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Unidentified Flying Objects are taking up a lot of space in the political arena, with a group of whistleblowers recently alleging the existence of a program that is called Immaculate Constellation which allegedly retrieves and reverse engineers “nonhuman” technology.

This along with other information is now on the record starting with the confessions of Maj. David Grusch — a U.S. Air Force Veteran and UFO whistleblower — who in June of last year alleged the U.S. possesses “quite a number” of “nonhuman” vehicles.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other lawmakers introduced provisions to look into other possible clandestine program and establish a government-wide UAP records collection. The latter was ultimately signed into law by President Joe Biden last December as part of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

The more things change the more they stay the same – let us turn the wayback machine to the 1950’s. 

Shortly before midnight on Saturday, July 19, 1952, air-traffic controller Edward Nugent at Washington National Airport spotted seven slow-moving objects on his radar screen far from any known civilian or military flight paths. He called over his supervisor and joked about a “fleet of flying saucers.” At the same time, two more air-traffic controllers at National spotted a strange bright light hovering in the distance that suddenly zipped away at incredible speed.

At nearby Andrews Air Force Base, radar operators were getting the same unidentified blips—slow and clustered at first, then racing away at speeds exceeding 7,000 mph. Looking out his tower window, one Andrews controller saw what he described as an “orange ball of fire trailing a tail.” A commercial pilot, cruising over the Virginia and Washington, D.C. area, reported six streaking bright lights, “like falling stars without tails.”

When radar operators at National watched the objects buzz past the White House and Capitol building, the UFO jokes stopped. Two F-94 interceptor jets were scrambled, but each time they approached the locations appearing on the radar screens, the mysterious blips would disappear. By dawn of July 20, the objects were gone.

Nobody bothered to tell Ruppelt, the Air Force’s lead Project Blue Book investigator, about the sightings. He found out a few days later when he flew into Washington, D.C. and read news reports. Ruppelt tried to get out to National and Andrews to interview radar operators and air-traffic controllers but was denied a government-issued car or even cab fare. Frustrated, he flew back to Ohio with nothing.

The very next Saturday, the UFOs were back over the nation’s capital. Again, Ruppelt found out through a phone call from a reporter, and immediately called on two Air Force colleagues to check out the situation at National. 

The next day, newspaper headlines across America screamed “Saucers Swarm Over Capital” and “Jets Chase D.C. Sky Ghosts.” The publicity and public panic over the sightings were so great that President Harry Truman himself asked aides to get answers. When they called Ruppelt, he said it could have been caused by a temperature inversion, but more investigation was needed to fully explain both the radar images and credible eyewitness accounts.

But before such an in-depth investigation could take place, the Air Force called a press conference, the longest such news event since World War II. The Air Force brass had decided, without consulting Ruppelt or the Project Blue Book team, that the best response to the sightings was to feed the press and the public an easy-to-swallow explanation.

The cause according to the investigative team was a temperature inversion... swamp gas or a miasma.

A cloud of mist -- that lit up the sky they said, that triggered radar, that panicked President Truman. That created hysteria amongst the population.

No one was that gullible, but the government figured that this explanation would be satisfactory.

You may ask yourself why I wanted to approach this Cold War UFO story again, Well of course one of the reasons is because I love a good cold war UFO conspiracy cover up -- and second there seems to be a repeat performance showing us again how history rhymes and that even though our government claims to be more transparent about UFO's and or UAP -- the incidents grow more peculiar --and at present appear to be a doppelganger in UFO history.

Three says ago I received a number of e-mails and Facebook messages telling me that a UFO crashed in Washington DC. No one was able to get me links to the story-- but then I received video footage of what appeared to be a triangular craft that was burning in the sky -- slowly coming down over what looked like a Major city. I did not recognize any landmarks in the video, but then I wasn't to impressed when I went to Washington DC a few years back.

Apparently it was a video from Charlotte Norte Carolina and it appeared as a burning crown in the sky -- there was another angle that looked like a space craft had exploded and was breaking up over the city.

But the UFO reports over Washington DC persisted. Usually somebody on social media has something of substance, but there wasn't even a video or local news report.

Finally, I was able to track down a UFO report. Sightings of a large UFO or light formation was seen over Langley Air Force Base in Hampton Virginia. 

An official wishing to be anonymous says that he believes that the so called UFO were actually drones that flew over the Chesapeake Bay headed to Norfolk.

However the same phenomenon happened last December appeared in December last year, according to the report, pulling in officials across the Pentagon, FBI and the Defense Department's specialized office for investigating unidentified aerial phenomena.

They reportedly traveled across Naval Station Norfolk, the world's largest naval port and the main base for the Navy's vaunted SEAL Team Six. Unless the drones are an imminent threat, by law they cannot by shot down near military bases.

The Air Force has been tight lipped about the situation and have stated that these so called drones have not been identified as foreign objects or flown by drone enthusiasts.

In fact they are unknown objects -- and again there are informants that have stated that a UFO flap is not out of the question.

A retired, senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO 'mother ships' were spotted 'releasing swarms of smaller craft' — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases.

His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative 'drone' incursions, that one general calls 'Close Encounters at Langley.'

For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon went on the record and said that the episode was 'part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.'

Two of the notable aspects,' he said, 'are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed.

In fact, in some instances, 'it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.

These UFO buzzes are also being documented as incursions over Palmdale California.

A spokesperson for Edwards Air Force Base near Palmdale told The War Zone website this August that investigators were 'monitoring' that situation to 'determine if there is any ill intent and, even if not, we are trying to find out why or who is doing it.'

Similar efforts are still underway on the east coast at Langley, but the commander of its Air Combat Command, General Mark Kelly, said the government is stumped.

The bizarre craft above Langley has now sparked two emergency Whitehouse meetings on the matter.

And over the past 10 months, Air Force investigators, local police and even NASA analysts operating the space agency's high-tech WB-57F research plane have all taken a crack at trying to identify the mysterious craft — with no answers in sight. 

Even if you do not believe that UFO's exist -- this is yet another security breach that would only be comparable to the Chinese balloon Incident that happened last year. 

Langley is home to a number of F-22 Raptors, that chased the balloon and shot it down.

These F-22 raptors were also summoned to shoot down three other UFO's (Not Balloons) over Canada.

Between Feb. 10 and Feb 12, three objects were spotted floating over North America before they were downed over Alaska, the Yukon and Lake Huron, respectively.

They were all smaller than the suspected Chinese spy balloon that traveled from Alaska across the United States before it was shot down over South Carolina on Feb. 4, 2023.

The Canadian government was prepared to release the photo of the Yukon UFO, having declassified it and approved it for the public to see before holding off.

By the way the object looks nothing like a balloon a but a disc that has a darker center.

Searches for the debris from all three objects were conducted, but both the Canadian Mounties and the US called off the efforts days later.

Poor weather conditions and slim chances of finding the debris fields were cited as reasons for not continuing the searches.

The Defense Department has yet to publicly state who is behind these so called UFO drones.

It is like controlled and contained information that is misleading.

Again is it not a coincidence that as the UFOs are sighted over strategic air force bases -- the government decides to organize yet another group of agents that are similar to Truman's MJ12 men in black.

A few days ago we discussed Immaculate Constellation a group that has been established 'detect' and 'quarantine' the military's best UFO imagery, as well as its best videos, eyewitness testimonies and electronic sensor evidence.

This trove of high quality, multi-sensor UFO data is so tightly held that 'talking about it will put you in the danger zone,' according to a US official who confirmed the leak.

It appears that the cloak and dagger world of organized containment of any and all reports is attempting to move in and create misinformation within the government bodies that wish to expose the UFO enigma and give the people the truth.

I have always wanted to be on the right side of history and at times when you think you have a story all sewn up you think you can acknowledge it and then move on to the next big thing.

However, this UFO non UFO story is now becoming more complex and the history of it is not etched in stone.

There are many hopefuls out there looking for UFO or even ETI disclosure and simply it means a lot of things to a lot of different people. The problem I am now seeing with the reports of UFOs in the 21st century is that they are being blurred with the possibility that these advanced craft are also the work of Chinese and Russian scientists.

That the government is hesitant to reveal anything that may pose a threat to us form the air. It is like when Sputnik was launched and the United Sates was in a panic, which gave us an excuse to have a space race with Russia. Saucer hysteria was already a part of the lives of Americans as comic books, non fiction and science fiction pulp magazines offered stories of encounters with strange beings from other planets. 

This can be seen as a form of disclosure limiting the explanation to that of the military and the Department of defense creates the paradox that people will only believe in the official narrative they are already predisposed to believe.

Unfortunately there are UFO investigators that have turned the idea of disclosure into a political football. Confirmation beyond the government's containment has to be achieved before it divides us yet again. 

It was Ronald Regan that said our differences worldwide would vanish if we faced an alien threat -- but it already has set into motion differences within our government --and still to this day there are those that wish to censor the information.

The cultural impact of extraterrestrial contact will certainly force changes to terrestrial science, technology, religion, politics, and ecosystems resulting from contact with an extraterrestrial civilization.

It is closely related to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), which attempts to locate intelligent life as opposed to analyzing the implications of contact with that life.

The potential changes from extraterrestrial contact could vary greatly in magnitude and type, based on the extraterrestrial civilization’s level of technological advancement, degree of benevolence or malevolence, and level of mutual comprehension between itself and humanity.

The medium, through which humanity is contacted, be it electromagnetic radiation, direct physical interaction, extraterrestrial artifact, or otherwise, may also influence the results of contact. Incorporating these factors, various systems have been created to assess the implications of extraterrestrial contact.

Read the headlines, listen to the Generals , former Astronauts and whistleblowers-- The line between extra-terrestrial findings and human-made drones can become grainy. 

Why is this? It is either a drone or a UFO -- can it be both?

This again feels like a throwback to the Cold War, which was characterized by ill-educated second guesses about performance, capability, and awareness about an inscrutable enemy. 

Its not just Unidentified Flying Object Fever -- that has Washington sweating -- it is just plain "Object Fever" which could mean anything and everything that could be spying on military installations.

Even if there is no mention of aliens we tend to see a distinction without a difference.

It could be aliens but it may not be aliens -- but it is aliens. It is confusing the way this containment is being handled.

This type of Operation would be under the discretion of the current administration under article 2 of the Constitution.

Which grants the president broad executive and enforcement authority. This allows the president considerable discretion in enforcing laws and managing the resources and personnel of the Executive Branch. In practice, this executive power enables the president to operate with significant autonomy, even in areas that are at odds with congressional oversight.

The president’s executive power extends even further when it comes to classified material and national security information.

While UFO's fall under fringe findings and are usually considered paranormal anomalies -- they are certainly a threat to national security regardless of their origins.

If they are Russian, Chinese, or even Alien weapons they threaten us with possible engagement or even occupation.

This arbitrary control over classified material amplifies the president’s influence, especially in matters of national security, intelligence, and covert operations, where secrecy is paramount. As a result, the president could technically manage highly classified programs with minimal external interference, further expanding executive power in largely unseen ways.

The Armed Services Committee would host 'a progress report on how many unidentified aerial phenomena have been assessed and analyzed, giving examples of what they have identified and give examples of what they haven't identified.'

This kind of public disclosure is still containment and confusing.