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Marc Dantonio

Marc Dantonio has a degree in Astronomy and is the Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) Chief Photo/Video Analyst, host of SkyTour Radio on KGRA, and host and creator of the popular SkyTour LiveStream with Marc Dantonio, a group of LIVE deep sky Telescope observatories on YouTube where people can go on clear nights to watch beautiful deep sky objects materialize before their eyes in mere seconds courtesy of the SkyTour LiveStream Remote Observatories and their research telescopes from Meade Instruments Corporation. He is the CEO of FX Models, a model-making and visual/special effects company specializing in digital/physical models, and organic visual effects in the film industry. Marc has an extensive work history discussing and investigating extraterrestrial life in the Film and Television arena appearing regularly on several networks and television series/shows on such networks as Discovery, Discovery Plus, History, Netflix, TLC, and more.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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Today, NASA’s global defense system used for detecting potentially hazardous objects heading towards Earth, located an asteroid going in the direction of our planet. This space rock called COWECP5 came from out of nowhere – it was being tracked with a trajectory towards Siberia. Additionally, there have been over 98 reported and documented UFO sightings worldwide since last Wednesday including strange objects over Washington DC. The Pentagon has provided new details about how its deployable, readily reconfigurable suite of sensors called GREMLIN works to help set the stage for figuring out what unidentified objects in our skies might be. Perhaps the government is concerned that they can’t hide the UFO problem anymore and don’t have much control over what comes under the radar. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Marc Dantonio about ALIEN TRESPASS OCCUPATION.

Originally Broadcast On 12/3/24


NASA orbit analysts are monitoring huge asteroids that will come relatively close to Earth in 2029 and 2046. The cosmos is changing rapidly as if there is something out there waiting to clean house in the galaxy. It is like the Universe is preparing for the coming of something so immense that we may not be able to withstand its power. The ancients saw signs in the sky as divine harbingers or warnings. Furthermore, the war in heaven is an event that we are told will repeat in the apocalypse and perhaps Planet X will be the existential threat in fulfilling this mystery. On Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with astronomer, Marc Dantonio about PLANET XISTENTIAL THREAT.

Originally Broadcast On 03/09/2023