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JP Sotille

JP Sottile is a freelance journalist, published historian, radio co-host, and documentary filmmaker. He has a diverse background in journalism, having worked on the Newshour news desk, C-SPAN, and as a newsmagazine producer for ABC affiliate WJLA in Washington. Additionally, he is a two-time Washington Regional Emmy Award Winner. Radio Co-Host and Documentary Filmmaker JP Sottile co-hosts a weekly show, “Inside the Headlines With The Newsvandal,” on KRUU-FM in Fairfield, Iowa, alongside James Moore. He has also worked on documentary filmmaking projects, including “The Warning” (2008). Awards and Recognition JP Sottile has received recognition for his work, including two Washington Regional Emmy Awards. His experience and expertise in journalism have earned him a reputation as a respected and accomplished journalist.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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The episode began with an eerie, dramatized call to the president, suggesting unseen forces at work, “monsters” in the Oval Office, and an ominous warning to “look behind you.” This was an apt prelude to the intense discussion that followed.

With growing concerns about fascism and the corrosion of democracy in the United States, Sottile and Lewis discussed the uncomfortable reality of a so-called deep state, a web of entrenched interests operating within and across official governmental structures.

Listeners were urged to wake up to manipulations that have been spoken of by many profound writers throughout history, including H.G. Wells, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and others who envisaged dystopian futures dominated by unseen cabals and omnipotent states.

Sottile’s conversation with Lewis pivoted around the controversial claim that this leviathan ‘octopus’ of power doesn’t restrict its reach to an amorphous global entity but has tangible tentacles in pointed political spheres, diplomacy, intelligence, and even the White House.With Michael Flynn’s resignation as National Security Advisor only weeks into President Donald Trump’s term, the discussion moved into contemporary issues.

Was Flynn’s departure part of a pattern tracing back to administrations past, where dossiers and blackmail were tools wielded by shadow operatives to maintain control? The conversation certainly made listeners question the integrity of political processes and the vulnerability of leaders who step out of line with the desires of a powerful, deep-rooted establishment.The interview concluded with a momentous and chilling realization: this ‘deep state’ isn’t just working against disruptive elements or foreign adversaries;

it’s now apparently engaged in a domestic power struggle where the future of American governance is at stake. And all of this set within a parapolitical framework that challenges even the most stable perceptions of what America stands for.If these discussions pique your interest, make sure to tune into Ground Zero and follow Clyde Lewis and JP Sottile as they continue to uncover what’s really happening behind the political curtain.

And remember, as the politics become increasingly convoluted and the lines of ethics more blurred, it’s our duty as citizens to remain informed, skeptic and, above all, vigilant.

You can catch Ground Zero on GroundZero.radio, where you can find a list of radio stations streaming the program. If you re having trouble finding the full three-hour show near you, Lewis encourages you to contact your local program director or station to request it.

Additionally, previous episodes are available on SoundCloud or for listening by phone.Don’t forget to explore the knowledge Lewis and others have published, which you can find for purchase at GroundZeroMerch.com, alongside other Ground Zero swag.Stay awake, stay aware, stay safe, and always be prepared to look deeper.

Originally Broadcast On 3/8/17

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In what is being hailed as one of the largest leaks of CIA documents in history, WikiLeaksVault 7 release shines a spotlight on the agency’s creeping surveillance reach. Featuring thousands of classified documents, the dump—dubbed Year Zero—not only exposes a vast array of hacking tools and malware but also unveils the CIA’s stealthy backdoor control of everyday technology.

From smart phones and televisions to gaming systems, these devices have been turned into live microphones, making personal privacy almost non-existent.Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero dissects the alarming revelations, confirming the long-suspected extensiveness of government spying. The consequence is that countless conspiracy theories that referred to such large-scale surveillance are now no longer theories but disturbing truths.

The spookily named Weeping Angel program turns Samsung smart TVs into surveillance bugs that can listen in even when the device appears off. Intelligence agencies can dive into the cyber realm with programs like Operation Hammer Drill and Project Hive, insidiously breaching our supposed digital sanctuaries.

Perhaps the most unsettling prospect is the sinister Umbridge project that freely borrows and modifies cyberattack techniques from other countries.

By emulating these methods and leaving behind falsely incriminating digital footprints, the CIA can conduct their own covert operations and point fingers at another nation, essentially constructing a modern-day cyber Reichstag fire.

An earlier investigatory work by reporter Danny Casolaro, based on the so-called Octopus Conspiracy, seems to meet vindication through these disclosures. Casolaro tragically died while delving deep into a secret network that he believed permeated the government and further afield, with agencies like the CIA forming part of a tentacled system of control and subterfuge.

In a sinister echo of the past, the Vault 7 release suggests that his theory about the ‘octopus’s’ reach is no longer a product of a bygone paranoid era but a reality of the present digital age.With the stakes higher than ever in the Intelligence community’s chess game of data and deception, Clyde Lewis implores listeners to recognize the importance of scrutinizing the government’s surveillance appetite.

As the lines blur between national security and invasive spying, citizens’ privacy hangs in the balance, reduced to collateral damage in the quest for control.The truth behind the octopus is now unmasked—its tentacles stretch out, omnipresent, turning our own devices against us in a way that would seem inexcusably dramatic, were it not so chillingly real.

Originally Broadcast On 2/14/17

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I am dismayed to inform people that today, war was officially declared on open source journalism and various bloggers and vloggers across the internet. The warning that this was in the making was first explored when Alex Jones of Infowars was banned from various technical platforms online. There were others that had controversial views that were also banned or blocked.
After these first steps were made in controlling controversial speech, Julian Assange was arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act.
While many civil libertarians are alarmed at what his prosecution could signal for journalists, national security hawks have been saying Julian Assange got what he deserved. Despite Assange’s role in upending the 2016 election by publishing Democratic National Committee emails as well as longstanding conspiracy theory that he himself is a Kremlin asset, the grounds for his indictment by the U.S. government center on having “conspired” with whistleblower Chelsea Manning for hacking into a Pentagon computer in 2010, before publishing the findings via WikiLeaks.

Originally Broadcast On 6/5/2019