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The problems of medicine these days are legion; nowhere more than in the highest reaches of the “public health” bureaucracies around the world. Last week, a leader for the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID is “still a pandemic.” This is even more radical than the WHO itself, which stopped talking about it as an international public health threat last year at this time.

Now they are more than happy to beat a dead horse.

We are now being told to worry about a family of variants called FliRT variants. 

This is the term being used to describe a whole family of different variants—including KP.2, JN.1.7, and any other variants starting with KP or JN—that appear to have independently picked up the same set of mutations.

They call it convergent evolution.

Many others are calling it complete BS. They are suspicious that these variants are the result of yet another Gain of function Scare that is being used to disrupt the elections.

It has been four years --and are we about to get fooled again , by these mad scientists that profit of of death and disease? 

The World Health Organization is counting on ignorance an fear to pass their health treaty where the United States will cede its sovereignty to a world body.

The WHO is itself a threat to the United States because of the Pandemic Agreement it has written and to which the United States is likely to bind itself unless there is sufficient public outcry.

The WHO’s agreement is precisely an “agreement” rather than a “treaty” because the Biden Administration lobbied to have it so. A treaty requires the consent of the Senate while an agreement can be entered by the President. That is why it is particularly important for there to be an outcry.

What’s in the Pandemic Agreement as it stands that makes it so bad? 

The most important thing is the ceding of authority to the WHO. While the document itself affirms as a principle that states have “the sovereign right to legislate and to implement legislation in pursuance of their health policies,” this is hedged in by the fact that the Agreement also binds those signing on to “recognize” the WHO as “the directing and coordinating authority on international health work.” And indeed, those with the sole authority to make binding decisions will be a “Conference of the Parties” , whose delegates will be chosen from the Parties alone, defined as “a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Agreement.”

Once in this Agreement, nations are committed to “national” policies around pandemics. 

This includes unwanted medical treatment and force inoculations if needed against various diseases that they can create or even make up.

Even worse is the “One Health” approach. This latter is defined in the Agreement as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.” Note this notion of a “balance” between human and animal health. In other words, human life is not even the main priority. 

The WHO has included comprehensive abortion care in the list of essential health services--meaning that if a call for depopulation occurs, family planning laws can take affect. Also gender reaffirming care that will sterilize young people if it is needed or recommended.

This is yet another Eugenics operation that will be endorsed and used to kill off or depopulated the planet.

Then of course there are the required vaccinations -- that can be distributed on whim regardless of the consequences or side effects.

Bad policies will be everywhere if this is signed. With respect to vaccines, the Agreement calls for rules for development, distribution, and use of emergency-authorized vaccines. It also calls for ways to deal with liability for the inevitable vaccine injuries. One suggested approach is, as was true with the COVID shots, complete freedom from liability.

In the international news there has been story after story, where we are hearing of people who have been victimized or harmed by the vaccine. 

Through Freedom of Information Act requests, the Epoch Times has found that CDC officials, by late 2021, had already found evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths.

Yet they continued to publicly claim for the next two years that there was no evidence linking the COVID-19 genetic vaccines to any deaths reported in VAERS.

If anyone at any time began to show these statistics they were told that they were conspiracy theorists.

By February of 2021, “Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”

It was only in October 2021 that the Pfizer Confidential Report was made available to the public through a freedom of information procedure. 

Now, you can choose to believe that the vaccine was a biological weapon, or you can say that adverse affects of vaccines are normal -- and in a lot of cases they are. 

But now we are seeing sudden death happening in younger individuals, as arrhythmia, kidney failure and turbo cancers are rising and no one wants to link anything to the vaccine.

For many people this news is not anything new. It has not been talked about since the pandemic has been in the rear view mirror.

This is really not the point -- the point is that no matter how many people have died from the vaccine, and from the major mistakes that were made by the CDC and the world health Organization-- these organizations and the same ambassadors form Hell are still peddling “pandemic preparedness” and risky and hyper-fast vaccine development for things like the Bird Flu and another variant of Covid that they are now saying is spreading again.

They just don't give up.

The timing of this reboot of course has people wondering if there maybe a reason to cancel the election -- although elections have often been held despite pandemic fears.

The Intelligence Industrial Complex that was directly responsible for the misinformation “pandemic,” and associated slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” is now gearing up to disrupt, or even possibly outright cancel the election.

The Bird Flu again is being raised as a full blown psy-op to create a problem that will have people demanding a solution. The solution will be ballooning in lockdowns for the future that will again disrupt out country and maybe even create an atmosphere for election fraud.

Now, the word is that the Bird Flu has the potential -- potential to grow into a full pandemic. What the CDC and WHO leave out is the fine print where the risk of having the disease pass form cows to humans is very low.

It is highly pathogenic in birds -- not humans, but that isn't stopping vaccine makers from synthesizing a vaccine.

They are already testing it in monkeys, which resulted in 4 deaths. Four out of 6 monkeys died in the tests.

Again after a complete failure with Covid and the vaccines are people going to fall for the this follow-up “pandemic?” 

In the face of scientific facts are they going to push the lie that the bird flu will be a naturally occurring zoonotic event?

If they do I want to again reiterate that if it does the same bioterrorist organizations led by Hell's ambassadors will be at it again.

George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and numerous other mindless and heartless leaders again are pushing the fears of yet another pandemic and wring their hands like madmen when they hear of the mass death that is happening.

This is part of their culling agenda, their plans for Net Zero and sustainable goals.

The most Important thing we need to know about 'Net Zero' is that we are the 'Carbon' The Globalists Want To 'Eliminate.' 

As we reported a few days ago We have been warned by the "pathogen cartels" that Disease X is on the horizon -- and maybe it is time we investigate these so called oracles of disease and follow the money trail that leads to rogue labs producing new strains meant to kill vast populations.

We also reported that Bill McGuire, an Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London, set X/Twitter with a Tweet, which foresees the “culling of the human population” as the “only realistic” way to address climate change — a Tweet which he later deleted.

He Tweeted:

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”

Of course he is being funded by the World economic forum.

I always wonder how these satanic asshamsters are oblivious to the fact that they should be the first in line to offer up their flesh for the cause of Net Zero.

They are complete cowards and psychopaths.

I guess they are not trying hard enough to make their quota.

The deaths of millions due to heartless policies of demons like George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are evident and while we issue arrest warrants for the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes -- it is still a tragedy that warrants for crimes against humanity have not been issued for the pathogenic disease cartel.

What we are seeing transpire is dangerous and we somehow are not capable of fighting back, because so many are confused and ill informed about how these pandemics are being planned and carried out with plausible deniability.

Even as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and his acolytes complain about anyone who does not bend the knee to science , the rest of us have no choice but to fight for the truth-- and many fight alone.

They lose a lot and are more than likely to be cancelled or told to step aside or lose everything they have.

The World Economic Forum’s catchphrase you’ll own nothing and be happy was widely mocked as an eyebrow-raising vision of a “sharing economy” future without the implicit agency granted by full ownership. 

Renting stuff that one needed only for one-time use has long been a market, and car-sharing makes sense for urban dwellers who only need a vehicle on occasion.

But to own nothing still implies powerlessness and poverty, not happiness, which continues to be associated with owning income streams and nice things-- but wealth for you is not in the cards-- your freedom to live your life without being judged about your health and ability to conform-- is the issue.

Ceding sovereignty is what is in the cards now, and they will use whatever methods necessary to secure the surrender of the people to the rich and powerful.

They will certainly abuse their positions in the future and when we complain they will remind us of all the good things they have done for us.

The story the bureaucrats have told us for four years is that nature gave us Covid. Then science, in the form of the mRNAs, saved us.

The reality is the opposite.

Sars-Cov-2 almost surely came out of risky lab work in China. The mRNAs were a sideshow and failed less than a year after their introduction. Only the virus’s natural evolution to Omicron – a more contagious but less virulent variant – permanently reduced Covid’s risks.

It is the Science that brought us the epidemic. It can be said that in reality nature saved us.

But you would be hard pressed to convince anyone.

No wonder the scientific and medical establishment keeps denying the overwhelming evidence for a lab leak. It knows acknowledging Sars-Cov-2 was man-made would throw its pandemic responses into question – and destroy its credibility going forward.

Instead of dealing with these unpleasant realities, health authoritarians prefer to silence them.

As always, Dr. Fauci leads the way.

Sure, Fauci quit his federal job 18 months ago, just in time to help him avoid the Republican-led Congressional committee examining Covid’s origins. 

But he remains the world’s foremost bureaucrat. Last week, speaking at Columbia University’s medical school commencement, he whined again that anyone had stood up to him:

We have witnessed an alarming increase in the mischaracterization, distortion and even vilification of solid evidence-based scientific findings and of scientists themselves.

Dr. Deborah Birx -- you may remember her as the lady in the Scarf who nodded a lot while standing beside Dr. Fauci in press conferences , gave a bombshell report to Chris Cuomo on news nation about the safety and lack of transparency with the administration of vaccines.

She Stated that thousands of Americans could be vaccine injured from the mRNA shot and hints that some groups should not have been forced to get the jab.

The truth is slowly coming out and people are realizing we were right all along.

Even Cuomo who pushed the vaccines while working at CNN now regrets doing so as his is currently experiencing long Covid symptoms and is now taking Ivermectin.

But people will say why dwell in the past -- okay then lets us see the future and how they are going to sell us again on lockdowns, six feet of sepratuon and maks wearing.

Oh yes and taking a poisonous vaccine into our body for a gain of function exercise carried out by criminal bio terrorists.

If another Covid-type pandemic hits, many Americans may simply shrug off lockdowns and mask mandates and demand schools stay open. No, the most serious risky involve “pandemic preparedness,” particularly the effort to speed vaccine development.

Earlier this year, CEPI – the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – called for plans to have vaccines ready for human use only 100 days after a new virus is found.

Dr. Richard Hatchett, the head of CEPI, wrote "“The story of COVID-19 vaccine success shows us how a prototypic-vaccine approach works.”

I have to laugh at this because experience with the mRNA Covid jabs proves exactly the opposite.

The Covid jabs reached the market far faster than any previous vaccine, due largely to their apparent success in clinical trials which lasted only months. And for a few months after their introduction, the mRNAs appeared to work as promised.

But by summer 2021, they had begun to fail, forcing regulators and health authorities to put patients on a treadmill of repeated mRNA boosters. The use of multiple boosters was never tested in big placebo-controlled trials. Their safety is unknown. But their effectiveness is clearly close to zero, which is why the public has largely rejected them.

In drug and vaccine development, time is the one factor that can never be modeled away. And mRNAs are powerful immuno-stimulants that have already been proven to have unexpected long-term effects.

Deborah Birx said this on Cuomo and many others who said it during the pandemic were silenced or cancelled.

But worst of all, as Hatchett acknowledges, developing vaccines in advance of actual epidemics means:

Developing vaccines against prototypes of these threats. In other words, we can focus our efforts on pathogens that exemplify some or all of the worst traits of a particular viral family.

Though he doesn’t use the term (of course), Hatchett means gain-of-function research. How else to determine what a virus’s “worst traits” may be? Modeling will not work. The viruses have to be synthesized and tested against living cells and animals to see which are most virulent.

That is almost certainly the madness that made the last pandemic.

We need to now accept this before we give into the new lies that are being reported in the media.

And it is stunning that four years after Covid emerged, scientists continue to demand not only that we let them do this work but that governments – that is, all of us – pay for it.

Can we now discuss how we have been abused and exposed to their various illegal experiments so that we can move towards a hearing or trial that would place the usual suspects in jail?

Obviously we are now living in a world that is destined to be run by men with no real interest in humanity, as the World Economic Forum demonstrates. Such leaders as these are unfit to govern anyone, let alone everyone. 

We are seeing a world that is rapidly growing worse than ever, a world where – to borrow a phrase from William Shakespeare – “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” 

Once you start looking, you will see that neo-Malthusianism is disturbingly common among those who are pushing vaccines and the Climate Health emergency-- which again is a lie being forged so that the World Health Organization can pursue their health surveillance state.