Ground Zero Classics Podcast
Welcome to the Ground Zero Classics Podcast! Here you will find all of our episodes, from the very first one to the most recent. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoy making them.
It’s Friday the 13th and what timing to have this unlucky day around the holidays when people have their company parties and in some places, the October spook houses remodel their facilities to dedicate it to Krampus. Yes, we all know about Krampus – the Christmas bad cop who punishes children who do not obey their parents. It may or may not be an ill-fated omen but the synchronicity of Friday the 13th gives us a reason to look for a bunch of darker characters from Krampus to Gryla and those mischievous tricksters, the Yule lads coming down from the mountains, one-by-one as Christmas approaches. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with storyteller, Jeff Belanger about KRAMPUS THE 13th.
Originally Broadcast On 12/13/24
Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman.” The symbol for transhuman is H+ or “Enhanced Human.” As the future moves forward, we will find that machines can take on human forms that are uncharacteristically real. Once humans move beyond their repulsion to “lifelike machines” they reach a point of empathy. As our fears of man and technology diminish, we begin to see evolution steer toward transhumanism. The idea of uploading the brain into the body of a clone or an artificially enhanced child has been considered by science as one of our next steps in the evolutionary process. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Transhumanist, Zoltan Istvan about ÜBERMENSCH UBERMECH.
Originally Broadcast As 11/26/24
Today, NASA’s global defense system used for detecting potentially hazardous objects heading towards Earth, located an asteroid going in the direction of our planet. This space rock called COWECP5 came from out of nowhere – it was being tracked with a trajectory towards Siberia. Additionally, there have been over 98 reported and documented UFO sightings worldwide since last Wednesday including strange objects over Washington DC. The Pentagon has provided new details about how its deployable, readily reconfigurable suite of sensors called GREMLIN works to help set the stage for figuring out what unidentified objects in our skies might be. Perhaps the government is concerned that they can’t hide the UFO problem anymore and don’t have much control over what comes under the radar. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Marc Dantonio about ALIEN TRESPASS OCCUPATION.
Originally Broadcast On 12/3/24
The issue of World War III is clearly of concern to the United States, which has a penchant for paranoia, every generation its own. However, with such a fractured nation, the threat comes from foreign and domestic enemies. The biggest danger is not necessarily nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires mass fear. Totalitarianism is much easier to institute during such a war. Freedom of speech is often suppressed and criticism of the government is usually criminalized. In the case of the US, armed revolution in many states is a certainty. Real public planning should focus far more on these eventualities and less on Hollywood images of the Apocalypse. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about WORLD WAR III – BELLING THE CAT.
Originally Broadcast On 10/3/24
There are some areas or structures where there appears to be more pronounced paranormal activity, such as hospitals or homes where traumatic deaths occurred. However, have we ever stopped thinking that perhaps the environment is haunted, and not just one spot but many are connected through a Toroidal or Torsion Vortex? Is it possible for a house to haunt a landscape or vice versa, is it the area alone that triggers ghosts, or perhaps an event happens in an area that is so horrific that the magnetic echoes of that event curse the area where it happened? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with paranormal investigator and author, Jeff Davis about NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH – HAUNTINGS BEYOND THE HOUSE.
Originally Broadcast On 10/29/24
Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is one of the most discussed films in cinema history. The new and alarming documentary, A Clockwork Shining, suggests that the film is really about mind control and how larger forces manipulate us. The eccentric director ignored the nuances of Steven King’s book “The Shining” and replaced the initial themes of the story to fit into subliminal symbolism and dialogue as seen with the main character, Jack, played by Jack Nicholson. The documentary delves into the theory that Jack falls into the trap of what can only be determined as trauma-based mind control. In most conspiracy circles, it is believed that Kubrick used systematic implantation of predictive programming for the express purpose of conditioning the masses for future large-scale psychological operations. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Ryder Lee about REDRUM – ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK AN MK ULTRA VICTIM.
Originally Broadcast On 12/4/24
Elite government leaders and corporate executives will soon be hosting a “House of Psychedelics” program with almost 40 sessions and speakers, including researchers, entrepreneurs, investors — and some who consider themselves shamans. The world leaders are to inquire about how they might be able to use psychedelics in order to get inspiration and guidance for making decisions about world affairs. If their intentions are not righteous, will this open them up to the control of malevolent entities? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about OVERMIND – PUTTING THE SQUEEZE ON THE SHAMAN.
Originally Broadcast On 5/20/22
The TV series, Wormwood, will be airing on Netflix and this will focus on the history of the MK-Ultra program and how it is more than just the grand dad of all conspiracies – it also exposes truly criminal activity being carried out by the CIA. With this controversial six part series about the ugliness of covert “brainwashing’ or mind control, it appears that ghosts of these experiments are showing up today with the same severity.
Originally Broadcast On 12/14/17
Brainwashing has always been the modus operandi of the Deep State and with intelligence groups infiltrating the media, we are now seeing the low move of trying to explain away support for President Trump as cult-like. This non-stop assault risks aggravating political passions to the point where ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ snowballs into something completely beyond our ability to control, a trigger for subversive behavior – a trigger for potential assassins that are leftovers from the MK-Ultra programs that were first implemented by Dr. Louis Jolyon West. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with MK-Ultra researcher, Scott Bryson about SUBPROJEKT 43.
Originally Broadcast On 11/25/19
Recently, the CIA has been doing various Data Dumps on UFO matters and while most of what has been revealed is redacted with black ink, there are curious documents that talk about connections to MK-ULTRA. It is becoming more apparent that there are darker relationships between the CIA, NASA and mind control techniques. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with MK-ULTRA survivor, Nancy Lumbis about TALES FROM THE UNDERVIEW – THE MK ULTRA TERRESTRIALS.
Originally Broadcast On 5/6/21
Few people really know about the Thanksgiving horror story in which the pilgrims or colonists of the New World were suffering harsh winters and how a large group of the colonists disappeared without a trace. For the historical settlers at Jamestown, from 1609 to 1610, while the harvest feasts were already in practice, it was a time of murder and cannibalism. It wasn’t just an indigenous slaughter that history speaks of – it was also a time when settlers resorted to eating human flesh as they were subjected to famine and other tragedies that befell them. There is also one of the most mysterious and terrifying accounts of the Lost Colony Of Roanoke. Did their demise come from a curse due to their transgressions upon sacred land? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Folklore Storyteller, Steve Stockton about SATAN’S PILGRIMS – THE FIRST CANNIBAL COLONIES.
Originally Broadcast On 11/27/24
We are living in a Fortean reality with apocalyptic sights and sounds on an increase and that permeate the senses of those receptive to such synchromystic phenomenon; especially, within the aviation and UFO realm. It is like superposition or Deja vu where we see two or more unexplained events happen at the same time –or repeat themselves which triggers other anomalous events. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about UFO – AIRPLANE MODE.
Originally Broadcast On 2/22/21