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As we are inching ever closer to a global warfare scenario it is important to repeat again that the first casualty of a major war is the truth. The more propaganda we take in, the more we find ourselves at the beck and call of the tyrants who wish to use warfare as a means to depopulate and subjugate the living.

I wonder if the so-called isolationism that President Biden Talked about in Normandy --is actually cynicism. 

Those who are not trusting of the motives of these tyrants are the smart ones -- the others are waiting for their number to be called in Darwin's waiting room.

The five domains of warfare are land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. The core technical components of Fifth Dimension Operations (cyberspace) are cyberwarfare and cyber-attacks. The military concept now is to treat cyber as a place, not a mission. Cyberwarfare relates to fifth-generation warfare, but transcends and expands that model.

I offer another domain of warfare that may not be as obvious to the average person --and that is the cognitive domain. 

Speaking at the Oslo Freedom Forum -- Twitter founder Jack Dorsey described the free speech debate as a “distraction”. Rather, the “real debate” should be about “free will”.

He stated:

“We are being programmed based on what we say we are interested in, as we engage and interact with this content, the algorithm continues to build more and more of this bias. It’s effectively a black box — you can’t predict how it’s going to work or what it’s going to show you.”

Dorsey argued that the only way to combat the problem was to “give people choice and let people build their own algorithms”. Even Elon Musk, now the CEO of X, agreed. 

We are seeing that new battlefield scenario -- it is coming into view and it begins in the mind -- and those in power already know that if they can win you heart and mind -- they can have you sell your soul. 

Cognitive warfare is no longer science fiction. Cognitive warfare is a fact and anyone, whether they are civilians or military, i=are potential targets. 

Cognitive attacks are aimed at exploiting emotions rooted in our subconscious, bypassing our rational conscious mind. This is achieved by exploiting biases, fallacies, emotions and motor responses, but also through nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information technology.

The war for the mind is not just a clever euphemism, it is a fact and it is a battle field that can be entered in various forms -- and it is also controlled on several levels with neuro linguistic programming, electronics, and chemicals.

One of the topics that was discussed at the Bilderberg meeting was "The Changing Face of Biology." 

The conversation about mental and physical controls in the new normal was being discussed by the CEO of Pfizer, the head of the EU Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the man who led the Human Genome Project-- All discussions aimed at taking way human body autonomy and using methods to genetically alter a human being as if they were a computer model.

There has also been a keen focus on 5thh generation warfare that would target conscious thought, and conscious cognition, with the possible exception of neurolinguistic programming. But Cognitive warfare involves a different approach than more classical Fifth Generation Warfare strategies and tactics. Cognitive warfare is specifically focused on targeting your subconscious mind.

Cognitive warfare is a critical component of modern cyberwarfare. NATO’s strategic document “Warfare Development Imperative of cognitive superiority” details planning to develop a 10 to 20 year operational framework that defines defensive and proactive measures within the cognitive warfare space for NATO. In this document, NATO Allied Command defines cognitive warfare as including “activities conducted in synchronization with other instruments of power to affect attitudes and behavior by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual and group cognition to gain advantage over an adversary.” The nature of the adversary is open-ended, and can include both foreign and domestic interventions.

NATO’s definition of cognitive warfare includes a cognitive attack that directly targets the minds of civilians and citizens, meaning non-combatants.

It is proposed that countering cognitive attacks is a military task in which NATO must play a role. Of course, this logic can provide a convenient excuse for developing the capacity and capabilities to engage in and deploy these same practices if deemed necessary against domestic citizens.

This type of behavioral warfare goes far beyond the brainwashing that we saw in movies like the Manchurian Candidate. This a whole new matrix of though constructed -- a reality that may not exist -- but is used to convince people to move towards an approximated goal.

Much like the cyberspace version of leading lambs to the slaughter. The information war is very real --and different kinds of thought are being suppressed, and the thinking process has to be controlled as well -- this is where prosecuting thought crime comes into play.

But there is more to the story.

Our so called free and equal Democracy™ has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for pollution of the information ecosystem, and the Thought Police are standing by to halt rogue infodemics in their tracks, lest the people lose trust in their institutions.

The powers that be want you to trust them -- but their actions send a signal that they are paranoid of losing their control of the narrative.

You don't realize that you are in the crosshairs of a cognitive attack --until you start noticing that your posts on social media begin to be deleted, you are shadow banned, or locked out of your e-mails, or even defunded or threatened with a lawsuit or jail time for your opinions or your controversial statements.

There also are whistle blowers and journalists that die mysteriously or are suicided for reporting or discussing what the system considers to be off limits or taboo.

The scary part is that you never know what triggers that attack. You never know why all of a sudden you become a targeted individual that has to endure electronic harassment, and feeling as though you are being watched.

“Cancel Culture” is a well-known scourge of American campuses, where careless tweeting costs lives and professors can be axed for using the wrong pronouns.

Canada's new laws and bills on hate speech are also part of the actions that are being taken by governments that are headed up by globalist cultists.

The Online Harms Act, introduced formally as Bill C-63, will result in the most significant expansion of Canada’s hate speech laws and create one of North America’s most rigid regulatory environments for media and social media companies.

The Bill also claims that you or your business can be held accountable for offenses that were made even before the bill becomes law.

There are also plenty of private companies and NGO's that are spreading this or they artificially muscle the discourse in the desired direction, choking off competing narratives while maintaining plausible deniability regarding their connections to the state.

In this model of soft totalitarianism, the dissident is not so much ordered to cease publishing objectionable ideas, or even threatened with creative torture. 

He is merely subjected to mounting insults, ‘nudged’ in certain directions, and gradually stripped of resources, especially any public platform he may have had in accordance with his refusal to follow the rules. 

They go after their ability to make money, literally undermining them until they are at rock bottom.

If you care to notice, this is happening to actors and musicians who speak out against pedophilia and child trafficking. It happens to journalists and commentators that wish to question the motives of those who govern.

People think that there will always be someone else out there with the power to be heard -- but the cognitive warfare planners are making it harder on independent journalists -- and many are going broke, and many are losing their platforms and are being replaced by safe political programming.

Fact-checkers, once mere newsroom employees tasked with verifying the details of major stories, have been artificially elevated into a caste of gatekeepers, deemed impartial arbiters of truth.

Have you noticed that news organizations now have a special segment on their news casts -- to eliminate inconvenient tidbits of news that they claim to be disinformation?

NATO published an article in their journal, “Three Swords” titled “Cognitive Warfare” – written by Commander Cornelis van der Klaauw, Royal Netherlands Navy and Strategic Communications and subject matter expert for the NATO Joint Warfare Centre. This essay lays out some critical ideas behind NATO’s concept of cognitive warfare.

From their report we read: 

“Unlike psychological operations, cognitive activities are not directed at our conscious mind, but at our subconscious mind, the main drivers of our behavior: emotions. This takes place through hyper-personalized targeting integrating and exploiting neuroscience, bio-technology, information and cognitive techniques (NBIC), mainly using social media and digital networks for neuro-profiling and targeting individuals. We need to realize that individuals are at the center of all military operations and strategic-political decision-making. Although they often sound like ideas from a science-fiction film, cognitive attacks are not science fiction anymore. They are taking place already now, and these attacks will continue to become more sophisticated."

China is globally one of the leading nations in the scientific development of NBIC capabilities. China conducts human research and experiments that are deemed unethical according to Western standards, but these experiments nevertheless attract scientists from all over the world. Within the context of the Chinese “three warfares” strategy, an integrated people-centric, psychological, and legal approach, the Chinese have developed a data- base with the profiles of more than two million prominent individuals worldwide that may be used to influence decision-making processes.

The structured aims of NATO and other organizations in China, Russia , and the United states is to take a specific aim without the target becoming aware of an attack. Generally the damage is already done before the target realizes that it has been targeted. The reason why cognitive attacks go unnoticed by their targets is that cognitive activities bypass the conscious mind and directly target the subconscious of a person. In fact, within the subconscious mind, the primary target is the amygdala the oldest part of the brain.

They are attacking subconscious activities -- where the dream state resides. 

Our subconscious mind exists “beneath” our conscious mind. Contrary to the conscious mind, the subconscious mind is always active; it never sleeps. It regulates our basic organic functions, our emotions and, surprisingly enough, most of our decision-making. 

The reason why most of our decisions are made by our subconscious is that our conscious mind uses a lot of energy, which causes it to reach the limits of its capacity quickly. Actually only five to ten percent of the decisions we make are rational decisions; for the rest, we rely on our subconscious decision-making, which is strongly influenced by repetition, automatisms, biases and fallacies. We tend to then use our conscious mind to justify, rationalize and explain our emotionally driven decision-making and behavior.

What cognitive attacks then do is exploit these emotions, automatisms, biases and fallacies in a way that affects our processes of making meaning of our surroundings, affecting not what we think but how we think.

The preferred way to do this is via social media and digital networks, as these are our primary environment for sharing all sorts of information, and they have increasingly become our main source for news. However, there are more aspects that make social media an ideal vector for cognitive activities. Social media weaken our cognitive abilities as the content can easily stir up emotions and forces us to react quickly. Social media platforms are designed to foster addictive behavior.

On average, we are exposed to digital information systems between five and seven hours a day. Internet use disorder is now a recognized mental disorder. Furthermore, social media are ideal for collecting personal information and or carrying out data analysis and data mining. Drawing up a person’s digital profile is a quick and relatively simple process that can be carried out with limited means.

Furthermore, there is now a matrix of data that is being used to create a panopticon, where everything about an individual can be determined by an algorithm or a click.

They see you, they know you, they know how to get an emotional response -- and they can create an anger response as well.

A centuries-old plan to control humanity on a micro-level is being enforced through the construction of a new bio-digital prison system. Relegated to mere conspiracy theory by legacy media and vehemently denied by accused conspirators, the plan continues unabated with only pockets of resistance — nowhere near enough to bring the house of cards down.

The plan has been identified by many throughout the decades. It is both simple and complex; subtle yet overt; ancient yet contemporary; and alluring yet appalling. Under the guise of safety, convenience, and inclusion, humanity is being primed to accept complete and total surveillance as a condition of simple existence in a “brave new world.” That’s the plan in a nutshell.

NATO points out in its directive:

"The most advanced form of human mental manipulation, to date, permitting influence over individual or collective behavior, with the goal of obtaining a tactical or strategic advantage. …the human brain becomes the battlefield. The pursued objective is to influence not only what the targets think, but also the way they think and, ultimately, the way they act.”

The U.S. Naval Institute has also recognized the need for a cognitive warfare strategy, stating:

“…An individual’s cognition is now a target. Advances in cognitive psychology and information communication technology (ICT) enable actors to target individuals’ situational comprehension and will with precision. In light of these changes, cognitive warfare (CW) has emerged as a new war-fighting concept…

Cognitive warfare operations will take on many forms and unfold along varying timelines. Some may focus on reinforcing groups’ or individuals’ existing ideals, while others may seek to disrupt cohesion or accepted beliefs. The U.S. approach to CW, however, must uphold U.S. values.”

Adding that technologies like machine learning and brain-computer interfaces boost the efficiency of cognitive warfare, the Geneva Center for Security Policy, a frequent NATO collaborator, further opined that:

“Current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive sciences, neurotechnologies, and other related fields will further increase the risks of mass manipulation and lead to the possibility of the militarization of the mind as the battlefield of the future… The resulting environment is one of “permanent latent struggles” rather than a clearly delineated state of peace and war. This state has been referred to as “new generational warfare”, “unpeace” or conflict in the “noosphere”.

The noosphere is a concept advanced largely by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a 20th century Jesuit priest who fused together elements of biblical doctrine, evolution, and mysticism. Teilhard conceived the noosphere as a realm where human minds interacted through increasingly complex social networks. He theorized that the evolving noosphere would eventually reach an “Omega Point,” where the total convergence of collective human consciousness would unify with the “Cosmic Christ.” These teachings were deemed heretical by the Catholic church and Teilhard was publicly denounced. 

However, his posthumous writings have influenced scores of scientists, futurists, environmentalists, globalists, occultists, new agers, and ironically many Catholics.

One of Teilhard’s most revealing statements undergirding his philosophy is found in his book Christianity and Evolution, where he wrote: “What I am proposing to do is to narrow that gap between pantheism and Christianity by bringing out what one might call the Christian soul of Pantheism or the pantheist aspect of Christianity.”

I think that the "cosmic Christ" idea and "omega point" is a composition of both the Organic singularity being drawn into the mechanical singularity -- a so called pact with the technological devil.

The noosphere is advanced through technologies like the Internet and social media, it is backed up by very clever propaganda, and the use of media as the mouthpiece of the imperial cult.

the supreme goal of the Transhuman technocracy and the digital revolution is to turn Teilhard’s Omega Point from theory into reality.

NATO’s report indicated that neuroscientific warfare techniques can be used to destabilize “a political leader, a military commander, an entire staff, a population, or an Alliance…” As a result, governments and militaries from many nations are working feverishly to combat the threat mind wars pose to citizens and nations. 

Their alleged goals are to maintain trust in democratic values and processes while simultaneously implementing greater controls on the flow of information. Paradoxically, they are attempting to maintain (the illusion of) freedom, while authorizing new forms of digitized censorship “for the greater good.”

Whether the evolving bio-digital surveillance paradigm is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution , Great Reset, Agenda 2030, or Humanity 2.0, what’s common is the belief that bigger and better tech can transform society “for good” and combat issues of mistrust, corruption, crime, and planetary destruction. However, realizing this utopian vision requires greater levels of transparency, control, conformity, and collective thought. To successfully manipulate the public into either full acceptance or forced submission of this paradigm, the twin brothers of tyranny – surveillance and censorship – have been invoked.