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Posted on June 1st, 2016 by Clyde Lewis


I have been making a lot of appearances lately and have met a lot of devoted listeners who tell me they enjoy the shows that we do. It is always a pleasure to meet fans and exchange ideas over what shows they enjoy. There are plenty of listeners that also make suggestions about topics that I can revisit.

Believe it or not, one of the most requested shows or topics people want me to talk about is the undefinedMandela Effect.undefined I always say that if the topic starts to surface again I would most certainly find a way to talk about it and most certainly do it in a way that is unique or at least an extension of the last show that I did on the subject.

A lot of people are still unaware of the phenomena and so perhaps it would be best to explain the best way I can what it is.

The name of the phenomena comes from the mistaken belief that the civil rights activist, Nelson Mandela, died while in prison in the 1980s — he actually died in 2013.

There have been many other ways to describe this experience. In psychiatry, there have been many psychiatrists that see the phenomena as a mental scotoma which is a figurative blind spot in a personundefineds psychological awareness.

There has been an viral internet belief that the Mandela Effect could be some sort of quantum glitch and that because of the apocalyptic changes, there are two worlds that are melding together, or, of time line corrections or disruptions because of theories that we are living in an artificial environment, or because of experiments of time bending that may or may not be happening in the Large Hadron Collider located at CERN.

What the Mandela Effect illustrates is that many people are experiencing an alternative memory or an alternative recall effect that has them confused about what their brain has absorbed and what the reality or the hyperreality has programmed into them.

As we have discussed in previous shows, hyperreality is a term coined by Jean Baudrillard which is associated with the effects of mass culture reproduction, or rebooting suggesting that an object, event, or experience can be reproduced and is later replaced and or preferred over the original. When we are subjected to media hyper inoculations of information, our minds can interpret it in various ways that could create one version of history rather than what is accepted history. However, the believers in the Mandela Effect suggests that events can be changed after the fact through retroactive reality shifts.

It is as if, little by little, small facts or tidbits of information have been changed intentionally by what can be called reality controllers, an Orwellian idea where in the book, 1984, Winston Smith worked as a clerk in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job was to rewrite historical documents so they matched the constantly changing current party line.

It was Orwell who quipped that, undefinedHe who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.undefined All cause and effect has been neutralized in a time where we are no longer able to control the time that we have – and the changes that are to come will leave us wondering where all of the time went.

There are people who are skeptical of the fact that anyone can alter history, anyone can assume that a timeline has been linear and the past, present and future may be simultaneously happening.

While we think there is a precise measuring of time, we cannot fathom that it can be theoretically reshaped and many histories can be forgotten and rewritten to fit a version that everyone can agree on.

Now, not only are there physical time measurements being drawn or manipulated, but our mental acuity and remembrance of time and history are being manipulated as well. The news stories of alleged deaths and other strange occurrences make one stop and wonder if our mental clocks are being tampered with and in an Orwellian fashion being changed to fit the needs of the elite.

There is also the idea there has been some strange paradigm shift and the world you think you were living in and the information that you hold as fact was not really fact but a glitch in the Matrix.

The idea is mind boggling but now it seems that the universal time glitch or erasure seems to be happening, or people claim they are experiencing a time tweak.

Skeptics say that it is a very large leap to believe that the fabric of reality shifted at some point in the past, and therefore, not only do parallel, inhabitable universes exist, but that we are constantly switching between them.

However, there are many scientists that believe we are living in an advanced simulation much like the Matrix or a living encyclopedia that has been created by advanced artificial intelligence.

The idea our Universe is a fiction generated by computer code solves a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about the cosmos.

In Summer 2012, scientists at CERN observed what is now believed to be the elusive “God Particle.”

But the standard model is as yet, unable to explain a number of baffling properties of the universe – including the fact the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing speed. Dark Matter is believed to be a web-like matter that binds visible matter together.

If it exists, it would explain why galaxies spin at the speed they do something which remains unexplained based only on what we can currently observe.

The standard model does not yet hold an explanation for the force of gravity. The as-yet unproven existence of Dark Matter could be explained by a virtual universe.

The artificial universe could have a glitch which triggers things like synchronicity, déjà vu and the Mandela Effect where in one timeline we learned or assumed that certain facts are true or that they have been misplaced or have been left and eventually become faulty memories.

When we envision there are other possible realities–other parallel universes– The Mandela effect can give us a sense of how it feels to move between them. These kinds of “jumps” are either leaps of consciousness, and example of retro causality or a reversed echo that is transitory through the zeitgeist.

If we go back to the Orwellian concept of what this phenomenon may be, it can also be theorized that perhaps we are all becoming victims of some psychological “gaslighting” and if so, we are witnessing a very effective psychological operation that leaves us unsure of our collective memory.

Gaslighting is an attempt to control you by changing your perception of reality. It is an abusive form of manipulation usually carried out by narcissists and psychopaths. Gaslighting is a manipulation designed to get a mark of victim into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity.

We find the technique all through George Orwellundefineds, 1984. Language was remade until one could not speak of certain things except to say they were good, and other things except to say they were bad.

However, the alleged psy-op continues and there have been many new Mandela stories that have surfaced.

For example, many of us grew up with Mr. Rogers and his make believe neighborhood. For the longest time we have sung the song “It’s a beautiful day in the Neighborhood.” Years later we are told that the song was never sung that way. The song was always “It’s a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood.” People also are dumbfounded to realize that when Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks says “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates” he really said “Life WAS like a Box of chocolates.”

There has also been controversy over the famous Darth Vader revelation about who was the Father of Luke Sky Walker. Many people will swear that Darth Vader extended his hand to Luke and said “Luke I am Your Father” – in reality he says “No I am your Father.” There is one thing I remember Vader saying to Luke on the gantry after delivering the “Father” quote is that after Luke cries “No that’s impossible” I clearly recall Vader saying “Search your feelings youngster you know this to be true.”

He doesn’t say it – and I was always perplexed as to why I always remembered those lines.

There is also a claim about Jiffy Peanut Butter and at one time, it was allegedly shortened to “Jiff.” Additionally, Toucan Sam was always following his nose to “Fruit Loops” spelled F-R-U-I–T instead for “Froot Loops” spelled F-R-O-O-T.

There is also the dilemma of whether or not Looney Tunes is spelled T-U-N-E-S or T-O-O-N-S. The answer is T-U-N-E-S.

We reported last year during the Barenstain vs. Barenstein bear timeline dilemma that even the word dilemma has a controversial spelling that never existed in this time line.

Believe it or not there are a group of people that believe that in another time line the word dilemma was spelled with an “n”—“dilemma.”

Truth is it never was, however millions of people will swear that at one time that it was spelled with an “n.”

There is even a website called dilemma.info for people who have all of a sudden realized that their spelling of the word is wrong.

One of the interesting things about this spelling ‘error’ is that on first discovery many report feeling a bit physically shaken by it – as if a fundamental building block in their upbringing has suddenly crumbled away and left them feeling disorientated.

Philologists have suggested that the dilemma misspelling is an error that stretches back hundreds of years for the simple reason that our brains gloss over the error. Then again there is the quantum explanation.

Dilemma at one time was spelled that way and then there was some bleed over from another timeline and that the word dilemma corrected the problem in the Universal mind. And that’s why they feel physically staggered to discover that not only are they wrong but there’s also no trace of an “N” spelling anywhere in any dictionary in the history of this time line.

Another popular timeline change is that many people in the past remember shopping at a store called JC Penney without the letter “E” and “Y” in the trademark—they remember just the letter “Y.”

These are just a few of the many memories that never existed in any timeline and that perhaps this is an example of our reality or perceived frailty slowly being altered in an incursion or temporal slippage.

There is also the possibility that a past is being fabricated because of some phantom time loss.

What if one of the biggest conspiracies is the conspiracy to “create a past” that did not exist. Time and history is literally a phantom and all we know of it, is what we have been told to us by authorities that control time and the way we view history. No one would even attempt to say that the entire era was made up or pieced together in an incongruent puzzle that cannot be trusted.

The conspiracy I am referencing is known as the “Phantom Time Conspiracy.” It isn’t a popular one because it doesn’t involve government cover-up, what it does involve however is those shadow entities or authorities that have given us a history that really did not exist.

The Phantom Time Hypothesis suggests that the early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never happened, but were added to the calendar long ago either by accident, by misinterpretation of documents, or by deliberate falsification by calendar conspirators. This would mean that all artifacts ascribed to those three centuries belong to other periods, and that all events thought to have occurred during that same period occurred at other times, or are outright fabrications.

This theory has been presented by a man named, Heribert Illig. He determined that historians have admitted that there have been many documents from the Middle Ages that do not measure up to scrutiny and that these falsified accounts in history seem to be discovered more and more. These historical discrepancies were the subject of an archaeological conference that was held in Germany in 1986.

Horst Fuhrmann, the president of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, had indicated that many of the documents produced by the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages were created hundreds of years before any of the events described happened. These events were then accepted by medieval society as factual. This implied that whoever produced the forgeries must have very skillfully anticipated the future. Or there was some discrepancy in calculating dates.

Now put yourself in today’s contemporary history and notice that we also have been seeing the same thing happening with regards to potentiality and the idea of what I call, retro causality as if the event happens before the cause. We have this massive déjà vu and this massive memory hole where we somehow have forgotten history only to have it replaced with other history.

This can make us suspicious of history even if we are students of history. It can also make you suspicious of time because we only know the accuracy if history because of what we have been told is accurate.

When you think of the 300 years of lost time, you have to ask why the church would have forged documents hundreds of years before they would become useful. Were they hiding something? Was there an event that happened in those 300 years that needed to be covered up?

In 1582, the Gregorian calendar we still use today was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the outdated Julian calendar which had been implemented in 45 BC. The Gregorian calendar was designed to correct for a ten-day discrepancy caused by the fact that the Julian year was 10.8 minutes too long. But by Heribert Illig’s math, the 1,627 years which had passed since the Julian calendar started should have accrued a thirteen-day discrepancy a ten-day error would have only taken 1,257 years.

So Illig and his group went hunting for other gaps in history, and found a few - for example, a gap of building in Constantinople (558 AD – 908 AD) and a gap in the doctrine of faith, especially the gap in the evolution of theory and meaning of purgatory (600 AD until ca. 1100). From all of this data, they have become convinced that at some time, the calendar year was increased by 297 years without the corresponding passage of time.

Now there are several ways to challenge this hypothesis. I would say the Bible would be great place to start however Pope Benedict the XVI made an announcement that put the dating of events of the Bible into question. The Pope now claims in a new book that Jesus was born several years earlier than commonly believed.

So the question is, what is to be believed anymore?

Now and then, patterns seem to change. Perhaps it’s a coordinated psy-op or gaslighting of our social consciousness.
