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It began with animal torture and teenagers drinking the blood of their kill and the blood of each other. Then there was the plot to ritualistically kill one of the girl’s parents and then marking the body with an occult symbol. This was an initiate rite of passage for a Vampire clan in Florida. Rod Ferrell who was the ringleader of the cult was mentally disturbed and was convinced that he was a real vampire and was constantly taking part in blood drinking rituals. These activities happened 15 years ago and Farrell has since been condemned to death in the Florida electric chair. Ferrell pleaded guilty to killing Richard Wendorf and Naoma Ruth Queen, on Nov. 25, 1996, when he and three members of his blood-sucking cult came to Florida from Kentucky to help the couple’s daughter run away.

Originally Broadcast On 10/15/2011

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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