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Transcript for 6/13/24: ICE HOLES W/ DANE WIGINGTON

In general, it is easier to break something than to fix it, a fact which we ought to be keeping in mind. There is also the old saying "If it is not broken, then why fix it?"

These axioms do not apply to the billionaire elite that is hell-bent on geoengineering the planet and bioengineering all of us -- to fulfill some cult-like sustainable goals.

The movements to the Great reset and new World order are happening --and it appears that these events are not all random, everything is going according to plan and the end game is depopulation and sustainability through social engineering , bioengineering and geoengineering.

There are creative ways to eliminate people and we are seeing them every day -- and I am beginning to believe we are numb to it.

Our world is witnessing apocalyptic events so frequently that many of us are starting to become acclimated to it all. Major wars are raging all over the globe, children in Africa are literally dropping dead from starvation as hunger spreads like wildfire, and “billion-dollar disasters” are hitting us more frequently than we have ever seen before. But as long as these tragedies are not affecting us directly, most people don’t really care too much. As the level of worldwide suffering rises, it seems as though hearts are getting colder at the same time.

When I speak of "Billion Dollar Disasters" I am talking about the anomalous weather that has been happening -- and how storms are no longer behaving as the normally do. 

A deadly outbreak of tornadoes last month caused $4.7 billion in damages across the Southern, Southeastern and Central U.S., making it one of the costliest weather events of the year so far, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Monday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said there had been 11 confirmed weather and climate disaster events so far this year with losses exceeding $1 billion, with the total price tag topping $25 billion. There were more than 165 tornadoes during the May 6-9 outbreak, impacting Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, officials said.

We have already experienced so many historic disasters, and hurricane season and the heart of wildfire season are still ahead of us.

Almost every day, we are seeing things happen that we have never seen before.

For example, storm chasers in the middle of the country just recovered a piece of hail that was “about the size of a pineapple.”

We aren’t supposed to have hail of that size. But this is the “new normal” where the old rules simply don’t apply.

The abstract events of course are blamed on Climate change -- mostly the idea that the earth is warming -- but we also need to be aware how Geoengineering projects can also result in this odd butterfly effect -- and we can point to theses various earth hacking projects that could be responsible for the odd weather.

Other nations are getting pounded by natural disaster after natural disaster as well.

Brazil has been getting hit particularly hard. Nightmarish flooding was making headlines down there for a while, but now wildfires are taking center stage.

Florida has been reporting flooding because a months’ worth of rain fell there in 24 hours.

A tropical disturbance stalled over southern Florida and created a rare flash flood emergency. It delayed flights at two of the state’s largest airports and left vehicles waterlogged and stalled in some of the region’s lowest lying streets.

People say that what they experienced seemed unreal and very much like a Zombie movie with abandoned cars everywhere.

This is not climate change -- it is atmospheric collapse brought on by geoengineering. I have no doubt. I also have been reading about projects currently underway and proposals that will cause even more damage to the planet.

It is hard to think that it is intentional -- but it appears this is the case. 

The ‘climate threat conspiracy’ is something that can be used against all people, no matter what, because we all breathe air and drink water. 

We also eat vegetables, dairy and animal protein. Floods, drought, and unstable weather systems contribute to scarcity and threaten food security.

This is why it is a perfect ‘item of control’ being used to engineer panic.

The inherent unknowability of what would happen if we tried to tinker with the immensely complex planetary climate system is one reason why climate engineering has until recently been spoken of in the scientific community. 

However, it has been given a thumbs up for things like Carbon catching and stratospheric aerosol injections, which of course, are chemtrails.

Many researchers recognize that even the most brilliant scientists have a history of blindness to the wider ramifications of their work.

But of course Geoengineering is more than just a few chemtrails and the dropping of Ice into struggling clouds.

The whole Climate Change cult is now making an excuse for all kinds of strange proposals which of course are part of a stranger whole – geoengineering can get pretty bizarre. 

Anything from eliminating trees, to dimming the sun and brightening the cloud cover.

A lot of people would never even think about the fact that even the wildfires we see every year now contribute to geoengineering.

The vast majority of first world nation populations are completely oblivious to the unfolding weaponized environmental cataclysms that are closing in from every side. This unimaginable blindness is, unfortunately, willful in most cases. The majority choose to accept any power structure paid for propaganda, disinformation, and lies of omission that enforces their cognitive bias and enforced anthropogenic climate change laws.

It is obvious that political operatives are giving the earth a dose of chemotherapy in order to bring about a figurative scorched earth policy in order to implement a post scarcity economy.

Hegel and Marx saw scarcities as inherent, necessary, and constructive—in order to implement state socialist programs.

The sad thing is that if you propose a wider argument about many of these apocalyptic blue print Climate crisis scenarios by accusing governments of allowing geoengineering programs sabotage our normal way of life for a new socialist normal you begin to see the agitation as the technocrats find that any of this analysis thrusts them out of their comfort zones and cheats them out of their fortunes they can make using disaster capitalism.

The people are now looking out of their windows and they are confused – many are vigilant and determined to get to the bottom of just who or what is behind the sudden surge in the ecosystem collapse.

This however does not stop madmen like Bill Gates, to bioengineer a vaccine that would contribute to a bizarre form of geoengineering. 

A vaccine that not only would be used on animals but would geoengineer the planet.

Bill Gates has long been a proponent of vaccines in general and more recently, mRNA vaccine technology.

Now, he may have his sights set on developing a vaccine to combat climate change by targeting the methane emissions of livestock.

ArkeaBio, a Boston-based ag-biotech startup, recently raised $26.5 million in a Series A financing round to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” via the development of a “methane vaccine.”

The company said:

“ArkeaBio’s vaccine allegedly will provide an innovative, cost-effective, and scalable solution to reduce the world’s livestock methane emissions, which currently generate the equivalent of 3 Billion Tons of CO2 annually and represent 6% of annual Greenhouse gas emissions.”

ArkeaBio claims its “vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture.”

Other investors in the recently completed financing round include The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, AgriZeroNZ — a “partnership between the New Zealand government and major agribusinesses” — Rabo Ventures, Overview Capital and The51 Food & AgTech Fund.

“The funds raised in this Series A financing will play a pivotal role in expanding the research, development and deployment of the vaccine, including large-scale field trials and engagement along the supply chain,” ArkeaBio said in its press release.

Does he really think that this would contribute to lowering Co2 emissions? You may also ask yourself, "why would gates want to save the cows -- if he wants more farmland and push his labe meats?

Because Gates sees a potential transgenic cows that will produce insulin in their milk.

In March 2024, researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the Universidade de São Paulo created the first transgenic cow to produce human insulin in her milk. The cow, a brown bovine from Brazil, has a segment of DNA that codes for proinsulin, a protein that's a precursor to the hormone insulin. The researchers used a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer to create embryos and manipulate the mammary glands of the resulting offspring to produce specific proteins in their milk. When the cow reached maturity, her milk contained both proinsulin and insulin, and the mammary glands processed the proinsulin into active insulin on their own. 

Here we get a twofer no cow flatulence that allegedly affects the climate -- and a never ending supply of insulin milk. 

As with the whole cow fart conspiracy I would bet that it would really not make that big of an impact --as Gates has invested in more dangerous geoengineering projects like Sun Dimming, and Carbon capturing. 

These geoengineering projects want to legitimize the weather control that has been happening since the Vietnam war.

You can research "Operation Popeye" and "Storm Fury" where it is documented that weather control was used to steer storms. 

Global climate engineering is nothing short of weather warfare and biological warfare that has been going on in plain sight for decades. The mounting consequences rebooting or manipulating nature are becoming all but impossible to keep from public awareness. Countless organizations are discussing geoengineering but not yet openly admitting it has long since been a lethal reality with disastrous and deadly results.

For example, many people do not know that the barren Salton Sea was accidentally created in 1905 by engineers attempting to divert/control the inflow of water from the Colorado River, for Agricultural needs. It is now a desert of the toxic soup that is killing or killed fish, birds from botulism and is highly toxic to the environment.

Back in 2013 Russia asked IPCC to allow the use of geoengineering for economic reasons. Russia worked with China to take advantage of summer Ice melts to use Icebreakers to go in and create a passage that allowed better navigation in the area.

Russia and China were developing shipping lanes by taking advantage of the ice thaw and encouraging enterprises to build infrastructure in the Arctic.

They were also using geoengineering to thaw the ice -- which many believe caused a low-pressure system to dip all the way down to the southern part of the U.S. causing bitter cold.

They're no longer going to be sending ships all the way down to the Panama Canal. They're going to go directly through the Arctic. And so it's going to change commerce, and have very large economic impacts-- 

As the woes from a stalled supply chain continue, the ability for shipping containers to utilize more routes in the absence of ice could appear to be beneficial for the world economy.

But it spells disaster for the regional environment.

What is the result? 

Viral discoveries --and disruptive weather in the United States.

During the process, scientists have discovered “giant viruses” in the enormous sheets of ice.

The idea of a giant virus lurking on a vast ice sheet might sound like the plot to the latest science fiction blockbuster.

But it’s become a reality, after researchers discovered giant viruses while exploring the Greenland ice sheet.

So what is going to solve this potential problem?

More geoengineering of course.

Scientists in the Netherlands have a new idea to stop the Arctic Ice sheet from melting. They want to modify the climate to save the Icy region from global warming.

They are working on projects to cool the area by reflecting sunlight. Some of these projects are already in effect.

One experiment involves the pumping of water onto the surface so as to produce a protective ice layer over the Arctic snow. In another experiment, reflective glass beads are scattered over the snow to reflect the sun’s rays.

Their goal is to counteract the effects of Climate Change.

Some scientists, climate activists, and politicians feel that current efforts to reduce climate change have not been effective enough necessitating more drastic measures like this-- again messing with the planet , egotistically thinking that this would not cause more bizarre weather everywhere else.

The Dutch startup calling itself Arctic Reflections shares the inspiration ofr their mad science. They were inspired by building ice rinks for ice skating.

The goal is to restore the Arctic ice as a heat shield.

They say that it will be similar to the Icemasters who flood fields to create ice rinks. Inspired by these ice rink makers, the idea is to form a protective ice layer in the Arctic. Such a layer could help preserve the Arctic ice longer until other technologies can reduce global carbon emissions.

Summer temperatures in the Arctic can get well above freezing and even into the 80s and above, depending on where you are. Inland extremes tend to be warmer in summer and colder in winter than the coasts, because the ocean tends to moderate the temperature.

This is normal and it adds to the summer melt. However, the ice increases to its fullest in March. The idea that a melting Ice cap will raise sea levels is a myth.

Sea ice is already floating on the ocean, so when it melts it doesn’t change sea level—just as ice cubes floating in a full glass of water don’t cause the water to overflow when they melt. However, the melting of land-based ice, such as mountain glaciers and the big ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, does cause the sea level to rise.

Climate scientists are saying that the Arctic is being affected the most by Climate change but what happens in the Arctic affects the weather patterns below it and so I question the safety of just geoengineering a portion of the Arctic circle -- are we willing to risk a ecosystem collapse?

The environmental conditions in the Arctic affect weather systems across the world. The North and South poles act as the "freezers of the global system," helping to circulate ocean waters around the planet in a way that helps to maintain the climates felt on land.

The jet stream, a band of strong winds moving west to east created by cold air meeting warmer air, helps to regulate weather around the globe. In the continental U.S., the jet stream forms where generally colder and drier Arctic air meets warmer and more humid air from the Gulf.

This is what contributes to Tornado activity but the truth is the warming of the planet would not contribute to the volume of Tornadoes-- In fact it is the Cold wind shear from the arctic that creates these violent storms -- this would indicate cooling rather than warming -- freezing it even more could probably trigger more violent storms -- in fact if they are doing it already this might be the answer to the rise of violent Tornadoes.

But again this may be an overstatement but it certainly is something to think about.

Other geoengineering projects may be weakening the jet stream.

Rather than a steady stream of winds, the jet stream has become more "wavy," allowing very warm temperatures to extend usually far into the Arctic and very cold temperatures further south than usual-- prepare for the heat dome --and prepare for the annual Polar Vortex. This could also be the lasting and repeating effects of a weak jet stream brought on by atmospheric heating and chemtrail activity.

Be ready to be hearing about the summer heat, and heat advisories. This is a way to scare people into thinking the planet is overheating --but it is what happens between the heat domes and scares that gives away the secret:

Increasingly frequent number of episodes of extremely cold or cooler temperatures have been increasing over the past four decades in the U.S. despite temperatures rising overall.

The world allegedly is warming -- but the United States is cooling. It may be because of geoengineering programs that are weakening the jet stream and creating low pressure systems that fight with the warm air creating force multiplied storms.

Some courageous scientists are also looking into whether the phenomenon of atmospheric blocking, is potentially linked with extreme summer or winter weather that occurs when the jet stream ebbs and causes weather patterns to stagnate over a period of time.

Stagnation was likely the cause of the extreme flooding that occurred in 2017 in Houston, when the system from Hurricane Harvey remained over the region for days, dumping more than 50 inches of rain, and the multiple heatwaves that blanketed much of the Pacific Northwest.

Weather extremes on one side of the continent that may or may not be cause and effect for a stalled Hurricane over Texas. 

However, despite the existing evidence, more research needs to be done to further establish the link between the weakening polar vortex and extreme weather.

When Congress directs the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) to coordinate with other relevant federal agencies to research a five-year scientific assessment of solar and other rapid climate interventions, it’s only too apparent that the highest levels of government are more than happy to dim the sun or load the sky with metals and toxins.

They have no problem with releasing methane and with the increasing toll taken on the environment with war --they take no blame for the disruptive weather we are having now.

Now that the broken climate system has been intentionally decimated, we are now being told it is time to geoengineer the planet- give it some chemotherapy.

How to you rebuild a broken Climate system when the same people breaking it are the same people who want job security by restoring or resetting it?

Ask yourself is it possible to fix a broken climate system? Meaning the system that we all depend upon for life support. 

We didn’t build it. Yet, we broke it. So, it does not conform to the axiom: “If it can be built, it can be fixed.”

They have geoengineered the planet to be colder and it is this cold that is mixing with warm air masses to create violent storms.

Engineering, or is it geo-engineering, the climate system is a yes/no issue amongst experts and non-experts, no maybes allowed, and it’s loaded with controversy enough to inspire loud screaming and physical threats. It’s wild out there in the provocative world of “pro or anti” geoengineering.

Depending upon whom you happen to bump into at the bar and grill and strike up a conversation about geoengineering, it’s either feared or ridiculed or praised or a fist to the face, no mushy in-between opinions. 

Yet all we have been seeing is Climate whiplash and only when the weather is unbearably hot do we see maps covered in red and warnings of severe heat when the thermometer hits 90 degrees.

There seems to be a lack of reporting on mountains that now have up to 800 inches of snow for the year. That is 200 percent of normal.

Pineapple-sized hail is an anomaly as well-- but aren't hail stones a product of water droplets being thrown up into a freezing atmosphere over and over to create layer upon layer of Ice?

Certainly in a warming world hail stones would not exist -- at least that size.

The ice speaks volumes -- and the ice holes continue to jack the planet for their agendas.