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Everyone has from time to time thought about the future. There have been Movies written about it, The Simpsons tend to predict it and there are songs that sometimes paint a technicolor vision of what we may expect.

In the song "The End" Jim Morrison gives a haunting view of the future: 

"Can you picture what will be?

So limitless and free

Desperately in need of some stranger's hand

In a desperate land

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane

All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain."

It is a brave New World where everyone loses their minds waiting for a change in the weather – something that all of us know too well.

With all of the flooding going on, I am sure many now wish the rain would go away-- but the essence of the meaning of the lyrics is a profound look at the stranger in a strange land lost in a world that is full of pain -- and where we can feel that the insanity is now at a fever pitch.

You can see yourself looking into the Orange skies, filled with the smoke from the wildfires. You microwave a cheap meal. Tonight, it is those pizza rolls you found in the back of the freezer. But you read the fine print and realize why they have been there for so long.

These are special pizza rolls with cricket parts inside.

You notice that your Dog and Cat are not all that playful -- so you sit down to watch the nightly news and they tell you that your pets may have bird flu. They report that nuclear threats are being made from Russia and China. You turn off your TV and open a window. You smell an awful odor. It is tear gas from the riots that are going on up the street. You hear flashbangs and gunshots.

You wonder where the sun has gone -- and then you remember that the sun dimming was scheduled and someone forgot to tell those with Solar panels to be prepared. There are some grid shutdowns because of the confusion.

You close the window and get on your computer -- and the A.I. chatbot thinks you are stupid. So you go to one of those trip-planning websites to get away -- and a warning pops up saying you have already used up your allotted 15-minute city day trip. 

That is the future the elite Bureaucrats want for you -- and since you have surrendered your decisions to them and have fallen for their nonsense the city becomes a well-oiled gulag.

You have been educated, indoctrinated, and acclimated to this because every six months there is yet another crisis or problem to keep you in lockdown mode.

This way you stop all pretense at rebellion and settle into dumb benevolent stupefaction and ennui waiting for Armageddon. Except of course, Armageddon never does come. Just more absurd headlines, most of which involve the government and its distractions of one form or another.

So far this is the way it is headed-- so far I can see it all materialize in its banal glory.

Today is no exception -- the world is being primed for the Bird Flu crisis and it is looking more and more like COVID propaganda all over again.

With the coordinated global release of the Covid-19 narrative in late 2019 and the subsequent illogical demands of governments — allied with transnational organizations and pharmaceutical giants — many people around the world began questioning the hasty, unprecedented, and sweeping technological and technocratic changes being made to societies in the name of a highly marketed “medical emergency”.

Despite new policies emanating from authorities to isolate, to mask, to restrict all social contact, to accept without question unique experimental gene- and nanoparticle-based injections, and to abide by novel and absurd social norms, many people pushed back against the apparent tyranny. 

The more enthusiastic that governments were in deleting civil rights, and suppressing freedom of speech and due process, the more that people sought to expose the story behind the mainstream COVID-19 narrative.

Now there is another narrative to be exposed -- but it has to be done with several caveats -- and that is what is most frustrating.

Because at the moment the narrative is all fear-mongering -- but could it be that there is more to the story?

I am talking about Bird Flu. Don't get me wrong, I know that the spread of this strain from animal to human is rare -- but it allegedly has happened --and the media is cultivating a garden of crises that should not be overblown.

But knowing the history of the pathogen cartel we may have to go through the motions all over again... and it appears that they do not care about the psychological harm it does to the population. 

Contemporary life itself reveals the rise of a new technocratic corporate order and the ways in which its managers plan to govern the new medicalized global society apparatus through ongoing events of shock and awe.

It is the cartel that decides and identifies official enemies human, non-human, and conceptual, and with that, they can influence the sustained imposition of threat perception and incitement of fear.

If anyone defies or counters their campaigns -- they use mantras and smear campaigns against dissident views with the fascist enforcement of a rigid official reality, and the incubation of intergroup thinking such as “us” vs. “them."

They have a tendency to impose confusion and uncertainty with the repetition of repetition of key phrases and terms, and then offer salvation or associated incentives by the state.

Their plan is the Hegelian dialectic of Problem, Action, Solution. 

We seem to be in the Problem phase of the Bird Flu reports --and they are meant to push fear into the zeitgeist.

The big headline this morning is the god-awful pictures of the eyes of the farmworker in Texas who apparently has bird flu. His eyes are filled with blood -- and again this echoes those Chinese videos of COVID sufferers vomiting blood on the Subway like a scene from Train To Busan a cult zombie movie from South Korea.

The dairy worker attended a hospital in March after experiencing painful red, weeping eyes with burst blood vessels.

His eyes began to swell up though he had no fever and an examination showed his lungs were clear, according to a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Friday.

The journal also contained the image of the infected man, alongside the scientific term for his eye condition: conjunctivitis with subconjunctival hemorrhage.

He told investigators he had not been in contact with sick or dead birds, but did have repeated direct close contact with dairy cows in an area known to have infected herds.

Swabs of his eyes revealed a substantial presence of the H5N1 virus, though little was found in his lungs.

his has led to researchers considering whether he was infected through the eyes by rubbing them with contaminated hands or by being splashed with contaminated milk.

In the New England Journal of Medicine report, CDC epidemiologists said they were unable to access the farm where he was infected, which prevented them from being able to research precisely how workers may have been exposed.

Of course, this has caused the CDC and the media to overreact and say that there are concerns that this has all the makings of a new pandemic.

Since January of 2022, the largest outbreak of avian influenza in recorded history has occurred worldwide. To date, a subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza — known as H5N1 — has been detected in over 9,000 wild birds and has affected greater than 90 million poultry in the United States. 

Recently, the virus has been identified in certain mammals, including dairy cattle, prompting concern that it may be adapting for more efficient transmission among mammalian species. Although sequencing studies have not yet demonstrated this to be the case, the recent human case in Texas has some asking, “Could avian influenza result in the next pandemic?”

The answer is no -- unless the mad scientists are again creating a Chimera for a Gain-of-function coup -- which is not out of the question.

It is the tyranny of science -- and how it is being weaponized in order to sell more vaccines that turn into iatrogenic artifacts-- and people are more than happy to force other people to take them out of ignorance and fear.

It was the Rockefeller Foundation published "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” which includes a section entitled: Lock Step that “theorizes” how a future novel influenza virus might lead to draconian lockdowns that citizens would accept for promised safety and security that “government” would provide.

Here is a quote from Page 19: “At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.”

If more people knew their plan and did not dismiss it as a conspiracy theory we would all be better off. If you care to take notice, this is part of the blueprint of their medical police state coup where they will eventually require biometric IDs, Something that is slated for approval by the World Health Organization on May 24th. 2024.

The timing of the Bird Flu scare is obvious as it would or could be used as a way to persuade ignorant leaders and people to demand that something be done.

Historical concerns about the lethality of bird flu to humans have consistently proven unfounded, with no recorded deaths in the U.S. from such outbreaks, despite significant government spending and public warnings in the past

Recent discussions around “global biosecurity” and the potential for disease outbreaks to foster a totalitarian world government have intensified. A weaponized bird flu could be the next major threat.

Current countermeasures against bird flu, such as culling infected and exposed animals, hinder the development of natural immunity. 

The continued testing of Milk and ground beef creates unnecessary worry-- what concerns me is that perhaps they are not testing for normal bird flu -- but a weaponized form of it. Otherwise, this wouldn’t even pass as a blip on the flu radar.

But it doesn't seem to be -- and this is what is troubling. If a Bird flu strain doesn't act like a normal bird flu strain then perhaps we should look at who may be responsible for this constant bombardment of health fears. 

What we are witnessing -- and what we should be addressing is that we are being hoodwinked by an intergenerational, eugenics-centered organized crime group that uses engineered “pandemics” and vaccines to rob, sterilize, debilitate, and murder populations.

In the spring of 2022, Bill Gates a known supporter of Eugenics warned that another pandemic will emerge, and that this yet-to-come pandemic “will get attention this time.” Based on the news chatter emerging right now, a weaponized bird flu seems a possibility.

According to virologists speaking at a White House briefing, the bird flu (H5N1) has mutated to “spread more easily among mammals,” and an outbreak in the human population could be “100 times worse than COVID,” killing up to half of those infected. As reported by the mainstream news months ago.

Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but then scientists started tinkering with it, creating a hybrid with human pandemic potential. Some of that research has been undertaken in Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have also funded gain-of-function research on H5N1.

Fauci also funded the work of virologist Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher whose team created an airborne version of the bird flu using a combination of genetic engineering and serial infection of ferrets.

So, the bird flu has been manipulated and tinkered with in a variety of different ways, making it both airborne (which it was not initially) and capable of cross-species infection.

The proof of criminality is so obvious here -- we used to bomb countries that used biological weapons on its citizens and now we tolerate this from the likes of Fauci and Gates.

It now looks as though weaponized bird flu might eventually be released to achieve the geopolitical aims of the technocratic cabal that is trying to give the World Health Organization a monopoly on pandemic decision-making.

So, if we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was manmade. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous, or both. Moderna launched a small human trial for an mRNA shot for avian influenza in the spring of 2023, but results have yet to be released.

While some traditional vaccines are in the lineup, mRNA shots tweaked to target H5N1 are also in the pipeline, and they probably won’t need to undergo additional testing over and beyond what was already done for the COVID jabs.

To think that an mRNA-based inoculation against a weaponized bird flu will be any safer than the shots for COVID-19 would be naïve in the extreme, yet you can be sure we’ll be told otherwise, if bird flu does end up spreading among the human population.

It will just be yet another opportunity to not only push more poison, but overmedicate the current population with drugs that are hard on the liver and kidneys. 

The criminality of the pharmaceutical industry and the complicit government is by no means limited to the COVID-19 shots.

Pandemic fear-mongering and mandated taking of any drug or vaccine is coercion -- and it is the clever way of eugenics criminals are allowed to continue their depopulation campaigns with plausible deniability.

In the United States, it is commonly stated that our drugs are ‘only’ the fourth leading cause of death. This estimate was derived from a 1998 meta-analysis of 39 U.S. studies where monitors recorded all adverse drug reactions that occurred while the patients were in hospital, or which were the reason for hospital admission.

Influenza that is found in dairy products is also a convenient way to scare people into changing their diets in order to somehow reduce greenhouse gasses.

Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum believe we should reduce our reliance on animal food products as part of their globalist views. 

Thus, a food scare in Westernized countries with market recalls and destruction of poultry and meat would further dystopian sustainability goals for the Great Reset.

H5N1 has a historical fatality rate of 52.16% in humans and fear alone could drive considerable anxiety in large populations not only about exposure through food, but pets, and other humans.

Are we ready to allow the government to not only tell us not to eat certain foods-- but to require vaccines or even containment of our cats and dogs?

This would be an outrage.

I would not at all put it past these degenerates to come up with these draconian mandates -- because of these biological chimeras they create.

If more cases occur in clusters or bona fide outbreaks with human-to-human transmission, we could be well on our way to a 2024 avian influenza pandemic crisis.

They are certainly stirring the pot -- for only one person who is now showing signs of pink eye.

A sort of “soft launch” of the Influenza H5N1 pandemic is already underway with the Dairy farm worker and the “dairy cow” story. It seems every day we have a new update and a new type of spread, whether it’s to 3 cats or dairy farms in 6 states.

Also, the media is lying when they tell you that the Bird flu has killed chickens and cows. The truth is that they are culling chickens and cows -- depopulation of the animals.

With the depopulation problems, there will be inevitable food shortages.

The cost of agricultural inputs such as diesel and fertilizers is skyrocketing due to shortages — caused by a combination of intentional and coincidental events — and those costs will be reflected in consumer food prices.

With each passing week, it’s becoming increasingly clear that severe food shortages are inevitable, more or less worldwide, and whatever food is available will continue to go up in price.

Mysterious fires, alleged bird flu outbreaks, and other inexplicable events are killing off livestock and destroying crucial infrastructure. 

There is a large enough segment of the population that is braindead enough to demand immediate lockdowns, masking, and other such nonsense.

This is why it is important to call out the Bird Flu coup -- or this bird flu creep -- before the public freaks out again and demands action for something that has obviously been sequenced by criminal scientists who are ready to cash in on the fear-mongering that will again force us into dire times.

Thank heaven that now it is much ado about nothing but that does not mean that we should not be vigilant and watch the progress of what is going on.

We have been warned by the "pathogen cartels" that Disease X is on the horizon -- and maybe it is time we investigate these so-called oracles of disease and follow the money trail that leads to rogue labs producing new strains meant to kill vast populations.