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In case you had not noticed, there is a concerted effort to dominate an unsuspecting and unquestioning American public with a very specific reality that requires a consistent unanimity of thought. 

That reality is necessary to continue the wars and global military dominance, to create severe economic disturbance and disparities; a reality that relies on disinformation and hypocrisy while stirring citizens into a frenzied level of confusion, worry, and anxiety about the future. 

A distracted population living on the edge is more easily stage-managed to accept a further loss of civil liberties than a politically informed, diligent population of infinite consciousness.

Since the devastating storm Helene has torn through the country I have noticed something about the mainstream media. They are pretty good at criticizing the Trump administration and focusing on the latest criminal accusations being lobbed at him. They are great at making specious connections to Russia when it appears that someone is speaking ill of Kamala Harris -- they are remarkable when it comes to talking about all of the money funneling into Ukraine but damn if they are not intimidated by a Hurricane and how to put a god gloss of joy on it.

They can't of course, and since the leadership of this country is so inept -- it doesn't look good for the campaign when Kamala arrives to tell everyone it is okay and then says that everyone gets a paltry $750 for groceries.

Intimidated by the power of the storm and their own lack of hurricane smarts, they use it as a political object lesson in global warming and use disaster images as a way to sell the idea that those in charge can eliminate these disasters just by charging us 100 billion in climate taxes to rebuild struggling countries.

They can't even rebuild the parts of the country threatened by Helene let alone fork out billions to satisfy the leaders of the World Order. They would sooner starve those in the Appalachian areas than help -- it all is for the bottom line in a world where scarcity is being used to punish and torture people to make a point.

No one-- especially in the areas that have confidence in the mainstream media is actually providing objective factual reporting.

Can we realistically expect the media to report on whether an extreme weather disturbance is geo-engineered by pulsing microwave transmissions or a true phenomenon of Mother Nature and how would the public know the difference?

If the mainstream media will deceive the American public on weather forecasting, why should they be trusted to truthfully report on issues of greater magnitude? Like the life and death struggles and death tolls that are far more important than discussing whether or not Melania Trump supports abortion rights. 

This is a sad state of affairs -- the reaction to all of this hell on earth is becoming a callous exercise in ignoring it in hopes that it will go away -- it isn't going away, it is going to be a problem for a long time.

Members of Congress saw Hurricane Helene coming. 

Last week, they had planned to be in Washington through Friday, and then recess for the month of October to focus on the election. 

But as Helene strengthened while approaching Florida, they announced an early dismissal to get home ahead of the storm. 

Now, lawmakers from the states devastated by Helene are asking for help from congressional leadership, including the possibility of coming back in October to fund the relief efforts. And costs could be high.

We are looking at close to 200 billion -- and where is that money going to come from when a great deal of it has gone to fund a never-ending war in Ukraine?

Bridges and roads are gone -- Tomatoes and Orchards are destroyed.

Money is needed to repair Interstate 40, Interstate 26, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure.

Farmers and growers nationwide, not only those damaged by Helene, have now faced multiple growing seasons without sufficient federal support.

Hurricane Helene has dodged being a political football so far -- because no one in the media wants to focus on the failures of this administration so close to the election.

But the failures must be exposed and where there are mass deaths and destruction cover-ups and malfeasance are soon discovered.

A member of the Florida State Guard Special Missions Unit is urging government officials for more helicopter support as civilians are searching for “SOS messages carved in the mud” and rescuing individuals stranded by Hurricane Helene, including an 11-day-old baby.

A viral video on X shows Jonathan Howard a member of the Florida State Guard Special Missions Unit, complaining that the government is not sending enough helicopters to North Carolina to help with recovery efforts as residents remain stranded in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Howard said he has been working with a non-profit organization called Aerial Recovery to locate and rescue as many individuals as possible.

Howard said: "What they’re telling you is complete bullsh-t on the news, and these politicians don’t have a f-cking clue, and they’re lying.” 

Other videos have shown people being told that they must remain in their homes or face arrest. This includes those who have no food or water -- they are told to stay until FEMA is able to assist them -- but where are they?

Emphasizing the need to have helicopters to reach those stranded in the mountains, Howard said, “There’s no way to get with them or even communicate with them. I’m literally flying around in a civilian helicopter looking for SOS messages carved in the mud or painted on the ground, and we’re dropping down and saving them.”

In the video, Howard also contradicted a recent USA Today report that claimed the Biden-Harris administration’s National Guard saved an 11-day-old baby from a hospital rooftop.

"No!" Howard said. “It was me, my buddy Charlie, and a civilian named Zeb with his own personal helicopter out of Wilmington, North Carolina. Without that civilian, that baby would be dead. And, the old lady we rescued after that, she’d be dead too because she had one day left of oxygen. No one was going to go get them.”

Again the media is caught red-handed -- giving valor to an administration to push the votes..

After conducting multiple rescue operations, the Florida State Guard member claimed that “there’s military helicopters all over here sitting on the ground, and they can’t do nothing.” As a result, Howard said that he typically sees “forty civilian helicopters” and maybe “two Blackhawks” in the air while conducting rescue operations in North Carolina.

Toward the conclusion of his video, Howard claimed that the government is “killing” the people stranded in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene by not doing more to help them.

“I don’t know why they’re doing it. I don’t know what kind of conspiracy,” Howard said. “They are literally allowing these people to f-cking die in the mountains right now because we can’t get helicopters.

The 82nd airborne division is based in NC and can be in the air within hours doing rescues. They have not been activated. Biden-Harris can send them with 1 phone call and are choosing not to. Meanwhile, Americans are drowning and don’t have food and water.

The federal government's disaster response agency has been painfully slow to deploy first responders to help Hurricane Helene victims and making things worse of the ground, multiple whistleblowers have alleged.

The bombshell allegations of mismanagement at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) come just days after the agency took a beating for its boss Alejandro Mayorkas admitting it will not be able to foot the bill for this historic hurricane season. 

A letter from a whistleblower to Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. details how the department has wasted and misappropriated funds in the wake of Helene and is now 'exacerbating the emergency.' 

The letter also alleges 'hundreds if not thousands' of first responders and service members have been 'without deployment orders' with some waiting around in hotels while others 'have sat idle' as Americans throughout the southeast are in dire need. 

This news comes after FEMA has spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on migrants coming in through the borders and getting the Royal Treatment from the Biden administration.

With over 200 Americans dead and the agency strapped for cash, FEMA's massive budget for illegal immigrants has come under scrutiny as a possible way to provide support to devastated U.S. citizens. 

Over the last two years, FEMA has handed out more than $1 billion taxpayer dollars to specifically support illegal migrants with housing.

But now there's no money to help out the 150,000 American citizens who have reached out for federal assistance after their homes were damaged by Hurricane Helene. 

'FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season,' Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Wednesday.

But only last week Congress passed a funding bill for an additional $20 billion for the anticipated hurricane season. 

The whistleblowers allege the department, despite receiving the recent funding, has been slow and ineffective in its response to Hurricane Helene. 

FEMA also issued statements to survivors that they are to behave a certain way until they arrive.

They tell people not to be spreading rumors and only relying on Trusted sources for news and information.

They are discouraging others from sharing information from unverified sources. 

Every argument that has been brought up in independent media has been "Fact checked" by FEMA Officials -- rumors that include. possible land takeovers, lack of money to aid survivors, rescue efforts based on demographics, and that FEMA stands accused of taking donations and turning away volunteers.

Why are they addressing this? Maybe they have a guilty conscience because those that are there have been told that they have no authority to fend for themselves-- that if they venture out to get food or water they will be arrested.

Many are accusing FEMA of ignoring those living in the mountain ranges leaving them to die.

FEMA is denying all of the accusations against them -- even though the people are taking to the internet to state that these things are happening.

A business owner online reported how law enforcement in Asheville, North Carolina, threatened her with arrest simply for trying to retrieve items from her own business. 

She explains that she was attempting to salvage whatever was left before looters could come and take everything.

The Red Cross issued a statement saying that this type of MISINFORMATION is Hurting people. Not specific of course, but no agency needs bad publicity when they are doing their best with what little they have -- with what little money and resources they can work with.

It is sad really -- people who are in danger will talk and will do everything --and listen to anything -- it does not mean that some or all is not true -- things are to be considered based on experience and these experiences are being related online everywhere.

A whistleblower claims the U.S. government is seizing land in Chimney Rock, NC, following a disaster, refusing to allow residents to return. They allege bodies are being left uncollected, and federal authorities are preventing recovery efforts. Residents are struggling without food and water, with reports of increasing crime. Volunteers are attempting to help, but there's a dire need for a broader response, including military assistance.

Videos have also been broadcast on TV telling people that they can apply for assistance from FEMA -- the irony here is that no one can see it because they have no electricity, no laptop—all their worldly possessions have been washed away. 

They’re isolated with no food or water, possibly injured. The only way in or out is by foot or horseback because the government is preventing private rescuers from flying their own helicopters and drones into the area.

FEMA is seriously pissing folks off. Some people from the affected areas are now complaining that more applications are being denied than approved.

Chris Matesnson PHD, posted a viral tweet that was allegedly sent to him from a Peak Prosperity member that is quite chilling.

To quote the Tweet:

"I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government."

Furthermore, the tweet stated :

Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets."

Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores around are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute.

Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC."

Is there anyone reading this that can back this up? Is there any listeners witnessing this?

Are the ghouls already moving into the area to stake their claims on the Lithium mines in the area? Are they seriously willing to bulldoze the homes and pile dirt over the dead to get them up and running?

Black Rock owns 2,220,059 shares of Albemarle Corp. 

Albemarle Corp, stands as one of the largest global producers of lithium, essential for energy storage in batteries, especially electric vehicles. They have a fully integrated lithium operation with resources and refining plants spread across Chile, the US, Australia, and China. Besides lithium, Albemarle is a leading producer of bromine and oil refining catalysts.

The mine, about 30 miles west of Charlotte, is expected to play a critical role in establishing the U.S. as a leader in electric vehicle evolution as one of the few hard rock lithium deposits in the country.

Lithium production is a national security issue and might explain why the government has been hesitant in doing anything without approval from Washington DC and its investors.

There is always money to be made by the eaters of the dead -- who in ghoulish fashion move to not let a good disaster go to waste. 

People are secondary to money -- and opportunity from public firms that have a heavy influence in matters of Government.

Kings Mountain could produce enough material to manufacture 1.2 million electric vehicles annually. The mine sits on one of the world’s richest deposits of spodumene ore, a source of lithium. 

There has to be a concerted effort to get the mine up and running by 2026.

Albemarle does not have a precise date for when Kings Mountain will become operational. The company is preparing to start the permitting process, which will take two years to complete.

Again --an attack on this mine would be considered a threat to national security -- and conveniently it was one of the hardest hit areas of Hurricane Helene.

It is true that hurricanes, like the weather and climate in general, may be notoriously unpredictable, always shifting and changing-- however, for those who see the geoengineering patterns there could be direction and frequency to take into consideration as we were told that the hurricane season was a bust -- but now we come to the end with a storm more deadly and devastating than Katrina.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Who is about to benefit from all of the destruction and mayhem? Follow the money and you will find that will not end up helping the victims -- but helping the big business continue their quest for lithium and bulldozing over the bodies to create 15-minute cities.

It is a ghoulish thought but there is no telling what the eaters of the dead might do as depopulation has its silver lining,