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Transcript for 10/14/24: HELL CANDIDATE – EVIL OF TWO “LESSERS”

I saw on the Drudge Report this morning in blood red letters that we have 500 hours until the train wreck known as our election will come crashing around us putting it in that perspective I hope we have seen that the train has already derailed and that no one is engineering the train.

It is about to crash hard.

The American people allow themselves to get worked up into a frenzy over the misguided belief that the future of this nation—our very lives—depends on who we elect as president.

They say that every time and it appears that we don't really care about our lives because we keep making bad choices we tend to pick the favored candidates that favor globalism rather than those who fight it. I guess we have to resolve that this will be an evolutionary step towards modernized Marxism controlled by an unelected world bureaucracy.

Americans have been dope-fed billions of dollars worth of political propaganda aimed at keeping them glued to their television sets and persuading them that their votes count and electing the right candidate will fix everything that is wrong with this country.

I envy that faith -- because I don't share it with those who are cheerleaders for our own extinction, especially those who claim to be warriors of joy.

That is the biggest killing joke in this clown world.

Incredible, isn’t it, that in a country of more than 330 million people, we are given only two choices for president? How is it that in a country teeming with creative, intelligent, productive, responsible, and moral people, our vote too often comes down to pulling the lever for the lesser of two evils?

It has been a rigged system even before Trump tried to tell us. 

It is a heavily scripted, tightly choreographed, star-studded, ratings-driven, mass-marketed, costly exercise in how to sell a product—in this case, a presidential candidate—to dazzled consumers who will choose image over substance almost every time.

In other words, we’re being sold a carefully crafted product by a monied elite who are masters in the art of making the public believe that they need exactly what is being sold to them, whether it’s the latest high-tech gadget, the hottest toy, or the most charismatic politician.

We are supposed to be voting in an election for our lives-- but it is more like we are being sold a new car, or a pair of pants -- or Ginsu knives that cut through marble and tin cans -- but can't cut through a damn tomato.

But make no mistake: Americans only think they’re choosing the next president.

Just like we were led to believe that Kamala Harris was supported fair and square -- without a single vote to her name and a failed presidential bid -- but now she is a superstar.

All the while, we’re arguing over which corporate puppet will be given the honor of stealing our money, invading our privacy, abusing our trust, undermining our freedoms, and shackling us with debt and misery for years to come.

Nothing taking place on Election Day will alleviate the suffering of the American people.

Unless we do something more than a vote, the government as we have come to know it—corrupt, bloated, and controlled by big-money corporations, lobbyists, and special interest groups—will remain unchanged. And “we the people”—overtaxed, overpoliced, overburdened by big government, underrepresented by those who should speak for us and blissfully ignorant of the prison walls closing in on us—will continue to trudge along a path of misery.

Just consider: while billions will be spent on the elections this year, not a dime of that money will actually help the average American in their day-to-day struggles to just get by.

None of that money went to Hurricane victims -- but the war hawks get a piece of the pie as to immigrants.. but the propaganda warns that this is another MAGA lie to make poor Kamala look inept and mean.

“We the people” continue to take the abuse, the neglect, the corruption, and the lies. We make excuses for the shoddy treatment, we cover up for them when they cheat on us, and we keep hoping that if we just stick with them long enough, eventually they’ll treat us right.

When a country spends billions of dollars to select what is, for all intents and purposes, a glorified homecoming king or queen to occupy the White House, we are starting to forget the lives that have been affected by calamities -- and disasters because the show must go on. 

We let ourselves be saddled with a two-party system and fooled into believing that there’s a difference between the Republicans and Democrats, when in fact, the two parties are exactly the same. As one commentator noted, both parties support endless war, engage in out-of-control spending, ignore the citizenry’s basic rights, have no respect for the rule of law, are bought and paid for by the corporate elite, care most about their own power, and have a long record of expanding government and shrinking liberty.

Then, when faced with the prospect of voting for the lesser of two evils, many simply compromise their principles and overlook the fact that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

It’s harder to believe that change is possible, that the system can be reformed, that politicians can be principled, that courts can be just, that good can overcome evil, and that freedom will prevail.

The only way this happens is to admit that every foru years we fall for what is served to us --and we discuss the issues that the media feels are important -- and here is a clue they are the same issues we have had to deal with in the 20th century-- with all of this talk of "We can't go back" it seems that is all the democrats do -- they go back in time and pick the scabs of their own Trump derangement syndrome.

It is pathetic -- as we see the left try to move back to the center, but in the process, we know that they can't bare to be nonpartisan -- because it annoys the sensitive snowflakes-- that have been victimized by surrogate Hitler.

None of them truly have-- but they love to call attention to their victimhood of choice.

You can identify as whoever you want -- but it all boils down to whether or not you identify as stupid. 

Man people do but it is self-imposed ignorance. 

It is widely held that on most major matters there is little to separate the Democrats and Republicans. And this has led to many Americans voting based on whichever party is perceived to be the lesser evil.

Americans have been locked in a pattern of voting for the political duopoly: either wing of the party that they believe will suit their needs. 

But even though voters only know what the corporate media tells them -- they think they have a choice, but what it boils down to is that for the most part -- the deep state has control of the power in Washington -- and the choice is based on who will better serve them.

We are learning that those who fight now, are being silenced as the organized deeps state riddled government itself is unmasking its true nature 

We are now learning a hard lesson in how the globalists are doing their handiwork as they are now exploiting our government and meddling in our elections. The left says that it is the Russians that are interfering -- but the organized global cult is prepping the world for the system of the beast.

The world government is more aligned with a greater paranormal conspiracy -- nudging god for who operates the apocalypse. 

We the people -- or most have been fooled into accepting a government that sidesteps the Constitution and embraces corruption in order to secure its power.

It used to be that any and all corruption was masked or covered up, however, the masks are off and yet there are some who refuse to believe that there are monsters hiding behind a human facade.

What is most unfortunate for them is they’ve realized they don’t have as much control over the flow of information and public discourse as they originally assumed.

This is why they have declared war on human communication.

The events of 2020 were meant to initiate the ultimate coup against humanity. The globalists admitted to their plans over and over again. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum proudly declared that the pandemic that they were responsible for was the catalyst for the “Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 

They asserted that the lockdowns were just the beginning and that the sweeping restriction on our freedoms would be extended to climate change as well.

They thought they had won without firing a shot, but it’s not that easy. Far more people are awake and aware of their motives than they realized, and, at least in America, over 50 million of those people are armed. 

The question is just how far they are pushing the American people and just how successful they will be in convincing the people of the United States to vote for the most malleable candidate-- the question here is who is strong enough to protect the sovereignty of the republic.

Who is the evil of the two lessers?

The globalists are already attempting to rectify their previous mistake of underestimating citizen journalism. They will try to silence us if they can and they are openly admitting to it in recent conferences and mainstream articles. The mask is coming off once more and this suggests to me that something very bad is about to happen.

When faced with two adverse unethical options, a person may try to avoid the more harmful immoral choice. This is an ancient strategy people have talked and written about, and applied in various situations. In the US political parlance, the term “lesser of two evils,” is choosing the evil that will be less damaging.

I believe that we should avoid the most evil and understand that we are voting for the lower rung on the ladder -- no matter who you stick up for.

One is more evil -- because whoever you think is the savior of us all is always being hounded by a deep state that requires a President to declare a security state.

We should also consider the less gullible, and the least likely to be compromised by the Warhawks.

This is an intelligent thing to do especially in countries where millions of peoples’ futures is at stake — but when the United States is involved, the well-being of the entire planet is at stake.

Someone once told me that all nations would vote for the President of the United States because of how much control they have while in office -- so far the president has the swing vote in establishing a New World Order and when that nut is cracked we will experience a whole new world.

Some say it already has been as we have now signed the pact for the future as the world government makes overtures for the 17 sustainable goals for a new world socialist or some say Marxist agenda.

The goal for this finalization of the world order is 2030.

Yes, we are encouraged to vote for the lesser evil when we see how badly the sick state is deteriorating.

This is a serious problem. It’s like a person who has a tumor that in its initial stages is ignored due to carelessness. However, a timely realization as to the consequences rushes to the emergency for treatment as if he/she had not headed for the doctor, the malignancy would have proved fatal.

Another serious problem is the famine we face -- not just a famine of food and resources but a famine of information.

I hope that when Americans make their decisions that they understand that all of the candidates including Trump have a really bad attitude when it comes to dissent.

But of course, the media jumps all over Trump's statements and claims he is channeling dictators, when people like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton get a pass on matters of squelching dissent.

At the end of September, there was a host of climate change summits including one held by the WEF in New York called the Sustainable Development Impact Meeting. It was held by the WEF in tandem with the United Nations General Assembly. Not surprisingly, discussion often veered away from climate into “threats to democracy” as well as bitter complaints about the “spread of disinformation.”

John Kerry, former Democratic presidential candidate, former Climate Czar under Joe Biden, and a longtime participant in the WEF, said the quiet part out loud at the summit. He argued that the 1st Amendment was a “roadblock” to proper governance and was preventing the elites from controlling public consensus.

John Kerry’s assertion that governance requires public information control is outrageous because it is open and transparent. The goal is to shape consensus -- even if it means putting a gun to your head.

Kerry’s fundamental disconnect is his notion that it’s the job of the elites and the government to moderate information for the greater good. No one gave them permission to do this. The government does not exist to create consensus.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control."

You need to stop and ask the question -- who is this "We" she is talking about? We the people should run government -- but I believe when she says we-- she is talking about the shadow government -- that runs things from the Council on Foreign Relations and of course the WEF.

Clinton told CNN host, Michael Smerconish, that while there have been some steps taken at the state level to regulate social media, she wants to see more done by the federal government to moderate the content.

Hillary Clinton has always been a threat to our democracy.

This should be an indicator of how we are becoming a Sick Empire — physically, that is, in economic decline and mentally, as our leaders are sharing their psychopathic message that the voters need to hear loud and clear -- it needs to cut through the noise of the clown show.

The only reason it is necessary to point out the Democrat's lesser -- is because the media has done a poor job of doing so.

They do an over-the-top job of the making Trump look bad -- but the whole Harris campaign is naked -- and they barely use a fig leaf to cover their naked hypocrisy.

Harris pretends to be what she is not; she claims she is working for the common folks, complains about the rich not paying taxes (but does not do anything), and so on. In reality, they do very little for the general public because they too get lots of money from the big donors to contest elections. 

Do you think all of those executives who paid top dollar for those VIP seats at the DNC convention believe that Kamala will do harm to them? Hell no-- they know better and so should you.

One cannot not sympathize with the Democratic presidential candidates who are (or aiming to be) multimillionaires, who hobnob with billionaires, are mostly interviewed by anchors making millions of dollars, who have to feign they are for ordinary people, to get their vote.

Again -- the Hell candidates are the biggest distraction in the clown show -- because the deep state is cracking the whip.

If you watch or read the news and various commentaries or watch late-night shows in the liberal news media, many times they are making fun of Donald Trump, his wife and his children and portray him as an evil person and thus imply Biden/Harris are virtuous people.

These same people never accuse Biden or his cabinet, as bloodthirsty murderers or oppressive fascists.

No, you just see this fake admiration especially with Colbert having a beer with Kamla Harris -- legitimizing the BS stance that she is just like us -- this is an act of cringe.

The Democrats and the Republicans are almost twins, as far as warring against foreign countries or overthrowing their governments is concerned. 

It’s within the US, where the slight difference comes into play. Democrats would not want to go total fascist at home — they permit some freedom to maintain the facade of the US being “the greatest democracy."

But listen to the words they use -- the very thing they accuse Trump of doing -- they are doing while in charge. It is quite entertaining to watch how the blinders somehow come on when she does it -- and continues to do it -- and tries to ignore the fact that whoever propped her up --was successful in one of the biggest coup de tats in American History.

Sure, The Harris campaign can say that Trump sends love letters to fascist dictators-- but the Harris campaign embraces the support of war criminals like Dick Cheney -- are the democrats really proud of this? 

They say that Trump is a very cruel person, indeed. But the question is: are Biden, Harris, Anthony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Harris’ supporter greater evil Dick Cheney any less cruel?

I can't believe that they don't see this as a liability.

They are more cruel and have excessively more blood of innocents on their hands than Trump has.

There is of course the old saying that continually resorting to the same action with the expectation of a different result meets the definition of insanity. 

The expectation of lesser-evilest voting producing a significantly different outcome on the political scene given that such action has never brought about a change before speaks disparagingly to the strategy of lesser-evilest voting.

Being considered insane, however, is less disparaging than being considered immoral. That would be shameful.

Given the outcomes of lesser-evilest voting, another proposition comes to mind:

Fool me once, shame on you;

fool me twice, shame on me.

But unfortunately, the government has become increasingly intolerant of speech that challenges its power, reveals its corruption, exposes its lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices. Every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers that be find themselves censored, silenced, or fired.

While there are all kinds of labels being put on so-called “unacceptable” speech today, the real message being conveyed by those in power is that Americans don’t have a right to express themselves if what they are saying is unpopular, controversial or at odds with what the government determines to be acceptable.

Where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.

Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.