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Transcript for 6/17/24: DREAM THEATER W/ DR. JOHN HALL

In a world driven by constant innovation and a hunger for personal advancement, a fascinating movement has emerged: biohacking. Biohacking refers to the practice of using science, technology, and self-experimentation to optimize one’s physical and mental performance. This intriguing field has gained significant traction, captivating individuals seeking to unlock the full potential of the human body and mind.

The rise of biohacking signifies a profound shift in our understanding of human potential. By merging science, technology, and self-experimentation, individuals are embarking on a journey of self-optimization like never before. This paradigm shift has led to mainstream acceptance and growth, enabling new ways to interact with the world.

While the science is backing a transhumanist paradigm -- there are those in the advertising and propaganda fields that see a potential in hacking the brain during dream time projecting ads and propaganda into the subconscious.

Back during the pandemic, there were people who experienced what are known as quarandreams -- very bizarre dreams. Many people were claiming that they were actually experiencing dreamscapes with product placement where McDonald's, Coors Light, Miller Lite, and Blue Moon beer were signs seen in the dreams, or actual big macs and beer were being consumed.

Molson Coors Beverage Company openly admitted it could manipulate your dreams so you and many others can collectively see visions of alcoholic beverages dancing through your head:

According to a press release:

"It's no surprise the stress of the pandemic has caused many of us to have difficulties sleeping and, in turn, experience weird, bizarre dreams called 'quarandreams.' Typically we can't control what we dream about, but what if we could? Coors Light and Coors Seltzer want to ensure you'll have a refreshing dream using the science of guiding dreams."

Sleep scientists have expressed concern about this sort of intrusive dream advertising. What's lying beneath the marketing speak about better dreams? Is it better to have a naturally occurring stress dream or a "fun" dream that a company just so happened to plant in your head as an advertisement?

Three researchers from MIT and Harvard wrote a petition of concern:

" As sleep and dream researchers, we are deeply concerned about marketing plans aimed at generating profits at the cost of interfering with our natural nocturnal memory processing."

Dozens more sleep researchers from around the world signed the letter and endorsed it.

Targeted dream implantation (TDI) has a history that dates back millennia, especially among groups who value dreams for spiritual practices, according to sleep researchers. In recent decades, scientists have completed experiments that demonstrate the real ways in which dreams can affect our waking lives, too. Therefore, implanting dreams can change real-world outcomes.

So, how exactly do marketers slither into our dreams? They can work with scientists to introduce sounds and pipe in smells that will shape what people dream about. Some of the research into TDI involves turning people off to addictive things like cigarettes. In their letter, the sleep researchers say people smoked 30 percent fewer cigarettes after "dreaming of" the smell of cigarettes and rotten eggs, for example.

In another example, scientists asked dreaming people a series of questions. The study participants answered questions including simple mathematics by moving their eyes back and forth from inside of their lucid dreams.

Dreams are a mysterious realm of our subconscious minds, where our thoughts, emotions, and experiences blend together in a surreal landscape. Research has shown that during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep, our brains are highly active, creating vivid dream experiences.

Neuroscientists and psychologists have long studied dreams, seeking to unravel their complexities. Recent advancements in brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnology have opened up new possibilities for manipulating dream content. 

Things often look the way they do because someone claiming authority tells us they look that way. If that sounds too cynical, pause for a moment and reflect on what seemed most important to you just a year ago, or even a few weeks ago. We are finding that attitudes are changing quickly when the kids say "That was so Last week" or the "90s called they want that hairstyle back." It is hard to keep up with a lot of cultural dynamics -- and many people are giving up and deciding to rebel against the woke peer pressure.

Think about how you felt 4 years ago as opposed to now. Are you still clinging to the outrageous beliefs you used to have? Has something changed your mind? Have you rejected some beliefs to make way for new ones? 

If so how is it that you think you have changed, or what has hardened your resolve?

Is it possible that only a few weeks ago our priorities were just a little divorced from a bigger reality? That what appeared to be the big picture was not actually big enough? Maybe we should have been thinking about even more important, pressing matters-- I mean the media is having us care more about the Political scandals of Donald Trump while downplaying those of Hunter Biden. They still will not acknowledge that the laptop story was forbidden to be discussed online before the last election --which may or may not have affected the outcome.

We need to rebel against being dismissed when there is precedent to speak up -- but something is holding us back. It is as if we have been programmed to stop at a certain point and not go full civil upheaval against the liars that are running the media and the government.

If we reflect on this, it is possible to get a sense of two things. First, that our attention rarely belongs to us; it is the plaything of others. And second, the “real world”, as it is presented to us, rarely reflects anything we might usefully be able to label as objective reality. It is a set of political, economic, and social priorities that have been manufactured for us.

Agents outside our control with their own vested interests – politicians, the media, business – construct reality, much as a filmmaker designs a movie. They guide our gaze in certain directions and not others.

At a moment like of real crisis, one that overshadows all else, we have a chance – though only a chance – to recognize this truth and develop our critical perspective. A perspective that truly belongs to us, and not to others.

Something that is not being programmed into you because of political bias or religious beliefs. 

Think back to the old you, the pre-COVID-19 you. Were your priorities the same as your current ones? Think of the old You before the 911 attacks --can you remember how things were and how people behaved? Did the attack in New York change your ideas of the future?

Think of who was responsible for conditioning you into thinking things you had never addressed before --and why America has changed and how it has not healed. 

Think of the programmed resentment and depression COVID-19 has caused -- and who was responsible for programming an entire nation to be subservient to tyrannical mandates and decisions that affected your relationship with your Job, friends, family and even religious practices?

If you’re watching the TV or reading newspapers – and who isn’t – you’re probably feeling scared, either for yourself or for your loved ones. All you can think about is the coming election, the border, Bird flu, and maybe World War III.

Liberals are overly preoccupied with whether or not Donald Trump is going to win.

They are planting some interesting seeds of thought.

Rachel Maddow said she is “worried” that Donald Trump's returning to the presidency could mean she might wind up in “concentration camps” intended to house illegal immigrants.

Maddow added: “For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested that she could be jailed if former President Donald Trump defeats President Joe Biden in November.

She said :

"I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy threw me in jail," she said this during an appearance on the "On With Kara Swisher" podcast. She continues "He's out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around 'lock her up.' This is his motto."

Trump has never indicated that he would round people up and put them in camps-- but as the seeds have been planted for this very scenario by democrat nightmare peddlers -- another DNC wannabe politician is also pushing this on their platform.

Paula Collins, who is running unopposed in the June 25 Democratic primary, made the shocking suggestion that there should be reeducation camps established for Trump supporters.

She did this during a virtual town hall event and argued that there is a need for such camps even if Democrats see a “resounding blue wave” in the 2024 election.

She declared: 

“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp,” Collins said. 

“I don’t think we really wanna call it that,” she told voters on the call. “I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.”

These ideas are so offensive, and yet no one is calling them out on it -- it again shows that the left is finding a way to program their constituents into believing in the Boxcar solution with what is ahead.

Our current fear is an enemy to our developing and maintaining a critical perspective. The more we are frightened by graphs, death tolls, and prominent voices in politics speaking this trash the more we are likely to submit to whatever we are told will keep us safe.

These things if used as a programming technique will eventually be melded into our subconscious minds and we can easily dream these things and as we all know the subconscious has a deep relationship with the conscious mind.

You may not believe that people will eventually be rounded up for their beliefs -- but buried in your subconscious is that reality -- incubated in your dreams.

Of course, this is a nightmare scenario -- but those in charge are aware of things like neurolinguistic programming, predictive programming, mental repetition and dream or subconscious incubating.

The masters of programming and propaganda know how to create a manipulative dream theater-- that you will respond to as it has been reinforced many times in the subconscious ready to be triggered like that of a sleeper agent.

There was a Washington Post story that illustrates how subtle synthetic suggestions can manipulate someone in changing their whole attitude and belief system.

Al-Qaida operative Abu Zabaida was taken into custody and was waterboarded for information. No matter how much they tortured him he would not divulge information about terror activities. The next day he had a change of heart. 

Zubaida walked in and told his interrogator that Allah came to him in a dream and spoke to him directly, telling him to cooperate with officials. 

I don't think that Allah would tell him to cooperate with the Americans who tortured him. I am sure there are ways to induce visions or even ghostlike anomalies in the mind through suggestive programming and mental incubation.

Was it really Allah? Or could it have been an induced electronic hallucination?

Or were they capable of suggesting to the prisoner that Allah wants him to cooperate?

Neurostrike weapons are a reality --as it has been reported that China has used them many times on their own people and some of their leaders.

The Washington Times published the article “China Crafts Weapons to alter brain function; report says tech meant to influence government leaders“. The article says:

“China‘s People’s Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or entire populations, according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts. The weapons can be used to directly attack or control brains using microwave or other directed energy weapons in handheld guns or larger weapons firing electromagnetic beams, adding that the danger of China‘s brain warfare weapons before or during a conflict is no longer theoretical and should not be viewed as an unconventional weapon limited to use in extreme circumstances. According to the report, neurostrike capabilities are part of standard military capabilities…

To counter brain warfare capabilities, the report urges the U.S. military to first expose the threat of neuro-strike weapons and call for international talks and policy remedies, such as ethics reviews for neuroscience and cognitive science studies.

Dream advertising relies on a combination of emerging technologies, including brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), machine learning algorithms, and targeted stimuli.

Companies collect data about your interests, preferences, and online behavior through various means, such as social media, surveys, and browsing history.

Advertisers work with dream experts to ensure that the advertisements are seamlessly integrated into the dream scenario, avoiding any disruption to the dreamer's experience.

As dream advertising gains attention, it raises significant ethical and legal questions. Critics argue that manipulating someone's dreams for commercial gain is invasive and unethical. Privacy concerns also come into play, as the technology involves monitoring a person's brain activity during sleep.

Regulators are grappling with how to address these concerns. Some countries have already imposed restrictions on dream advertising, requiring explicit consent from individuals before their dreams can be manipulated. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about the potential impact on mental health and the boundaries of consent in this emerging field.

While the idea of implanting advertisements into dreams remains controversial, it's undeniable that companies are intrigued by its potential. Proponents argue that dream advertising could be a more immersive and engaging form of marketing, allowing brands to connect with consumers on a deeper level.

The future of dream advertising will likely depend on the delicate balance between innovation and ethics. As technology continues to advance, it will be essential to establish clear regulations and ethical guidelines to ensure that dream manipulation is used responsibly and respects individuals' autonomy.

In conclusion, the concept of implanting advertisements into dreams may sound like science fiction, but it's a real and evolving field. As advertisers explore this novel frontier, society will need to grapple with the ethical implications and establish boundaries to protect individual's rights and privacy in the realm of their dreams. The dream advertising revolution is just beginning, and its impact on our lives and minds remains to be seen.