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This morning, I read the headline about how Norway, Ireland, and Spain have recognized the Palestinian state. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said on Wednesday it was coordinated with Spain and Norway, “ a historic and important day for ... Palestine.”

Several other European countries have in the past weeks indicated that they plan to recognize a Palestinian state, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

The recognitions mark a significant accomplishment for the Palestinians, who believe it confers international legitimacy on their struggle, especially amid international outrage over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Israel, of course, is furious.

Israel strongly opposes the move, arguing that it amounts to "rewarding terrorism."

Most Western governments including the United States say they are willing to one day recognize Palestinian statehood -- but not before the agreement is reached on thorny issues like its final borders and the status of Jerusalem.

However, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez charged that his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign of "pain and destruction" in the Gaza Strip was now putting the two-state solution in "danger".

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said "Recognition of Palestine is a means of supporting the moderate forces which have been losing ground in this protracted and brutal conflict".

Meanwhile, International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan said Monday that he was filing applications for arrest warrants at the ICC for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, in addition to three senior Hamas leaders. 

In a statement on Monday, President Biden called the move by the ICC "outrageous."

"Let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Mr. Biden said. "We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security."

The Israeli prime minister said Khan was "callously pouring gasoline on the fires of antisemitism that are raging across the world. Through this incendiary decision, Mr. Khan takes his place among the great antisemites of modern times."

Many times on my show when we dig up possible signs that the end times are near, I get many phone calls that remind me of the Abrahamic covenant.

They tell me that you will know that the clock is ticking down, when the world begins to turn on Israel. And according to that ancient covenant God made with Abraham --anyone who curses Israel will be met with the wrath of God.

God determined to call out a special people for himself, and through that special people, He would bless the whole world. God tells Abraham,

“I will make you into a great nation,

and I will bless you;

I will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,

and whoever curses you I will curse;

and all peoples on earth

will be blessed through you.

The Abrahamic Covenant included the promise of land (Genesis 12:1). It was a specific land, an actual property, with dimensions specified in Genesis 15:18–21. In Genesis 13:15, God gives Abraham all the land that he can see, and the gift is declared to be “forever.” God was not going to renege on His promise. The territory given as part of the Abrahamic Covenant is expanded in Deuteronomy 30:1–10, often called the Palestinian Covenant.

This explains some of the reasons why Christians of the world side with Israel, because it is a biblical imperative -- that if it is not disturbed whatever nation curses Israel will be cursed and that people who serve the Abrahamic god will protect Israel or face certain death.

But now it appears that the world is turning on Israel. They apparently do not understand covenants made in history or just don't care about them -- which again makes me wonder just how much the leaders of the Christian world truly are believers as we are seeing many things being fulfilled.

Prophecies that we have been dreading for some time and history tend to sift out the enemies of Israel. 

God moves in mysterious ways, and so do his people and now we see the rejection beginning and I wonder what will happen. What strange and catastrophic things will happen to all nations who decide to turn on Israel.

Anyone who takes prophecy literally understands that a time of distress and burden awaits the entire planet. In the times we may call the last , or the dispensational unraveling I have learned that perhaps prophecy is in a sense an engine for retrocausality and is filled with all sorts of esoteric and occult symbolism.

Many want to distance the occult from their biblical blueprint; however, the reality is that the occult or hidden iconography and the way the words and metaphors are given are primarily for those initiates who see the movements of god as mysterious and compelling.

There have been many prophets that have not been confined to biblical pages and they have also been in the practice of causal engineering to prepare the world for the ruthlessness of mankind in the era that purports to be the time of the final countdown.

We have now crossed the Rubicon awaiting that midnight knock where we may be taken away in our sleep. It is a disturbing thought, however, those with the ability to see are now becoming aware of how America is now on the cusp of becoming a superpredator state that mimics the things that were done during the horrific times of the 20th century. No longer are we capable of saying “This is where it might lead” or “The tendency is similar.” 

We are being told that we are becoming the monsters that we supposedly fight against -- protecting criminal elements that lead countries like Israel and Ukraine to the slaughter.

Is the writing on the wall -- and does God Bless or favor the deaths of people and the wars that are now being used to launder money, and commit acts of conquest? 

Just what is the war about? Can anyone define why we are playing this game?

Especially a game that is unwinnable-- a game where we can safely say that we can brutally murder people where they stand and let God sort them out. 

We have arrived at the tailor-made nightmare, a nightmare that has been conjured out of the ether by clandestine sorcerers who are not working their causal engineering for the path that leads to the light. 

We are all somehow waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel but now we have to realize that perhaps there is no light and that we are trapped in a tunnel with no way out.

Evil builds and grows and it is tangible. We apparently do not want to stop it -- are we making our own end of the world inevitable -- are we really willing to break the Abrahamic covenant and take a chance that God will lay to waste any groups that opposed Israel no matter how brutal it gets?

Regardless of how you see this politically --we can see that sinister agents in the shadows have now chosen to utilize what is found on the left-hand path, and the deepest and darkest of all we have now rejected and broken many covenants not only with the God that is supposed to protect us, but with others who now have seen the dropping of the gauntlet and the revival of a theological showdown between gods, devils and monsters. 

Our leaders are not satisfied with interfering with the internal politics of a country, but they have also tampered with the internal priestcraft that has been used to maintain an order free of chaos and chaos magic. 

The gates of hell have been opened and while there are no real material gates to unlock and push through, the mental and spiritual realms have had agents on earth capable of rejecting the stairway to heaven, only to tread on the dark cobblestones of hell. 

You see, we must all admit that the men who have told us time and again that in the absence of authority we all become monsters, have all became monsters themselves, even as they truly believe that their death campaigns are making them moral guardians of a flock that we know they do not value. 

We now have all admitted that truth is a casualty of war, and even in catastrophe and disaster the truth is also an imperiled commodity. 

The occult testing of the Western intellect covers all aspects of the mental ability to analyze and find the hidden truth. The truth is a tricky thing, and in most cases tramples upon cognitive bias. 

The esoteric matrix has within it a so-called satanic intellect that uses half-truths to conceal that which the spiritual world reveals and wishes man to take to heart.

It is as if some curse or possible organized psychological coup has somehow exploited the unconscious blind spots of the human psyche. This has rendered most people with the inability to recognize that they are participating in madness and psychopathic attitudes with regard to their fellow man. 

The operational standard for this curse or this mass priestcraft has rendered most people to act against their own best interests.

How else do we explain the latest horrifying events that are playing out on the world stage? 

The Death merchants continue to sell you on the idea that there is no hope -- because they know that there is big business in carnage and terror.

We all know that mankind can dovetail in being inhumane to his fellow man, however, the bigger picture is showing that throughout the future that is in front of us generation after generation will be bred into the notion that they have an enemy. 

They do not have to ask why they are an enemy, they are just there for the sole purpose of being hunted. They are the prey in a predatory world that is now being constructed.

Evil is a topic that demands reflection and there should be an attempt to somehow find a scientific method to identify what is truly evil. Is it merely something we don’t understand? Does it allow us to confront our morality and how we see ourselves morally? 

Is evil something that can be called upon as an active consuming danger, like fire or cancer? Does it have personality, and intelligence, does it command attention and can it be nurtured and engineered through a series of rituals and conjuring?

Can evil rise up because of a broken promise or a broken covenant to a manifesting tulpa, god or devil?

We face true evil now, and it seems to be an active entity that has been conjured and wants to have a host, preferably a human or animal host. 

The idea of a possession or possibly a mass possession is not too far from being established in the world as the incarnation of the fallen will transpire in these times of chaos. 

The incarnation is simply the plague that was actually spoken of in the biblical texts as a curse when the people turned against their creator --when they turned on his so-called Chosen Ones.

Some people totally resent the idea -- and some are frightened by it and will remain stalwart in their support of them because God told them to.

Does any true believer think that as we see the world turn on Israel that this is a sign that we must prepare for a world turning? 

A turning towards a major world war that will be forged by occultists war criminals?

But if any covenant is to be honored -- it should be based on the idea that the protection will be there -- if it is in defense of its borders--and arguably Israel is doing so -- but at what cost? At what brutality --as both sides are now in the process of annihilating one another.

The book of Zechariah paints a grim picture as to what the curse will be -- the curse that will be unleashed as the world turns on Isreal.

It will be in the form of a plague or pandemic that will smit anyone who turns on Jerusalem. 

“And this shall be the plague where with the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.” 

I know that I have been quoting a lot of scripture lately but when you are dealing with the Holy Land you have to use the Old Testament as the history and future history book that it is.

The passage warns us of the wrath that can be incurred if there is a break with the Abrahamic covenant. 

Also in Ezekiel, we read:

"And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face."

So now true believers, Is this threat still valid and is this a spiritual protection that gives Israel carte blanche to make decisions that would secure those wish to exploit it for Zionist imperialism?

Or do their imperialist ambitions make the covenant null and void?

How are we to determine what is and what isn't the wrath of God in matters such as these? 

It is all in the eyes of the beholder and quite frankly the believer.

Is it a case using prophecy as propaganda?

It seems that today not only does peer pressure, have its manipulative effects, but prophecy, and religious zeal have now created ill effects that may do harm to this country and its future.

It is all been foretold in many areas and by many people who know that society’s mental psyche ebbs and flows toward tyranny.

But one must decide if what we are seeing is a fulfillment of prophecy --or the result of predictability --brought to us by rhyming history and how people are motivated when they know they will soon die.

Our expectations, a form of knowledge based on the past, are efforts to avoid pain and the joy of the new. They are often scarecrows to frighten away reality--

Habits of mind meant to forget that life is an experiment yet to be tried or known.

Prophecy and predictability remind us that tomorrow is always an unknown country. 

That death is the greatest surprise of all.

But an even bigger surprise would be waking up to catastrophes and crises that are never-ending domino effects of peril.

This is what has been created by those in power-- those who not only mock God but exploit his covenant to carry out crimes against humanity.

We are now seeing a trend where for some reason extremists are invariably hailed as the guardians of tolerance and reason.

But they too are locked in an apocalyptic struggle with the forces of ignorance and bigotry which foments the pathologization, and if we are not vigilant, ultimately the criminalization of dissent.

As I have said when the protests turn violent the police state knows how to handle you -- so far no one has been taken up in volley of gunfire -- but it is only beginning.

The unflagging support for extremism and concurrent vilification of those who attempt to resist its hellish grasp saturates every aspect of Washington’s contemporary policy-making. 

They use every part of double think they can -- to encourage and condemn the process -- but already seem to have a penchant for shutting down free speech that speaks against their agenda.

Especially when it comes to criticism of Israel -- but it is a huge example of hypocrisy.

Think of how the left and right are indulging in doublespeak and holding a multitude of thoughts about what is happening --while peer pressure urges them to pick one side or the other.

In Zionism there is no such thing as a Palestinian – there are only “terrorists.” In multiculturalism there is no such thing as an American – there are only “racists.” 

The extent to which the latter has unleashed a war of all against all.

I know that we could care less about how other countries see the United States-- but we should, because someone or some Army is waiting for a vulnerability and when we demonstrate it they will attack.. and all wrath will be felt by an aggressor who also sees their quest as support for their God.

Jews who descend into the valley of Zionism commit the greatest possible sacrilege: they participate in the violent oppression of other people. 

One has to ask if this revokes all sacred covenants in the Old Testament and is there an expiration date for the blessings of the most high when you have death on your conscience.

We are at a point where our leaders romanticize extremism --and expect us to support it as well.

Washington will continue to support extremist ideologies and fuel sectarian hatred. Indeed, as imperialism and anti-white jihad foment racism, and multiculturalism and radical feminism fan the flames of sexism, tribalism, and atomization Zionism fans the flames of anti-Semitism. 

This is by design.

It is time to admit it and understand that we may be kindling the Wrath of God.