A recent headline read: “A Planetary Alignment Is Here. Now Wait For The Golden Conjunction” indicating that the planets have aligned to bring in the “Golden Age” – the New Age of enlightenment and judgment. This astronomical event could be a prophetic signal as we have been told to gaze into the heavens for signs and wonders. In the Bible, this is a prelude to the arrival of the Messiah while the struggle between good and evil will get a little more on the hotter side. We are told that in the end days, the sun will be as dark as sackcloth and the moon shall turn to blood – stars will appear to be falling from heaven and planet alignments are yet another indication of a structured and predicted apocalypse. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Bible prophecy teacher, Pastor Paul Begley about APOCALYPSE THOU – ONE SMALL STEP THROUGH THE CYCLE OF AGES.
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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