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Posted on March 30th, 2018 by Clyde Lewis



As I was reading about the Chinese space station and how it is now plummeting to Earth, I got to thinking about our innovations and the times where I said that maybe our innovations can be the very things that will wipe us off the face of the planet.

The biggest fears about the Tionging-1 spacecraft is that now scientists are saying it will break up into various fireballs which will spread out and that we could see pieces come to Earth that weigh anywhere from 200 to 800 pounds.

Not to mention the chemicals like Hydrazine that can be very toxic and in some cases, deadly.

I know that when the space station was constructed and launched, the Chinese probably didn’t consider that their invention would wind up being the equivalent of a giant monster that would eventually threaten life on Earth.

We have heard the story so many times about a creator that brings to life something that he loses control over. It is seen as a threat or a monster. What is most disconcerting is that the creation was doing what it was meant to do. Then, by some unfortunate happenstance, the creation goes rogue reminding us of the classic story of Frankenstein’s monster.

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the story of a mad scientist that reanimates a human corpse, and later the creation becomes a monster and kills many people.

In the movie, ‘Frankenstein’ directed by James Whale, the most important dialogue of all was lost in the Universal 1931 movie when the creation moves its trembling hand, Henry Frankenstein, played by Colin Clive, cries out:

“Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive….It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive! Oh – in the name of God. Now I know what it feels like to be God.”


The last line was censored by the studio.

The Frankenstein story is more of a reality now than it ever was. Today, mankind is edging closer to the reality of creating life through what could be called undefinedmad science.undefined Mankind is also on the verge of creating a graven image of his own making – machines in our image after our likeness – with a synthetic soul that is merely ones and zeroes being interpreted by an electronic brain.

TV shows like the X-Files and Black Mirror have been spinning cautionary tales of how our technology and Artificial Intelligence is very much like what Victor Frankenstein produced in a laboratory.

In fact, the X-Files dedicated one of their opening sequences to the Tay experiment that was created and later killed off by Microsoft. It was experimental Artificial Intelligence that simulated a teenage millennial girl named “Tay,” the program was an experimental program launched to train AI to have conversations with users.

Within hours, however, Tay had turned into a racist, genocidal, sex-crazed monstrosity spouting Hitler-loving, sexist profanities for the entire world to read, forcing the company to shut her down less than 24 hours after her introduction.

The terrifying reason why she turned ugly was because she learned from users and her algorithms picked up on the anger and ugliness of the zeitgeist.

She literally became synthetically possessed. She is quite possibly the equivalent of an A.I. Frankenstein. While Tay didn’t kill anyone – imagine what would have happened under different circumstances.

What is most troubling is that the Frankenstein story written 200 years ago is becoming a metaphor for our times.

A creature is formed in a laboratory. The creator sees that his creation has flaws and lacks intelligence so it attempts to parent it. When the creature gets too big for the laboratory it escapes. The creator realizes that he has lost control of his creation and decides to hide from it. All the creature wants is acceptance from its creator.

The creator then provides a mate for his creation. But the creator does not approach or come in contact with his new offspring. The creature tries everything he can to find his creator. He makes mistakes, he takes life, and he destroys the laboratory and his mate. The whole time he just wanted to know if his creator loved him.

He dies confused and helpless.

Many people do not know that 20 years prior to Mary Shelley’s book Goethe wrote “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” a poem about a magician in training who, through his arrogance and half-baked powers, unleashes a chain of events that he could not control.

Both are stories about our powers to create things that take on a life of their own. Goethe’s poem comes to a climax when the apprentice calls out in a panic:

Master, come to my assistance!
Wrong I was in calling
Spirits, I avow,
For I find them galling,
Cannot rule them now.

While the master fortunately returns just in time to cancel the treacherous spell, Victor Frankenstein’s monster goes on a murderous rampage, and his creator is unable to put a stop to the carnage.

So the question is who foretold our fate: Goethe or Shelley?

They apparently are both unsung prophets that have predated or forewarned us about what our fate may be with regards to our innocent innovations that become monstrous and out of control.

Most of us have always thought of the nuclear shadow and how the innovation of mass destruction was something that loomed over our heads like the sword of Damocles.

Luckily, we have managed to get this far without being incinerated.

However, we are again of the mindset that our luck is about to run out. With wars and rumors of wars, hypersonic weapons and lasers our nightmares of megadeath events have been rekindled.

Now, mind you out of space stations, out of control Artificial Intelligence, hypersonic weapons, lasers and nuclear bombs are relatively big ticket items when it comes to monster potential, but if you truly wish to see the smaller potential monster, all you have to do is look at the screen that we hold in our hand and longingly gaze into.

If we follow the news many people are realizing that we are beginning to find ourselves grappling with the unintended consequences of our creations on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

If we can pry ourselves from our phones and look up, we begin to notice that the blue skies we once enjoyed are now white, clouded by aerosolized chemtrails that we are now being told will be used to change the climate and cool the planet, without thinking of the side effects of what will happen to the atmosphere.

The processes of human genetic engineering are also part of our Frankenstein culture. Will we sail through all of this discovery safely or will we, like Victor Frankenstein, witness “destruction and infallible misery”?

It is now certain that “reflexive modernityundefined or the idea that modern technology can be applied to deal with any problems of its own creation and that whatever problems arise from technoscience, we can fix with more technoscience.

When it comes to the environment the idea of Stratospheric Aerosol Injections comes from the thought that ecomodernism or environmental modernity will also save us from the actions that have been allegedly detrimental to the ecosystem.

Brought on by man’s other monstrous innovations that have made the planet toxic.

This has forced the technocrats into adopting a stance of approximation or implanting of what is called the proactionary principle, which “involves not only anticipating before acting, but learning by acting.

This is why we now argue about just who or what triggered climate change – the whole concept of implementing actions now is proactionary based on an educated guess.

However, is it true science or is it science with a political agenda?

Before science fiction author Michael Crichton died, he was ostracized for a speech that he gave on the subject of Complexity Theory and Environmental Management. Michael criticized environmental groups for failing to incorporate complexity theory in their doom mongering projections of the effects of global warming. Crichton boldly chastised those who inflated projected cataclysm from global warming and encouraged them to factor in the possibility that a complex system such as the ecosystem can and will be resilient.


Crichton said that the psychological impact of fearing any predicted cataclysmic event can be far worse than the event itself. What got Crichton into trouble was his assessment of “Global Warming Fear Mongering.” He stated, “Authoritatively telling people they are going to die can in itself be fatal.”

Junk science and doomsayer fear mongering has thrown out the aspects of complexity theory and its effects on the environment. No one even brings up the idea of resilience of systems and how the earth is capable of adjusting and healing on its own.

This means that with every so-called extinction level event the earth seems to renew itself. It seems that every end of the world theory throws out the hope of resilience.

Michael Crichton stated that environmentalist zeal for Global warming theories. The political demand for these environmental science quests for answers in life constitute a religion from an anthropological viewpoint.

According to him, a religion can be a collective that has a core group of beliefs. The collective have leaders that they elevate to positions that enforce the core belief or environmental catastrophe that forever looms on the horizon. Crichton concludes that the collective will tell you that we are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.

Crichton warned that “global warming”, which has become coerced moral imperative — not only has “little basis in fact or science” but compromised by political advocacy and a “quest for power.”

That fatal flaw for the global warming agenda is, for Crichton, paralleled by one of history’s “cautionary tales” — that of the Eugenics movement. The dangers of a political agenda parading under the cover of a scientific pretext have already been exposed by the agendas of the past, and that cost can be measured in human lives lost.

On Eugenics, Crichton states that “the actions taken in the name of theory were morally and criminally wrong. Ultimately, they led to the deaths of millions of people.” Eugenics, like the Climate Change, Global Warming and Population Control agendas all sought to control human behavior in the name of curbing a crisis based on everyday human activity– human breeding, human consumption, human competition for food and other resources, and the very air humans breath– humanity was pegged as the problem, and people were killed as a result of politically-advocated action to meet the crisis.

Yet in hind-sight, each of these ecological-crises has proved to stand on shaky factual ground and misplaced, but often well-meaning, concern. Such good intentions have indeed paved the way to hell, including the genocide of ‘undesirable’ human existence.

The sixth extinction we have been warned about is and that the technocrats want us to fear, is the various monsters that they tell us do not exist –and yet those who are awake can see them and decide to warn us of their extremely volatile nature.

The created monster, like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, is the monster we have built and believe we can control, until it turns against us. The fictional monster’s descendants are the robots, androids and cyborgs of today, with their potential to become all too human – and threatening.

In the end are the creations at fault? Or are the creators? In this case to they become monsters also?

2018 so far has been a year where I have been talking about I’ve been focusing on 5G wireless, the Internet of Things, gene-editing, and DNA-altering vaccines, geoengineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Transhuman manipulation of the human body.

Known science fiction writer, H.G. Wells called it, undefinedThe Limits of Individual Plasticity.undefined H.G. Wells speculates his theories on the plasticity of humans and animals, explaining that the default biological form of an animal or human may be altered in a way that it would continue to survive even if it, in any way, no longer resembles its inherent form.

Wells stated more than one hundred years ago that “A living being may also be regarded as raw material, as something plastic. Something that may be shaped and altered, that this possibly may be added and that may be eliminated, and that the organism as a whole can be developed far beyond its apparent possibilities.undefined
MIT technologies reported today that they have made a breakthrough in the processes of embryonic science.

In a breakthrough that redefines how life can be created, embryologists working at the University of Cambridge in the UK have grown realistic-looking mouse embryos using only stem cells. No egg. No sperm. Just cells plucked from another embryo.


The next step is to make an artificial embryo out of human stem cells, work that’s being pursued at the University of Michigan and Rockefeller University.

What they are saying is that man has created synthetic embryos.

No need for sperm or an egg.

They are now on the brink of Godhood – creating an animal or human form without the need of sexual reproduction.

Welcome to the Brave New World.

The next step for the technocrat gods is to create both the environment and the humans who inhabit the environment.

It is the equivalent of saying let us go down to Eden and make man in our own image – or if you will permit – the line that was taken from the movie Frankenstein:

“Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive….It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive! Oh – in the name of God. Now I know what it feels like to be God.”

Technocracy is that system of systems. It cannot tolerate natural life or the free individual.

Instilled with the impulse to transform nature, humans are always at risk of extending beyond their proper reach.

In the story of Frankenstein’s monster “Learn from me … how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world.”

Hubris, he seems to warn, will be the death of us all.