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Posted on October 26th, 2022 by Clyde Lewis

Some scientists claim that if a meteorite fragment entered the earthundefineds atmosphere with an explosive impact on the surface, possible pathogen contamination could spread “hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles.undefined  Curiously, this may have occurred in China about 2 months before the world knew of COVID-19. Perhaps itundefineds a kind of Andromeda Strain evolution process whereby an alien organism is proliferating within the human host. We are now seeing a significant increase in fungal infections throughout the Earthundefineds inhabitance.  Can any of these so-called physical breakdowns be attributed to space microbes or space jelly? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Jason West about THE BLOB - THE REAL FUNGUS AMONG US.




One of my favorite horror films from years passed is a little film called The Blob. I loved it because rather than scaring me, it made me laugh as you see terrified teenagers running out of a theater terrified by what looks like grape jelly being forced through the vents and doors.

It also has an extraterrestrial element as well, which makes it all the more fun.

Two patrolling police officers witness an object falling from the sky, then discover a mysterious, glowing ooze hanging off a corner telephone pole. As they go in for a closer look, the blob begins not just to move, but to crawl. The cops call for back-up and give chase, following the “thing” into a field.

Compelled by curiosity, one of the officers reaches out and puts his hand into the purple goo; the substance falls apart immediately, leaving no trace of its existence. Outside of some very confused cops.

Steve McQueen-led starred in this monster-movie classic about a man-eating jelly that falls from space and terrorizes a Philadelphia suburb.

Released in the fall of 1958, The Blob was an unlikely hit, spawning numerous rereleases, a sequel, and a gorier remake in 1988. The Blob‘s influence can even be seen in everything from Ghostbusters II to James Gunn’s Slither to the Mind Flayer in Stranger Things. It also influenced another cult favorite of mine, Killer Klowns From Outer Space.

A large part of that lasting legacy can be tied to the uniqueness of the movie’s unstoppable, undulating monster. Ironic, really, given that the idea was most likely cribbed from a half-remembered headline.

The writers drew from a real life experience where a report of a huge meteor came down from the sky and left behind what was called Space Jelly.

Witnesses claimed that there was a foul smelling jelly that was left behind after the meteor fell.

On September 26th, 1950, Patrolmen John Collins and Joseph Keenan claimed to have observed the arrival of a quantity of what they called moon spit as they stood at the corner of 26th Street and Vare Boulevard in Philadelphia. The allegedly light-emitting blob was also seen by Sgt Joseph Cook and Patrolman James Cooper, who also claimed that it oozed its way up a telegraph pole.

Scientists, of course, are keen to find a terrestrial explanation for this alleged phenomenon. An immediate objection to any connection with meteorites is that anything as soft as a jelly would be burnt up as it passed at astronomical speed through the earthundefineds atmosphere.

They incline to more mundane solutions; perhaps credulous observers have found a half-digested meal regurgitated by some animal and concluded that it came down in the meteor just seen blaze to earth? But it is questionable if such answers are adequate to explain the widespread and persistent belief in the phenomenon.

Whatever the truth may be, the relationship between meteors and jelly is deeply embedded in legend, literature, folklore and The Blob. It is a strange and rare event which has been reported sufficiently, often over the centuries to give them plausibility, which lies in the grey zone of uncertainty between fact and folklore, between the apocryphal and the wild fantastic, but whose essence has never quite been captured. But luckily, only in The Blob has the goo from space been known to exhibit homicidal tendencies.

However, there is reason to believe that the jelly brings with it building blocks for life, space fungus and quite possibly microbes from space.

Microbes are part of a living universe outside us, and often they act as parasites able to regulate the human lifespan. Over the entirety of the three million years of our species evolution, life expectancy has always been between 25 and 35 years until very recently, and infections have been the main regulators of our life span.

By learning from observation of nature, human beings progressively improved their living conditions to the point that about 250 years ago life expectancy started to increase. In 1900, mankind had already reached a life expectancy of approximately 50 years.

But now we are hearing that life expectancy has dropped. People are again dying at younger ages even with the so-called promises of vaccines that were supposed to prevent Covid.

It is an unconquerable mess, and we still do not know where this strange disease came from. Some were even suggesting in the beginning that it may have come from outer space.

In ancient times, magicians, witches and wizened soothsayers were able to predict coming plagues based on the advent of meteor showers, solar eclipses and comet appearances.

Many of these plagues were either part of a prophecy or called down by a prophet who sees his people as persecuted. A disease called down from heaven can be identified as a type of biological warfare. If the disease is unheard of on Earth and if we can’t fight off its effects, it can be labeled an alien threat.

For example, an archaeological find of Cuneiform tablets was found in the 19th century describing perilous events after a Solar eclipse in ancient Nineveh which is now known as Northern Iraq.

Nineveh is a place that is mentioned in the Bible as a very evil place and that Jonah set out to get the people to repent.

According to the Cuneiform tablets a plague broke out in Nineveh in the year 765 B.C., where even the king was not able to go out to war, as was custom. This was followed by a civil war and then another plague.

According to medieval history, many of the magicians who ran the apothecaries of the day would record that ferocious diseases would break out after the appearances of comets.

If passing comets have deposited viruses and microorganisms on this planet, this may explain why ancient astronomers and civilizations attributed the periodic outbreak of plague to events that happen in the sky.

Moreover, the subsequent evolution and extinction of life may have been directly impacted by the continued arrival of bacteria, viruses, and their genes from space.

Near-culling pandemics and extinction episodes have in fact been preceded by or followed by inserts of viral genes into survivors who have transmitted these viral elements to their progeny, thereby impacting future evolution.

Although ancient fears and reverence to anomalous activities in space may be coincidental with the outbreaks of pandemics, they may also have a factual basis.

If there is any truth to these claims, then we should also wonder, not only, about meteor showers and solar winds that have caused not just death and disease, but the eradication of entire species leading to extinction.

On October 11th, 2019 over Songyuan City in the Jilin Province of NE China there was a huge near earth object event where a large meteorite exploded over a wide area.

The city is 2,191.4 KM north of Wuhan.

Some scientists are claiming that if a fragment of a loosely held, carbonaceous meteorite carrying a cargo of viruses/bacteria entered the mesosphere and stratosphere at high speed ~30km/s, its inner core which survived incandescence would have got dispersed in the stratosphere and troposphere.

The explosive impact may have spread “hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles” that were “embedded in the form of fine carbonaceous dust” as it blazed through the Chinese atmosphere until it fell to Earth.

The dust could have been spread over great distances and also could have contaminated rainwater and the water table.

Upon impact, earth contaminants found in the quick heating and the evaporation of the substance would affect the ecosystem nearby.

This would result in pathogen contamination — a kind of Andromeda evolution process where something alien may have arrived two months before the world knew of COVID-19.

That is not all. Blob or space goo also can be responsible for triggering fatal fungus that can be inhaled or otherwise absorbed in the rainwater.

On September 8th, 2004, all eyes were focused on the Western Desert of Utah as Genesis, NASA’s solar-wind sample capsule, returned from space. Project Genesis was the first U.S. sample return mission since the 1972 Apollo mission. This was the retrieval mission that would set the course for other such missions already scheduled for years to come. The Genesis probe was set to make history as it was to take a scoop of the particles of a comet and bring them successfully back to Earth.

A fireball sighting was reported near Bend, Oregon. It was a dot of light far brighter than Venus, moving across the morning sky. Oregon was having a rare clear day and observers were getting an eyeful. Moving at 25,000 mph, it got brighter as it moved across eastern Oregon into Southwestern Idaho. People in Elko, Nevada, were able to see it as it roared across the sky to its destination in Western Utah.

It was at that point that a set of parachutes was to open, slowing its descent, and helicopter pilots were to snag the capsule in midair in the same way that Corona capsules were retrieved decades earlier.

Unfortunately, it did not happen the way it was planned. The capsule’s parachutes did not open. The $250 million dollar project and its precious cargo whizzed past the helicopter pilots at about 150 miles per hour.

The capsule’s wobbling arc ended in a crash into the soft salt flats 40 miles west of Salt Lake City. The Salt Flats were probably not soft enough for the 55 hexagonal, fragile wafers that were used to gather up particles from the sun. Scientists had been worried that if the capsule crashed, the samples would be contaminated.

However, there were others that worried that the crash contaminated the area of the west desert in Utah and that possible extraterrestrial microbes would spread out and appear as some unknown disease.

The precautions were already made — the probe crashed near a bioweapons facility.

We suppose that if anything was released, it was contained.

However, after this event, there was an unrelated story reported in the media about a few cases of a disease that when contracted would produce a filamentous microorganism usually via oblong black filaments embedded in the skin that patients of the disorder claimed would crawl through the body.

Moregellons disease had arrived and many people called it the alien disease, because there was nothing else like it manifested in humans. The spread of the Morgellons disease happened actually very slowly over the past 20 to 30 years, and it is not comparable with AIDS or SARS.

It has been called a fibrous form of scabies, or leprosy — it was even diagnosed as a psychological disorder. The idea of the disease being an extraterrestrial plague has been downplayed so that modern medicine would take it seriously.

Currently, there are approximately 100,000 humans officially infected with Morgellons disease worldwide. The dark numbers of infections are possibly more than 10 million. Eastern countries, aquatic and terrestrial animals are not even taken into account.

Further inquiry results revealed that most of the Morgellons afflicted had also bacterial co-infections, acquired probably by a fungus vector, which may also transmit bacterial or viral pathogens.

Meanwhile there have been various conspiracy theorists that believe that 5G also aggravates Morgellons — if it has fungal properties then of course this would aggravate this alien pathogen.

Twenty years ago, a clinician could have been excused for being largely ignorant about fungi as disease-causing agents.

In fact, when most of the so-called tabletop plague events and gain of function events that were carried out by Johns Hopkins University, The Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — the fictional pandemic that they were simulating was not a coronavirus.

It was a simulation where a fungal infection attacks the body and eventually people would contract what is known as the Nipah virus — it was actually a simulation for the zombie apocalypse.

Today, a list of more than a dozen fungi that pose a threat to public health was published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

They named 19 “priority pathogens” that are growing and becoming resistant to treatments, including yeasts and molds. Fungal infections are responsible for roughly 1.7 million deaths and over 150 million severe infections worldwide every year.

But the infections — which spread in hospitals and can be deadly for immunocompromised people — became more prevalent during the pandemic.

The pathogens prey on people with weakened immune systems including those battling COVID-19. Treatments for Covid, including steroids, can further weaken the bodyundefineds defenses against fungi.

The WHO publishes a similar list of most threatening bacteria and cites a general lack of investment in studying dangerous fungi as a reason for compiling the fungal priority pathogens list.

Fungal pathogens remain a major public health threat. Yet, too few resources are spent on developing effective antifungal medications, the WHO said.

A historic death of research into fungal pathogens has left gaps in knowledge about diagnostics and viable treatments.

They cite climate change as a factor. An ever-warming planet, they say, means that fungi are continuously adapting to rising temperatures in ways that make them more adept at infecting people.

Most people who experience severe fungal infections are already severely ill.

Fungal infections have always been a threat but historically have been grossly neglected when it comes to public awareness and clinical research fundingundefined As a result, diagnosis and treatment of fungal disease remains far behind that of bacterial disease.

Four types of fungi were included in the critical priority group: Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Candida Auris.

Aspergillus produce spores that spread in the air and can threaten the lung health of people with compromised immune systems.

Candida albicans is commonly found in the gut but could cause invasive infections in immunocompromised people. It can cause an asthma-like illness, pulmonary fibrosis or a non-cancerous tumor.

Cryptococcus neoformans can cause deadly brain infections. Globally, it is a major cause of illness in patients with HIV/AIDS and kills at least 180,000 people annually.

Symptoms from infection vary from none to fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath, and rage and confusion.  Eventually the victim would laps into a coma.

Candida Auris, which grows on yeast, leads to severe and sometimes deadly infections.

The mortality rate of C.Auris, which spreads quickly in healthcare settings, can be as high as 60 per cent.

Cases of the infection in the U.S. rose to 700 in 2020 up from 10 in 2015, the CDC said.

There are just four categories of antifungal medications available and there are very few in the development pipeline.

It is the Fungus among us that is the true Message of the Blob — the whole idea of an incurable fungus from Space has also been the topic of films like the Andromeda Strain. The Night of the Living dead had zombies rising from their graves because of exposure to a satellite that brought with it fungus from space,

When we think of diseases that trigger rage and what can be called a zombie response, we can always look back at a fungus known as Ergot.

Actually it was mold that could be ingested or inhaled. It would be found in rye, wheat, barley, rice, corn, millet and oats.

People exposed to this fungus were at risk of death, brain damage, hearing loss, learning disabilities, speech complications, seizures, and paralysis.

The frightening irony was that in the early 1600’s there were many people suffering from the same malady and they were burned as witches. The bewitchment that everyone feared was eventually proven to be linked to Ergot found in rye bread.

Individuals with symptoms believed to be the result of bewitching were not affected until December 1691 and their occurrence ended abruptly in the late fall of 1692, probably when that batch of rye ran out. The ending of witchcraft outbreaks was likely due, not to execution of witches, but to the fact that there was a drought in 1692 with conditions unfavorable for fungal infection and growth. Symptoms of bewitchment consisted of convulsions, hallucinations, manic melancholia, psychosis, delirium, crawling sensations of the skin, vertigo, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea, all symptoms associated with the ingestion of ergotized rye.

It is also coincidental that some historians and biographers who write about Robert Louis Stevenson have speculated that he was under the influence of the ergot fungus when he wrote the story of a young doctor’s descent into madness after using a strange concoction that would change him into the murderous Edward Hyde.

While many people would see this as a form of demonic possession — it became endemic to the time and soon doctors and neurologists came up with the term, excitable delirium.

Excited delirium, also known as agitated delirium, is a condition that presents with psychomotor agitation, delirium, and sweating. It may include attempts at violence, unexpected strength, and very high body temperature.

Some psychiatrists have even talked of adding a “trance and possession disorder” diagnosis to the DSM, the premier diagnostic manual of disorders used by mental health professionals in the US.

Can all of these so-called physical breakdowns be attributed to fungus undefined or to space microbes or space jelly?

This makes the Blob a more serious story — than an opportunity for Steve McQueen to be in a bad horror movie.


Dr. Jason West specializes in integrative medicine. He uses his diverse educational background and other health care providers (MD, NP, DC, ND, and LAc) at the world-renowned West Clinic in Pocatello, ID, to develop comprehensive treatment plans for all diseases.

He is a published author in the scientific literature on headaches. He also has several books, 2 of which include Hidden Secrets To Curing Your Chronic Disease, a #1 Amazon Best Seller, and Hidden Secrets to Healthy Living, a healthy living manual and cookbook.
Dr. West has lectured around the world at conferences. He loves teaching seminars for doctors on topics such as clinical nutrition, blood chemistry, chronic disease, and energy deficits as well as motivating staff members and educating patients, and also provides personal consulting with doctors that wish to excel in health care.