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In its 4.5 billion–year history, life on Earth has been almost erased at least half a dozen times; shattered by asteroid impacts, entombed in ice, smothered by methane, and torn apart by unfathomably powerful megavolcanoes.Every day we take most disasters in stride because they are expected on a planet that is never quiet.Scientists and journalists make the simplest of scientific concepts sound incredibly complicated. They have also set agendas that approximate the arguments for climate change and hope that you forget that it was once called global warming. The media is also banking on the ignorance of the populace when they try and blame earthquakes and volcanic activity on climate.Simple differences between climate, weather, geophysical studies, and seismology have been blurred in a way that there should be a new scientific nomenclature where we can lump it all together.

originally Broadcast On 6/7/19

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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