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There are a lot of things I enjoy about what I study and what I research. I never grow tired of metaphysical signposts that when discovered give you an inkling of what is ahead -- you tend to see the world in a vibrant way but it can also make you sound like you should be fitted for a straight jacket.

Then again a lot of belief systems are strange when you really think about it --applying some scientific model to everything bizarre takes all the fun out if the miracle -- or synchronicities that are indistinguishable from magic.

It is said that what was once unseen is becoming seen and the paranormal world is simultaneously happening along side our reality bubble -- the reality we cling to that sometimes overlaps with the supernatural world.

The well known supernatural escape hatch for most people is religion of course -- religion is a paranormal trip that requires faith in most things that are unseen and are unproven.

Certainly as far back as the timeline presented in most of the Bible after Genesis, or even before we have heard the stories of contact with an alien entity or thought form . The snake in the Garden of Eden being the first example of this “spiritual virus.” 

it has been depicted as a Dragon or a cunning serpent --modern ancient alien theorists believe that these so called Reptilian beings have their origin form the Draco system.

They are the Draconians or the Dragons -- and they are a group of predator class -- that act against human kind and they are always in the processes of sending warnings before they arrive.

We read in Genesis Chapter 6 about dragon men, Nephilim have sex with the women of earth --creating what were called giants or monsters that God did not approve of.

The Dragon has always been seen as an entity of power --and the constellation Draco has its influences as well.

On October 7th there will be a signal from Draco in the heavens.

The Draconid meteor shower will happen just after sunset on October 8th -- the meteor spectacle will originate from Draco the Dragon.

They shooting stars are created when Earth passes through the dust debris left by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, which takes about 6.6 years to make a single revolution around the sun.

The comet was discovered on the evening of Dec. 20, 1900, from the Nice Observatory in France. It was visited by the International Cometary Explorer in September of 1985, making it the first comet to be visited by a space probe.

But signs from the dragon --are not the only symbolic moments in the sky this month.

A newly discovered comet is heading Earth’s way, and should be visible soon to the naked eye.

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) will reach its closest distance to Earth – just 44 million miles away – on Oct. 12. If it doesn’t break apart.

Comet Tsuchinshan was first spotted in China in January 2023, and appears to have two tails: one white and the other blue. The best time to observe it is right after sunset. The comet appears to be in the area of the constellation Ophiuchus, which looks like a man holding a snake.

Again Ophiuchus has been known as the snake handler and has been called the Dragon Slayer. It is also believed that the spear of Sagittarius coincidentally appears to be stabbing the snake in the head.

In the Book of Isaiah in the bible it says that there will be a sign in the heavens in the last dispensation.

"In that day the LORD will take his terrible, swift sword and punish Leviathan, the swiftly moving serpent, the coiling, writhing serpent. He will kill the dragon of the sea.

The Dragon -- and the serpent in the constellation of Draco and Ophiuchus the serpent handler. 

Quite the coincidence during the Jewish New year celebrations. 

It is symbolic of good over evil --the death of leviathan or the significance of THOR in Nordic belief of killing the serpent ushering in Ragnarök. 

Are we fighting against the influence of Draco? Are the reptilian beings similar to those in Genesis that are constantly find ways to corrupt the planet? 

Although at times throughout history, humanity has been close to the edge of losing this battle, we were not there, and now we are here, and the battle between good and evil does seem to be rather pronounced at this time. And that is an understatement.

It is a challenge for people today to feel or witness a miracle-- and with all of the shocks to the system we begin to notice that dragons, devils, demons, fairies, angels, elves, ghosts, spirits, and apparitions, all seem to be fading away into their hiding places and rarely, if ever, be seen by non-believers.

That does not mean that they do not exist or that they are not there-- they are, they have been, and will always be there, and they are more than likely trying to communicate with us -- to send us a warning -- or perhaps just an anomalous action to remind you that the blue print of the apocalyptic adventures we take are real if not symbolic with how we deal with a future extinction level event.

The evil entities we fear --and the angels we pray for are still waiting and they are using the sky and the earth as a tool to communicate what is coming -- some grand awakening from the heavens that remind us of who is controlling the real and important narrative.

We also see them in our dreams and in personal revelation -- they either appear in metaphor-- or they take you away in an out of body experience -- these types of actions are not at all unheard of in religious texts especially ones dealing with future events.

In the book of Joel explains this otherwise paranormal phenomena.

It says "Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike. And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth— blood and fire and columns of smoke."

Times of Blood and fire -- these are the moments where the messages come from deep into the heavens -- a cosmic message that is given -- but is it received and is anyone that open minded to understand these messages when they are sent?

In February of 1974, Science fiction author Phillip K. Dick claimed that he was being contacted by a computer probe that he claimed it was from the future. It was called Valis.

Dick claimed that he was hit by a pink beam of light. It happened while opening the door to the delivery girl from the pharmacy. When asked what Valis meant Dick had mentioned that a metallic voice claiming to be a probe from the future called itself a Vast Artificial Living Intelligence System.

VALIS helped the author turn his life around with highly accurate advice, provided a range of deep mystical insights, and even found him a new literary agent to help give his career a boost. However, in the wake of his contact with VALIS, Dick found his mail opened, his phone tapped, his house broken into and himself under surveillance from shadowy government agents and individuals connected to companies conducting scientific research for the US Department of Defense. 

Until he died in 1982, Dick struggled to understand what had happened to him, writing more than two million words of a document called Exegesis that tried to analyze much of what VALIS had revealed. While he had many theories about the nature of his experience, one of the strongest was the one portrayed in his 1980 novel, VALIS. In the book, VALIS is suggested to be a sentient computer from the future in orbit around Earth, beaming messages to selected individuals. 

While these stories are a matter of record -- countless others have had downloads and broadcasts given to them as well. Many say that they are dreams, others have visions and get a glimpse of what is coming.

But where are these messages coming from --what is behind the dreams of the future-- the apocalyptic visions?

Well our first answer would probably be God -- or if you will Satan or Lucifer. But what if there is more to it than just a God or a demin giving messages to people.

/*-*Philip K. Dick theorized that there have been throughout history probes, and spaceships that would beam down intelligence to certain people. Many of the most learned minds of the world would hear that small metallic voice from a celestial body that came close to Earth.

Even scientists have theorized that if Aliens wanted to spy on the planet or communicate with us -- they could do so by using what appear to be asteroids or space rocks that act as beacons to notifying space faring aliens of our activities.

They are known as "lurkers" or Bracewell Probes.

Bracewell also suspected that co-orbital objects would be prime candidates as extraterrestrial probes as whatever intelligence was controlling them would become more courageous in sending signals from shorter distances.

American physicist James Benford suggested that alien satellites could be disguised in Near Earth Objects which are monitoring our planet.

James Benford suggests in his new paper that “A probe located nearby could bide its time while our civilization developed technology that could find it, and, once contacted, could undertake a conversation in real-time.”

Discovering a “lurker” as he calls them would be an amazing find – and one where an alien civilization could communicate with us and observe us in real time.

Believe it or not NASA has secretly been preparing for such an event and when we see massive rocks come near our planet that are suspicious -- they most certainly have plans to figure out their origins. In fact this all began after the arrival of Oumuamua in 2017. 

NASA has been keeping this a secret from us for four years. They have been running simulations of orbiting mini moons or natural satellites expecting an encounter with artifacts that would be as small as 1 meter.

They been expecting a baby moon or a probe to come close enough to earth so that they can study it to see if it could be an alien artifact.

A new mini-moon the size of a city bus has begun circling our planet and will continue hanging out in our skies until Thanksgiving week. An asteroid named 2024 PT5 has entered Earth's orbit, and will be caught there from Sept. 29 to Nov. 25, before flying away back into the solar system.

The asteroid was found by a group called ATLAS, which stands for Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, in August. The researchers who found it published a nonpeer-reviewed study about the asteroid.

The asteroid won't complete a full orbit of Earth, so some astronomers refer to it as a temporarily captured flyby. Mini-moons that do complete a total orbit of Earth are referred to as temporarily captured orbiters.

If by chance the moon is "artificial" we can speculate that perhaps we have a Bracewell probe hovering our planet doing a quick recon and then leaving orbit to report back to its creators.

It is unlikely that anyone will see this moon with the naked eye.

The argument that mini moons are probes is a very interesting possibility as we have had many instances where these probes came unannounced -- during some very turbulent times in space.

Earth had a mini-moon event in 2022 thanks to the peculiar flight path of the 2022 YG asteroid. Another one arrived in 2020 courtesy of the 2020 CD3 asteroid.

The 2022 NX1 asteroid became a mini-moon in 1981 and 2022. It's scheduled to make its return in 2051. One of the best examples is 2006 RH120, which orbited Earth for a whole year between July 2006 and July 2007. The phenomenon is so consistent that some researchers say that Earth always has a mini-moon lurking around somewhere.

Or a mini probe spying on the planet -- something bigger and more complex -- I am sure that many times NASA has searched these satellites for machinery -- but of course they would not reveal it to the public.

In the ancient times where man thought the world was flat there was a myth that said that if you ventured to close to the edge you would find dragons observing the this planet from the firmament.

There was an assumption that dragons were at the edge of the flat world, and if a mariner ventured too far toward that edge, the dragons would either scare him away with great spectacle, or destroy him mercilessly. Maybe there actually were dragons in that time and place or perhaps this was a metaphor for strange creatures that were often seen in the sky. 

Great Dragons that rise from the sea.

Flying serpents are mentioned in the old testament as well. 

Legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons that came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China. Who were these reptilian creatures? What was the real reason for man's creation? Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden after his meeting with the serpent? Who were the Nephilim who descended from heaven and mated with women? 

The ancient Sumerians called their ancient gods USHUMGAL, which means literally great fiery, flying serpent--and of course we remember the serpent gods of the Aztecs.

Although many ancient traditions from around the world include dragons, English folklore featured several unique varieties that included poisonous, serpent-like beasts that possessed no wings, as well as winged monsters such as the wyvern, which in addition to wings also possessed two legs and a barbed tail.

The question is whether or not they are returning or sending us a message that they are still out there watching and wish to make war with humans.

But new ancient stuff is discovered all of the time, and if there is any truth to the idea that things manifest through a powerful system of thought and belief, once enough people believe, the evidential remains of such creatures will begin to show up.

It is a hard sell because there are those that absolutely refuse to believe anything that does not fit cleanly into a materialist paradigm.

All we are seeking is a truthful explanation for today’s events. It certainly can be an accurate assumption that many people are not sure if anyone can say for sure at this point. I do not preclude a paranormal explanation, and so far, attempts at that sort of explanation have been the most thorough in its efforts to explain. Why is it important to attempt to explain what is happening around us? If we are to fight it, we must understand it for what it is.

All of the mystical supernatural points add to its validity, at least in the ethereal sense.