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Last night, the show of shows about Kubrick and mind control had me realizing again the importance of identifying what is called the revelation of the method or what most people call predictive programming.

For those that are new to conspiracy talk -- predictive programming is where powerful individuals or groups subtly plant ideas and scenarios in popular media, like movies, TV shows, and news, to prepare the public for future events they intend to orchestrate, essentially "programming" the population to accept these events as inevitable when they occur; it often implies a sinister agenda to control society by normalizing potentially controversial concepts through fictional depictions. 

MGM+ had a new TV show debut over the Thanksgiving weekend called "Earth Abides." If the title sounds familiar it is because it is based on a book originally written in 1949 by George R. Stewart. 

The book is quite famous but still it is one of those conspiracy theorist favorites that winds up being too obscure by the public at large.

Stewart predicted the end of the Anthropocene – the human era – through a disease that spreads rapidly throughout society, decimating most of the human race.

The TV show is another post apocalyptic narrative where a deadly disease kills 2/3rds of the planet. The main character, a geologist is unaware of the pandemic as he is bitten by a snake and managed to survive by deeply sleeping and recuperating for three weeks not knowing what was happening in the outside world.

Again, Hollywood cannot resist creating or using these narratives to remind us that looming somewhere in the shadows is some deadly disease that will wipe out much of the population.

Critics are saying that the series is relevant -- I say that it is only relevant if the powers that be are still warning us that a big scary pandemic with a high mortality rate is coming.

Then it will be relevant in my opinion -- Earth Abides is like the Walking Dead without Zombies. Maybe I will warm up to it but at the moment -- my concern is how TV and movie plots in Hollywood still feel the need to scare us with plagues and unknown diseases.

The whole trope seems routine and required viewing so that we can feel comfortable with another looming pandemic.

I guess we will always be reminded that we all could diw from a sneeze in a theatre or a handshake at church.

The real stories in the news are what are most terrifying,

For example:

Earlier this month, Alpha Genesis made headlines after 43 rhesus macaque primates escaped from the Yemassee facility because an employee failed to fully secure a door during routine feeding and health checks. Two weeks after the incident, four of the monkeys remained unaccounted for.

At the time, Greg Westergaard, the CEO of Alpha Genesis, said the monkeys who had been found showed "no ill effects from the outdoor environment.

In 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture fined the facility $12,600 after 26 primates escaped in 2014 and another 19 in 2016.

Now, the U.S. Department of Agricultures Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has confirmed it is investigating claims that around 18 monkeys died at the same Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center in South Carolina.

Animal rights protection group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals issued the complaint , claiming they were informed the endangered, long-tailed macaques died last week after an alleged heater malfunction at Alpha Genesis, which breeds primates often used for biomedical research.

PETA primate scientist Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel cited "multiple whistleblower reports" for the claims about the possible diesel heater malfunction.

Again damage control is being carried out as the directors of the facility claim that the monkeys in question were not vectors of serious disease.

This all seems unusual at a time when we are again being warned that , Donald Trump's administration may have to fight off an even bigger plague that has a higher mortality rate than Covid-19.

Dr Peter Hotez who is notorious for his draconian views on Covid and mass tyrannical directives again has spoken about a possible connection with the Congo and a possible outbreak of an unknown disease --- again mysterious and contributes to more of their fear porn.

Hotez warned that Donald Trump faces a torrent of infectious disease outbreaks when he takes office.

Anymore I believe that we should no see these as warnings but threats -- as these evil madmen wish to push their gain of function tests on human beings without their knowledge.

The comments from Dr Peter Hotez come as the Congo is put on 'maximum alert' after a mystery respiratory virus killed nearly 150 people, mostly teenagers. 

UN health officials have been sent there to contain the outbreak and prevent it from being a global crisis.

Dr Hotez, a leading supporter of lockdowns and mask mandates during the Covid pandemic, warned there were at least nine infectious diseases currently spreading in the US that could cause another pandemic — in a plea to the Trump administration not to cut disease research funding.

Scientists are currently warning over a surge in bird flu cases in animals that are spilling into humans, as well as a resurgence in measles and whooping cough linked to falling vaccination rates.

In an interview with MSNBC news, Dr Hotez said: 'Here's the reason why we need to care about this stuff. We have some big picture stuff coming down the pipe.

'All that's going to come crashing down on January 21 on the Trump administration. We need a really really good team to be able to handle this.'

Dr Hortez's comments came hours before the Congolese Government's health minister warned the country was on 'maximum alert' over an outbreak of a disease 'of still unknown origin'.

I would be curious to see what tests have been carried out on the monkeys at Alpha Genesis and why it was necessary to burn the evidence in a malfunctioning furnace disaster. The recent escape of these monkeys is also suspect -- if they weren't spreading an infectious disease -- then what were they being introduced to.

I have many wild speculations about what they could be exposed to and why they would have to make a massacre look like an accident -- espcecially one that includes incineration of the monkeys.

Alpha Genesis, specializes in non-human primate health and testing, focusing on the study of prions, a type of infectious protein responsible for neurodegenerative diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, Mad cow disease in Bovine and scrapie in sheep; essentially, using non-human primates as models to understand prion biology and potential treatments. 

Researchers might utilize Alpha Genesis primates to study the transmission of prions through different routes, such as injection or oral ingestion, to understand how prion diseases spread. 

By studying infected primates, scientists can examine the neurological changes and brain pathology associated with prion diseases, including the accumulation of misfolded prion proteins. 

Alpha Genesis primates could be used to test potential treatments for prion diseases, evaluating the efficacy of drugs or other interventions in preventing or slowing disease progression. 

Prions are protein molecules folded the wrong way – they can hide in the body until one day it can ravage the brain. An MRI scan of a brain infected with prions resembles a sponge with gaping voids of activity where the proteinic corruption has spread. 

Inconclusive as prion studies are, each of them assumes three premises to be true: infections are always fatal, there is no cure, and they are contagious. Its spread is a result of civilizational structure, which is controlled by no one, so that no one may intervene in the historic march of the prion, which is equivalent to the equally uncontrollable march of humanity toward annihilation. 

is this what Peter Hotez is talking about -- if this is the plan for our future -- this will be nothing like COVID-19 as there would be no cure as far as we know for this horrible disease/

Covid was associated with a case of prion disease, a type of “rapidly progressive dementia” in a new paper from the American Journal of Case Reports.

The case shares the details of what happened to a 62-year-old man who was admitted to a hospital in New York, Mount Sinai Queens Hospital Center, after having difficulty walking and showing signs of rapidly progressive dementia.

“Clinically, he experienced worsening neurological function after having been COVID-19 positive on admission,” the paper states.

Eventually, he was diagnosed with prion disease, and his case has prompted questions about whether Covid could have triggered the illness.

The authors of the new report say the circumstances provide evidence of a “potential correlation” between Covid and neurodegenerative conditions.

There are several types of prion disease, per Johns Hopkins Medicine, and they’re extremely rare: Only about 300 cases of the illnesses are reported in the US annually. The most common type in humans is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Prion diseases occur after a normal prion protein, which is found on the surface of cells, becomes abnormal. It eventually forms a clump in the brain and causes brain damage, and this can lead to personality changes, memory impairment, and movement difficulties. Prion diseases are fatal.

Certain people do have a higher chance of having prion disease, including people who have a family history of the condition, or people who have been infected by contaminated medical equipment. Thoroughly cleaning medical equipment can prevent the disease.

Aside from dementia, symptoms include changes in gait and difficulty walking, hallucinations, confusion, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and difficulty speaking. There’s no cure for prion disease, though certain medicines can be taken to slow the progression of the illness. Treatment is focused on keeping patients comfortable as their disease progresses.

People who develop prion disease usually require help from a caretaker after the fact; they may be able to live on their own for a time, but they’ll eventually need to move to a care facility.

About three weeks after the patient featured in the new report was hospitalized, he grew “progressively mute” and started having difficulty swallowing. He soon needed a feeding tube, and he also became “spastic with severe pain”. The patient died three weeks later.

The authors of the new report said this isn’t the first demonstrated case of prion disease following Covid-19 infection: It’s happened at least three other times since the virus emerged.

Not much is known about how the two may be connected, the authors wrote. “Evidence in the literature about an association between COVID-19 and neurodegeneration is unclear,” the study said. “Nonetheless, it is evident that multiple neurodegenerative conditions might be a result of pathogenic illnesses, most commonly prion disorders.”

Looks like Covid-19 is simply a place holder for the triggering of various other illnesses that when compounded with the biological component of a vaccine we get future diseases that are part of an Iatrogenic result.

A world-renowned virologist has warned that the devastating true impact of the mass Covid mRNA vaccination campaign has yet to play out.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a former senior vaccine advisor at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is warning that “vaccinated people” are facing a wave of deadly disease.

Bossche is sounding the alarm over a looming collapse of immunity among those who received the Covid mRNA injections.

According to Bossche, the long-term results of the “vaccines” will be a widespread global wave of turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and brain diseases like dementia.

He also states that there are still many other factors at play that could lead to premature death.

He warns that countries with the highest vaccination rates will be most impacted by the looming wave of death and disease.

Bossche issued the warning during a recent interview where he argued that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are “truly an insult to science.” He then continued to explain how “highly vaccinated countries” are a ticking time bomb for a looming mass death wave.

A 70-year-old lady was brought by her family to the emergency department due to decreased responsiveness and confusion over the last four days. She had a cough, fever, and myalgia for that time and tested positive for COVID-19 through reverse transcription polymerase chain Reaction evaluation, the patient had stable vital signs and required 2 liters/minute of oxygen.

On neurological exam, she had decreased alertness and orientation with receptive and expressive language deficits, delayed responsiveness, and increased processing time. Motor exam, sensory exam, and cranial nerve examination were within the normal limits.

For evaluation of encephalopathy, an MRI was administered.

The cause of encephalopathy was presumed to be COVID-19 infection. The patient received intravenous steroids and remdesivir for its management. Due to her continuing encephalopathy and confusion, the patient required assistance with daily living activities. She was evaluated by physical medicine and rehabilitation and was discharged to a skilled nursing facility. 

The patient was imminently seen in the Neurology clinic and was noted to have aphasia, myoclonus, and a blank stare. Due to this rapid neurologic decline, she was sent to the emergency room and hospitalized.

Due to the rapid neurologic decline, an MRI-brain was performed again, which showed extensive cortical ribboning in the frontal and occipital cortex.

The patient followed up with an infectious disease clinic, and the diagnosis of CJD was shared with her family. After discussing the prognosis and course of the disease, a decision was made to elect comfort measures with hospice. The patient passed away four months later. Post-mortem brain biopsy performed at the family’s request revealed evidence of spongiform degeneration and a positive prion protein consistent with CJD. 

Even though it is rare it is becoming a factor in post Covid health --which makes one wonder if the vaccine is contributing to the nature of the beast.

However, there is also another possible vector of prions and that is in the food we eat --especially with meat and dairy. These particular food groups are under fire for how they contribute to green house gas emissions --and are also being discouraged from the diet.

The conspiracy against food and forced scarcity is a problem as waiting for our consumption are various lab meats and GMO crops that I am sure will be encouraged , if a prion outbreak is shown to evolve into a pandemic.

Doctors have noticed some very rapid changes in the nutritional value as manufacturers are cutting corners to keep costs down during rapid inflation --and in the process are sacrificing health and creating an environment that is reacting to the fad of taking a pill for everything and getting vaccinated for a sneeze.

Things like growing methods, preparation, source and ultimate presentation of basic staples have changed significantly to the extent that trace elements and micronutrient contents have been severely depleted. 

The ongoing research clearly demonstrates a significant relationship between deficiencies in micronutrients and physical and mental ill health.

How convenient would it be for meat and eggs to be restricted form the diet because of fears it may trigger a prion reaction in the brain.

During the first Mad Cow scare there were a lot of people that became overnight vegetarians as the USDA and FDA issued warnings about consuming tainted beef which would expose you to a prion that could incubate in your body and then suddenly turn your brain into mush.

As prions accumulate in the brain, plaque deposits may appear in the brain. Abnormal build-ups of proteins in and around neurons is thought to be what causes Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's was previously believed to come in two forms — a 'sporadic' variant suffered by thousands of people over the age of 65, which is by far the most common, and a genetic early-onset type that runs in families.

The UCL scientists say they have now identified a third variant, which is slightly different from the others and very rare, which can be passed from one person to another.

This is how Frankenstein science can backfire, and the neglect of identifying toxicity can lead to debilitating illnesses. The hidden killers that lie in our toxic environment.

Over the past several decades there have been a number of well-financed campaigns, promoted by well-meaning laypersons, to raise public awareness to the plight of patients with dementia. Suspiciously, most of these campaigns come from “patient support” groups lead the public to believe that every dementia patient has Alzheimer’s dementia.

Not so curiously, it turns out that many – perhaps all – of these campaigns have been funded – usually secretly – by the very pharmaceutical companies that benefit economically by indirectly promoting the sale of so-called Alzheimer’s drugs.

Such corporate-generated public relations “campaigns” are standard operating procedure for all of Big Pharma’s drugs, especially its psycho-pharmaceutical drugs. Big Pharma has found that the promotion and de-stigmatization of so-called “mental illnesses of unknown etiology” is a great tool for marketing their drugs.

Think of the onslaught of drug commercials on TV that relentlessly pimp medications with dangerous side effects and yet there are no controls or investigations as to what they claim to cure.

Many of these drugs and vaccines are still being tested even though they are on the market as miracle drugs when in fact they are creating iatrogenic effects -- and eventually brain impairment and immune deficiency that opens people up to a myriad of disorders that they weren't planning on getting from their treatment. 

Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others.

Damage to mitochondria is now understood to play a role in the pathogenesis of a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, migraine headaches, strokes, neuropathic pain, Parkinson’s disease, ataxia, transient ischemic attack, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, hepatitis C, and primary biliary cirrhosis. 

Believe it or not Establishing mitochondrial toxicity is not an FDA requirement for drug approval, so there is no real way of knowing which agents are truly toxic.

If you want to participate in any argument over whether or not Covid 19 vaccines were effective ask those who champion the science about why there have been heart related side effects after the fact, excess deaths and massive clotting being found in cadavers that have been vaccinated. Many of them have died from the cytokine effects that the vaccines were meant to prevent.

We all know that clotting can lead to strokes, brain bleeds and heart failure. Now we are seeing the connection to prions.

Because of this unprecedented and almost ungraspable horror of prions, no academic study dares to speculate about what the existence of infectious proteins means in a wider sense. What happens when beef, the main source of human prion infections, can be delivered on longer and longer shipping lanes? Or when we realize, far too late, that prion infections are way more common than anybody thought? 

No one can blame the scientists for avoiding that type of speculation: respectable academia requires a dedication to demonstrated facts and to the comfort of donors, and wondering about the future of prions requires a departure from both. 

Nobody knows how far prions have spread. Such questions, for the moment, remain the objects of wild speculation. Regardless, it is certain that, because they are the ultimate alien threat of the pathogen world—because they, unlike viral and bacterial pathogens, are nothing like life and require no host to sustain them—the total number of prions is constantly increasing. 

There is no question of a prion “dying”. Like other proteins, they can be “denatured”, or damaged on a molecular level by extremely high heat and specialized chemicals. But until then, they lie in wait to infect a grazing cow or deer or an unsuspecting kid who wants to see what dirt tastes like.

Prions exist stably in soil-- but eagerly await the extinction of humanity.

What is funny is that Vegans will say that it is best to avoid prions by not eating meat -- but they too can be attacked.

Cows get prions from the dirt on grass. Do vegans clean all their plants down to the level of the molecule? The prion is immune to all customary methods of disease control, which were developed to deal with bacteria and viruses, which require a host. 

We can compare them to Lovecraftian monsters, that can return at anytime to wreak havoc on future generations.

And so, in the end, prions’ greatest tragedy might not be that they will kill us, but that they do not give us the time to take advantage of the knowledge of their existence. They destroy the only weapons—our brains—that might give us a chance against them. 

Isn't that the true definition of an alien threat?

It is capable of attacking the very thing that can be used to stop it.

Quite the death machine -- and would be the perfect weapon for depopulation.