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Right after the Roswell UFO crash 75 years ago, there was a photo of Major Jesse Marcel and General Roger Ramey in the Roswell Record with Ramey holding a memo or message that is folded in his hand. You can barely make out some sentences in the message but later using advanced computer imagery there are those who have deciphered some of the words that were on the memo that may give clues as to what was happening on that day. If what they found was accurate, and others could corroborate what they had seen, then it was a breakthrough in the Roswell case. Here was a document with an indisputable provenance of what may have really occurred amid the coverup. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with UFO investigator and author, Donald R. Schmitt about ROSWELL BEING 75.

Originally broadcast On 06/30/2022

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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