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Ron Patton | June 21, 2018



I was thinking about the show I did about optogenetics and how an animated cartoon had triggered my interest in the flicker factor and how it works in programming people. However, I believe that I wasn’t very clear on how a flicker rate can influence you and even put you in a trance or make you sick.

Optogenetics has emerged as an important tool in neuroscience, especially in central nervous system research. It allows for the study of the brain’s highly complex network with high temporal and spatial resolution.

Optogenetics trigger a chemical response in the brain and activates the microbiome, the enteric nervous system, the brain in the gut, which makes it beneficial in curing many brain and nervous system disorders.

However, it can also be used for controlling impulse, brain activity, and functions of balance and equilibrium.

It controls the activity of neural circuits that sends the messages through the viral vector or transgenic animal line.

Optogenetics is a novel technology that combines optical and genetic methods to activate or silence excitable cells and with time could also enhance some of our abilities to that of superhero status. This at this moment in time is science fiction, but it is ending up closer to being fiction as we explore just what lurks in the body and what alien creatures can be activated in the microbial universe that lives in your body.

In the world of superheroes, there are proverbial “gods in tights” that get enhanced abilities in many ways: Spiderman gets his powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider; the fantastic four are exposed to cosmic radiation; Captain America is injected with a serum that turns him into a super soldier, Iron Man has his power suit and the X-men have special genetic mutations that give them their abilities.

In the Star Wars Universe, midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force.

The Force when used with the midi-chlorians in the blood could give a Jedi (and almost anyone) super human capabilities.

In Star Wars, it is never really explained where midi-chlorians come from but they sound very similar to what scientists call the microbiome.


Now the microbiome won’t give you superpowers, but scientists are looking into the idea that certain unknown microbial forms – could be a clue that perhaps we have some alien ancestors that have handed down more earthly midi-chlorian type species in the human body.

Back when I presented CLADE X at Contact in the Desert, I had a conversation with a microbiologist that attended my workshop. He stood up in the audience to challenge my findings and said that while my research seemed accurate, he had some apprehension about what he called unfounded speculation.

I asked him about what part of the speculation troubled him and he told me that speaking about the microbiome in science fiction terminology made him uncomfortable. I interpreted his concern as being aimed at cutting the “alien pathogen” talk and keeping it out of the extraterrestrial territory.

I told him that it was difficult to do so because of how the microbiome is something that affects all of us –and when we begin seeing strange anomalies develop it make you wonder about the strides science is making in epigenetic studies and their focus on Pandora microbes that are gathering genetic information from sources that are outside the body and outside normal channels.

For the longest time we thought we were all that exists in the universe, that life was just us and the animals we see. Only relatively recently, when our tools for examining the microscopic world improved, have we understood how wrong we were.

If we do encounter aliens, they are far more likely to be microbial than anything we can see with the naked eye. Or, like the microbes that have been all around us since our beginning, they could be on a scale so radically different from what we know that we don’t even have the tools to detect them.

Giant viruses may invent genes and proteins found nowhere else on Earth, new research suggests.

As their name implies, giant viruses are big — as big as bacteria, and more than twice the size of typical viruses, scientists have previously reported. Giant viruses have more complex genomes than some simple microbial organisms, and many of their genes code for proteins found only in giant viruses, according to past studies.

These so-called orphan genes puzzled scientists, but a new study may suggest where they come from. In three new species of Pandoraviruses, a family of giant viruses described in 2013 — these genes originated in the viruses themselves. The giant viruses were like factories, churning out novel genes and proteins, though the origin and purpose of this prolific gene creation is still a mystery.

In 2013, I first discussed a “Pandora Strain” being dropped to Earth by a comet. Theories at the time were that Comet ISON was moving close to the planet and that some scientists were concerned about a Pandora Strain appearing as we pass through the comet’s tail.

We discussed that Pandoravirus Salinas and Pandoravoris Dulcis. Back in July of 2013 it was reported that French scientists discovered a very large virus in sediment found off the Coast of Chile and in a shallow freshwater pond near Melbourne, Australia.

What is frightening about the discovery of this virus is that 93 per cent of pandoraviruses genes resemble nothing known on planet Earth, their origin cannot be traced back to any known cellular lineage. Which leads some scientists to believe that the virus could be extraterrestrial, brought to earth by way of asteroids and comets.

Now the good news is that the virus is not a pathogen to humans, however it can be found as parasites in amoebas that can find their way into humans.

However, some Pandora like microbes are actually being observed as genetic invaders and while science will not call them alien or from space – it is amazing to see how our inability to cover all the based with nutrition and health is creating an environment where these unknowns are showing up in our gastrointestinal tract.

New studies about microbiome effects on the gut actually suggest that brain function is actually affected by what is churning away inside you.

The stomach and the mind really do talk to one another; in one study, for example, tentative mice that received gut bacteria transplants from braver ones became more fearless, exploring a maze with less hesitation.

So strong is the microbiome’s impact that some have deemed it the “second brain.” And recently, a team of researchers found that our guts may harbor evidence of difficult life experiences many years after the fact.

This means that trauma can reshape your entire microbiome.

Our microbiomes have evolved with us over the millennia, or perhaps it is we that have evolved with them. In any case, our relationship with our microbiome is really only now being explored, showing how beneficial and necessary they are to us.

The microorganisms that form our microbiome are found inside us and on us, and completely outnumber us in terms of cell number. For a species that values identity, this fact does give rise to two immediate, philosophical question: are we really ourselves or are we really these so-called “alien” microbiomes?

Now, you may ask yourself, “If I have alien microbiomes, where did they come from?”

You started as a single cell, and for the first 30 hours, that’s all you were. Then you divided, becoming 2 cells, then 15 hours later 4 cells, and so on. At some point you absorbed your first foreign or alien cell while floating around as an invisible spec inside your mother’s womb. As you grew, more of these tiny creatures found their way inside you.

This first wave of microbiota played a vital role in keeping you alive; allowing you to absorb the nutrients your mom gave you. Over time, their numbers swelled, and new forms of them moved in, settling in and building communities in all the different crevices and organs inside you. As soon as you left your mother’s womb, you immediately started to encounter these micro-creatures your mom never had.

Waves of these immigrants flooded into you, further adding to the biodiversity now inside you, quietly preparing you for life on Earth.

Scientists say that over time there are more of them inside of you then there are you – inside of you, if that makes sense.

We are all hosts to a universe within ourselves. A universe full of microbial alien species unlike anyone else’s. Some of them even live inside your cells, making it hard at times to distinguish ‘them’ from ‘you’.

Which makes us all wonder who the aliens really are?

They are part of you; they influence your likes and dislikes, even the things you think about.

They can make you sick, tired, or sometimes they just smell funny. Others create bigger problem, unable to get along with the communities inside you, yet too unruly and stubborn to just leave. These caused most of the illnesses and infections you have had over your life.

We are only beginning to understand these tiny creatures and their role in our health. Yet problems with them are already known to contribute to neurodegeneration, heart disease, cancer, and more.

The complexity of our relationship with our microbiome does imply a long history of coexistence. Looking back over the course of human existence, how much did our microbiome determine the way we evolved? Did we force our microbiome to evolve too?

Looking forward, it will be interesting to see how the microbiome will help us evolve. Yet, we may not need to look too far into the future to see if this will happen; we have sufficient technology at our command today that it may be possible to manipulate the microbiome to help us evolve.

Now, it is also important to understand that we use simple things to control these so called alien microbes in our body.

When we take antibiotics, it can change the microbial community within us.

Taking enzymes, eating fermented foods and using nutrient and mineral rich supplements also changes the microbiome universe to keep the invaders out.

Using the microbiome to enhance our abilities is as far as we know is science fiction, and as far as I know is not happening at the moment, but it is an appealing idea compared to becoming genetic guinea pig even using cosmic radiation that may make me turn into the Hulk.

Controlling the microbiome or making changes to it are not permanent They can be reversed or the effects can wear off, so we will not be altering a person forever, nor will we be forcing changes on to future generations, as the microbiome is not a inheritable unit although family and close relationships can influence our microbiomes.

Our microbiomes could be the real world equivalent of midi-chlorians, and they could help us ‘tap into’ potential abilities.

This is where we must stop time for a moment and ask ourselves what are we really?

I know that Phillip K. Dick once said that we are superheroes in embryo. That eventually we grow and learn and eventually figure everything out. We then shed our bodies in order to fly with the Gods, much like Superman.

We can obviously say that we were not randomly created. Some believe that we are merely cosmic ghost moving through a magnetic matrix.

When scientists begin to figure out the essential features of mentality that distinguish us as human beings – and as they try and figure out what consciousness is they may discover some things that they never knew existed and maybe previous experiences that our species lives through in the ancient past.

All I can say is that life is fragile, and yet it is so worth living, and with the knowledge of how we are, who we are, and how we react to our mortality, perhaps we would learn the true value of a human life.

Written by Ron Patton

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