David John Oates
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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There is a growing theory in which all things that move forward in time reaches a certain elasticity and then retracts. Subsequently, we start to perceive things in the inverse. The eyes already do this where images are seen upside down or reverse and the brain adjusts the images to look at thing...
Is it possible that we are reverse engineering history for the sake of saving face? We need to somehow do a chronological reversal of our consensus narrative to understand when and where we ignored the signposts in time and made decisions that have put us in this position. What can we do to stop ...
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There is a growing theory in which all things that move forward in time reach a certain elasticity and then retract. Subsequently, we start to perceive things in the inverse. The eyes already do this where images are seen upside down or reverse and the brain adjusts the images to look at things right side up. Reverse decoding makes sense because context is more important than details. Angles and soundwaves both forward and backward yield more context into what is being experienced. Could we review speeches and new reports in both forward and reverse to find context and hidden meaning? The answer appears to be yes but in some realms, it is seen as heresy. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with the founder of Reverse Speech, David John Oates about BACKWORLDS – THE YEAR IN REVERSE.
Originally Broadcast On 12/30/24
In January when the last chime on the clock ceases to vibrate at midnight, some people believe that 2022 will be secretly known as Year Zero. What we will be seeing in the future are a number of preparatory events, all pointing into the direction of a worldwide monumental historic disaster. They will be used as an excuse to reverse all previous normality into a new normal, a new order and a new year free of the spiritual and transcendent nature of humanity. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with the founder of Reverse Speech, David Oates about THE MEGADEATH NARRATIVE – NORMALCY IN REVERSE.
originally Broadcast On 12/30/21
THE EDGE OF THE CORONAREVERSE W/ DAVID OATES In the face of the COVID-19 virus, it seems the mainstream media and social media have launched into some arrogant and juvenile rebellion. There is no time for folding, or quitting, or losing our minds. It is a time for strength in the face of this adolescent hubris. The American people need to realize that while we should heed the warnings about the virus, we must also question appropriateness of the measures to suspend civil rights. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with the founder of Reverse Speech, David Oates about THE EDGE OF THE CORONA REVERSE.
Originally Broadcast On 3/20/20
The reversed spoken word may possibly be the forbidden language of the Multiverse. Cryptography indicates that for emphasis, words are reversed and inverted to be decoded for double meaning, purpose, and metaphor. This may be the reason why spells conjured by occultists are sometimes done in reverse. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with the founder of Reverse Speech, David Oates about REVERSE SPEECH – VOICE OF THE UPSIDEDOWN.
Originally Broadcast On 7/11/19
Language shapes perception. Perception drives actions. Language, both spoken and unspoken, is vital to creating actions to guarantee a safe and secure world. It is vital because we know that words and actions matter. Clyde Lewis talks with reverse speech analyst, David John Oates in ‘2015: RECTO VERSO!
Originally Broadcast On 12/30/2015
Clyde talks to reversed speech expert David John Oates and discusses the theoretical physics concept of reversed causality in ‘REVERSED CAUSALITY: 2014 — THE YEAR IN REVERSE.’
Originally Broadcast On 12/29/2014
It is as if we have reversed time and are reliving nightmare of racial bating and threats against our rights. It is difficult to challenge all assumptions, but we need to remember our history in order to avoid repeating it. Clyde Lewis welcomes old friend David John Oates back to the show for an amazing night of reverse speech and ‘Reversed Assumptions‘!
Originally Broadcast On 04/24/2014