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We live in a representative republic where politicians are supposed to be made up of everyday citizens who turn over frequently, to allow the soul of the nation to take deep breaths and not get stuck in patterns.

But in the new century, we have opted to vote for candidates whose minds are still fighting the Cold War, especially Joe Biden who still thinks that Russia is the Soviet Union.

I don't know why we can't seem to release their wretched liver-spotted talons from the “power."

As we learned from Trump Biden examples over the last year, the castrated impotent desperation and concern career politicians have with remaining “in power” in their dying days isn’t just depressing from a political standpoint, it's a disheartening commentary on human beings and their priorities in life. It’s the opposite of retiring, and dying, with dignity.

It is like the rock band that does a mountain of farewell tours --and rockers that will do everything from knee replacement to face lifts to keep that image of relevancy.

Last night, I watched the debate when I got home. I had no idea that the debate would turn into a drive-by shooting. To say that Biden did not shine is an understatement -- it was like I wanted to jump into the debate and take over -- Trump single-handedly without even trying made Biden look so bad that the left-leaning CNN was throwing him under the bus-- and left-democrat commentator Van Jones in tears.

Biden not only looked old -- but he also looked empty. 

Within the first three minutes of the circus, Biden had his supporters worried that there would be a medical emergency as he was freezing up and making strange throat noises for 3 straight seconds .

Apologists say that President Biden had a cold-- but that is the point, they should have canceled the debate -- but it appeared that the debate itself was a trap set my a divided democratic party that wishes for a more charismatic hopeful for President.

It was all but decided in the media last night that Biden will lose against Trump -- all were throwing their hands in the air ready to give up.

Many people on both sides of the political spectrum were not only commenting about how bad his performance was, but already speculating on who would be a better candidate-- from Gavin Newsome, to Gretchen Whitmer.

Conspiracy theorists are also speaking about how the big surprise in the wings is Michelle Obama -- I would say that they are clearing the Runway for Hillary Clinton -- but at this point, it is all speculation.

Hillary Clinton has been in the news lately promoting her new book -- Clinton’s “Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty” which will be released Sept. 17.

It is already being said to be a "mission outline" for some unannounced presidential bid as she talks about marriage politics and faith.

She goes into detail about her marriage to former President Bill Clinton, her Methodist faith, adjusting to private life after her failed presidential runs, her friendships with other first ladies and her takes on climate change, democracy, and Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton has also been on the speaker circuit condemning Donald Trump and the MAGA republicans. Not that it is anything new -- but it is like we are having to care about her thoughts on politics and debating on whether or not she is relevant.

It is also significant that Julian Assange made a plea deal for his freedom which included the ceasing of publishing anything dealing with Hillary Clinton's e-mails or anything that would be considered military intelligence.

It is a case of erasing a corrupt history something that again wreaks of some Orwellian ministry of truth move.

The conspiracy minded are also seeing this debate as an obvious set up by the non-believing democrats to make Biden look bad on purpose.

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said that "In Politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

Was it all a setup?

It was all but a week ago that the media and the party defended Biden’s mental acuity claiming that videos showing Biden having obvious senior moments were fakes -- now they are allegedly humiliated by Biden's performance.

You can't call the 90-minute debate a "Cheap Fake." But you can surmise that it was a Cheap Shot -- that most certainly raised doubts about the cognitive ability of the President.

If that was the mission -- it certainly was an hour-and-a-half commercial for those who have wanted to bring up the 25th amendment against Biden.

People have also said that it was obviously a sham -- mainly because of discussions of sex with a Porn Star --and the obvious lie that Biden has a 6 handicap on the golf course. This was one of his most coherent points made.

It’s sad not only because it’s meaningless to the presidency, but because it was to further one last obvious lie: that Biden would ever have a snowball’s chance in hell against Trump on a golf course and ironically in a national election.

Trump through out a few good jabs in the Trump Style -- But Biden's jabs were all based on propaganda that has either been proven to be false, or really doesn’t matter about the direction of the country.

You expect Trump to use school yard taunts -- but a lot of those epithets were being thrown out by Biden.

Trump kept the face in the resting position of a teenager who knows more than his parents -- and Biden played the role of a critical parent who is disgusted with his child's behavior.

Trump kept his cool -- Biden came off as a mean old man who secretly poisons squirrels and pigeons while no one is looking.

We watched Joe Biden, as he tried to force one last gasp of oxygen into the lungs of his political career and came up short. Instead, he’ll now be subjected to pitchforks and torches from the party he spent his whole life fighting for, and his “career” will become nothing more than another brick in the wall for the argument that politicians of all stripes are just narcissistic, self-absorbed and generally useless puppets.

Democrat political analyst Van Jones also suggested that Biden’s awful night should mean he’s replaced before the convention.

“He had a test tonight to restore the confidence of the country and of the base and he failed to do that,” said Jones.

“And I think there’s a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now, we’re still far from our convention and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that,” he added, saying it was “personally painful” what he witnessed.

It appears that Biden is finished.

Democrats have several high-profile candidates who could step in, but no party in modern U.S. history has ever tried to forcibly replace its presidential nominee.

The easiest way to replace Biden would be for the president to decide to withdraw from the race --and this morning at a rally Biden was defiant -- saying that he will not step down.

Biden stated in a Rally in North Carolina-- despite not being as young as I used to be, “I know how to tell the truth.”

“I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,” he said, to a crowd of people cheering. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. 

I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up.”

But the rally may not be enough to quiet an already widespread panic in the Democratic Party over Biden’s debate performance against Trump. 

It was so bad that CNN appeared to turn on him by opening the discussion about replacing him on the top of the ticket.

As supporters generously cheered on the president, waving “Let’s Go Joe” campaign signs, Biden, reading prepared remarks, lobbed sharp attacks at Trump for his criminal convictions, his position on abortion and his unwillingness to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. 

It was more of the same -- but more energetic -- like he was on some high-octane caffeine.

Polls have consistently shown that voters — including his own supporters — think Biden is too old to effectively serve a second term. The Biden campaign had hoped that the debate would be an opportunity to prove to the public that the president was capable of serving another four years. But his performance had the opposite effect.

In the past, Biden has tried to address voters’ uneasiness about his age by focusing on the experience he brings to the office and by infusing some humor into his speeches. He frequently makes self-deprecating jokes about having a “career of 280 years” and being friends with the Founding Fathers.

But now it just isn't funny anymore.

Beneath Joe Biden’s avuncular, aw-shucks demeanor lies an ego even larger than his mouth. Tom Petty's song "Won't back down" was playing at the rally -- indicating how is ego is bigger than it should be -- you are only as good as your last gig. 

Biden is entering his reelection campaign as a weak and embattled incumbent. While the press might have welcomed Biden into the White House with comparisons to Franklin Roosevelt—comparisons that Biden encouraged—he now finds himself dogged by less flattering comparisons to Lyndon Johnson, whose grand domestic policy agenda ended up being overshadowed by the blood that he allowed to be cruelly and uselessly shed in Vietnam.

Presidential historians looking back at the past few years will document Biden’s failures in greater detail than we can now.

I just think that it is obvious that the USA is trying to function with two flat tires -- we are not getting far and we should change those tires -- now it may be vital to the country that we do. 

Biden aides often scoff at suggestions that he is not up for the job, insisting that he is as sharp as ever behind closed doors. At the same time, they have been reluctant to put him in more public settings where he could demonstrate that sharpness. Biden has participated in far fewer traditional media interviews and press conferences compared to his predecessors.

However, the intense panic within the party following his debate performance raised questions about what he would do to more aggressively address the age issue over the next few months of the campaign.

How is going to address the age issue? With more dry jokes? More gaffes? More stumbles?

The appearance at the debate also raises questions about who really is running the government. 

Certainly not Biden.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned Friday that President Biden's poor showing at Thursday night's CNN Presidential Debate calls into question who's really running the country.

"He does not seem to be the person who's making the decisions in the White House," RFK Jr. told Lawrence Jones on "Fox & Friends" Friday. "I think our government is being run by anonymous men in lanyards, and it's scary."

Well, it is obvious that he has surrendered his control to the neocons and war hawks who continue to put us in harm's way. 

Trump is right about one thing: Biden is a hardnosed warmonger who should not be in the control of the big red button that could activate the Nuclear missiles.

Biden is not the one man that is the center of leadership --we can only surmise that he is merely a consultant of an administrative state that has placed a substantial amount of power in the hands of officials-- some that we have no elected.

No -- These advisers and technocrats are not elected or directly accountable to the public in any real way. Indeed, they’re often people that the average voter wouldn’t even recognize on TV. But for better or for worse, they’ve come to exert more and more influence on policy and our lives.

Biden’s presidency has not been what most progressives would have wanted, and there’s little reason to believe, given Biden’s own politics and the Democratic Party’s current ideological composition, that it ever could have been-- now the detractors in his own party have an excuse to force him out -- or conspire to make him look even more incompetent then he already appears to be. 

The apologists are now saying that it is a choice between a man with character and a Liar. That changes nothing about his mental acuity and his ability to lead. 

It changes nothing about all Biden does is rely on default misinformation that his supporters have created to being down his opponent.

A man with character does not weaponize the intelligence apparatus to arrest his opponent – or silence his critics.

A man with Character does not wake up every day and has no problem with giving weapons to a country that is now killing innocent civilians.

A man of great character would address the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms. We hear the same talking points being ignored by both candidates—but you should expect more from a man with character, right?

None of the issues of life liberty and freedom are addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire state of our nation.

The popularity contest for the new occupant of the White House won’t significantly alter the day-to-day life of the average American greatly at all. Those life-changing decisions are made elsewhere, by nameless, unelected government officials who have turned bureaucracy into a full-time and profitable business.

Future President Kamala Harriss, once stated that debates are just debates but sometimes they can be setups and this appears to be the case with the latest debate that Americans had to sweat through being reminded that we are in deep trouble.