identity of the chairperson of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Data and Safety Monitoring Board, Dr. Richard Whitley, was mistakenly revealed by his university in an announcement that has been scrubbed from its website. As for the Pfizer Data and Safety Monitoring Board, made up of five individuals, one of its members, Dr. Kathryn Edwards, was apparently mistakenly revealed in a CBS article.

Anyone care to question whether or not the experts that tell the local governors to keep you in lockdown are doing so because they have a controlling interest of pocketing the money they get from being death merchants?

They are ruining people’s lives by encouraging these lockdowns and the mistreatment of people as we await a vaccine that can maim, cripple or sterilize the populace.

We need to now admit that while we have no control of a Virus and that we will never have control of it – the various governors and technocrats want control of us.

Dr. David Nabarro, the WHOundefineds Special Envoy on COVID-19, told Spectator UK’s Andrew Neil last week that politicians have been wrong in using lockdowns as the “primary control method” to combat COVID-19.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” said Nabarro.

Dr. Michael Ryan, Director of the WHOundefineds Health Emergencies Programme, offered a similar sentiment.

“What we want to try to avoid - and sometimes it’s unavoidable and we accept that - but what we want to try and avoid is these massive lockdowns that are so punishing to communities, to society and to everything else,” said Dr. Ryan, speaking at a briefing in Geneva.

These are stunning statements from an organization that has been a key authority and provided experts responsible for handling the global response to the pandemic.

But again as I have said before, if we take away the lockdowns the masks as social distancing – we will still have those who wish to be authoritarians that abuse their power.

Fresh from her undefinedordealundefined of almost being kidnapped by group of anarchists she called white supremacists, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer requested and Extension Of Pandemic Executive Powers.

But a conservative majority in the Michigan Supreme Court denied her request to extend the emergency powers which she invoked to curb the spread of the coronavirus, declaring it unconstitutional.

In striking down her attempt to continue usurping power, the court wrote that executive orders issued under the law undefinedare of no continuing legal effect. This order is effective upon entry.undefined

But new emergency orders that the Whitmer administration has issued through the state health department director — which replicate mask requirements, restrictions on gathering sizes and restaurant capacity, among other features — are not affected by the courtundefineds ruling.

Whitmer had asked the justices to give her administration, lawmakers and local health departments 28 days to transition in the wake of the major decision. Last week, her administration quickly reinstituted mask requirements, gathering limits and other restrictions with orders issued by the state health department under a different law.

This gives me no doubt that conflicts of interests and power grabs are going to continue in this country using a pandemic as an excuse to treat people like slaves and remove their human dignity.

The reward for complying will be a vaccine that will obviously worse than getting the disease itself.

Meanwhile, residents of a long-term nursing and rehabilitation facility in Colorado organized a protest against the stateundefineds COVID-19 restrictions.

According to KCNC-TV, the protest took place at Fairacres Manor in Greeley. The station reported that many of the facilityundefineds residents — many of them in wheelchairs — stood outside of the facility and held signs that read undefinedRather die from COVID than loneliness,undefined undefinedGive us freedom,undefined undefinedPrisoners in our own home,undefined and more.

In a statement, Ben Gonzales — assistant administrator at the facility — said that Fairacresundefined residents are not happy.

undefinedThey want to be able to hug their grandchildren, they want to be able to hold the hands of their loved ones,undefined he said.

Resident Council President Sharon Peterson — a 75-year-old woman — told the outlet that she and other residents are desperate for a change.

undefinedWe used to be lucky here at Fairacres to show each other what we mean to one another and we cannot do that anymore,undefined Peterson said. undefinedFairacres follows the rules and, with that, we think they would keep us safe while being able to be with our families again.undefined

Peterson, who helped to organize the demonstration, said that the protest was necessary because undefinedone thing we have to look forward to is a simple hug.undefined

undefinedIt gives us meaning,undefined she said. undefinedFairacres needs to be commended on how well they have cared for all of us, but itundefineds time for our voices to be heard.undefined

Gonzales said that several staff members joined those at the protest, and pledged that the staff wants residents to know undefinedthat their voice does matter.undefined

Gonzales also said that Fairacres staff and residents sent letters to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as well as Gov. Jared Polisundefineds office in August, begging for rules to be relaxed to permit physical contact. Gonzales said that no one received a response to the inquiries.

I guess elderly lives can be ignored because they are incapable of tearing down statues and destroy buildings to make their point.

This country deserves what it gets – if we don’t wake up and demand better and removes those who wish to oppress us and continue this real time horror dystopia.