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It is amazing how hysteria generates, especially in times of great crisis and trauma in the United States. A little under a month ago I had to make a comment about the alleged clown sightings happening in the United States. The issue now is so pervasive in the conspiracy fringe circles that people are e-mailing me asking why I don’t cover the issue again.
I reply always that what was said, was said and there are no more reasons to continue to push the hysteria.
However, today Liam and I were discussing the clown issue and how kids at his school were commenting that they were worried about clowns and even school officials were asking parents to pay attention to possible clown sightings in my city.
School officials were assuring parents that there is no real reason to worry, however, police arrested a man dressed as a clown in Medford. He was actually hanging around a playground. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have a gun or a knife – he was just menacing. He was wearing a frightening clown mask holding up a sign that said WE ARE HERE.

Originally Broadcast On 10/6/2016

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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