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Transcript for 10/11/24: MIASMA

The season dedicated to the paranormal is upon us and while every day is April Fools and every night is Halloween on Ground Zero, there are certain stories that are just too dark and terrifying to tell -- some that are more than peculiar. 

One of my favorite horror movies is based on a Stephen King story -- it is called "The Mist." It is a story where the paranormal phantom is literally a fog that has hidden dense clouds of life forms that are predatory. From large locusts, to bigger reptilian creatures the story deals with a military project called Arrowhead that accidentally opens a portal to another dimension.

The result is a violent storm that tears through a small town and then leaves behind a large bank of a toxic cloud.

Many people are holed up in a store left to defend themselves against a horde of hideous monsters from hell. The clouds, of course, have an electromagnetic charge because the Arrowhead project was a lot like what they do at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and what some say happened at Montauk in New York.

The Mist is actually a story that is based in the old paranormal stories of what are called Miasmas or death clouds that were seen hanging above Gothic cemeteries. 

The generated Miasma allowed the creatures to cross over the spilled portal and into the human realm. 

Due to the thickness of the mist making sight almost useless to them, all the creatures in the mist hunt on the basis of scent. 

It is hinted that the mist plagued the entire world and thus the creatures nearly eliminated humanity; while in the film version, the creatures were only seen in a certain area of America and were exterminated by the military two or three days after the Arrowhead Project went wrong.

The whole story alludes to what is called Miasma theory which was a medical theory that held that diseases were caused by a poisonous, foul-smelling air called a miasma. 

The theory was based on the idea that miasmas emanated from rotting organic matter, such as sewage, corpses, and vegetation. 

A "miasma" refers to a concept in ancient Greek mythology where a "god-sent" or a “Ghoul sent” disease or plague would befall a community due to an unatoned murder, essentially acting as a divine punishment for the crime, often impacting the entire city even if only one person was responsible and hadn't undergone proper purification rituals to cleanse their guilt.

A famous example is in the play "Oedipus Rex" where the city of Thebes suffers a plague due to Oedipus's unwitting murder of his father, Laius, until he discovers the truth and takes responsibility.

Stories about electrically charged Miasmas are very rare, but have been attributed to phantom or poltergeist activity.

Miasmas can form anywhere, and are identified at times by their foul odor. Those who find themselves in these clouds, have been known to feel electrostatic electricity that triggers the hair to stand on end. Some people have been known to experience headaches, excitability, rage, anxiousness, nose bleeds and painful pressure in the ear.

Those who have experienced a Miasma describe the odors associated with it. There are some that say they have the distinct odor of sulfur -- some say rotten eggs, while others say it has a sweeter smell like rotten vegetables or manure.

Miasmas are often reported during ghost investigations as cold spots -- some even generate orbs-- some full apparitions. In the late 1300's they were associated with the plague and even vampires.

The miasma theory originated in the Middle Ages and was widely accepted for centuries. It was a major factor in the sanitary movement, which aimed to improve health by cleaning up cities. Preventive measures included removing garbage, sewage, and animal carcasses from the streets. 

The miasma theory was challenged by the germ theory, which was based on the idea that microbes caused disease. In 1856, Louis Pasteur discovered that microbes caused food spoilage, and he suggested that they might also be responsible for disease. The germ theory gained ground, even though there was no scientific proof, due to the experiences of isolating lepers and quarantining other infectious diseases in the Middle Ages 

Miasmas have also been called Death Air or Night Air and many believe that these toxic clouds whether paranormal or natural are an indication of blight and decay, both figuratively and spiritually.

On August 21, 1986, a strange incident involving a Miasma of CO2 suffocated an entire village.

A large cloud of carbon dioxide gas suddenly erupted from Lake NYOS in Cameroon Africa , suffocating around 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock in nearby villages; the exact trigger for this release remains unclear.

They say the cloud was released by a limnic eruption a very rare occurrence in which dissolved carbon dioxide suddenly erupts from deep lake waters, forming a gas cloud capable of asphyxiating wildlife, livestock, and humans. 

Scientists believe earthquakes, volcanic activity, and other explosive events can serve as triggers for limnic eruptions as the rising CO2 displaces water. Lakes in which such activity occurs are referred to as clinically active lakes or exploding lakes.

This is still mysterious to this day. It took 30 years before people could return to the area. 

Recently there were some peculiar and chilling stories of what can only be described as Miasma events that are seriously baffling scientists and authorities.

It was September 25th, when residents of southern Washington woke up to a foul odor. This unknown odor was first called into question as Cowlitz County Fire first reported the “rotten smell” — which caused headaches and sore throats for some who reported it — it then moved south and affected people from South Kelso through Vancouver. 

It later spread to Portland, Oregon.

Officials have ruled out volcanic activity as the source of the odor. And nearly two weeks after reports first came in, the Washington State Department of Ecology has yet to identify the cause.

On Sept. 27, the EPA and Ecology used specific air instruments in Longview to try and capture air quality readings that would point to something abnormal, but nothing came from that, and they were unable to find the odor or locate the source.

Could it be that this was a Miasma that was triggered by the death and decay of something nearby? Could it be an indicator of seismic activity that could be triggered -- the area is within 30 miles of Mount St. Helens. 

Just after this report and well after Hurricane Helene tore up parts of Georgia there was a massive biolab fire where a malfunctioning fire-sprinkler head sprayed water on volatile chemicals, kicking off a chain reaction that ended in a sky-high eruption of multicolored toxic smoke.

The chemical plant inferno had bathed the community in a miasma of toxic gases.

The story was not really reported in the mainstream media as the Hurricanes were reported as a top priority. But what is most troubling is the toxic Miasma that had followed the incident and the paranormal event that happened afterward.

A Georgia environmental official died after suddenly collapsing near the state Capitol during a public meeting about the toxic cloud.

Kenny Johnson, the Rockdale County Soil and Water Conservation District supervisor, testified alongside business owners and leaders about the BioLab chemical fire in Conyers, about 25 miles outside Atlanta.

After delivering his remarks, Johnson “complained of shortness of breath and subsequently collapsed in the hallway” after the meeting, according to a statement from the Georgia House Democratic Caucus.

Shortly afterward, the 62-year-old collapsed and was rushed to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he died.

Could he have been a victim of a Toxic Miasma incident causing him to collapse and die? This of course sounds like it came right out of an X-files episode.

A killer cloud of gasses that lingered enough to send a message of how neglect and ignorance by the government can lead to further consequences.

There have been reports in the past that Miasmas have been spotted hovering around the Unita basin near the Skinwalker Ranch. These clouds have been known to cause mini sparks of electromagnetic light in the brush near the mesa overlooking the paranormal site.

The former owners of the ranch would complain of headaches and nosebleeds when the fog would gather. They even claimed to have heard voices in the mist. 

Just after the year 2000, I received a call from a man who lived in Arkansas. His name was Tommy Johnson. Tommy had an interesting claim. He said he was digging near a graveyard and found some curious-looking jars with occult writing in them. He did not know what they were -- until someone had mentioned that they looked like Djinn jars-- jars that had in them trapped spirits. 

They are made by those who practice hillbilly magic and are usually placed in graves to keep grave robbers away.

He decided that he wanted to sell them on E-bay. He had a top bid of 50 thousand dollars. But as fate would have it one of the jars fell off of the shelf and accidentally opened. He claimed that an entity -- a dark cloud that he said sucked in all the light had appeared to him and tried to take over his mind.

I kept in contact, and he sent me photos of the jars. He also sent me a CD -- that he told me had a video of this Miasma moving through his home. He warned that the video has been known it crash computer systems.

I had a computer company analyze the CD and they claimed that the CD had shut down 6 of their computers in a network. What they finally dug out of the CD was a video of a massive fark entity following Johnson through his house. It also hovered and caused an electromagnetic disruption during the video surveillance.

Johnson added to the story that he had found the Djinn jars with an old book that he said was a journal. The journal’s pages were faded.

After one of the Jars had broken open, a thick black mist was released from the jar and the story went on to say that the man realized that he might have opened something that he shouldn’t have. He felt a chill as if he had done something horrible. He looked at the jar and noticed a candle inside. He paid no mind to it and left it there on the ground. He took the remaining jar and the journal back to his home.

He attempted to read the pages in the journal and the pages crumbled in his hands. He says that what he read he couldn’t repeat but he knew then that he had something that was valuable. He knew that in one of the jars was quite possibly a ghost or spirit that had been kept there for a long time.

That night he retired to his bedroom and prepared for sleep. Out of the corner of his eye he claimed that he saw a black shape. He called the malformed object "The Black Thing." This black thing attacked him on his bed pushing him into the mattress and the pillows. He struggled with the object and claimed that while he was struggling with the shadowy figure he felt his body being pushed through the bed and through the floor into what he describes as a pit.

He managed to struggle with the entity and the entity disappeared. The entity would then visit him two more times before he decided to see someone who he trusted would give him an idea of what he had in his possession. The person that he spoke with didn’t want him to get too close. He claimed the woman was a psychic and she told him that the jar had to be passed to someone else in order for the shadowy entity to disappear.

This is why he attempted to sell the remaining jar on eBay. He was tormented by this black miasma and on many occasions tried to drink himself to death.

I do not know what happened to him -- but there is a book that talks about his experiences.

Keep in mind that there are so many particles that surround us in an invisible cloud that with the right environment can be exposed and usually, this is done through an electromagnetic process or the process of slamming particles together to open portals to other dimensions.

If it is being done, and we have been told that it is being done we can assume that through a wormhole of even an Electromatic-charged miasma many of these paranormal creatures and demonic spirits are lost in our world but we do not know the origin, environment, creatures, effects on humans and other animals, and more.

This may be why the Odors and feelings of dread accompany sightings of these creatures-- because they may come from the abyss --where it is said fire and brimstone exist. 

There might be no getting around what Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance. Science is opening doors and closing them but the scary part is that things behind those doors are knocking -and some don’t even bother to knock- they just rip a hole in our universe and appear out of nowhere.

They come through wormholes, pillars of fire and clouds.

According to standard quantum theory, particles have no definite states, only relative probabilities of being one thing or another—at least, until they are measured, when they seem to suddenly roll the dice and jump into formation.

Stranger still, when two particles interact, they can become “entangled,” shedding their individual probabilities and becoming components of a more complicated probability function that describes both particles together.

This function might specify that two entangled photons are polarized in perpendicular directions, with some probability that photon A is vertically polarized and photon B is horizontally polarized, and some chance of the opposite.

Bell's Theorem tells us that the universe and all of its dimensions are all a matter of unfinished business and that in the ether where all of the particles move about undefined, they can in some strange way materialize in forms that we can only conjure in our nightmares.

In some places, most notably the darker areas of the shadow sphere we see a a darker, abandoned, and toxic copy of the human world.

From that decay and blight a connection can occur and what we experience is olfactory hallucinations and possible encounters with orbs and mists that are bridges to the paranormal realm.

Scientists claim that there is a more prosaic approach to Miasma encounters. They claim that these so-called paranormal events are simply-- olfactory fatigue,

This can also occur when people have been exposed to hydrogen sulfide for a longer period. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, so it can build up in low-lying areas and enclosed spaces.

In the environment, hydrogen sulfide is produced from the bacterial breakdown or decomposition of dead plant and animal matter, especially when there is a lack of oxygen. It occurs in unrefined natural gas and petroleum, volcanic gases, sulfur deposits, hot springs, and swamps. Beaches with large amounts of decaying seaweed and mudflats with trapped organic material below the sediment can produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide also occurs naturally in the human body and is produced by human and animal wastes.

Hydrogen sulfide is used in the preparation of other sulfur chemical compounds and can be a byproduct of industrial activities such as pulp and paper mills, manufacturing rayon, food processing, tanneries and fur processing, and oil and natural gas refineries.

There is even the possibility that your local graveyard is a hazardous repository for Methane.

So far no one has suggested exhuming graves to stop Climate change but it is a fact that graveyards emit miasmas of Methane.

At one time, most cadavers were simply placed in wooden boxes and buried. Over time the box and the body decomposed. During decomposition, more than 96% of the mass of humans is lost as gases to the atmosphere—carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, water vapor and hydrogen sulfide. The waters that percolate from cemeteries carry other decomposition products, especially nitrogen that can potentially pollute groundwater.

Cemetery Miasmas loaded with methane, contributes to the global inventory of greenhouse gases that allegedly cause global climate change. 

And, emissions of phosphine gas from decomposing bodies are thought to light up the night by spontaneous combustion in the presence of oxygen, known as the “will-o’-the-wisp”.

A “will-o’-the-wisp” is a miasma that ignites and flashes over cemeteries and swamps. They were once called jack-o-lanterns until the light was transferred to a carved pumpkin to scare away any unwanted evil.

Perhaps hoping to ensure some level of immortality and a decrease in diseased miasmas, undertakers increasingly took the traditional burial upscale, with vaults, metal-lined caskets, and other means of slowing the decomposition process, decrease diseased miasmas, undertakers increasingly upgraded traditional burials with vaults, metal-lined caskets,

But old cemeteries still carry the night air and the smell of death can still be detected which is one paranormal phenomenon that is rarely talked about.

Beware the cloud of death and breathe deep the gathering gloom.