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Posted on February 28th, 2020 by Clyde Lewis


Scientists are beginning to understand the basic conditions necessary for carbon-based life to develop. They can identify those stars in the solar neighborhood most like the Sun, and can delineate approximately the habitable zone around any given star in which complex biochemistry might be expected to flourish.

Scientists are also starting to acquire the ability to detect extrasolar planets. More advanced species would presumably be able to stake out with reasonable accuracy those stars and their associated worlds upon which intelligent life had a good chance of eventually developing, particularly if scout ships had revealed the presence of proto-intelligence. Such promising locations might then be expected to come under increasingly intense scrutiny by automatic sentinels.

These projects of course are a logical approach to studying the possibility of advanced civilizations.

While the cosmic exploration for new life and new civilizations was the inspiration for Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, there have been many science fiction writers who have put pen to paper about the possibility of an advanced civilization that watches our planet but through something that has been called “The Prime Directive” alien and civilizations are not supposed to interfere with internal and natural development of any civilization.

This was General Order 1 that was issued by the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek.

In the not so science fiction reality we have a planet protection practice of protecting solar system bodies from contamination by Earth life and protecting Earth from possible life forms that may be returned from other solar system bodies. NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection promotes the responsible exploration of the solar system by implementing and developing efforts that protect the science, explored environments and Earth.

There are other environments however that NASA or even the United Nations have overlooked. Environments that can be contaminated on a mental of philosophical scale.

The psychological effect of realizing that we are being observed by advanced species from other planets may be comparable to the news in the 1950s that a Russian Satellite had been launched into space to spy on the United States.

undefinedStephen King in his short story “Danse Macabre” related that when he was a child of the 1950s he remembered that while he was attending a movie the screen suddenly went dark. The manager of the theater walked to the front of the auditorium. With an ashen face and tears in his eyes he told the crowd that the Soviet Union had just launched Sputnik.

It was a sign back then that the world was being undone, unraveling like thread around a spool. It was a confirmation that in fact that we did not know what was above us. We did not know what weapons were out there, or what space stations were there to observe us, and what unnatural things are observing us from strategic areas of the cosmos.

That was 1957.

In 1954, an amazing story appeared in technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology that suggested that long before the reality of Sputnik something else was watching us. It was reported that the U.S. military had discovered 2 mysterious satellites in Earth’s orbit.

The Pentagon was reportedly furious about the story. They had not wanted the discovery to be made public. An explanation was quickly put out that the satellites were actually asteroids that became moons. Whilst it is possible for Earth’s orbit to capture an asteroid, it’s extremely rare and only happens under certain unusual circumstances. Many scoffed at the Pentagon’s explanation and the widespread belief at the time was that they were artificial.

Had the Russians managed to secretly get something into orbit 3 years before Sputnik, the first publically acknowledged satellite? Or were the objects from further afield in the universe?

By late 1957, the Soviets had just launched their second satellite — Sputnik II, carrying a passenger, a small dog called, Laika. But it also had a more mysterious passenger, because it was being tracked in space by an object and neither the Russians nor Americans had any idea what it was. In 1960, the U.S. Navy’s Dark Fence radar system made an even more spectacular discovery. They had detected a large black object in polar orbit around the Earth, possibly weighing as much as 15 tons.

What was particularly odd about this was neither the U.S. nor the Soviets had the ability to put objects in polar orbit in 1960, and the purported weight was far beyond what either country were capable of getting into space. Like the incidents in 1954, press reports of the discovery caused a major splash with the public. And like 1954, the Pentagon quickly stepped in to kill the story—it was another moon they said – it was space debris others were quick to point out.

The object would continue to be seen, but it was very unpredictable. It would vanish for long periods before reappearing years later. Then came stories of a similar object that was observed in the 1890undefineds. It was described as a very large and black flying machine that apparently Nicola Tesla allegedly communicated with. It was sending natural extraterrestrial repeating sources heard during the 1899 radio experiments of Nikola Tesla and long delayed echoes first heard by amateur radio operator Jorgen Hals in Oslo, Norway in 1928.

Tesla observed unusual signals from his receiver; Tesla concluded that these signals might actually be signals that have originated somewhere in space.

Since 1896, Tesla believed that his famous wireless transmitter could be used to contact intelligent beings on other planets.

He mentioned these signals in a letter to reporter Julian Hawthorne at the Philadelphia North American on December 8, 1899 and in a December 1900 letter about possible discoveries in the new century to the Red Cross Society, where he referred to messages, “from another world.”

It was later theorized that Tesla was listening to the signals from a probe that was observing the earth. Signal bursts that were detected in the 1920s and also the bursts that were detected in 1954.

Whatever was in Earth’s orbit had also acquired a name — the Black Knight satellite.undefined It was theorized to be an authentic alien artifact that some say has been seen coming in and out of orbit for thousands of years.

This “Black Knight” was also called a Bracewell Sentinel Probe.”

In 1960, Stanford radiophysicist Ronald Bracewell first suggested the idea that “superior galactic communities” could disperse autonomous interstellar probes as “hypothetical feelers” throughout space in order to observe, monitor, and maybe even communicate with other life-forms, including those on Earth.

Richard C. Hoagland appeared on Ground Zero and he suggested that the two interstellar objects Oumuamua and the newest C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) could serve this purpose as their activity seemed suspiciously similar to that of the Black Knight and fit the criteria for a Sentinel artifact.

The year 2019 was a banner year for the passing of near earth objects passing through the solar system nearly missing earth. In November of last year, some were allegedly so close that they would trigger what can be called the Yarkovsky Effect where a burst of sunlight could actually push a space rock closer to the planet either causing a collision or catching it into earth’s orbit creating a natural satellite.

It was also discussed at the time that perhaps Oumuamua was just one of many so called artificial probes that would fit the Bracewell model observing our solar system and then radioing back to an alien civilization the coordinates of where earth is. It could be then theorized that many more space rocks with probes in them could be used to observe the earth and if successful one or more would be pit into earth orbit using the Yarkovsky Effect.

There have been efforts by SETA – The Search of Extraterrestrial Artifacts to create projects to investigate and detect evidence of visitation of these hypothetic probes in our Solar System.

They are looking for the technosignature that would indicate that a Bracewell Sentinel has sent a signal to activate other probes or signal an extraterrestrial intelligence of our presence.

Long after the appearance of Oumuamua and Borisov there have been many anomalous things happening that indicate that perhaps Bracewell may have been on to something.

We may have overlooked the reality of sentinels sending signals and that there are repeaters sending back replies.

Recently, a series of Fast Radio Bursts were picked up by Stephen Hawking’s Breakthrough Listen Initiative, which some have speculated could be coming from the technology of an advanced, extraterrestrial species. This wouldn’t be the first time a scientist picked up signals from the cosmos and believed it to be of alien origin.undefined

Even though these signals have been yet to be proven to be those of an intelligent civilization – they certainly motivated SETI – the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and NASA to up their game.

The itinerary for the 21st century is to find evidence for technosignatures, biosignatures and perhaps alien artifacts from space.

undefinedBracewell had already outlined how signals would be found and detected by calculating variations in the echo delay times of radio transmissions known as long delayed echoes or LDE’s.undefined Bracewell also suspected that co-orbital objects would be prime candidates as extraterrestrial probes as whatever intelligence was controlling them would become more courageous in sending signals from shorter distances.

American physicist James Benford suggested that alien satellites could be disguised in Near Earth Objects which are monitoring our planet.

James Benford suggests in his new paper that “A probe located nearby could bide its time while our civilization developed technology that could find it, and, once contacted, could undertake a conversation in real-time.”

Discovering a “lurker” as he calls them would be an amazing find – and one where an alien civilization could communicate with us and observe us in real time.

Suspiciously NASA has been keeping a secret from us for three years. They have been running simulations of orbiting mini moons or natural satellites expecting an encounter with artifacts that would be as small as 1 meter.

Have they been expecting a baby moon or a probe to come close enough to earth and could it be studied to see if that it could be an alien artifact?

On February 15th it was confirmed that Earth now has a new mini moon above us in orbit and there are some scientist that are speculating that this mini moon is very much like our last interstellar object Oumuamua albeit much smaller and definitely a lot closer

Kacper Wierzchos, a researcher with the Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizonaundefineds Lunar and Planetary Lab, tweeted Tuesday. undefinedEarth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and I found a 20th magnitude object.undefined

Wierzchos said that the object measures about 6 feet to 11 feet across and that its orbit suggests that it entered Earthundefineds orbit around three years ago, coincidentally around the time mini moon simulations were being run by NASA.

Does this not sound a bit bizarre? For three years we have had this mini-moon observing us and it has been officially detected and observed by astronomers.

The cosmic lurker was officially cataloged by the International Astronomical Unionundefineds Minor Planet Center on Tuesday. The center, founded in 1947, collects observational data on asteroids, comets and natural satellites in the solar system.

In itsundefinedofficial designation, the IAU said observations undefinedindicate that this object is temporarily bound to Earth.undefined The organization added: undefinedNo evidence of perturbations due to solar radiation pressure is seen, and no link to a known artificial object has been found. Further observations and dynamical studies are strongly encouraged.undefined

The last asteroid to get caught in Earthundefineds orbit was 2006 RH120. The space rock, which orbits the sun and passes close to Earth every few decades, was captured by the planetundefineds gravity in June 2006 and stayed until around September 2007, before it swung back out into the solar system.

In May of 2016 at Contact in the Desert I reported that Scientists at SETA were tracking what could be termed an alien artifact that would pass close to the earth in the summer of 2017. I declared that this artifact would be “confirmation” that we were not alone.

I reported that scientists were actually looking for a space artifact called 1991 VG, which left scientists scratching their heads since it was first discovered by astronomer James Scotti on November 6, 1991. It passed by the earth in the summer of 2017 and the findings of this alien artifact were actually kept classified.

According to the book Hypothetical Spacecraft and Interstellar Travel by Ezekiel Nygren 1991 VG was actually reported to be a Bracewell Probe. 1991 VG seemed to be about 10 meters in size, but did not appear to be an asteroid.

In a 1995 paper on 1991 VG, astronomer Duncan Steel (Anglo-Australian Observatory and University of Adelaide) noted “…strong, rapid brightness variations which can be interpreted as transient specular reflections from the surfaces of a rotating spacecraft.”

That the repeated and extremely close pass by the Earth suggested to Steel the possibility that 1991 VG could be an alien probe on a controlled reconnaissance mission.

Unusual space artifacts when observed are now kept secret – that is of course only if it can be hidden away from the public, however, Oumuamua was a different case as it was difficult to hide a large elongated artifact that seemed to accelerate and decelerate at will.

Think about what we are hearing now about 2020 CD3—it is small has been in orbit for three years and has been one of many anomalous objects that have been suspected of being hypothetical probes.

It was not reported that we attempted to communicate with 2020 CD3 which is expected since communication or messaging Oumuamua was seen as controversial.

The controversy was over whether or not it is wise to reply to future hypothetical incoming transmissions, and theoretical work on how to communicate with ETI.

Confirmation of alien life is becoming a constant at this time, but there is still some apprehensive containment of the information that is being doled out here in the United States as NASA wishes to have the monopoly on just what isn’t and what is the truth about the cosmic imperative.

Bracewell sentinels are controversial but are now no longer out of the equation and quite possibly we will hear more about them in the future as more and more so called objects resembling spaceships are being detected in space.

Bracewell took the question of SETI and stood it on its ear.undefined It certainly a different way to study an alien culture. A long-lived probe could be planted in any system under investigation.

Is it so farfetched to speculate that small objects can approach the Earth closely and on an annual basis, using the same orbital period as Earth in order to disguise its movements?

What are the odds of something like 2020 CD3 having a synchronous orbit so stealth that we have not been aware of it for 3 years?

Either someone has known about the possibility of it being a sentinel or that we have been secretly spied upon by some sort of clever ETI. That is if it not a moon but a space station or probe.

What strange orbits these objects occupy, and imagine the proposal behind closed doors to conceivably contact our mini moon it and cause it to respond.undefined

Think about it when we set up camera traps and monitoring equipment for animals, we camouflage it, therefore it would make sense that a suitably advanced society would use a natural body for the probe, it can be large or small, depending on needs.

If it is designed to work for a few hundred Earth years then a small probe makes sense on or in a very small body, however, if the probe is capable of self-repair or replication, then the larger body you utilize increases the potential life span of the probe due to the materials available.

It is not hardundefined to imagine that this new moon is in fact a Sentinel.

The Bracewell probe is front and center here, recalling Duncan Lunan’s 1974 proposition that a Bracewell probe like the Black Knight could be the cause of long-delayed echoes of radio transmissions heard in the 1920s or What Tesla heard in 1890s.

Is anyone understanding the scope of this cosmic picture?

As we move steadily towards an interstellar flyby probe and telescopes capable of imaging exoplanets and detecting artifacts, I seriously wonder how we can believe that advanced ETI have not already established the state of our planet. And if they are the senders of the hypothesized probes in our system then maybe we should somehow message them to see what the response might be.

What do we make of ʻOumuamua in this context?undefined It was theorized to be a possible interstellar probe, it ignored all our pings.

What if there is a probe in our system, exactly in the co-orbital location that decides to communicate.

It could run radio silent at first ignoring all our remote probing.undefined The we would have to send out our own probe to sidle up and inspect it, showing that it is artificial and not a lump of rock.

This would be more intriguing than a landing on Mars or the Moon.
