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While I was busy speaking at the Contact in the Desert conference, I was spending my off time reading about the meeting of the minds at Bilderberg-- the Bilderberg group is just another branch of non-elected elites that meet every year to check up on their plans of government ruling and to keep the prostitutes out of poverty.

Even though we think we get enough bloviating from the World Economic forum -- some of the same psychopathic actors, get together and use Orwell's 1984 as a blueprint for who they want the dystopia to function -- and yes they too have plans for you and they are the ones that make their plans against you -- taking way your ability to be sovereign, and to be a free thinking citizen of the world.

These Globalist elites representing the rich and powerful in politics, banking, big tech, media, industry, and academia converged in Madrid, Spain, on May 30 - June 2 to discuss the launching of World War III and policies meant to advance the global control grid and one-world system.

While most of the attention this year was on the WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva, the Bilderbergs met secretly in Madrid for their 70th annual conference.

At first they discussed the utter failure of the health treaty that was voted down in flames.

But is it over?

In typical fashion, the globalists let us think we had scored a 'win' and then just as conservatives were celebrating, they heaped a dose of reality on our heads.

The recently adopted amendments will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing ‘pandemic emergencies’ that will be made even worse by ‘relevant health products.

They continue to add to the Global state which is already underway.

Besides AI topics which seem to be turning up everywhere including Contact in the desert, there were transhumanist issues discussed surrounding the “changing faces of biology,” and economic issues/

The remaining topics are related to the growing global conflicts that appear headed toward open warfare being conducted between nuclear-armed superpowers in multiple theaters — U.S./NATO against the Russians in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, and war the Far East involving China-Taiwan and potentially on the Korean peninsula.

In the Transhuman world --and the changes it will make in biological studies -- the terrifying thing is that these globalists believe that they can capture human thought and program it like a computer-- they are certainly relying on propaganda bombardment and deep fakes to bring about the philosophies of the tyrannical agendas. 

This is a historic achievement for the globalists and it appears nothing can stop them now on the route to global government.

But we cannot ever allow ourselves to submit to them and their Luciferian control grid. They may claim authority over our lives, our speech, our actions, even our thoughts, but to the extent that we are able we as believers will never bow to this authority because it is illegitimate and demonic.

We really need to get serious about our cognitive liberty and find ways where this demonic globalist can't tap into our consciousness and pervert it. 

There is an old proverb that says that as a man thinks so he is. It tells us that a man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. There is also the interpretation that god judges man on the desires of his heart more so than the words he uses.

God can make that judgement because as we are the seeds, he knows the which plants are the ones that bear good fruits and the ones that are hidden and are bearing bitter fruit.

But, does man have the ability to judge a man by his words, against the desire of his heart? Sure, he does, but isn't it up to God to judge a man by his heart and his words?

We place ourselves in that predicament every day, from the commute to work, to the relationships we have at the office even the relationships we have with our partner's friends, and family.

We think therefore we are. The power of thought has been harnessed by psychologists and propagandists to push people into dangerous group think -- territories that breed mistrust, and encourage violence.

We may not know that when our thoughts are manipulated -- but we notice that our behavior follows later-- and influencers from all walks of life, are there to pressure you into evolving mentally into a world where your past thoughts have been stretched to the breaking point.

By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.

Many of us are losing the mastering of our thoughts and are depending on others or even machines to make them for us. 

These habits are being nurtured by those powerful enough to outsource a culture, to debase morality and disrupt social cohesiveness.

It begins in the simplest of places. At home, in school, or even at church.

Hate and contempt breed everywhere, and it becomes addictive because it is an energy -- it gives people that dopamine squirt, it is like tossing the first domino that topples everyone down eventually.

In Chaos Theory, it is surmised that a butterfly flapping its wings over Central Park in New York, effects the weather in London.

While this is deliberately at the extreme end of believability, the physics of interconnectedness shows it to be not simply a dreamy delusion.

Each of our actions – and that includes our thoughts – have repercussions. Repercussions on ourselves, others, the natural environment, and the universe.

Yet in our conversations, we speak of things happening ‘in the outside world’ as though they are entirely separate and unrelated to us.

But understand, that chaos goes around and comes around, and what you see happening far away, may happen eventually where you stand -- and you will ask yourself why you did not see the signs, heed the warnings or recognize the portents.

Everything is connected to everything and everything is responding in kind.

We are only just beginning to recognize the extraordinary power that exists within the field of our projected thoughts. The power to do good and the power to harm.

We need to be aware that multiple interconnected streams of invisible energy carry our thought waves from one end of the world to the other; contributing to the overall psychic health or sickness of all life on this planet --and how it all affects things for good and bad.

We should not be so hasty in punishing thought crime--as we are not in the position to judge one's thoughts, or words. We must punish those actions which are a danger to our wellbeing -- but we simply are not able to control ourselves when are politically asked to hate and do bad things in order to prop up a "side" we are told is righteous.

Relentless official propaganda is demonizing those who wish to question the ridiculous moves of our government--it is becoming even more ridiculous as we move closer to the election --and there is so much to indicate that it is going to get worse.

The thought police are working overtime to groom people into believing they would be better off wit a world government and those who question these processes are faced with the charge of thought crime. 

The very thing that we see leads to apology tours and show trials.

When the world order sees that we are ungovernable -- they can and will make their move and then we would have a free for all.

We as a nation have not established a civil police force yet, but President Biden certainly is preparing for the inevitability --and militias are secretly training as we speak.

We do not know if this election will result in a scorched earth policy --but we have been led to think so --and as I say as we think so we are.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. 

Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware.

And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

People associated with both the extreme right and left are being accused of igniting the conflagration. However the extreme left has hijacked the narrative and still are saying that the shift towards violence in this country has all been the fault of Trumpism--but the left contributes to the anger, by making the right wing leaders political prisoners and use the word Justice to describe election meddling.

It is cause and effect -- nothing more.

The ‘thought manufacturers’ of the push for full spectrum dominance and central control within a New World Order/Great Reset, are fully aware of the power available to them through the organized projection of thought patterns.

The psychic condition of humanity as a whole can be destabilized by the directed power of military designed ‘thought weapons’, especially when organized into patterns that agitate at the subconscious level.

So, while mass media propaganda and indoctrination exercises hammer us on the surface of life, we are also the recipients of unseen, unheard thought projectiles at a subliminal level.

Such techniques have now been weaponized to a degree unimaginable a few decades ago. But while AI and EMF frequencies are the tools of a digital cybernetic age, the principle of organic thought transfer remains the bottom line. The foundation which can be built upon either positively or negatively.

We are at war with psychopaths that are triggering more insanity --and the insane expect us to acquiesce to their perversions. 

Our ‘enemy’ does not have emotions as we know them. Psychopaths have no empathy for the human race, for humanity. That is why, for example, one sees cold blooded murder on such a devastating scale being perpetrated-- this os why the call is going out to arrest war criminals and those that have participated in attempted genocide --and this is not just directed at the protestors that appear to side with the murderous Hamas-- this is aimed that the billionaire big pharma cartels that profited form the deaths of those who were killed by the biological attack on the earth from Covid-19 and the biological weapon they called a vaccine.

We must get angry at this - we have to be angry enough to say NEVER AGAIN --and not hide from every pandemic threat that they tend to conjure up to have you fear your ability to move about freely and enjoy your sovereignty.

We know what their agenda is -- it has been repeated to your face --and it cannot be reduced to mere conspiracy theory anymore.

The criminals in power are already part robotic. The Fourth Industrial Revolution/Great Reset intends the replacement of sentient mankind by a sterile ‘designer’ race. 

What they term ‘Doing better than God’: The Transhuman project. They want their own kind in full control of all life on earth and beyond.

Above all they want thought control -- they want you to lose body autonomy -- they want you to be an obedient serf and they tell you that you are not capable of adapting to the new world.

It is because their morality is suspect -- and their cruelty is evident.

I can no longer stomach the fake ‘New Age’ spiritual hiding away in a narcissistic lotus leaf of self-preservation. We need tough love --and the ability to use intelligence to combat the negligence.

This transformation is not so difficult. Many would already be there, but for having lost themselves under layer upon layer of deep state, government and corporate generated garbage.

Fake religions, GMO fake foods, fake global "warming", fake Green ’carbon footprint removal , fake politics, fake media and fake sexual nomenclatures , just for a start – and all for the diversion of our vital intention to be who we really are – and rise up in revolt.

There is also the creation of the fake adversary -- picking a fight where there is really no fight to be had. Treating people as punching bags --and resources to be eliminated once their proposed value is spent -- this is how you treat an appliance that has run its last spin cycle.

We are human beings with real thoughts that should not be exploited -- cognitive liberty should be a right and no entity should have the mandate to dig deep into brain and try and strangle the soul -- by offering it a kill switch.

The rich and powerful, the elite soul crushers know exactly what they are doing. 

They have created powder keg and when it explodes they will take no responsibility for their contribution.

We have never given these small extremist groups power before – but someone or some entity has the power, the money and the where with all to train and control a well carried out scorched purge event in the United States.

We have never conducted show trials that pit one side as being responsible for all of the tension in the country. 

There is no culpability on the part of those who wish to point fingers --and American citizens are becoming prisoners in their own country because they used their constitutional right to have a grievance against their leaders.

It is a tri-lateral response. Extremists on the right and the left clash with the police, this puts the country in a state of civil war which is remedied by and authority declaring martial law or a well-armed and bloody response.

More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, the systemic violence being perpetrated by agents of the government constitutes a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

Countries like Canada have allowed for a snitch society where neighbors are used to weaponized gossip and hearsay in order to frame those they do not like.

There have been many people that have warned that this is coming to America – some day it is already here --but they have been called conspiracy theorists.

Now it seems that the conspiracy theorists have won the argument again.

Individual freedom requires social support. To say NO, you need others to respect your choice and not force you to obey. To move freely, you need others to support your movement and not erect walls and roadblocks. 

To change what does not work, you need others who are affected to accept the change.Basically, freedom is a social relationship, where me having my freedom depends on you having yours.

A system is required to secure this social arrangement.

Questioning makes progress possible; it invites us to examine what we are doing and why, and to consider different options.

When questions are ignored, or fact checked, or spun by a media who speaks on behalf of the intelligence community --we begin to see resentment brew amongst the people -- and regardless of how you feel about these opinions and concerns it does not give you the right to silence or cancel that freedom of expression.

A system that demands conformity cannot tolerate dissent or diversity. In the past, people who thought, felt, or behaved differently were considered interesting, odd, eccentric, colorful, or characters. 

Today, such people risk being labeled ‘mentally ill,’ forcibly drugged, and confined to a psychiatric institution.

And if they speak against the norm or post on a website or social network that can be labeled domestic terrorists or worse.. and some people will eventually live up to their labeles if they are harangued enough and socially programmed to think that they are disgusting or immoral --when all they are doing is asking questions and exercising their free speech rights.

A tiny elite can only rule a large majority by robbing them of the choice to live any other way. By definition, such rule is authoritarian.

It is tyranny, and to point it out should not be seen as a conspiratorial radical view.

The worst thing right now is to bury your head in the sand and live in denial. The beast system is ramping up and taking new ground, so if you deny it you will not have the will to resist and will fall prey to that beast.