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Transcript for 5/1/24: DEER DIE-ARY W/ DR. JASON WEST

Back in 1977, when I wasn’t standing in line for Star Wars or running away from home to go to a KISS concert -- I would actually love to go to the 50-cent movie theater to see some of the B-movies that did not last in the theaters but wound up in the budget auditorium. 

I also enjoyed going to the drive-ins. We still had them when I was a boy and I am sure that dates me but they were a lot of fun and I had fond memories of literally spending the whole day at the drive-in, playing in the playground before it got dark and the movie started.

There was a film that I remember had a huge impact on me --and I am sure hardly anyone remembers it -- It was called "Day of the Animals."

Day of the Animals tells the story of a psychosis brought on by the depletion of the Earth's ozone layer, affecting all animals at high altitudes. 

This movie was timely as we were all warned that the Ozone Layer was depleting and that aerosolized hairspray and deodorant were somehow affecting it and soon we would all be crazy if the Ozone were to disappear.

It was good fear porn , as it warned us of a future Zombie apocalypse.

Of course in the film, the animals become affected first and they start turning on people. Scientists observe that animals over 5,000 feet in altitude become highly aggressive. One small-town sheriff barely escapes getting mauled to death by rats. The government orders the evacuation and quarantine of all settlements above that altitude.

At the time it was considered a natural horror film with an environmental message even though they were pretty loose with their scientific theories about how animals would turn into vicious zombies attacking people unprovoked.

I remember the film actually gave me a nightmare, where I found myself in a cow pasture, when I approached the cows , one did not moo, but it growled at me like a wolf and I could see that this placid cow was far from placid as it bore its sharp teeth warning me to stay away.

What a horrific scenario.

Well, it is all science fiction -- until it isn’t, and it appears that lately all we can do is watch our world deteriorate to the point where we have a hard time discerning between reality and science fiction,

Who needs horror films when we live in one form day to day?

It was ten years later an epidemic of a fatal neurological disease in cows suddenly appeared in in The United States and Europe. Cows became uncoordinated, staggered around, collapsed, and finally died. The disease was called Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) because necropsies on the cows showed that there were holes in the brain where prion protein cells became folded, had linked up, and then split to cover the surface of the brain.

The outbreak revealed a horrible secret about the cattle industry-- it was found that for 40 years infected slaughterhouse carcasses had been rendered down and recycled into animal feed. Not wanting to waste anything, pressure cooking of the spinal cord and brain produced a sludge known as ‘mechanically-recovered meat’. 

The regulators allowed it to go into meat products. This processed meat and bone meal was turned into a coarse powder and was fed back to cows. Cows which are known herbivores were turned into cannibals.

Some were even fed their own feces, and chicken feces as well.

By 1990, BSE had spread into 14 other species, including cats. The media and government officials had to do some Public relations maintenance to ensure that the meat products were safe to eat, however, there were others that were recommending we remove meat from our diets and because their studies showed that BSE had a 75-year incubation period in humans and that we may all be at risk for an attack of the prions.

In 1995, the first human under 40 contracted what became known as a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (new vCJD, related to BSE and belonging to the same family of diseases.

My grandmother also died from the disease as well, at the time it was still new, and doctors believed that she was exposed to it in Germany.

I remember when it first hit her we were at a Thanksgiving dinner and she all of a sudden became aggressive and started breaking dishes. We rushed to the hospital where she was admitted to intensive care because it was discovered that her brain was swelling. There was no injury to her head and doctors were baffled. They had to drill holes in her skull to relieve her pain. The swelling, however, was so intense that it pulled back her face and she appeared to have this weird smile.

It was hard to see her suffer, within a week she was dead.

The doctors had asked my Aunt if they could use my grandmother’s brain tissue for further study. It was traumatizing for the family.

Some were calling it the zombie disease -- as other animals were showing signs of having it -- especially deer and sheep.

The media reported that scientists had discovered that ‘mad cow disease’ could jump species --and that humans could get it as well.

It was reported that humans could catch mad cow disease from eating infected beef and that the government was about to do a U-turn by finally accepting that the brain-wasting disease may have been passed to people. 

Legislation was introduced l banning the use of contaminated ruminant protein for use in ruminant feed in 1988.

After that, the stories about people being infected and other stories of horror subsided and the so-called Zombie disease had not captured the media's attention.

It was as if it just disappeared -- but the memory of the so-called 75-year incubation period still lingered.

Mad cow disease did not just suddenly appear from nowhere. It was created by humans, particularly in the farming industry and food processors.

Evidence suggests there could soon be a second wave of cases affecting humans. It will be among people with a genetic predisposition towards longer incubation periods than the first patients had. 

So far we don't hear of the Zombie prion anymore, but we are now having the same type of fears being stoked about remnants of bird flu being found in milk.

Scientists are now arguing whether the study is correct -- but it hasn't stopped them from testing ground beef for bird flu.

Now I need to explain that bird flu and prions are not the same thing -- I don't want to confuse people -- but it just shows us that perhaps history rhymes and that Agriterror is very real and is a great motivator to collapse the beef industry.

That remains to be seen -- and the idea of the Zombie apocalypse still scares a lot of people and tends to be a familiar trope in a lot of movies and TV shows that are still popular.

For some reason, it is quite entertaining to watch people live with apocalyptic morality fighting off people who have stopped eating meat and have decided to show down on human flesh.

But is it all just a fantasy?

The Las Vegas police department received a report about a man who tackled another man to the ground around 5 a.m. Sunday morning. Roughly 45 minutes later, cops received a call from a witness who said a man was on top of another man at a bus stop “eating” his face.

When police arrived at the scene, they found 29-year-old Colin Czech kneeling next to the victim with “biological matter in his hair, mouth and on his clothing,” documents said. 

Czech told cops that the man had attacked him.

He admitted to using his teeth to “to eat [the man’s] eyeballs and ears, He told police he had been awake “for five days straight” because something was “possessing him.”

Czech is charged with murder.

Czeck is just one of many cases where the homeless have attacked other homeless and have eaten their face.

In Oregon Koryn Kraemer attacked a 78-year-old man last year at a train station. The victim was standing on the platform when Kraemer, who was allegedly drunk and high on fentanyl and marijuana, approached the elderly man and proceeded to eat his face.

Kramer claimed that the 78-year-old man he attacked was a robot. He had chewed off the man’s ear and bitten the skin off his face to the point of exposing his skull.

Kraemer also said that he spit out the victim’s flesh that he had bitten off, and claimed that police “had saved his life by separating him from ‘the robot'”.

These stories are similar to the well-known story reported in 2012 about a Florida man Rudy Eugene who was found eating the parts of another man's face. 

He was shot and killed by Police and was later called "The Miami Zombie."

How do we deal with these terrifying stories? What prompts this kind of rage? Could they be related to brain disorders that have been brought on by the use of dangerous drugs like fentanyl or is this the way the world ends -- where people descend into madness?

First, it begins with the animals and then it spreads to humans. 

Then, it was cows and sheep -- now it apparently is being seen in deer.

Zombie Deer disease is spreading in America and now it has been found in 33 states. Indiana is the latest state to report the finding.

The infected animal in Indiana, a hunter-harvested white-tailed deer taken during deer season in LaGrange County, was found on the 5th of April, according to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

There is no known treatment for the disease, which was first discovered in Colorado in the 1960s, and which impacts the nervous system of deer, elk, and moose.

The wasting disease is a prion disease that is similar to Mad Cow disease.

It can cause the creatures to appear lethargic, move in an off-balance way, and drool excessively. Another sign that deer may have it is that they do not fear humans.

The US CDC advises hunters to avoid deer that are sick, already dead, or exhibiting any strange behaviors, and to handle wild game meat with gloves and other sanitary procedures.

It also suggests hunters follow state guidance and use resources to test their meat if possible.

Zombie Deer Disease is contagious among deer and spreads with bodily contact, bodily fluids, and contaminated environments can remain in the soil of an area for years after it is introduced.

On the 18th of April, it was reported that two hunters died from the disease.

Experts have been warning for years that the nearly 100 percent fatal chronic wasting disease could jump from animal to human.

But a new study theorizes that it has already happened - in two hunters who died in 2022 after eating contaminated venison.

One of the victims, a 72-year-old man, suffered 'rapid-onset confusion and aggression,' as well as seizures. He died within a month.

He was diagnosed after his death with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease-- the Human equivalent of bovine spongiform prion disease.

The hunter's friend also died from the disease but there were limited details about his condition in the research published last week in the journal Neurology.

Researchers believe that due to a history of both hunters eating meat from an infected herd, they could have actually developed CJD.

Researchers say that although causation remains unproven, this case emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming -infected deer and its implications for public health.

There are no treatments or vaccines, and the disease is 100 percent fatal.

The exact route of transmission is not fully understood, but it is thought that it is spread from animal to animal by eating forage or water contaminated by infected feces or exposure to carcasses.

Direct contact, including saliva, blood, urine and even antler velvet during annual shedding may also contribute to the transmission of the pathogen.

These prion diseases are not limited to deer and there have been studies that deal with the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine contributes to prion disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , multiple system atrophy, and others. 

As cases pile-up of the reportedly “rare” neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine — forcing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson shot — scientists also issued urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other types of neurological injuries.

We are all hearing about Turbo Cancers, arrhythmias, and other side effects that cause people to die suddenly, and this just contributes to the long list of those inconvenient truths about the vaccine and what it does to humans in the long run.

A pattern shows that many vaccine recipients are experiencing prion-like symptoms --and prion-related disorders.

In the AstraZeneca reports and the Pfizer vaccine reports researchers have found that -- 185 reported Parkinson’s reactions following the AstraZeneca vaccination versus 20 for the Pfizer injections (primarily identified through a specific symptom called “Freezing Phenomenon”)

9,288 versus 937 reports of tremor (another potential Parkinson’s symptom) for AstraZeneca and Pfizer, respectively

58 versus 4 reports of sleep disturbances (a hallmark symptom of a prion disease called “fatal familial insomnia”)

Describing these findings as a “clear signal of a specific prion disease, Parkinson’s disease,” is biologically plausible because they are consistent with what is known about the pathogenic coronavirus spike protein.

Ordinarily, scientists believe it takes years (or even decades) for the abnormal folding of certain proteins to produce prion disease.

However, COVID vaccines could be accelerating disease progression in individuals who either already have subclinical prion disease or have mild prion disease that has not been properly diagnosed.

Does this indicate that the scientists were right about the multi-year incubation period of cattle prions since the first reported cases of CJD and BSE?

Has the COVID-19 vaccine accelerated the process of creating human zombies with prion attacks?

Prion disease symptoms are often non-specific or overlap with other conditions, making diagnosis difficult and underreporting probable.

It is chilling to think that we are all infected and that the vaccines and other toxic chemicals we are exposed to can accelerate cancers and prion diseases.

It goes to show that while we are told that there are pharmaceutical companies are looking out for our health -- they may be exposing us to iatrogenic artifacts that are speeding up the process toward our deaths.

It should be also noted that Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca any other RNA-based “vaccines” licensed in the US are protected from legal pursuit for injury caused by the inoculation, under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. In other words, they are exempt from any lawsuit resulting from vaccine injuries.

Under the pretext of health protection, vaccine injuries are being played out in plain sight, in front of our eyes. And the insanity is that many people see it, but nobody stops it.

From animals to humans -- the Zombie prions are returning to claim their quota and now we have to watch this take place before our eyes -- and it appears that it is just one more health problem that we have to deal with --and be coerced into following rules and taking in toxic chemicals that render us agitated and weak until we wander around and drop dead.