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Transcript for 6/24/24: ANIMAL PHARMA W/ AMBER KING

As you may know, I sometimes throw out a conspiracy or two between the paranormal and the abnormal. I want to remind you that this is not a conspiracy theory -- conspiracies are not lies, but they are well-organized and well-funded.

The biggest conspiracy of all -- well at least in this era is that there is a planned agenda that is being handed down by an extremely wealthy unaccountable, unelected elite.

This elite thinks it can do a better job than nature by changing the essence of food and the genetic core of the food supply (via synthetic biology and genetic engineering).

The plan also involves removing farmers from the land (AI-driven farmerless farms) and filling much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels. Although the food system has problems that need addressing, this misguided agenda is a recipe for food insecurity that no one voted for.

I never thought I would see the day when the farmer would be the enemy of the state --and that this administration is supportive of a food control agenda that the World Health Security Complex has proposed.

The common thread is that, by one way or another, farming is deliberately being made impossible or financially non-viable. The aim is to drive most farmers off the land and ram through an agenda that by its very nature seems likely to produce shortages and undermine food security.

The agenda is the brainchild of a digital-corporate-financial complex that wants to transform and control all aspects of life and human behavior. This complex forms part of an authoritarian global elite that can coordinate its agenda globally via the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other supranational organizations, including influential think tanks and foundations Gates, Rockefeller and the usual gang of idiots.

Its agenda for food and farming is euphemistically called a ‘food transition’. Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviors of humanity due to their much-promoted plans to ‘feed the world’ with high-tech ‘precision’ farming’, ‘data-driven’ agriculture and ‘green’ (net-zero) production – with ‘sustainability’ being the mantra.

When someone or anyone wishes to point out the dystopian world we are living in -- they either quote Huxley or Orwell.

I can't count how many times I have made reference to the book 1984. 

The book or even sections of it have bee quoted by some of the greatest conspiracy historians of our time. The problem is that the book was meant to be a satire --and not a handbook for the elite to continue to perpetuate the authoritarian agenda.

It is important to be aware of some of the historical commentators of the human condition and how they have approximated the times we are living in now.

Perhaps it is a matter of knowing a little history and human behavior. In the end, the elite and the powerful tend to look upon the common people as bottom feeders. They see them as toys, or even animals.

The parable of the Animals on a fascist farm is also a well-known story that was written by Orwell. A simplistic tale that illustrates how those in power become like pigs -- consuming all they see and manipulating the sheep to do their bidding. 

The fable of Animal Farm was a satirical send up of Communism and how it can be implemented and how it fails. It also was a story that demonstrated the tools that created the “open conspiracy” of control and greed.

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a fable of our time full of meanings and messages relating to the importance of freedom in any society. The story light-heartily uses a farm and the rebellion of its mistreated animals to symbolize a much more serious issue. The serious issue that he tackles may give us a key to what the conspiracy really is. That is, if you believe there is a conspiracy.

When Orwell wrote Animal Farm he put in a quote about the pigs who controlled the sheep “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” These words were placed on the wall of the barn as the rules changed about the power and control of the pigs and the Farmers.

The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to the smaller elite.

Napoleon the large boar that took control of the animals on the farm did so easily because he knew how to create fear amongst the animals. The first thing that he did was he controlled the food and drinking needs of the farm. He developed a plan to convince the other animals that the Apples and the Milk were not good for the health of the animals and that the pigs should have them instead.

The Pigs were given the best beds, the best foods, the best drugs, and alcohol. They were able to live their lives with an equal amount of power. The remaining animals were led to remain equal in their slavery. They were given confusing laws by the pigs. The control of fear and pain kept the other animals from rebelling against Napoleon. 

So we learn from the fictitious farm that those who wish to control you are determined to weaponize food and water. They want to establish a dietary plan that keeps the peasants on the verge of starvation.

In many cases there are those that will starve and will be made examples of how if you do not comply with their food, drug, and alcohol codex you will starve to death.

Little by little the pigs in power will remove foods form your diet that you enjoy --and force you into eating foods that are not usually part of their traditional diets.

For years I have been warning listeners about GMO foods.

Genetically modified organisms have been shown to cause significant health problems, how they have ruined the lives of independent farmers who are sued after their land is involuntarily contaminated by Monsanto seeds, and how glyphosate use has risen thanks to Roundup Ready GMO crops. Unfortunately, the corruption of the food supply is advancing far beyond this.

DARPA, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has granted millions of dollars to researchers to turn military plastic waste into a bacterial protein powder that can be fed to humans.

Michigan Tech researchers have been selected for a $7.2 million DARPA cooperative agreement award to turn military plastic waste into protein powder and lubricants.

It has been said by environmentalists that the planet has a plastics problem. . Plastic is so ubiquitous in packaging, many people don’t even think twice about tossing it in the trash, even though it will likely end up polluting the environment or the oceans in some way.

It definitely piles up --and in my house we recycle. 

Scientists now envision a more nutritious future for the plastics. They ask, can plastic be converted into food?

Scientists are now finding ways to convert waste plastic into protein powder or nutritional supplements . The general idea is that plastic is hard to break down using biology because it’s made up of a polymer, and its units are stuck together. To break apart the polymer, some bacteria can do this, but it’s very slow.

According to their website, it says:

This research will allow us to take the plastic waste we’re generating in the world and turn it into something valuable: food and fuel.

This process is looking very valuable to the military that wishes to reduce its carbon footprint.

The Food will be in the form of a protein powder that will be used to supplement food consumed by soldiers. Along the way, the team is working with the funding agency as well as other regulators such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ensure the development of a product that can be used as food and is not toxic in any way. 

Once it is successfully used in the war theater, it will be readied for the consumer --who wants to reduce their carbon footprint and process edible plastic that will show up in their fecal material-- broken down by bacteria.

Meanwhile, another company called BioMADE has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to again "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts.

BioMADE—which earlier this year received another $450 million infusion of taxpayer cash—maintains that lab-grown food products will reduce the Pentagon’s carbon footprint, a priority for the American military as it pursues a Biden administration-mandate to address climate change.

Critics of the DoD’s partnership with BioMADE say that U.S. troops should not be used as test subjects for lab-grown meat products that are still in their experimental phase.

Do you think that Taxpayer dollars should be used to fund the lab-grown meat sector? What about the processing of plastics to use as supplement food sources?

The Pentagon and its outside partners, as part of its push to fund "alt-protein projects," made up to $2 million available for such projects, according to the publication Alt-Meat.

Supporters of these efforts say U.S. national security hinges on addressing global climate change and pursuing new technologies that enable products like lab grown meat.

Recent studies, however, including one published by the University of California, Davis suggest that "lab-grown meat’s carbon footprint is potentially worse than retail beef.

But we do know that the Green Warming cult have targeted the meat and dairy supply for some time now and are at the ready to feed us all undesirable alternatives. 

You are surely familiar with Bill Gates-funded fake meats like Impossible Burgers, made of carcinogenic GMO soy and neurotoxins like hexane and MSG, and which have tested positive for high levels of glyphosate.

Many Americans are not aware that there are already genetically modified animals in our food supply. Genetically modified pigs, cows, and salmon have all been approved for sale in the US. The regulatory process for their approval has been dramatically shortened. If you order salmon at a restaurant or other food establishment rather than buying it retail, there is no requirement to inform you that you are eating a genetically altered organism.

If genetically engineered salmon sounds appetizing, you’re sure to love Aanika Biosciences’ genetically engineered bacterial spores containing DNA “barcodes” which are applied to produce. 

These cannot be removed by being washed, boiled, fried, microwaved, or steamed, and will make food traceable from the field to your sewer so tests of your local sewage will reveal what the local population is eating. 

There is no labeling requirement to notify you which produce has been sprayed with these genetically-modified spores. Given the USDA’s obsession with food tracking and surveillance, there is a very real possibility they will try to mandate use of such spores, just as they are currently mandating RFID chips on cattle for traceability. 

If you think spying on your sewage sounds outlandish, realize that it became common practice during Covid as a means of determining locations of outbreaks and justifying further lockdowns. 

It is now being used to justify agricultural crackdowns in the name of H5N1, the avian flu virus. 

The Avian flu threat has now generated a political division amongst milk drinkers as the FDA is warning people not to drink raw milk because it may spread Bird flu.

Americans have been instructed that drinking milk that comes directly from a cow’s udder can be dangerous.

This is why milk is pasteurized --to kill microorganisms that can make people ill.

However raw milk is now on sale in corner shops and trendy health food stores across America.

Its proponents argue that it helps with weight loss, gut health and lactose intolerance.

Pasteurization, once a consensus issue, has become the latest frontier in America’s never-ending culture war.

Public health officials say that drinking the milk is dangerous, and could lead to a spike in potentially deadly bacterial and viral infections.

But market data suggests there has been at least a 20 per cent increase in demand for raw milk in the last year nationwide, and state politicians are facing demands to liberalise decades-old food safety laws.

This week, the latest bill to repeal an outright ban on raw milk hit the governor’s desk in Louisiana, after similar efforts in West Virginia, Iowa, Georgia, and North Dakota.

If the bill is signed, it will be possible from August 1 for Louisianans to buy raw milk from a normal shop – albeit with a warning, in capital letters, that it is “not for human consumption”.

Everyone, including the legislators, knows that instructions will be ignored.

Again the controversy is being blamed on the Libertarian right which sees raw milk bans as yet another example of shady federal officials eroding the freedom of American consumers.

Since 1987, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that 143 deaths from various illnesses in the US have been linked to raw milk, and that diseases picked up by those who drink it can then be passed on to other people.

Now they have issued another warning:

The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued recent warnings that drinking raw milk could lead to the spread of bird flu.

Prof Donald Schaffner, a food science expert at Rutgers University, said epidemiologists have not proven that the H5N1 virus can be spread through milk, but there are already concerns about infected cattle.

Some see drinking raw milk as an act of defiance against wokery.

Although it is technically against federal law to transport raw milk between states, the rules are not generally enforced against individual consumers.

Farmers who break the rules and sell to the public, however, are subject to criminal penalties if they are caught.

In January, an Amish farm in Pennsylvania drew national attention after it was raided by police who suspected, correctly, that it was selling unlicensed raw milk and eggnog.

Bill Gates has a solution again to all of these problems with dairy -- and his solution includes the consumption of bugs and insects.

This time he is promoting "ENTOMILK" -- milk that is extracted from maggots.

“ENTOMILK” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators.

“It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” a promotional video claims.

Gates and his allies argue that ENTOMILK should replace traditional dairy milk because farming allegedly destroys the planet.

Globalists insist that feeding the general public “ENTOMILK” will “save the planet” from “climate change.”

A company in south Africa known as Gourmet Grub is already in the business of making Ice cream from Bug Milk.

Its luxury ice cream uses ENTOMILK in its recipe.

The ice cream flavors include chocolate, peanut butter and Christmas spices.

ENTOMILK has a more earthy flavor (I can suppose it tastes like dirt) it is also lactose-free and gluten-free, and unlike dairy milk it does not contain any carbohydrates or sugars.

Last month, Gourmet Grubb also opened a concept popup store, which included savory insect dishes such as insect powder pasta, chickpea black-larvae croquettes and mopani worm hummus, to serve alongside its ice cream.

In Europe, multiple insects have been approved for human consumption including mealworms, house crickets, and migratory locusts. At low enough levels, companies don’t even need to report it as an ingredient on food labels. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the European Union, “Insects as food emerge as an especially relevant issue in the twenty-first century due to the rising cost of animal protein, food insecurity, environmental pressures, population growth and increasing demand for protein among the middle classes…Thus, alternative solutions to conventional livestock need to be found. The consumption of insects therefore contributes positively to the environment and to health and livelihoods.”

Pay no attention to the fact that these same governments’ deliberate policies create the problem they claim to solve. It’s the problem-reaction-solution strategy again. Insect-based edibles are now available in the UK, Canada, and the US as well.

One can argue that this is all well and good as long as we aren’t forced to eat it, and have informed consent on whether or not it’s on our plates. But the groundwork has been laid down for alternative food sources. I don't know how we are going to stop this madness -- but it is coming and there are a lot of people in power that want to participates in pushing these food stuffs as mandatory. 

New York City and London have begun tracking what foods their residents buy. They have committed to cutting how much meat can be served in schools and hospitals as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030. The city-states that most of these emissions are due to “meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs.”

Credit card companies will hand over food purchase data to the city so they can make their calculations – American Express is an open partner in this project. New York City Mayor Eric Adams stated that “All food is not created equal. The vast majority of food that is contributing to our emission crisis lies in meat and dairy products.

This program will not be limited to New York and London. C40 Cities, the organization behind the push for 15-minute cities, has partnered with municipalities worldwide to track the consumption of their residents. 

This is known as the C40 project.

Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using an inclusive, science-based, and collaborative approach to cut their fair share of emissions in half by 2030

Other American cities that have signed on to the C40 project include Philadelphia, Austin, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Los Angeles, Houston, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and Seattle. 

The premise behind the project is based on a report by Arup Group, a World Economic Forum affiliate funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. C40 cities have set an “ambitious target”: by 2030, their residents should have no meat, no dairy, no private cars, be allowed to buy only 3 new items of clothing per year, and be allowed just one short-haul flight every 3 years. You will own nothing and be happy.

Perhaps you’ll be one of the lucky few who can still afford meat, dairy, fish, and fresh vegetables. Unfortunately, even those will be polluted if the technocrats get their way. You have probably heard conflicting stories on whether or not there are mRNA vaccines in our food and whether or not these can be transmitted to you when you eat them.

It is as if Animal Farm is being transformed into Animal Pharma --where you cannot consume natural meats , fish, eggs, and chicken without it being tampered with by a Pharmaceutical company or a genetics lab.