Transcript for 4/25/24: A HOOFBEAT AWAY
The last half-century has brought us the zombie apocalypse – a fictional world where the human race has largely been transformed into a brainless, subhuman hoard of flesh-eaters, with only a few random survivors left to carve out any semblance of life they can find in a barren landscape.
The idea of apocalypse is a central tenet of human society. We’ve been taught about Armageddon, Kali Yuga, Judgment Day,-- the day both the good and evil will be judged,
Behind all political battles, social critiques, and theoretical inquiries lie the most fundamental question: when left to our own accord, how will we interact with one another?
How one answers this question usually goes a long way to how one perceives the world, and how issues are viewed and opinions are formed. To our dismay, potential answers are typically presented in dualities. Are we good or evil? Competitive or cooperative? Generous or greedy? Violent or peaceful?
A common theme among religions has been that human beings are “born into sin” and heavily influenced by “evil forces” to do harmful things. One who embraces this theme will tend to have less faith in humanity than one who does not. For, if we really are engaging in a daily struggle to resist the powers of evil, it is reasonable to assume that evil will take hold of many. How can we trust anyone who, at a moment’s notice, could potentially lose the ability to act on their own conscience?
Dystopian narratives are no longer fiction. From birth, we are corralled into a system that scoffs at free will, stymies our creative and productive capacities, and leaves us little room to carve our own paths. The constructs directed from above are designed to strip us of our inclination to care and cooperate, and make us accept the need to step over one another to get ahead.
Dystopian narratives have long been an alluring and thought-provoking form of entertainment, especially for those who take an interest in studying social and political structures. For 12 years many of us were caught up in the cycle of watching the Walking Dead.
Fairly recently there was a series called The Last of Us another Zombie-like film where people have been taken over by a fungus that mutates and is unsettling to see.
Now there is a science fiction post-nuclear apocalypse TV series called Fallout. This franchise has certainly flash appeal, and has certainly captured the imaginations of game players and even those who do not play the games.
A post-nuclear world is barren, but the characters continue to amaze us and I am sure there will be more adventures as we have been told that there will be a season 2.
These stories, these series that are being offered are part of a continuing cycle of science fiction that shows us the aftermath of what happens when mankind becomes an enemy unto himself.
People are still trying to get through the pages of 1984 by Orwell and Brave New World by Huxley – there was a film that came and went that was a prequel to the Hunger Games called The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes.
Hollywood has done a good job in using symbolism in movies to make their point -- Songbirds, Snakes, and Dragons all seem to be used as Psychopomps that warn us that the bridge to Armageddon is quite near -- or may be upon us depending on just how literal you tale your quick study of the book of revelation.
. Our lives are driven by fear. Fear leads us to spend and consume; fear leads us to withdraw from our communities; and fear leads us to apathy regarding our own social and political processes.
Superstitions die hard when all around you -- some symbols pale the thought of walking under a ladder, or ducking away from a black cat in your path.
These fears are conditioned as much as they are natural. Machiavelli’s The Prince, made it clear: “Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.”
I wanted to share a story with you that took me aback and startled me somewhat -- I wanted to share it because it seemed so otherworldly and yet so natural that I wondered if it was a sign or an omen for an even bigger revelation.
The BBC reported yesterday that four people were injured as 5 horses of the Household Cavalry threw off their riders and raced through London.
There was a video of the incident. One black horse and a white horse whose breast area was covered in a massive amount of blood were madly galloping over the cobblestone streets.
There was no stopping them -- their panicked faces said it all -- and the first thing I thought of was the symbolism of the black horse and the Pale or white horse in the book of the Apocalypse. The white horse stained with blood set the mood for even more eeriness, that was chilling to witness.
It was reported that the horses collided with vehicles, including a double-decker bus and a taxi. They initially became spooked by loud construction during a routine military exercise.
These horses were taking part in the King's birthday parade-- a training and dress rehearsal for the King's Birthday in June.
The last time a horse was seen running through London, Jacob Rothschild “died.” The Household cavalry was again riding in the streets with flags that were wrapped in black cloth.
The soldiers that presented the draped flags in the parade, were riding a black horse and a white horse.
It is again a meaningful coincidence when you take into account how those in power use symbology to get the attention of the minions.
It creates an air of divinity.
As the horses were riding through London for part of the birthday gala in June for King Charles III -- there was something else going on that was a macabre coincidence.
It was reported that due to the King's cancer diagnosis, his funeral plans are also being updated constantly.
The king has never said what specific type of cancer he has been diagnosed with, apart from saying it was not prostate cancer. He is understood to be making regular visits to London for radiotherapy treatment, which can be used to treat many different types of cancer.
Of course, were Charles a private individual, his health would be nobody’s business but his own. But he is the leader of a hereditary monarchy, a head of state who can only be removed by death or abdication, but that doesn’t seem likely to happen given the late Queen Elizabeth’s precedent. Much as his office may not wish to acknowledge it, his prognosis is very much a matter of public interest. It is certainly preoccupying some individuals in certain branches of government.
Not only are Charles’ funeral plans being regularly updated but that a document reviewing what went well after the queen’s funeral, and what could be done better next time a monarch dies—a kind of “lessons learned” crossed with a scorecard, the most esoteric of business reviews—is circulating around the U.K.
The government department responsible for state funerals, the Cabinet Office, declined to comment on claims that the Operation Menai Bridge as Charles’ funeral plan is codenamed document is being regularly updated, but again emphasized that not commenting on such plans was routine.
The fleeing horses are just one more checkmark in the ghoulish nature of the monarchy--and their penchant for medieval theater.
Especially when it is being theorized that the antichrist will rise from the British monarchy.
The horses are now riding, the rumors of animal sacrifice still prevail in the holy land during Passover, and wars are creating both famine and death.
In the Bible, the Black horse represents famine or plague and the White or pale horse represents death.
There continues a description of several horsemen who ride in the final days each horse having its own symbology. There is war, famine, pestilence, and death. The horses also have colors. the symbolism of the horseman has been determined in many ways . The white horse is a horse of Conquest; this horse is the horse that the Muslim Mahdi, the antichrist or Jesus is supposed to arrive on. A Red horse brings war, the black horse brings plagues, and the pale horse which is a deathly greenish white death horse.
It is important to note that the pale horse has been called the pale green horse and its name has been taken from the original Greek Chloros. Chlorine is a pale green agent that is used in many chemical weapons.
Again, a meaningful coincidence in my opinion --something that certainly is worth speaking up about.
This may indicate that coming on the heels of the first three horsemen, the pale horseman’s arrival portends that more hundreds of millions will perish through the use of chemical weapons--or as we have discussed biological attacks that are untraceable.
Hierarchical societal arrangements leave us feeling powerless. However, it is evident that powerful governments love to mock or even embrace apocalyptic imagery to gain power.
Many people are not aware that the European Union Parliament has embraced imagery and iconography that has been warned about in the Book of Revelation and in The Book of Daniel.
In the prophecies of Daniel Chapter 2 and Revelation Chapter 17 we read about a latter-day political union which, in its final form, will consist of ten nations or groups of nations dominated by the Antichrist and getting its power from the nation with seven hills (Rome) and being ruled by the Antichrist born of the Whore of Babylon.
The imagery and iconography associated with the European Union are openly apocalyptic. According to apocalyptic writings the “great whore” of the new Babylon rides a beast with “seven heads and ten horns” and bearing the name “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”. The Euro coin blatantly has engraved on it, a woman riding a beast. The E.U. parliament building itself is a representation of the unfinished tower of Babel. In front of the building are sculptures of the harlot riding the horned beast. The walls inside also have tapestries depicting the same image.
There are 679 seats in an auditorium where the Fifth Parliament meets in the Tower building –while these seats are allocated to Members; one seat remains unallocated and unoccupied. The number of that seat is 666. The seat has been set aside for for some reason.
More often than not, especially in times that have been deemed uncertain, apocalyptic ideas have been issued in the expectation that human history might screech to a halt at any moment and dissolve into some kind of apocalyptic judgment. Protestant Christians have been especially susceptible to these schemes, especially the more conservative Protestants known as evangelicals, because of their inclination to read and interpret the Bible, literally.
They have tended to focus on the New Testament Book of Revelation as well as the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible. Both texts are replete with imagery and allegory that would strike most casual readers as downright bizarre, but many Christians throughout American history have expended untold energies trying to fit these writings into an interpretive framework for understanding the end of time.
These notions, grounded in a literalistic interpretation of biblical prophecies, admit of many different constructions, and evangelical Christians who agree on such issues as biblical inerrancy, meaning the Bible is infallible without any mistakes or that left out inconvenient texts were left out for a reason and of course, church leaders that will argue bitterly over whether or not God’s elect will go through the tribulation which is seven years of rule by the Antichrist predicted in Revelation.
The transhuman equation can be part of the beast theories and the iconography that governments like the European Union embrace blatantly mocks god.
France is no exception as their leader Emanuel Macron sees himself as a messiah as well.
You may remember that the president of France Emmanuel Macron claimed that he wanted to rule France like Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, shortly after officials told the media his thought process was “too complex” for journalists to understand.
In May of 2017 Summoning over 900 politicians from both houses of the French parliament to a rare Congress at the palace of Louis XIV – the ‘Sun King’ – in Versailles, he threatened to overrule lawmakers with a referendum if they try to frustrate the “reforms” he wishes to impose on the legislature. Such assemblies are usually reserved for times of national crisis.
Reuters reported him as saying he desired to reign as a “Jupiterian” president – “a remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully”.
Others see this as a declaration that he sees himself as the God Jupiter which of course is the equivalent of the Greek god, Zeus.
His declaration of ruling like a Roman god coincidentally was made to parliament at the Versailles Palace – a place known as the palace of the “Sun King.”
Jupiter was the chief god in the pagan Roman pantheon. Connecting himself with that particular god is in effect a statement that he wants to rule above every god. It is also a peculiar homage to the ancient Roman Empire, since Jupiter was specific to Rome.
When Emmanuel Macron was sworn in as the new president of France, he also became a prince. If this comes as something of a shock, you’re certainly not alone. France did, after all, famously oust and later execute King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution.
But even though the country abolished the monarchy in 1792, a little-known agreement dating back to the 13th century has made its leaders princes ever since.
This would make him Prince Emmanuel. Emmanuel means, undefined God is with us.
Yes Macron has been shown to be an excellent candidate for the antichrist as well -- showing that many are called but few are chosen and there can be only one.
It is all in the eye of the dispensationalist.
In these times, it is essential to point out that prophecy or the fulfillment of the apocalyptic design was often associated with Jupiter or the temple dedicated to the false god.
Jupiter’s Temple was built in the 2nd century AD during the Roman Empire. In the Bible, the Temple of Jupiter is known as “Satan’s Seat.”
In the 2nd chapter 12th verse in the Book of the Apocalypse, it states:
“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell… where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to my name and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.”
The site of the Temple of Jupiter was one of the original Roman Catholic seats.
Today, all that’s left of the city of Pergamum, now in modern-day Turkey, are ruins. But when the Apostle John wrote his letter to the church there, it was one of the most influential cities in the Roman Empire.
The altar of Pergamum or Satan’s Seat was eventually moved.
Stone by stone, the altar was excavated and taken to Berlin, where it was reassembled and placed in its own museum. The Pergamon Museum opened in 1930, with the altar as its centerpiece.
The Nazi architect, Albert Speer, used the Pergamon Altar as the model for the Fuhrer’s pulpit it was from Jupiter’s or Zeus’ pulpit that a known Antichrist figure , Adolf Hitler declared war on Europe.
The Seat of Satan still resides in the European Union. Will we see the antichrist of dispensation sit on that throne?
Leaders like King Charles III, the Canadian Prime Minister, US President Joe Biden, and the British Prime Minister all expressed their support for the fourth industrial revolution-- a New World Order or Great Reset.
They are implementing passports and identification from people who have been injected with vaccines that have been loaded with carbon-based graphene undefined that at its base contains 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.
If this is all a conspiracy theory, then certainly it is a terrifying one for those who are watchdogs for end-time prophecy and the blueprint for the eschaton.
Believers say that these developments are paving the way, for the great events that will unfold during the tribulation.
Treading in the religious implications of these synchronicities triggers a lot of religious debate among true believers; however, it must also be entertained or at least a dialogue must be had about the implications of these events that appear to be a fulfillment of prophecy.
I can't help but wonder if all of this is a coincidence or if there is a strategy to uncover. Uncanny symbolism that fits prophecies allegedly made thousands of years ago can be suspect.
The widespread deployment of apocalyptic fear ultimately keeps us in our place, and out of the business of those who own our world.