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A while ago I did a show about the weird Idea that we live in a simulation and I know it is a hard thing to swallow and a little crazy but I also hedged my bets a bot by indicating that our government plans for scenarios by creating simulations such as the table top exercise known as Event 201 where in the month of October, before the pandemic Bill Gates and his minions met together to discuss the arrival of an unknown pandemic.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted this event, which was a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. 

Months later, COVID-19 shut down our way of life, a scenario where we were told it would take two weeks to get over the curve-- that later became two and a half years.

It can be said that they knew what was coming or that officials at the World Economic Forum somehow released the biological terror intentionally to bring down governments of the world.

Klaus Schwab said "one silver lining of the pandemic was that it had shown how quickly people can make radical changes to their lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office." He actually was delighted to see that when the powerful world body said jump so many people said "How High?"

After all was said and done, there were those who wondered was the release of SARS-COV-2 done by accident or on purpose and did the science lobbyists right in locking us down and masking us up.

Now, we are facing another catastrophe as what at first supposed to be a quiet Hurricane season has become one of the most devastating moments in history.

Last week, category 4 Hurricane Helene hit the southeast causing massive flooding and devastation across the region, leaving people stranded and homeless.

People have now become refugees, with no neighborhoods or town to go back to. Things are starting to pick up again because of the spirit of those who are alive and working together in a crisis.

But now we have reports that a even more devastating Storm Milton threatens the Florida coast with Category 5 winds and water surges that may change the landscape of the coast.

Two such storms in less than ten days have fueled online talk of “Weather modification” and while politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene are being made fun of for calling out the possibility of weather modification -- there is something that the public does not know about Milton.

What If I were to tell you that this Hurricane hit the Florida coast in 2009 -- not literally, but in a simulated scenario in a computer.

“Hurricane Phoenix” was the hypothetical disaster that was a simulation created by the Department of Defense and the Florida Weather Planning committee.

Imagine, a Category 5 storm that drowns South Tampa and turns St. Petersburg into an island. The bridges rendered impassable, the airports unusable and the region’s communities left on their own until help arrives. 

Power loss in some areas could last months. The beaches would be wiped away, as would tourism. Nearly every small business could die. Recovery would take a decade.

This has all been planned in a DOD scenario known as Hurricane Phoenix 2.0, the doomsday scenario hurricane simulation game play that happened in 2009.

The Tampa Bay area is considered to be one of the most vulnerable population centers to a hurricane strike. It is odd that the simulation was directed at Tampa Bay because from what I gather -- they have not had a category 5 storm hit the coast for a 100 years or more.

In a startling coincidence in the simulation Hurricane Phoenix hits the Florida coast on October the 15th. It intensifies to a category 5 very quickly with a storm surge of 11 feet.

Only four Category 5 storms have hit the U.S. mainland in almost 170 years of recorded history. Yet, the National Hurricane Center estimates that statistically the Tampa Bay area should get hit by a Category 3 or higher storm about every three decades.

This is why the headlines today said that this is a once in a life time storm.

However it is strange how this all was played out before in a simulator and how Hurricane Milton is behaving like the fictional Hurricane Phoenix.

The worst-case scenario is actually the simulated path of Hurricane Phoenix, approaching from the southwest and making landfall at noon north of Tampa Bay’s mouth.

The defense model in this case targets Indian Rocks Beach — that allows the counterclockwise rotation of the storm to sling Gulf water into the bay, raising the surface waters until they overflow into communities like an unattended bathtub with the faucet left running.

In the simulation the edges of the South Tampa peninsula, all of Davis and Harbor islands, the Channel District and the banks of the Hillsborough River would see water 21 feet or higher.

Westchase and Oldsmar would be entirely underwater, with surge extending all the way inland to Gunn Highway.

The highest surge would hit 42 feet. The beaches as we know them would be gone.

It all part of the documented simulation --and now we watch and wait to see how Milton operates -- it would be too eerie of a coincidence if the plan became a blue print and that the possibility of a Weather modification exercise becomes obvious.

Perhaps the empirical evidence of a simulation unto itself is proof that perhaps Milton is a force multiplied manipulated storm.

More than 3 million people live in the Tampa Bay metropolitan area, and hundreds of thousands of them are very tightly concentrated along the coast. Most of them are attempting to evacuate, but there are apparently large numbers of local residents that are choosing not to do so. 

The simulation says that this is a foolish idea. These areas will be underwater.

People that are trying to evacuate are stuck in extremely long traffic jams. Those who run low on gasoline as they sit in those traffic jams are discovering that a lot of gas stations are already totally out of fuel. 

According to the National Weather Service, it appears that this will be “the worst storm to impact the Tampa area in over 100 years.”

Another possible indicator that Milton may been a manipulated storm is that it has registered a highly electromagnetic charge.

According to one meteorologist, Milton actually produced “more than 58,000 lightning events in just 14 hours."

There have also been unconfirmed reports that many people trying to evacuate have experienced power failures in their cars -- dead batteries, faulty alternators, computer and fuse problems. 

No word on how electric cars are being affected.

We have never seen anything quite like this before.

Most of the Tampa Bay area is just barely above sea level. So if we see the same storm surge activity that the DOD saw in their Phoenix scenario there will be little resistance.

Just thinking about the comparisons between Phoenix and Milton has me chilled as to what is about to happen.

Think of the evacuees that are stranded because they have no fuel. They are not going to make it out in time.

In the Phoenix Hurricane simulation s 30,000 people end up missing after the storm, and 165 killed. In the model, more than 300,000 people are displaced, seeking shelter in the schools and churches that are still standing, while 42 out of 57 of the area’s hospitals are damaged.

The simulation also predicted that the Port of Tampa has the potential for “environmental catastrophe” following damage, and in total, the property damage would amount to $200bn.

Recovery would take a decade, according to the project, and power would not return to some areas for months.

Project Phoenix 2.0 delivered a series of training exercises for small business owners and emergency managers so they could prepare for a real-life scenario.

President Joe Biden has warned Florida residents that evacuation orders are a matter of “life and death”, while the National Hurricane Center warned that the “dangerous major hurricane” could be “one of the most destructive hurricanes on record for west-central Florida.”

The simulation itself is a good argument that Milton and Even Helene were possible geoengineered storms.

Manufacturing so much crippling chaos and confusion is most certainly going to effect the election.

These devastating superstorms have already adversely thwarted the election infrastructure. Voting precincts, particularly in RED counties, have been destroyed. 

This will profoundly disrupt the electoral process between now and Election Day thereby disenfranchising many GOP voters.

There are some conspiracy theorists that say Governor Ron DeSantis has been fighting against the Global world Order and that he is now suffering because of it --some see the weather control scenario as punishment for his insolence.

It sounds like lunacy -- but think about this 

We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades.

“Project Cirrus is the first Official attempt to modify a hurricane. It was run by General Electric with the support of the US military. The official theory was that by changing the temperature outside the eye-wall of a hurricane, which they did by seeding the clouds with various compounds such as silver iodide, a decrease in strong winds will result.

On October 13, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane heading out to sea. Approximately 180 pounds of dry ice was dropped into the clouds. The crew then reported a “pronounced modification of the cloud deck”. And the hurricane abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the government.

Irving Langmuir, who pioneered General Electric’s atmospheric research department, and admired that the project was about learning how to weaponize the weather, also claimed the reversal of the hurricane had been caused by the project, but the government denied it for twelve years.

After a short delay, the project officially continued. And in 1965, Project Stormfury had targeted Hurricane Betsy for seeding. On that day the storm immediately changed direction and made landfall in Southern Florida. Congress blamed it on Project Stormfury but the government claimed that the hurricane changed direction before they ever had a chance to seed it. And after two months of Congressional hearings, the project was allowed to continue.”

In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted we have the technology to control the weather, including earthquakes and volcanoes. The U.S. government has placed gag orders on employees of the national weather service.

In October of 2012, after Hurricane Sandy weakened to a tropical storm, microwave imagery shows a thick red beam immediately followed by Sandy growing into a category 1 hurricane and taking an unexplained “left Turn” into New Jersey.

There is also the Lithium mine conspiracy theory -- that the government has actually addressed the issue as a lie. 

The push towards alternative energy demands more lithium. And according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the United States has over 6 million tons of identified lithium resources. The majority of this lithium has been identified in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Kings Mountain is believed to have one of the largest resources in the world. 

But the biggest problem is that people live there. And they don’t want their quiet towns turned into lithium mines.

Last year, the Department of Defense entered a ninety-million-dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina starting by 2025.

This is the same area experiencing what is being described as biblical floods.

While the Federal government spends billions on foreign wars and illegal immigrants, they simply can not be bothered with the health and well-being of the American people. Especially those living on coveted mineral rich land.

They would actually bulldoze the rubble and over the dead just to get their hands on those lithium deposits.

The technology to control or modify the weather has been a serious problem for quite some time. 

Remember when the former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed in a 2012 speech that Iran’s enemies were creating droughts by destroying its rain clouds. Ahmadinijad’s accusations landed him in the mainstream media’s crosshairs and labeled him a “Conspiracy Theorist. Newsweek, led the charge by publishing ‘Five of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Weirdest Conspiracy Theories’ including the conspiracy theory about “the West stealing Iran’s rain”:

Between 1967 and 1972, Operation Popeye was launched as a “highly classified” operation conducted by the U.S. military in North and South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to extend the monsoon season around the Ho Chi Minh Trail for U.S. soldiers to gain an advantage over the Viet Cong. 

Cloud Seeding was used on the tops of monsoon clouds to extend the rainfall along the Ho Chi Minh Trail that would cause landslides through torrential downpours along the Ho Chi Minh 

Trails to make it difficult for the Viet Cong to deliver supplies and extra troops. It went on for almost five years until a journalist for the Washington Post Jack Anderson exposed Operation Popeye .

The U.S. government was not thrilled by Anderson’s report on their Weather Modification projects. By 1972, Mr. Anderson was a target for assassination by White House senior staff members under the Nixon administration. 

G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt plotted with a CIA operative the various possibilities that included adding poison to his aspirin bottle, drugging Anderson with LSD or staging “a fatal mugging.” 

The plan to assassinate Anderson was stopped when they were apprehended for the Watergate break-in scandal that implicated President Richard Nixon who was later impeached. 

All involved admitted under oath in a congressional hearing that they planned to assassinate Anderson on orders from a senior White House aide named Charles Colson. 

On May 19, 1974, the Daytona Beach Morning Journal published an article titled ‘Rainmaking Used As Weapon In SE Asia’ exposed Nixon’s none other than national security and New World Order advocate, Henry A. Kissinger -- this is what they said:

"The rainmaking reached a peak in 1971, according to Pentagon statistics made available to the committee, with more than 11,000 canisters dumped. Well informed sources have told the New York Times that the operations at that point were tightly controlled by Henry A. Kissinger, the President’s advisor for national security”

It certainly is no surprise.

What if the U.S. military or the Department of defense is responsible for the recent hurricanes? Is it too farfetched to contemplate that some of these disasters go from the drawing board to real time?

Are Environmental Modification Techniques part of the US arsenal of “covert” military technologies to destabilize sovereign countries?

Can they target states because of political views? Can they use the weather as a method to force scarcity and level the economy for a future take over by the World Governing body? Is this a scenario that is just too paranoid to fathom?

What about targeting agriculture in order to replace it with aggrotech.

The ecocidal giant, Monsanto/Bayer dropped nearly a billion dollars to get into the weather insurance game, buying Climate Corporation. 

Forbes reports, “The idea is to sell more data and services to the farmers who already buy Monsanto’s seed and chemicals.”

Already closely tied to the military, how easy would it be for Monsanto to know in advance of a geoengineered drought or deluge? Monsanto expects its climate insurance business to generate $20 billion in revenue beyond its seed and chemical business.

Likewise, how easy would it be for a nation with decades of experience in modifying the weather and in triggering geophysical events to create the problem of climate change (or exaggerate its significance) to induce the world into approving, even demanding, geoengineering? With decades of patents providing a history of capabilities, could this entire drama, including “extreme weather events” be orchestrated for the simple pursuit of profit?

Isn’t this precisely how the Hegelian Dialect works? Problem Reaction Solution . In other words, those in a position of power invent a problem, anticipating the public’s reaction to it, and use that reaction to generate demand for the “solution” which was the intended program power-holders wanted to implement in the first place.

At the very least, while the veil may be lifting on geoengineering practices, there is still an apparent effort to conceal the extent to which the planet is already being engineered.

The US Military has acknowledged that Environmental Modification Techniques are part of its military arsenal. There are unconfirmed reports but no firm evidence that it has been used. 

In this regard, the US military acknowledges that climatic warfare has the added advantage of being be used to trigger climate disasters without the enemy nation knowing about it.

The unspoken truth is that Geo-engineering and Environmental Modification Techniques constitute potential Weapons of Mass Destruction .

They have already run through simulations of what happens when they tamper with mother nature.

We are now seeing how various shocks to the country are going to leave it with a reduced population and mountain of refugees unable to return to homes and neighborhoods.