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Transcript for 6/10/24: PROJEKT:1794 W/ JOE MURGIA

While it may seem irrelevant to our daily lives, acknowledging the existence of UFOs/and beings from other planets is crucial to understanding ourselves and our place in the solar system. It would potentially change everything, including the way we live, the values we hold the systems we build.

In the 1940s and 50s reports of "flying saucers" became an American cultural phenomenon. Sightings of strange objects in the sky became the raw materials for Hollywood movies and for the military to present all kinds of visions of potential threats.

From just after the so-called saucer crash at Roswell, the folkloric beginnings of UFOs and saucers were heard on the radio and talked about in many civil defense briefings. 

Saucers were serious business and President Truman was very open about discussions they would have about the anomalous craft and how they seemed to have a special interest in our nuclear programs.

Scientists and astronomers express varying degrees of enthusiasm for the possibility of intelligent life in the universe. However, scientists generally dismiss the idea that aliens are visiting Earth.

In fact at Contact i8n the Desert I pointed out that the Roswell crash of 1947 was near the 509th bomber headquarters at the Roswell Army Air-force Base. Enola Gay, the bomber that carried the atom bomb operated out of Walker Air Force Base Roswell Army Air Field, New Mexico.

Is it a coincidence that a possible flying disc had crashed there and this was only the beginning of discovering advanced technology from crashed saucer debris?

The answer should be an easy one, but officially the government has declared the Roswell story one of misinformation and that what was found there was a Mogul weather balloon.

According to the government there was no crash retrieval, no diminutive bodies found in the wreckage and no ties to aliens or extraterrestrial intelligence.

For over 70 years the story has been up for debate, and there has been plenty of time for mythology to take over the story making it a sort of a legend -- that is based on facts that have been ignored with a cover-up of the most heinous kind.

The reports in 1947 said that whatever they recovered at Roswell was sent to Wright Patterson Airforce base for further study. So whatever the wreckage was it was sent to Ohio -- and was replaced by a weather balloon when Brigadier General Roger Ramey, and Jesse Marcel Sr. held it up to reporters.

For years there were rumors that there was a special location for the wreckage at Wright Patterson called Hangar 18.

The legend of Hangar 18, often dubbed the “Legendary Alien Warehouse,” is a tale that has captured the imagination of UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists alike. Situated within the grounds of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Hangar 18 is said to be the repository for evidence of extraterrestrial encounters, ranging from crashed UFO debris to preserved alien remains. 

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, also known as Wright-Patt, has a rich history intertwined with the exploration of UFO phenomena. Home to Project Blue Book, a U.S. Air Force program that investigated UFO reports from 1951 to 1969, the base has become synonymous with government inquiries into unidentified flying objects.

Alleged claims from individuals like Oliver Henderson and Marion “Black Mac” Magruder speak of transporting debris and alien bodies from Roswell to Wright-Patterson. Senator Barry Goldwater’s expressed interest in accessing Hangar 18 also stoked curiosity. Goldwater’s assertion that he was denied access to the so-called “Blue Room” by General Curtis LeMay added another layer of intrigue to the myth.

The U.S. Air Force has consistently denied the existence of Hangar 18 as described in the legend. In official statements, they have refuted the notion that any extraterrestrial remains, artifacts, or technology have ever been stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The Air Force has maintained that the base has never been a repository for alien-related materials and activities.

Area 51 was created in 1955 by the Department of Defense. There was no official use or even official admission that the base existed -- only that the area of Groom Lake was a testing area for secret black budget aircraft that the locals say included reverse engineered craft that were rumored to be alien spacecraft.

Bob Lazar claims that he worked on America’s most secretive military base. He began using his exceptional skills in propulsion. His expertise caught the eye of government recruiters, leading to his involvement with Area 51’s clandestine operations. Lazar’s account details a shadowy hiring process, shrouded in nondisclosure agreements and veiled threats.

At the core of his work were reverse engineering the alleged extraterrestrial crafts that were recovered from other UFO crashes that happened after Roswell. 

Lazar describes these crafts as using gravity wave technology, a concept far beyond contemporary human inventions. The propulsion systems he claims to have worked on were not just advanced but otherworldly, hinting at the immense potential of alien technology.

Again Lazar's claims were scrutinized -- and some questioned his credentials... Again the claims that we had alien craft in our possession were denied by the Department of Defense.

Much of what I have been talking about is well known UFO lore that has been recorded by historians -- and in every case there have been dead ends and denial about whether or not there has been a time where the military-industrial complex had in its possession saucer or that it never created designs or reverse engineered this anomalous craft.

But there are now declassified documents released in the National Archives that may shed some light on these claims and that they may be true-- a Ground Zero Listener from Texas sent me-- a direct download of these documents that are never-before-seen schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, called Project 1794, which aimed to build a supersonic flying saucer.

The newly declassified materials show the U.S. Air Force had a contract with a now-defunct Canadian company called Avro to build an aircraft unlike anything seen before. 

Project 1794 got as far as the initial rounds of product development and into prototype design. In a memo dating from 1956, the results from pre-prototype testing are summarized and reveal exactly what the developers had hoped to create.

1956 -- a little under 10 years after Roswell and one year after the establishment of Area 51 the documents were drawn up for an American Canadian reverse-engineered saucer. 

The saucer was supposed to reach a top speed of "between Mach 3 and Mach 4, a ceiling of over 100,000 ft., and a maximum range with allowances of about 1,000 nautical miles," according to the document.

This saucer was said to be able to spin through the Earth's stratosphere at an average top speed of about 2,600 miles per hour. 

It was also designed to take off and land vertically , using propulsion jets to control and stabilize the aircraft. Admittedly the range of 1,000 nautical miles seems limited in comparison to the other specifications – but if you'd hopped on the disk in New York it could've had you in Miami within about 24 minutes.

The document also hints that the product development seemed to be going better than planned; "the present design will provide a much superior performance to that estimated at the start of contract negotiations."

Now the reason the Project 1794 documents were released is because the government claims that the plan was scrapped and that there were no more attempts to create these saucers. 

The government claimed that prototype was estimated at $3,168,000, which roughly translates to about $26.6 million in today's money and wouldn't have been an insane price for such advanced technology. 

The problem with the other flying saucers developed under the same program is that they didn't get anywhere near 100,000 feet in altitude, more like five or six if you were lucky – so the military allegedly pulled the plug in 1960.

David Grusch, a former US intelligence officer turned whistleblower, resurrected the topic of reversed engineered craft when he courageously testified that the US Government has been covering up evidence of UFOs for many years. 

He also testified that the United States government had recovered an intact alien spacecraft from a crash site. he did not cite Roswell -- but he did tell of a saucer that was recovered in Italy. Grusch claimed the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligence and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini at the end of the Second World War.

David Grusch, , served 14 years in the Air Force and is a decorated Afghanistan combat officer who worked for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office.

His role was to act as the NRO's representative when dealing with the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The task force was specifically set up to investigate UFOs.

Grusch said the first recovery of a UFO was in Magenta, Italy in 1933 and it was held by Mussolini's Italian government until 1944-1945 when Pope Pius XII tipped America off about it.

During the early 1940s, it appears that the Third Reich was putting considerable time, energy, and resources into the development of Saucer shaped craft as well.

Because of specialized rotors — would be able to fly not just horizontally like most other planes but vertically and even diagonally as well.

These kinds of vehicles, if operational, held tremendous potential in the eyes of the German military. Their maneuverability made them promising weapons of aerial warfare. Their ability to move up as well as down with ease meant that they could land and lift off without requiring a mile-long runway. Pilots might learn how to use them to get out of tight spots, chase enemies, and of course reach places that traditional aircraft could never go.

German engineers had a reputation for creating machinery that was considered way ahead of their time, and the prospect of creating the world’s first, fully functional “UFOs” did not seem to intimidate them.

Some historians believe that the Nazis also recovered an alien space craft in the 1930s.

In the 1936 there were reports of a large bright light that came down from the sky and landed or crashed somewhere in the Black Forest near Poland. SS troops from the Jelenia Góra garrison came and brought the disc to Jelenia Góra township, where it was examined and back-engineered by scientists who were members of the Thule Society and answered to the Vril. 

Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler's personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. 

The NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Friedrich Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist. 

With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.

We also know that Italy were allies with Germany and so the sharing of these craft could have been part of their deal to create these anomalous weapons.

In the Sudetenland’s Owl Mountains near the Polish Czech Border many scientists who were committed to the great Secret of the Black Sun worked in underground facilities buried in the Wenceslaus mine. 

They hired slave labor to carry out experiments with super weapons. Hitler required round the clock work on what he called kriegsentscheidend, a term meaning “make or break factor.” 

The weapons that were being made were actually some of the most remarkable doomsday devices ever conceived. Hitler wanted so badly to be victorious in the war he pushed for Der Wunderwaffen or “Wonder Weapons.” 

It was in these hidden underground facilities that the Germans created a wonder weapon flying machine that did not need a runway for takeoff. 

The scientists constructed saucer craft that were mounted with gun turrets. The Vril and Haunebu craft looked threatening however the technology to make them fly was still being back engineered and while some were capable of flight, the bad maneuverability and the unstable fuel source made them difficult to fly. The Scientists had a lot of work to do. Some of the saucer craft were propelled by a Vortex engine that utilized a power source that propelled the craft using a Tornado effect. This type of technology was perfected by Nazi scientist Victor Schauberger.

The SS developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy converter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

Again German scientists were working on secret weapons -- that allegedly were back engineered craft . They used their Vril tech to create V-2 or Vril 2 rocketry.

After the Transfer of NAZI scientists from Germany to the US, many worked on projects for the rocket industry and aircraft insdustries of the US and Canada,

In 1954, a memo was fired off to CIA department heads demanding intelligence on new 'saucer-like' flying machines being developed by Britain and Canada. So began the race to develop the most unlikely weapon of the Cold War.

In one of his many memos on the subject, H Marshall Chadwell, the deputy head of the agency's Office of Scientific Intelligence, declared that "something was going on that must have immediate attention". He and others in the CIA were concerned that the Soviet Union was developing a secret weapon based on the "flying discs" the Nazis were rumored to have constructed in the last months of the war.

Recently released documents from the CIA archive are full of accounts by former German scientists of their desperate work to save the fatherland with revolutionary circular aircraft supposedly capable of enormous speeds.

Among the documents in the CIA's "X-file" archives is an interview given by a German aeronautical engineer called Georg Klein, who claimed to have worked on a Nazi flying saucer under the supervision of Luftwaffe designers, Rudolf Schriever and Richard Miethe.

Another document from the archives is a 1950 article written by a German emigre in Chile calling himself Dr Eduard Ludwig. The article, submitted to a Chilean magazine but apparently never published, was entitled: "The mystery of 'flying discs' - a contribution to its possible explanation". It recounted Dr Ludwig's wartime work at a Junkers research facility, helping develop a "one-piece metal wing" functioning as a "speedily rotating top" which was capable of vertical take-off and high speeds.

"The experiments turned out to be extremely difficult and involved many casualties," the professor observed drily, clearly rueful that the spinning top experiments had not come to fruition before the arrival of the Red Army.

He concluded: "The future will show whether the 'flying discs' are only the products of imagination or whether they are the results of a far-advanced German science which possibly, as well as the nearly finished atomic bombs, may have fallen into the hands of the Russians."

But when the CIA set up a study group to look into the phenomenon in 1952, it discovered something extraordinary far closer to home. Just over the border, in Canada, British engineers were in the process of building a flying saucer of their own.

It was called Project Y - a joint British-Canadian venture into the unknown which was, for much of the 50s, perhaps the most secret aviation project in the western world. A half-century on, the Project Y story remains a remarkable forgotten chapter in the history of aerial design, an idea that came tantalizingly close to breaking all the rules of the sky, before collapsing in bitter disappointment for lack of money and faith.

While CIA agents were dispatched to watch eastern skies for flying saucers, US Air Force officers were paying a visit to Malton, just outside Toronto, the site of the city's airport and the research headquarters of Avro-Canada. Avro was a subsidiary of the British aircraft firm AV Roe (legend had it that there had not been space on the factory roof to include the "e" from Roe), which was in turn part of the legendary aviation group, Hawker-Siddeley. During the war, its engineers had been famous for the Hurricane fighter and the Avro Lancaster bomber. Now, under the tension of the cold war, they were trying something completely different.

The early work was carried out in total secrecy. Only a handful of Avro workers were told what was going on, and even some of the engineers fashioning individual components were not informed what they were for.

In 1955, Project Y became the US defense department weapon system 606A, and a white USAF star was painted on the prototype's fuselage. Millions were now being poured into the project, and the cult of secrecy deepened yet further.

This is where Project 1794 comes in 1956. Detailed and graphic schematics of flying saucers -- now declassified and now gives credence to to the claims of Bob Lazar and now David Grusch.

One of the deepest mysteries in this case of declassified saucer shematics is what cam first the chicken or the egg?

Were Germans, Italians, Russians, and the British already aware of the alien craft and did they begin reverse engineering before Roswell? 

Was the Roswell story a cover up to hide the experiment of germs Scientists at White Sands and Alamogordo?

Are parts of these machines now in the private sector after being picked and pulled at Area 51 -- some leftover parts form the Roswell crash at Hangar 18?

Where does it begin? The history clearly shows that saucer technology was already underway towards World War II's end and became a deep classified endeavor as we continued to mine data from some alien spaceship.

In September 2012 the United States National Archives released the declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division, USAF (RG 342—Records of United States Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations). This included cutaways of the aircraft structure, which the National Archives noted, “bear a strong resemblance to ‘flying saucers’ in popular science fiction films made during the years these reports were created: 1956 and 1957.”

The question to ask is whether the Avro Project Y, 606 A and 1794 developrd one of those “UFOs” that people reported to have seen in the 1950s. 

Probably not --

The vehicle in question probably couldn’t do the things the designers said it could do.

But that does not mean that these projects were not perfected and have produced some of the most alien looking drones and aircraft in our modern history,

The evidence supporting the existence of UFOs and possibly reverse engineering of these craft is overwhelming and, to any open-minded person, indisputable.

Space-craft of varying sizes and shapes, are routinely seen throughout the world, individually or in groups, sometimes dozens of craft together, and filmed or photographed by all manner of people, some in uniform, many not.

They are able to move at terrific speed, stop suddenly or glide gracefully, maneuver in seemingly impossible ways. They are clearly not “of this world”, are without question “real” and have been present on Earth for eons.

Undeniable evidence it seems, and yet so successful has the duplicitous message of denial been, that statements about UFOs are still regarded as controversial.

For decades lies have been promulgated relentlessly by governments, not only to hide the facts, but to create a totally false, reductive image of UFOs and their occupants. A cynical narrative adopted and obediently voiced by science fiction writers/film-makers and the media. 

It states that humanity is alone in the Universe, that sightings of UFOs are always explainable and can therefore be dismissed or ignored, and that extraterrestrial life, if it exists, is just like humanity – violent, selfish and exploitative, and is therefore a threat to us.