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I have been seeing a lot of open mainstream articles that are saying that there are so called “Whacky” conspiracy theories going in a bout weather control and how it so ridiculous to even entertain the idea. Even though any researcher who knows history can produce evidence that the government and the department of defense have been experimenting with weather systems since the 1930’s.

Back in the good old days, the media never saw conspiracy theory as a threat, nor did they demand that what they report be sacred or believed outright.

It was always that they would report the news not make the news – they were never giving political views and ignoring people with opinions about what is happening around them 

In the good old days, conspiracy theory was more of a hobby and not necessarily a cause – but how times have changed.

I would say that I grew up in the golden age of conspiracy theories and have pretty high standards in the whole cloak-and-dagger, topics that do not include a MAGA angle or “Blame” angle created by a mainstream media that is out of their minds. 

Secrecy is the most potent defense for a government , and information the best weapon for the conspiracy theorist.

We have been hearing a lot lately about how many organizations within the government are growing tired of what they call "misinformation." They are whining about how people are criticizing them to the point where they feel powerless to control the narrative. 

To hear them moan about how their parade has been rained on, you won't find too many people who feel sorry for their temper tantrums. To the government, these forms of “disinformation” rank right up there with terrorism, drugs, violence, and disease: societal evils so threatening that “we the people” should be willing to relinquish a little of our freedoms for the sake of national security.

This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.

This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act , which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.

This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

You see, disinformation isn’t the problem. Government coverups and censorship are the problem.

The internet is now again a major threat -- but in reality it is not the internet -- it is the public's ability to bear witness to the corruption and lack of insight by government officials. It is the people exposing cover-ups and lies they use to gaslight the public. 

Hillary Clinton insists that the powers-that-be need “total control” in order to make the internet a safer place for users and protect us harm. What she is saying is that Free Speech should be abolished and the freedom of having a people's press is also a threat to their secrecy.

Clinton is not alone in her distaste for unregulated, free speech and the people expressing themselves about what you are not being told by a compromised media. 

John Kerry also mentioned during a meeting at the World economic forum that the first amendment is now threatening their power to control situations and contain what information that do not want the public privy to. 

A bipartisan chorus that includes both presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has long clamored to weaken or do away with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which essentially acts as a bulwark against online censorship.

It’s a complicated legal issue that involves debates over immunity, liability, net neutrality and whether or not internet sites are publishers with editorial responsibility for the content posted to their sites-- but while we can talk til the day is long about how public officials wish to abolish free speech in order to continue their tyranny there is also now a group that has been revealed by a whistle blower that tried to contain and erase all credible information about UAP -- or UFO's.

Recently, independent journalist and author Michael Shellenberger published an article on his subscription news site, Public, alleging that a new, unnamed government whistleblower had come forward. 

The whistleblower asserts that a highly classified program exists dedicated to unidentified aerial phenomena , including the potential recovery and reverse-engineering of UAP technologies. 

This secretive Pentagon UFO data retrieval program has been hidden from Congressional oversight since 2017. 

This appears to be similar to programs like MJ-12 that was organized by Harry Truman to investigate UFO's during his administration -- some believe that the Majestic program was responsible for the alleged Men in Black sightings. The MIB's were agents that would harrass and sometimes eliminate those who witnessed UFO's or made claims of abduction or contact with alien beings.

Whistleblowers assert the program — codenamed 'Immaculate Constellation' — was established to 'detect' and 'quarantine' the military's best UFO imagery, as well as its best videos, eyewitness testimonies and electronic sensor evidence.

This trove of high quality, multi-sensor UFO data is so tightly held that 'talking about it will put you in the danger zone,' according to a US official who confirmed the leak.

Does this sound familiar? The whole Man In Black conspiracy theory is no longer a conspiracy theory -- and has been a part of the UFO lore for sometime and now we learn that the program exists -- but the question is how far these agents will go to silence a witness.

A Pentagon spokesperson denied the existence of the program Tuesday evening, telling reporters: 'The Department of Defense has no record, present or historical, of any type of SAP [Special Access Program] called 'IMMACULATE CONSTELLATION.''

By law, classified programs like Special Access Programs must be disclosed to the so-called 'Gang of Eight,' which includes the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and other key lawmakers. 

However, the source of the leaked report, who supplied the document to the independent news site Public, described the program as an 'Unacknowledged Special Access Program' or USAP with unique secrecy privileges.

Reporting in defense publication Jane's Defense first revealed the existence of USAPs decades ago, showing that government officials were authorized to lie publicly to deny their existence. 

Public's anonymous source alleged that such deceptions were now occurring on the issues of non-human intelligence (NHI) and unidentified aerial phenomena.

The Executive Branch has been managing UAP/NHI issues without Congressional knowledge, oversight, or authorization for some time, quite possibly decades,' this anonymous whistleblower wrote in their report to Congress. 

Reporting in defense publication Jane's Defense first revealed the existence of USAPs decades ago, showing that government officials were authorized to lie publicly to deny their existence. 

Public's anonymous source alleged that such deceptions were now occurring on the issues of non-human intelligence and unidentified aerial phenomena .

The Executive Branch has been managing UAP/NHI issues without Congressional knowledge, oversight, or authorization for some time, quite possibly decades,' this anonymous whistleblower wrote in their report to Congress. 

This is some real X-files material where there is a syndicate that is directing secret visits to people who make claims about their UFO experiences. They are allowed to confiscate, if necessary vital information, video and photographic proof of alien intelligence or UFO sightings.

If proven to be legitimate, the program would show those now infamous Navy UFO videos — known as the Tic Tac, GOFAST, and Gimbal — to be just the tip of the US government's UFO data iceberg. 

The multitude of wavelengths collected by these sensors have captured UAP characteristics that are difficult or impossible to observe with the human eye alone,' according to the leaked report, allegedly intended for cleared members of Congress.

Subtle atmospheric effects associated with UAPs are also visible through the sensors employed by the US military and intelligence agencies,' the leaked report added.

'The verifiable chain of custody for UAP IMINT [meaning high-quality 'Imagery Intelligence'] collected by US military assets,' the report continues, 'ensures a high level of confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the data gathered.' 

This alleged, leaked classified report to Congress also described an incident in which a swarm of 'orb' UFOs surrounded an F-22 stealth Raptor, forcing it off course. 

The F-22 broke trajectory and attempted to evade,' according to the alleged report, 'but was intercepted and boxed in by approximately 3-6 UAPs.

One UAP maneuvered in proximity (12 meters) to the area directly starboard of the cockpit,' as this whistleblower's report described the pilot testimony. 

There the UAP established a rigid spatial relationship with the F-22, maintaining its exact position and orientation parallel with the F-22's cockpit despite multiple evasive rolls and maneuvers.

It appears that a congress willing to open the books and their minds to UFO UAP sightings is now in an ideological fight with a group of insiders that are practically the modern equivalent of the MEN IN BLACK.

The whistleblower, whose identity is being tightly held for his own safety, says that Constellation is a concerted effort to coverup the UFO encounters --and no one knows who is behind it -- only that it again beings an air of Cloak and dagger policies with regard to UFO reports.

However a second source, a former US intelligence community official, confirmed the authenticity and existence of Immaculate Constellation to the Public, but he concluded that program is run out of Office of the Secretary of Defense.

"They don't want to acknowledge it's real," this intelligence source sad -- "They won't comment on it."

This source also noted that the simple public utterance of the name 'Immaculate Constellation' would be sufficient to trigger government surveillance of those who publish it, under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

While still unproven, the explosive claims surrounding the alleged 'Immaculate Constellation' UFO collection program echo comments made publicly by very senior former US intelligence officials.

Ex-CIA head John Brennan told reporters in 2021, 'I think some of the phenomena we may be seeing,' 'results from something that we don't yet understand and could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.'

It is typical that the government who promises transparency on the UFO issue also has a secret deep state operation that wishes to silence UFO reports. It shows the divisiveness of our government and how they are the key to most of the misinformation we hear about everything that undermines their power play.

This type of Operation would be under the discretion of the current administration under article 2 of the Constitution.

Which grants the president broad executive and enforcement authority. This allows the president considerable discretion in enforcing laws and managing the resources and personnel of the Executive Branch. In practice, this executive power enables the president to operate with significant autonomy, even in areas that are at odds with congressional oversight.

The president’s executive power extends even further when it comes to classified material and national security information.

While UFO's fall under fringe findings and are usually considered paranormal anomalies -- they are certainly a threat to national security regardless of their origins.

If they are Russian, Chinese, or even Alien weapons they threaten us with possible engagement or even occupation.

The authority to classify and declassify information stems solely from the president’s executive power. In fact, the entire U.S. classification system is based on an Executive Order issued by the president, currently E.O. 13526, signed by President Obama in 2009. 

This means that the president holds the unilateral power to determine what information or programs are classified and can just as easily decide to declassify them at will. Unlike legislative or judicial oversight, this authority operates with few checks, allowing the president to shield sensitive programs or information from public and congressional scrutiny. 

So the question is what does Biden know and with all of the so called left favoritism in UFO circles to Kamala Harris --it appears that the idea of a UFO friendly President will not be found in a Harris administration.

This arbitrary control over classified material amplifies the president’s influence, especially in matters of national security, intelligence, and covert operations, where secrecy is paramount. As a result, the president could technically manage highly classified programs with minimal external interference, further expanding executive power in largely unseen ways.

Given this, could the Executive Branch theoretically manage “UAP/NHI issues“ in total secrecy, without Congressional knowledge, oversight, or authorization, as this alleged whistleblower described? 

Well of course -- this is a given, It always has been--the coverup continues in this regard.

The Pentagon has long denied claims that there is any evidence to indicate any nonhuman, alien or extraterrestrial intelligence has visited Earth. 

Last May in a report, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office said reports of unidentified aerial phenomena are the result of mistaken identification of drones, top-secret projects or other known aerial objects.

Yet, we are now hearing that a secret shadow government organization has been commissioned to now shut down witnesses and confiscate their proof.

This is like Project Blue Book all over again except this time, it is not as much of a public relations farce than it is an attempt to bully people into not saying anything.

The old saying "If you see something say something" does not apply when it comes to witnesses of UFO sightings.