Dr. Anthony Fauci, who if you blink you may think he is Schmiegel. was optimistic yesterday, which sent the so-called “fear before facts media” into a complete and utter conundrum said he hopes to see a undefinedlight at the end of the tunnelundefined by the end of April in the fight against COVID-19.
He stated on a Wall Street Journal podcast:
undefinedWhen you gradually come back, you donundefinedt jump into it with both feet.undefinedYou say, what are the things you could still do and still approach normal? One of them is absolute compulsive hand-washing.undefinedThe other is you donundefinedt ever shake anybodyundefineds hands.undefined
undefinedI donundefinedt think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country,undefined the doctor added.
So with the light at the end of the tunnel and the virus slowly slipping away – our new normal as they call it will be a reality where there are no handshakes, hugs, or venturing outside without wearing a biological jumpsuit and mask.
How far can the authorities take this? Is it warranted?
Americans are no longer going gently into their mandatory lockdowns.
Across the country, from political leaders to small business owners, to parents who just want to take their children to the park, resistance is growing to the authoritarians who have effectively suspended the Constitution and placed most of the country under house arrest.
There are other leaders who are drunk with power that want to disrupt people’s lives and are acting like mini dictators during the crisis.
. When reports that (hydroxy)chloroquine showed promising signs as a safe treatment for the coronavirus, and after President Trump expressed his optimism over the drugundefineds efficacy, Michigan Governor. Gretchen Whitmer moved immediately to block Michigan citizens from gaining access to the potentially life-saving treatment.
Two weeks ago Nevada’s Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak issued an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs such as chloroquine for Coronavirus patients.
However, after he banned the drug, he was caught stockpiling it.
President Trump was hopeful about the drug, so anti-Trump Democrats like Sisolak were against it.
Governor Sisolak banned chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, ostensibly over concern of hoarders stockpiling the medicine and causing shortages for patients who use the drug for other ailments like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
But while the governor restricted the public from receiving the potentially life-saving drug, Nevadaundefineds Department of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for prisoners.
According to sources at the drug maker, Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Nevada prisons ordered a large number of their anti-malaria Hydroxychloroquine drug under the name, Plaquenli. Nevada prisons has literally ZERO cases of prisoners infected with the COVID 19 virus to date. The Nevada Board of Pharmacies and the Governor claimed the rule barring doctors from prescribing the drug outside of hospitals was to stop hoarding. After Sisolak’s ban went into effect, the State Prison hoarded the drug in a mass just in case they had break out.
Gov. Sisolak refused to reverse his order even after the FDA issued an emergency order earlier this week approving the drug for use against COVID 19.
Now the FDA has approved an abbreviated use of the drug to treat COVID-19 patients and still Governors like Sisolak and Whitmer have decided to let politics get in the way of saving human lives and in the process want to create a new criminal class.
The defiant are the new criminal and yet the Governors are abusers of their power.
In addition to barring the use of chloroquine for Coronavirus patients, Nevada’s governor also banned social gatherings of more than 10 people. Now granted other governors are doing this but he has taken in one step further.
He has hinted that he will break up Easter dinners if need be, meaning misdemeanor fines and jail time at the worst.
What about arresting people who go to church on Easter?
It’s an interesting test of the First Amendment’s freedom of assembly and religious freedom clauses versus the government’s compelling state interest in prohibiting mass gatherings in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
Democrat Governor Kate Brown of Oregon announced the other day a new executive order that will extend the ban on dining in at restaurants indefinitely. No sunset clause undefined no more family dining. This was an addendum to her original order which was only effective through April 14 undefinedunless extended or terminated earlier by the Governor.
Last week, Dr. Michael Ryan who is a leader at the World Health Organization announced that in response to the spread of COVID-19 authorities may have to enter peopleundefineds homes and remove family members presumably by force in most cases.
Today there was a protest in front of the State House in Ohio. About 100 people marched past the statehouse carrying signs and chanting, undefinedOpen Ohio,undefined referencing their anger that businesses are closed and people are not working.
Some signs read undefinedLET MY PEOPLE GO: to schools, to parks to work,undefined undefinedQuarantine Worse than Virus,undefined and undefinedBALANCE THE RISK #OPENOHIO.undefined
Many wore Guy Fawkes masks over their faces, and at least one held a gun. Their signs criticized the governorundefineds stay-at-home order, closure of schools and shutdown of the economy: undefinedMy constitutional rights are essential,undefined undefinedOhio dies when government lies,undefined undefinedQuarantine the sick not the Constitution,undefined undefinedA free people in a pandemic are still a free people.undefined
The fact is that the coronavirus pandemic has created a new class of criminals in America. Among them are fathers playing T-ball with their kids, the hosts of a wedding, and, a woman out for a drive.
USA Today reported Pennsylvania state police cited 19-year-old Anita Lynn Shaffer for taking a drive. They allege she was in violation of a stay-at-home order for York County, which allows undefinedoutdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or runningundefined but only if itundefineds undefinedessential.undefined
She was fined $200.
A father in Brighton, Colorado, was undefinedhandcuffed in an empty park by three police officers for playing T-ball with his 6-year-old daughter and wife.”
Parks are now the new crime areas. Playgrounds are off limits, hiking in the forest is a crime, playing softball – the weather is improving as spring has arrived and church services for Easter will also be posing a problem.
People can be committing a crime for worshiping God.
If this is enforced as well – then where does it end?
Microsoft news reported that two New Jersey residentsundefinedwere arrested for allowing other people in their home for a wedding undefinedin defiance of social distancing orders.undefined
They were reported by their neighbors.
When I read stuff like this I wonder if we really want to be living in a society of informants that can be paid or get special treatment by the government, sending innocent people to jail or is it necessary to see people being harangued, losing their jobs, thrown out of their homes, losing their children and families because of an out of control information society.
The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio reported Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein warned that anyone who attempts to fake coronavirus symptoms to avoid arrest should expect additional charges.
Klein said his office has been made aware of undefineda few instances.undefined In one case, police apprehended the suspect in a car break-in who claimed to have trouble breathing. He was undefinedflailing on the ground coughing.undefined
The officers took extra precautions with the suspect and then began an investigation into falsification charges.
Meanwhile, CNN reported an 18-year-old Texas woman was arrested when she claimed to be undefinedwillfully spreadingundefined the coronavirus. Fox10 in Phoenix said a man was arrested for posting on social media that Navajo people were carrying the coronavirus, calling for their deaths. In Georgia, a woman was arrested after being exposed to COVID-19 and refusing to quarantine. Also, several people have been arrested for coughing on others.
And some might wish they would only have been arrested. reported a 24-year-old man was charged with violating a stay-at-home order after he was shot. He had walked some three miles from his residence undefinedto conduct non-essential business,undefined police said.
In Honolulu, there were arrests for undefinedviolating emergency rules.undefined In Lancaster County in Pennsylvania there were arrests for sitting on a sidewalk and drinking.
Fox News reports a California sheriff is warning that he could arrest people for not wearing face masks. But Riverside County Sheriff Chad Biano assured residents it was undefinednot a declaration of martial law.undefined
In times where government psychological operations induce mass paranoia people will report all sorts of things only because they feel that it is their duty to be the moral guardian in a word that they decide is immoral. The informant is always someone you thought you could trust, and when the snitching and reporting begins we begin to see an increase in responses by federal, state and local authorities.
We begin to see unannounced visits from child care services. We receive notices from our doctors to meet with mental health specialists. There are those unfortunate souls that are refused certain drugs because someone has flagged them as seekers. We wonder why our neighbor has been gunned down in his drive way by heavily-armed SWAT units when we always knew him to friendly and kind. Then we hear that he was the victim of a mistaken drug informant.
Governments have spent billions of dollars in recent years militarizing local police departments across the country and creating special federal units with overwhelming firepower. They are all ready and waiting for an informant to send them on their next mission.
You may be their target and you always thought that they would leave you alone because you never break the law.
Remember when people would say if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about?
Well obviously you now have to hide that cough you have due to allergies or that hay fever sneeze. Something like shaking hands, hugging or kissing can be seen as a microaggression and can get you arrested and what is most disturbing is – doing these simple thing are what makes us human beings.
In a society driven by manufactured mass paranoia, personal betrayal is seen as a virtue instead of the lowest form of human behavior. This perverse version of reality has been an excellent tool in dirty wars created to bring a society into dystopia.
As the pandemic dissipates, businesses open and individuals come out of hibernation, our world will be forever changed. Time at home has allowed for self-reflection. New behaviors will be adopted by individuals and businesses alike.
Relationships between neighbors, employees and employers, and citizens and their governments will be transformed. Some bonds will be made stronger, but in other cases, particularly where frailties of system or leadership ineptitudes have been exposed, anger and resentment will reign.
Some shifts in relationships and personal behavior will be immediately noticeable, while others will evolve more slowly over time.
Most importantly and I have been pushing every time I open the microphone, we need to recognize the value of individual freedom, many people have sacrificed their lives to protect this valuable commodity.undefined
We can’t just throw that away because of the fear of taking life risks. life is a risk every day and you can choose to be overly careful or you can use common sense and demand your freedoms back as this COVID horror passes away.
Keep in mind that some of the governors out there are maximizing the fear and risk in the crisis to abuse their authority.
The power of fear and propaganda are powerful tools in the manipulation of general consensus.undefinedThis is one of the main flaws in a democracy, it allows a simple majority to force their desires upon a minority. This is why our forefathers set checks and balances in the Constitution, however, even these do not guarantee freedom will remain.undefined
It could be argued that those in power donundefinedt have to take away our freedom by force if we are willing to surrender it or trade it for a check from the government.
All the government needs is to get a majority of the populace to go along with their plan. Call it what you want, a stay at home order or a general quarantine, but it all comes down to the same thing government control of your movement.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been promoting the Trump administration to declareundefinedaundefinedfederally-imposed undefinedstay at homeundefined order across all 50 states.undefinedThis is the kind of lock-down that has been instituted in many countries. This has resulted in attacks from the mainstream media directed at the states which have not capitulated to fear. It appears these states have governors that donundefinedt see the need to take drastic steps that willundefineddecimate their local economies. This means they are willing to leave social distancing to the undefinedgood judgmentsundefined of counties, towns, and individuals.
If you wonder just how far enforcement of this lock-down has gone, in some areas under lock-down, some law enforcement agencies are using high-tech equipment such as drones to spy on people.
In Los Angeles, the mayor has even announced that the city would reward those willing to turn in violators. Associated Press reports in a recent article that some people are happy, even enthusiastic to comply and report on their neighbors. Sadly, when law enforcement encourages Americans to turn against each other we all lose. We become a nation controlled by fear and suspicion. Over time this sort of action is bound to add to distrust between neighbors and damage social cohesion. It could be argued that stay at home is just undefinednewspeakundefined or another word for curfew. In his writings, George Orwell warned of the slippery slope towards totalitarianism and if citizens to not push back it is our future.
We can say that we can abscond from the terms left wing and right wing and start using the terms, Neo-liberal Orwellian and Neo-conservative Orwellian. These are essentially two rapidly growing power groups in America. Of course, neither of these groups would ever consider themselves as empowering the government to take away our rights and freedom.
The writings of George Orwell, especially about his dystopian account of a future totalitarian state in 1984, has made undefinedOrwellianundefined an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It points to an attitude and often a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the undefinedunpersonundefined which can take many forms. Whether it is a person that has been expunged from the public record and thus our memory or someone so restricted in movement and opportunity that they are shunned by society and having contact with them becomes dangerous to your social standing.
We are sick now but we should not let this lead to a dystopia of our own design.
Dystopia is defined as a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding.
Dystopia is translated as undefinednot-good placeundefined and while politics often makes strange bedfellows this joining of both extremes willing to extend surveillance into every facet of our lives is both surprising and very troubling.
It is always a slippery slope when you go from just hand-washing to house arrest.