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One of the subjects I have been waiting to talk about is the recent report that Avi Loeb gave to the press about alien entities being Ultra terrestrials or the result of dimensional travel.

Speaking in a recent documentary, The Paranormal UFO Connection, made by filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee, Loeb speculated that aliens may have already visited Earth, using methods that humans could discover through the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

"If humans were to witness aliens coming to Earth through an interdimensional portal, it would be just like a cave dweller coming to a city like London or Europe, and seeing all the technological gadgets there,” Loeb said, according to the Daily Mail.

“There will be a sense of religious awe, and we wouldn’t understand it, especially if we are dealing with the effects of quantum gravity that we have any clue about,” he added.

Attempting to back up his reasoning that aliens might have developed interdimensional travel, Loeb speculated that they might have been developing the technology for billions of years. To catch up, Loeb suggested reallocating $2 trillion in global military spending to develop interdimensional travel technology instead.

It is very interesting as other scientists have also wondered if some portals or pipelines open up here on earth --where things from other dimensions appear.

Some say they are natural "eddies" that occur in the magnetic field while some believe they are fortified by conjuring from occult practitioners. 

I have often been told that I talk about things that most people haven’t even heard of before. Needless to say, this is something that I am very proud of, I am also the type of person who believes that a lot of people have never really taken the time to realize that the world is bigger than what a compartmentalized media can report about. 

There was a time and it wasn’t that long ago that we lived in a linear world, everything happened in pretty much a straight line one change at a time.

Back then it seemed that it was easy to keep up with all of the changes that happen every day.

The option of burying your head in the sand is not going to be an option anymore, millions of people are going to have to retool, re-educate –and even think heavily about their future and what threats that are looming in the shadows.

The world is changing faster than ever before, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t being acclimated to it. It’s truly a testament to the ability of humans to adapt to just about any circumstance. We have more food, wealth, and life-saving technologies than anyone in our history. We have a nearly unlimited stream of entertainment and information. Yet we take it all for granted.

Because we’re so acclimated to this world, we often forget how strange it is compared to previous eras. 

The paradigm is shifting, the veil is lifting and events are baffling. We all seem to concede that all of the massive change can be attributed to God, angels, demons, or aliens. However all of these conclusions are the accepted insanity for the moment and as any Fortean will tell you, this is purely business as usual in the apocalypse and business will continue as long as people are pushing for an eschaton or second coming of Jesus, or the coming of a Mahdi, or some magical deliverer that has the magic touch.

They say that it is always darkest before the light --and it appears that legions of demonic entities are gathering like maggots to devour the corpses of those who get in the way. 

Admittedly events that are showing up in the news appear to be similar to what we have seen in the movies. The dreams and nightmares are manifesting in unbelievable events. 

These events for the most part sound eerily biblical. Stories that include earthquakes, eclipses, planet collisions, visits from “angels”, “demons” “space elders” and now I am hearing of other creatures that are seen on the dark roads of the prairie and just thinking about them gives me chills. 

I have actually been on the road in the middle of the prairie from El Paso to Roswell, and you begin to see things with the lightning striking from a storm that is in front of you --and the shadows that make you wonder if you could be taken at any time.

Anything from the paranormal realms could be out there ready to pounce with the cunning of a mountain lion or bobcat.

While I was in Roswell, I was being asked by listeners and fans if I knew anything about any strange encounters with witches, pale crawlers and lights in the outlying areas of the desert. I had not heard of any of these types of anomalies and so I spent a lot of my time trying to find anything I could about this.

Many in the area consider these anomalies to be the result of Brujeria or witchcraft.

In fact, I heard many times that witches would gather just outside of Roswell, to do all sorts of rituals to Santa Muerte.

Santa Muerte is a female folk saint whose popularity in Mexico and the South western United States is spreading rapidly; from being practically unheard of in the year 2000, to being worshiped by 10-12 million people maybe more today. 

This saint, appears as a skeletal vision of mother Mary in vibrant robes and carrying a scythe. Her image has mysteriously popped up all over the world. 

Brujeria is popular among a wide variety of people in Mexico, from narco gang members to impoverished farmers, who often pray to the saint for protection. 

Though Santa Muerte is venerated in the same way as most saints, the Catholic church has condemned the religion, which of course hasn’t had any effect on its popularity.

Before 2001, Santa Muerte was clandestine, with devotees building personal shrines hidden in their closets. But after a woman named Enriqueta Romero unveiled the first public shrine to the saint in the Mexico City barrio of Tepito, it has spread fiercely throughout Mexico, Central America, and Latino-heavy US cities like Los Angeles, El Paso and Houston.

However, now there are followers of this death cult being found in Japan, Australia, and the Philippines.

This death cult is a syncretism or blending of Spanish colonial Catholicism and Aztec beliefs. 

The beliefs are based in the worship of Mictecacihuatl, the queen of the underworld.

However, the connections to the White Crawlers and the lights of New Mexico are vague --and while many consider them the acts of conjuring -- there are still those who cling to the belief that the lights are UFOs or Portals where anomalous alien-like creatures comes out -- a pale bald creature called the White Crawler-- or in other parts of Latin America they are called "Los Falcaras" or "the face peelers." They are at least 7 feet tall and have glowing red or yellow eyes.-

Recently there was a story that was published about a massive attack of the White crawling face peelers in the town of San Antonio located in Alto Nanai, northeast of Lima.

Distraught and desperate, the villagers implored the Peruvian military for assistance, initiating night patrols to safeguard their vulnerable population from these mysterious beings. Their accounts have caught the attention of local media.

The pale-skinned marauders surround a leader who is said to be wearing a hooded cloak. It is as if he is an observer or a master who commands these creatures to attack villagers.

Reports indicate that the assailants, impervious to conventional weapons, have left the villagers sleepless and fearful for their safety. A chilling incident saw a 15-year-old girl hospitalized after narrowly escaping an attack that injured her neck. 

Of course, these beings appear walking out of light or portal, and so it is assumed that they are aliens of some kind.

But again these could be ultra terrestrial beings -- meaning interdimensional or even a result of witchcraft practiced by the locals -- a result of Brujeria practiced by many in the region.

Oddly, the peculiar characteristics attributed to the "entities" – circular hovering footwear, elongated heads, and their proficiency at eluding capture. These creatures are believed to feed on human flesh, fat, and organs.

The question is what are we dealing with?

Some sort of cryptid, ghosts, aliens, inter dimensional interlopers, or what?

In Roswell, I conducted a panel about alien abduction. On the panel, my guests were Travis Walton, Yvonne Smith and Journalist Ben Hansen.

Towards the end, we asked the audience to step up and ask questions. Someone stepped forward and asked questions about the events that have been happening at Skinwalker Ranch and whether or not investigators are dealing with a vortex or Portal that entities pass through.

The investigative team observed what appeared to be a possible portal on the ranch. It has been reported in the past that entities have passed through these portals as well as UFOs.

Recently, Erik and Travis, two scientists on the team for the History Channel's Skinwalker ranch TV show, were amazed as they observed four UFOs on the high-speed camera.

Terry Sherman, the original owner of the Ranch reported that before he sold it he and his wife were terrorized by humanoid-looking creatures with bald heads and some were gaunt while others were as big and muscular as Shaquille O’Neil.

I have spoken before on the quantum topic of the law of attraction and the law of contagion which is a sub-law of viral release of that which you attract – both organized and chaotic in the matrix. 

There is also a sub-law called the Law of Contact –instrumental in passing viral thought or thought contagion. There is also the second sub-law of the Law of Association, what follows is the Law of Similarity. This law states that things that have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance even after physical contact has been severed.

There seems to be a new law of attraction where beings that appear to me demonic are being conjured through ritual and witchcraft-- this has been done by alchemists in the past.

Many have equated aliens with demons because the well-known magician Aleister Crowley conjured a balding homunculus known as Lam. 

This entity does look like the well-known alien grays seen in our movies and TV shows. The image of the alien is as recognizable as a smiley face on a T-shirt or mug. 

Many people use Crowley's penciled image as proof that we are dealing with fallen angels and not aliens. We are dealing with conjured beasts and entities from the depths of hell.

It is both unexplained and explained away as something trivial by those who are uncomfortable with allowing the thought of something supernatural entering into the conversation.

We see this many times in paranormal fiction. We see that wherever energy is focused is where an entity appears. It is a mass energy and mental set that evokes or attracts something on a large scale—this is called conjuring. The conjuring is meant to make thought into what is called a servitor. 

A Servitor is essentially a servant that you create to do your bidding. It is a creature created on the astral plane that performs a certain task which you require.

Witches and or Magicians who wish to create or conjure a manifested servitor need to know that if it cannot be controlled it can become a viral nightmare for the naive and innocent.

A Servitor then is sort of like a part that you are creating through the use of a ritual act. You either create a whole new sub-personality or you round up a few of these sub-personalities in order to manifest a new one that is well-suited to a particular purpose.

Once again, the maker's knowledge can be applied to explain how what you put into it is what is true. Then once the servitor is released you can command it to do whatever you want.

In Jungian terminology, we may want to call out some of what can be termed acausality as the whole idea of synchronistic events as part of the hypothesis of assumption and intent of what the experience of out-of-body or dreamtime may reveal.

Acausality is defined as the ability to exist outside of causality, or the natural flow of manipulating cause and effect.

Existing outside of causality makes one vulnerable to other beings and entities that are created by mere thought – they too may be seen as acausal – that is of course if they are unable to break the wall and interact with humans outside of the ether. 

If something viral is introduced to the timeline and it rips through the veil – it gains power and manifests in the real world. 

The truth is that the principle of Verum and Factum can be applied when things that don’t belong in this world appear out of nowhere. Verum and Factum are taken from the Latin phrase Verum esse ipsum factum—meaning what is true is often what is made. 

It is the maker's knowledge and thought that contributes to what is real in this world—both in the physical and material realms. 

They are Legion, they are many, and they are waiting at the Gates to be invited in by conjures and even quantum computers. 

But the question is how and why. The world is not only populated by upright-walking human beings and animals. 

It is populated and under the control of various thought forms. There is within those thoughts a great deal of resonant noise and if you listen carefully to the noise there is

always something that finds a way to surface, manifest, and render consequence.

That is why as Karl Jung had warned, we must strive to avoid those “Shadow archetypes” that creep into our collective unconscious. They undermine everything we set out to accomplish. How we see ourselves is how we see the world and if the collective unconscious is sending you a warning you must pay attention and be vigilant.

Dire apocalyptic prophecies are no longer prophecies. They are apocalyptic blue prints for dismantling civilization and people are revering them because they are blinded by their own interpretations and their opinion that they are allegedly inspired by God.

Or perhaps whatever is unknown is a product of the Devil. 

But these beings may be our own doing -- because of the nature of occult conjuring. 

When a shadow archetype manifests it confronts us with the truth about ourselves.

So maybe "Los Falcaras" are the result of conjuring in the deserts of New Mexico -- or in the jungles of South America. This is a chilling thought --as servitors could be used against enemies perceived by the conjuror.

When all psychological explanations fail against the appearance of an entity – you have to then acknowledge that when you have coincidences or synchronicities that happen which seem to be beyond mere psychological action you could transpose ideas about the personality affecting reality through either the “collective unconscious”, or the remapping of probable events at a subconscious level by this newly created sub-personality.

So these aliens, or face peelers, or white crawlers can enter into this world through portals -- and there may be an occult connection after all.