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Transcript for 4/9/24: WERKER ROBOTER

I wanted to point out that with all of the doomsaying predictions we talked about –with the eclipse, it has to be said that the idea of “something happening” is in the eyes of the beholder. In other words we can all joke about the person who thinks that world is going to end — and we can assume that people who talk about symbolism and conspiracy are ripping their hair out with bouts of apocalyptic paranoia — but no, the fears and mythologies about events such as eclipses are based on histories of people’s that lived before you.

But what is so sad is Jesus could have come yesterday and the mainstream news would still be arguing over how Joe Biden or Donlad Trump is doing in the polls.

We are so easily lolled into this sense of ennui — when yes things are happening — they may not be black swans, or earthquakes and mass death — but they are certainly worthy of discussing because predicting the future is fraught with risk, but the greater risk is in failing to plan for our destiny. As a nation, we face a choice: to drift into our future or to actively shape it.

Many have given up– many do not care, but I feel that we must be aware of potential problems we may face — because on this planet there is always room for incompetence.

There is always room for mistakes that can be deadly or push us closer to extinction.

I have been hearing in the periphery mentions of an increase in minimum wage in some parts of the country.

California fast-food workers cooking Big Macs or whipping Frappuccinos will start making a minimum wage of $20 an hour on Monday. For many, this means a 25% raise.

The new state minimum uniquely focuses on a particular segment, fast food, affecting some of the country’s biggest chains, including McDonald’s, Starbucks, Subway and Pizza Hut.

It’s a big win for cooks, cashiers, and other fast-food workers – some of the lowest-paid jobs in the U.S.

California is one of the country’s most expensive states; about half a million people are estimated to work in fast food here, mostly women, immigrants and people of color. Many live below the poverty line.

But the dramatic pay raise has also touched off a heated debate about the impact on local businesses. Smaller franchise restaurant owners warn they’ll have to raise prices, reduce worker’s hours, cut jobs, close down — or bring in cheaper and effective automated services.

Yes the idea that these workers could be replaced by one armed robots flipping Big Macs sounds good for fast food business owners — they don’t complain, the don’t call in sick, and they don’t demand higher pay.

Soon you can order fast food from kiosks and robots.

Ronald McDonald will soon have the personality of the Terminator.

Back in 2016, I presented a show called The BOT Apocalypse and Thus Began the Robot Rebellion. I remember it was a very controversial show because I spoke about the eventual takeover of automation –and that those that would be considered unskilled labor would end up making what I called a floor wage at the time.

I stated that there would be an upswell in robot automation as it would be necessary as a future economy would warrant an increase in the minimum wage. This would cause small business operators to add automated or robot labor to their workforce.

It was obvious to me that the plan was taking hold because at the time 5G was being discussed and that it was needed for a broader internet and the use of machines with built in Artificial intelligence.

Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence have crept into everyday routines. From flying autonomous drones delivering our packages and robot vacuums gliding around our homes we have been shown how convenient having a rudimentary robot can be.

Back then we should have seen the writing on the wall.

But now there is new evidence that raising the minimum wage pushes business owners to replace low-skilled workers with automation. And it shows that old, young, female and black low-skilled workers face the highest levels of unemployment after a minimum-wage increase.

These automatable jobs include positions like supermarket check-out clerks, who can be replaced by self-service checkout cashiers, and assembly-line workers in manufacturing plants, who can be replaced by robotic arms. Low-skilled workers, for the study, are defined as those who have a high school diploma or less.

Raising the minimum wage is a deeply polarizing issue. While some argue raising the minimum wage squeezes businesses, forcing them to lay off workers, others argue it is beneficial for both individual workers and the economy as a whole.

Minimum wage is not the only cause for automation. Elon Musk has warned that advances in technology are happening so fast that the government will end up having to pay people cash handouts to live.

The dreaded universal basic income — something I warned my audience about in 2016 — and everyone wondered how are we going to pay people to do nothing?

A factory in China employed 3,200 workers in 2005 but still had a labor shortage. It bought robots; now it operates with about 800 employees.

At a post office in China, where once 500 workers sorted packages, there are only about 100 employees, each placing packages on robots that spin about like Roombas and place them in bins.

In Tokyo, hotels are staffed only by robots.

In 2016, I stated:

There are also been robots that have been programmed to flip burgers and in some fast food franchises you can now order at a kiosk. No need for a cashier or a cook – soon all fast food chains will be automated or live assisted by a fast food computer technician.

Here we are 8 years later and the move to automate most fast-food chains is now being discussed because of the minimum wage hike.

As I stated back then, the planners of the global take over were ready to move in this direction all along with groups like the World Economic forum and the Trilateral commission stating that this would be inevitable.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the well-known academic, co-Founder of the Trilateral Commission, and former National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter– wrote all about the transition in his book entitled: “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era,”

The book yields insights into shadowy-elite philosophizing for a dystopic future world order. A Technotronic future where data will be more valuable than gold and unskilled jobs will be replaced by Robots.

The Technetronic Revolution is described as the imminent revolution in society following the agrarian and then industrial revolutions. The Technetronic era is, ‘a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the arena of computers and electronics.

:All aspects of life are influenced and controlled by computerized databases and scientific intervention; ‘the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control augment the political scope of consciously chosen direction, and thereby also the pressures to direct, to choose, and to change.’ Further ‘In the Technetronic society the trend seems to be toward aggregating the individual support of millions of unorganized citizens, who are easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities, and effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotion and control reason.

Last November, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, was summarily and suddenly fired from the company by the Board of Directors. Chaos ensued. Then, miraculously, Altman jockeyed to be reinstated after he fired the existing Board and bought in new Directors who would be more amenable to his plans to conquer the world.

Enter Larry Summers, member of the Trilateral Commission.

Summers was appointed as Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration, following another Trilateral Robert Rubin. Both President Bill Clinton and his vice-president Al Gore were also members. He then went back to Harvard University to serve as its President. Then he joined the Obama Administration as director of National Economic Council.

Summers and Sam Altman are on the same page on the total disruption of labor using machines.

Summers’ expectation that AI will be the great labor replacer has been shared by quite a few people and organizations.

Altman told The Atlantic last year that “jobs are definitely going to go away, full stop.”

Summers spoke at Fortune’s Innovation Forum in Hong Kong last week and was clear about his position:

“If one takes a view over the next generation, this could be the biggest thing that has happened in economic history since the Industrial Revolution… This offers the prospect of not replacing some forms of human labor, but almost all forms of human labor.“

Summers will undoubtedly get on board with Altman’s plan for Universal Basic Income (UBI), a concept of historic Technocracy from the 1930s. UBI is a stipend paid to all who have no useful purpose in life.

The UBI would be distributed through the means of CBDC –Wolrdcoin. The AI process of mechanized money sound like something ripped directly out of the Book of revelation in the bible — you know that part about getting that 666.

The idea of Worldcoin is twofold. First, the company wanted to find a way to verify humanity in a world that is already teeming with AI bots. It’s achieving this through a piece of tech called the Orb, which scans people’s irises and converts those scans into a string of numeric code.

Second, in a world that is already threatened by explosive AI-driven job loss, Worldcoin is intent on providing universal basic income to its users. Right now, that means 25 units of its Worldcoin cryptocurrency (for everyone outside of the U.S.). But the company’s goal is to scan every human on Earth.

The Goal is to scan every human on earth. That will be a big job — but as you can see the sustainability goals include health passports and social credit scores.. all of this determines what basic income the powers that be think you deserve.

Beggars can’t be choosers now can they — and when you are replaced by a robot — what goals do you have to progress in your career?

Will there be any motivation in the future?

Musk told CNBC that There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation.”

Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson has echoed the sentiment. “With the acceleration of [artificial intelligence] and other new technology … the world is changing fast,” Branson writes in a post published this week. “A lot of exciting new innovations are going to be created, which will generate a lot of opportunities and a lot of wealth, but there is a real danger it could also reduce the amount of jobs.”

While many low-skilled workers will be replaced by automation, developments in technology will create some new jobs, too.

Firms may hire other workers who perform new tasks that are complementary with the new technology. For example, a firm using more robots may hire individuals to service, troubleshoot, and maintain these new machines.

That should clue you in on what you should be studying and preparing for — a career in Robot maintenance.

These jobs, though, are likely to require more education and training than the lower-skilled jobs being replaced. It is also reported that many of these jobs will not be filled by men but by highly skilled women because these jobs are less likely to involve manual or physically demanding labor.

Fast food companies are investing big in AI and robots to do many of the repetitive tasks of restaurant workers, especially in the face of a post-pandemic worker shortage and now the proposed hikes in minimum wage.

Amazon’s fleet of automated warehouse robots, now more than 100,000 machines strong, is working alongside human employees to help meet the e-commerce giant’s massive fulfillment demand.

The company’s robots carry inventory around massive warehouse floors, compiling all the items for a customer’s order and reducing the need for human interaction with the products.

So what do the technocrats say about all of this?

Their attitude seems to be that we should get used to it.

The answer they say is that we all will have to learn some form of “interpretability” meaning that you better gain the ability to understand how an AI system works.

The reality is that over the past few years, AI has begun to exceed human capabilities and by next year, we will begin to accept it.

Right now most people do not need to fully understand why AI’s make decisions and maybe the systems can become better and faster and smarter.

In fact, they will assist doctors in making a diagnosis and will also be able to project how long a patient has to live and whether or not they are a risk.

AI is now being used to determine if treating a patient is worth the trouble and the money involved –and so it can recommend that the patient be euthanized.

In other words if we rely on the opinion of AI, we will be treated like machines instead of humans.

Imagin an AI determining if you live or die — it is only a recommendation –and you’d think Doctor’s would not listen.

Yea think that and remember what happened with Covid-19 and how people went and got jabbed without even consulting their doctors — or how the doctors were all in on the idea of having poison injected into their patients.

You see people are already acting like robots and like trained seals they will bark for their fish –in the guise of the Universal basic income.

I hope that as we are just coming to edge of full on robot control and algorithmic weaponizing of consciousness we can stop and ask ourselves if we are willing to put that much faith in governments and the technocratic upgrades in the system.