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We have another billionaire who has thrown his opinion out into the public arena about the United States heading for civil war.

Ray Dalio, the billionaire investor and founder of hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, said he sees a growing likelihood that the United States will plunge into a civil war.

In an interview with Financial Times, Dalio, detailed his research in which he found a 35 percent to 40 percent chance that the U.S. will have a civil war.

It appears that civil war can be reduced down to something that sounds like the local weather report.

Bring in the tomatoes there is a civil war coming.

It is all based on the election results.

“We are now on the brink,” Dalio said. Still, he said, it’s not known yet “if we will cross over into much more turbulent times.”

Dalio said a modern-day civil war wouldn’t necessarily be one where people “grab guns and start shooting,” although it is possible.

What he means by civil war, Dalio explained, is an acceleration of political polarization where people would “move to different states that are more aligned with what they want,” and one in which people wouldn’t follow the decisions and direction of federal authorities.

The billionaire said he thinks this November’s election is the most critical one in his lifetime. The outcome this fall will determine if the risks he sees could actually happen.

The answer it appears is to invest in a global stakeholder democracy. 

Sounds like a Great reset, 

Many more pundits are again warning of civil war. Some have already said that World War III has already begun. You can see that various agendas, from climate change to pandemic fears are being grown slowly in a timely way, for an October surprise or even a bigger surprise prior that will put us again on the edge and render us into a population of refugees in our own communities. 

The events of recent years have all been part of a master plan to shut us up and preemptively shut us down: by making peaceful revolution impossible and violent civil war inevitable.

The powers that be want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law.

As John Lennon warned, “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you.”

Way back on the campaign trail, when President Biden bragged about how the average citizen doesn’t stand a chance against the government’s massive arsenal of militarized firepower, it barely caused a ripple.

As Biden remarked at a fundraising event in California, “I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is—you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if you want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15.”

That would be considered a threat if Trump said that -- but of course we are led to believe that we have the champions of freedom and democracy in Washington.

The deep state is of course a conspiracy theory. 

ABC News host George Stephanopoulos appeared on the talk show -- "The View" to promote his new book and actually admitted that the deep state exists.

He said quote:

"I interviewed about 100 duty officers from the White House and these are people, they're relatively young, people who come from all over the government. The CIA, DIA, the Defense Department, the military, and some people like to call those people the deep state. Well, the big thing I learned doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriots," this is from his book "The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis."

This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.

It is in your face now -- and their excuse for all of their secret groups and unelected agents is to preserve democracy. 

With the election coming up, all I hear on political talk radio is the word Democracy. That word has been abused more so by the political left as if it is synonymous with freedom. 

I don't know if anyone really has noticed, but that word has been abused and used as a magic word by the liberal left that seems to grate on me, especially when you can plainly see that many longstanding aspects of America’s governing institutions can reasonably be criticized as anti-democratic or a danger to civil liberties.

The left-leaning media is also guilty of throwing the word democracy around to reinforce the idea that a democracy often equates to a free and open society. 

But Americans should know better. It appears that the word democracy is part of the neurolinguistic programming that is creating a psy-op of disillusion.

You hear the word “democracy” thrown around quite a bit these days. “Democracy is being destroyed in the United States by Donald Trump!!” and “Democracy is being destroyed in the United States by Joe Biden!”

Not only is democracy being destroyed in all of our previously democratic countries, but it is being destroyed in countries that never had democracy, or haven’t had it before recently acquiring it. 

All of us democratic countries also have to be the ones responsible for maintaining democracy everywhere else in the world—like the lack of democracy, or lost democracy, will somehow rub off on us, or it will spread to us like some sort of infectious disease.

Every time we turn around we are being told that democracy is being destroyed by this or that—in the US, Canada, the UK, Germany.

In this country, we are barely a democracy. We are even barely a constitutional republic.

The United States has always relied on winner-takes-all geographically based representation, which can result in substantial misrepresentation when partisans are segregated.

The Polarized so-called democracy we allegedly are so proud of is nothing but word salad that covers up the fact that we are seeing an erosion of democracy.

It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations, and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or a Nanny State Idiocracy.

Whatever the label, overbearing despotism is what happens when government representatives (those elected and appointed to work for us) adopt the authoritarian notion that the government knows best and therefore must control, regulate, and dictate almost everything about the citizenry’s public, private, and professional lives.

I have been noticing a lot of attention on Kamala Harriss lately and how she is so cute when she uses the F-word. But one of the F-words she loves to use and conflates with democracy is Freedom or freedom.

Freedom is not democracy, and democracy is not freedom.

A democratic country is not necessarily a free country. 

I don’t think a free country needs to be democratic—a strong constitution is all that is needed, really. A strong constitution and a strong means to protect it.

Even countries that claim to be democratic are not free, often they are not even democratic. Take the German Democratic Republic, of East Germany. They were clearly a communist country which afforded the populace very little freedom. While they technically held elections, they were more symbolic than democratic, serving to legitimize the authority of the ruling party rather than offer genuine choice and representation to the people. 

Their government was complex, as are most governments, and even though a country may tout being a democracy, it often is far from it—at least far from what the general populace believes democracy to be.

This is what happens when the American people get duped, deceived, double-crossed, cheated, lied to, swindled, and conned into believing that the government and its army of bureaucrats—the people we appointed to safeguard our freedoms—actually have our best interests at heart.

They want you to think that democracy is what freedom is all about and it is far from it.

It is a ploy to gain a foothold into rebuilding government for the fourth industrial revolution -- the will be a world government that I am sure will claim that it is a democracy.

Insofar as “democracy” means “a political system in which government derives its powers from the consent of the governed,” then of course that accurately describes our system. But the word conjures far more than that. It is often used to describe rule by majority, the view that it is the prerogative of government to reflexively carry out the will of the majority of its citizens.

But we now have a so-called administrative government that uses democracy as an excuse to weaponize the deep state to eliminate political rivals.

Advocates of “democracy” have convinced themselves the obstacle to progress in Washington is all these counter-democratic parts of our system. 

In truth, Congress’s failure to pass sweeping progressive—or conservative—legislation in recent decades is a signal that neither party has won the necessary support from the American people to pass it. That does not indicate a flaw in the system, but flaws in the two parties’ agendas. 

The election that you are being sold through the haze of democracy is repugnant and obviously is being set up for a constitutional crisis, and eventually a civil war.

Most people define democracy as “the people having the freedom to choose their leaders, typically through a popular vote”—majority rule. 

But it seems to be far more complicated than that. We must answer questions regarding the definition of “popular” vote, questions in the US about the electoral college, questions about who gets to vote, and who gets to be candidates, and who doesn’t, and whether that vote is administered legally and fairly. These considerations mentioned here are only a drop in the bucket, and they are essential to contemplate before we understand exactly what democracy is.

Only in a constitutional republic are Americans’ individual rights and cultural diversity given their proper position atop our political order, over and above even majority will. 

Making everything a political obstacle is not democracy -- it is chaos -- and it is time to acknowledge that when left-wing politicians use the word, it is part of an ideological coup.

Why is democracy always conflated with freedom? If elections and the passing of laws are not handled fairly and transparently, you can easily construct a corrupt system that entirely misses the point of freedom of choice.

Given the current situation, it appears that most Americans would rather have their choices made for them -- they have forgotten what it is like to make decisions without the government giving them mandates on how to behave.

And why do they do it? It is for the greater good of democracy.

We are being propagandized about the threats to “democracy” despite the fact special interest groups have totally captured and controlled the political process and pretty much rendered it useless. 

It is a rigged system.

It has always been a rigged system -- even before those democracy pushers said that the concept was all a MAGA conspiracy against Biden.

They need to understand that before Trump it was Hillary Clinton who said this and was also saying that she was a victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy and that it was a threat to democracy.

The democracy that we see is simple.

We are supposed to choose a leader in whom we are supposed to trust. Then the chosen leader says, "Now shut up and obey me." 

This is not democracy, it is like we elect the Godfather to run the mob --and choices are limited -- obviously the choices in the election we are having in 5 months are far from being a safe bet for our future.

We are voting for the least vulnerable man.

Of course, a bought and paid-for media would never want you to realize that because it would threaten them-- so they too throw around the word democracy as if it were a dress on prom night.

They are turning democracy into a cult for the brainwashed --it is another form of theatre. It is a reality show where teams cheer on their own slavery--giving a blank check for some tyrant to bastardize the very democracy we are told they support. 

The controllers have managed to convince the population that democracy is the greatest thing when in reality it is a cover for the underlying control of the many by the few through a complex set of circumstances. 

A web of deceit involving supranational organizations, central banks, corporations, NGOs, think tanks, and powerful families. Democracy has been used as a rallying call to justify bombing countries, run by dictators who have outlived their use.

A population can be manipulated easily when they are told democracy is at stake. 

The hard of thinking are directed by a corrupt media to act accordingly by supporting the actions of the party running their ‘nation’. 

Or by voting in another party, quite literally swapping one set of puppets for another. The mirage of democracy stifles too many questions being asked. For example, “Who is pulling the puppet strings?

Who watches those who are watching you?

The Pandemic was amply demonstrated through the words of puppet leaders of so-called free nations that screamed the importance of democracy.

Meanwhile whose actions did everything they could to remove the rights and liberties of the citizens. The hypocrisy should have been clear to all, but it seemed only a small percentage of citizens saw through it.

The planned coming technocracy is likely to maintain the semblance of democracy as long as it continues to work. Unless, the controllers go for the option of pulling back the curtain on democracy and the party political system to discredit it and usher in their pre-prepared solution from scratch, starting with a clean slate.

The people have been thrown a bone. 


It is to give them the impression that they have a choice. Even as more wake up to this limited choice, apathy increases, rather than thinking and working together to consider creating a new system of governance. One that benefits the vast majority while respecting the rights and wishes of the individual.

However, for now, at least, the Greatest Political Show on Earth between just two parties – where the ‘entrance fee’ requires billions of dollars – to maintain the illusion of democracy in the ‘free’ world this November still shows that the illusion is working.