Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is one of the most discussed films in cinema history. The new and alarming documentary, A Clockwork Shining, suggests that the film is really about mind control and how larger forces manipulate us. The eccentric director ignored the nuances of Steven King’s book “The Shining” and replaced the initial themes of the story to fit into subliminal symbolism and dialogue as seen with the main character, Jack, played by Jack Nicholson. The documentary delves into the theory that Jack falls into the trap of what can only be determined as trauma-based mind control. In most conspiracy circles, it is believed that Kubrick used systematic implantation of predictive programming for the express purpose of conditioning the masses for future large-scale psychological operations. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Ryder Lee about REDRUM – ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK AN MK ULTRA VICTIM.
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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