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As a listener to my show, I know you would gladly admit that this world is complex. Those who are into conspiracy theories and the paranormal have had to face many strange happenings throughout history. Most of these things did not typically sneak up on us with no warning. 

There were always indicators that indicated that something was off and that if it continued to run out of control it would result in an event that would change our lives indefinitely.

When the unthinkable plays out it becomes too difficult to stop the horror once it starts rolling.

It used to be that in the aftermath people observed, questioned, wondered, warned, and spoke out. 

Not anymore.

Expressions of anger are silenced and dismissed as hate, and accusations are made that if you question them you are canceled.

And hell hath no fury if the villagers take up torches and pitchforks against conspiracy theorists. 

People don’t seem to pay attention to much of anything unless it is clearly packaged up and presented with absolutely no room for error. 

The left wants you to believe that if you see it through the keyhole of the media that it has to be true --even though we know that most of what we see is under the control of the Mockingbird /Pentagon complex.

So the real truth is always covered up and so all there is left is educated speculation. 

No theory, speculation, or prediction, is perfect, but sheep won’t listen to anything unless they think it is perfect. 

All they need to assure them that what they are hearing is perfect, is the consensual mainstream. If something they hear is not consensual mainstream, it is not even considered.

Curiosity has exited normal human behavior. People are no longer curious about anything other than their own necks.

Especially when it is clouded by hateful and divisive politics. 

It is becoming more and more apparent in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former President Trump on Saturday.

When it happened -- during a political rally in Pennsylvania I was not surprised--after all we have discussed this possibility before and even Dr. Heldore said that Biden would be too old and that Trump would win but there would be a problem or a medical issue that would keep him from continuing. 

There was also a bit of synchronicity between Liam and me when we were watching a caustic interview on the mainstream news. 

When Liam and I were watching CNN in New Mexico --Debbie Wasserman Shultz was interviewed on CNN. She was defending Joe Biden as the Presidential nominee and said that we have a choice between him or Donald Trump and the extremists, good versus evil, and the existential threat that he represents to our democracy.

She continued: "I'm frustrated that the media is literally dissecting every word that comes out of Joe Biden's mouth and is ignoring the fact that the Republicans are about to nominate again a convicted felon who's an adjudicated rapist, who still denies that he lost the 2020 election, who is committing to upend every single accomplishment that Joe Biden has helped make sure we can recover after COVID and the 15 million jobs that were created. Yes, I am pushing to make sure that we can focus on what the danger is."

Liam looked at me and said, "This is going to trigger an assassination attempt on Trump."

I said, "You really think so?"

He said, "What else are they wanting? -- you can hear it and we have been hearing it for 4 years -- Trump is going to be shot."

We were actually discussing many different ways this could end up -- with Liam even bringing up the assassination attempt on Teddy Roosevelt -- who was shot and then continued his speech in defiance.

He was the vice president under President William McKinley for six months in 1901, assuming the presidency after McKinley's assassination. 

After being shot --Roosevelt continued his political speech and added “It takes more than that to kill a bull moose.” 

But the discussion opened up some other synchronicity.

On October 14, 1912, John Schrank attempted to assassinate former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt while he was campaigning for the presidency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Coincidentally -- Milwaukee is where the Republican convention is being held in 2024. 

Roosevelt was seeking an additional term after being frustrated by William Henry Taft's policies. 

Schrank's bullet lodged in Roosevelt's chest after penetrating Roosevelt's steel eyeglass case and passing through a 50-page thick (single-folded) copy of his speech titled "Progressive Cause Greater Than Any Individual", which he was carrying in his jacket pocket. 

Schrank was immediately disarmed and captured; he might have been lynched had Roosevelt not shouted for Schrank to remain unharmed. Roosevelt assured the crowd he was all right, then ordered police to take charge of Schrank and to make sure no violence was done to him.

It was synchronicity that 6 days after that discussion with --- There was an attempt on former president Trump's life in Pennsylvania. Like Roosevelt Trump was seeking a second term. 

Like Roosevelt Trump survived his assassination attempt, and raised his fist in defiance--telling his followers to fight.

I know that there are several feelings that are being expressed about the assassination attempt on Former President Trump over the weekend. 

When it all went down Saturday afternoon, my reaction was convulsive anger. I literally was sick to my stomach and angry over how it appeared to me on the TV screen. 

It furthered the acidity of my stomach to hear the current President who has from time to time compared Trump to Hitler, and an enemy of the state to call for calm and that we all need to be peaceful and tone down the rhetoric that puts Trump and his MAGA followers as evil and degenerates.

Liberal politicians and pundits have - implicitly and explicitly - called for his death before.

US President Joe Biden decried the attempt on Trump's life, declaring that "there's no place for this kind of violence in America." Ever since Trump won the 2016 election, however, he has faced a steady stream of threats from members of Biden's party and their allies in the media.

Biden’s response to Saturday’s shooting was one of unequivocal condemnation. Biden, said that he was “praying for” his political opponent, and that “we must unite as one nation to condemn” political violence.

In a post on social media less than a month earlier, however, Biden’s team described Trump as “a genuine threat to this nation.”

“He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for,” they posted on the president’s social media accounts.

In 2020m at least one would-be assassin used similar words to justify his plans to kill Trump. 77-year-old Thomas Welnicki was arrested for phoning US Capitol Police threatening to “take down” then-President Trump. His lawyer later told prosecutors in New York that Welnicki was distraught at “the threats to our democracy posed by former President Trump.”

Several news websites including Politico while talking about Biden's poor performance at the last debate -- asked Biden about what needs to be done now-- Biden replied: "So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” 

It's just words, right?

Enough to radicalize people against one man and 50 percent of the country --- stuff like this triggers civil war --and we almost got one with a head wound and an angry inch -- one inch or less and Trump would have been dead. 

Should it surprise everyone that this has what happened? It is even more disconcerting that the liberal media is saying that this is Trump's penance for January 6th.

Hollywood celebrities reacted with outrage to Trump's shock defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. 80s pop icon Madonna spoke of wanting to "blow up the White House;" actor and activist Peter Fonda called for the president's youngest son, Barron, to be "put in a cage with pedophiles;" and comedienne Kathy Griffin grabbed headlines when she posed for a photo shoot holding a mockup of Trump's bloodied and severed head.

Addressing the audience at Britain's Glastonbury Festival in 2018, Johnny Depp wondered "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?," adding "Maybe it's time."

Speaking to MSNBC after Trump formally announced his presidential campaign last year, Representative Dan Goldman declared that his fellow New Yorker cannot be allowed to "see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated."

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used similar rhetoric last week when she declared that the upcoming presidential election “is not a normal election,” and that Trump “must be stopped. He cannot be president.”

Two weeks before the shooting, BBC reporter David Aaronovitch wrote on X that if he were President “Biden, I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.” On Sunday morning, Aaronovitch said that he had deleted the tweet, claiming that his words were “clearly satirical.”

Had Mississippi Representative Bennie Thompson got his way, Trump would have had no Secret Service protection at Saturday’s rally. 

Earlier this year, Thompson proposed legislation that would strip this protection from former presidents convicted of felonies.

The act was explicitly tailored to target Trump, Thompson’s office said, explaining that the former president’s criminal charges “have created a new exigency that Congress must address.”

Immediately following Saturday’s shooting, one of Thompson’s staffers wrote on Facebook that the shooter should “get some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time.” She deleted the post – which Mississippi Republicans called “despicable” – shortly afterward.

Looking back we can admit that the left is paranoid and divided, deranged by a fear of totalitarian seizure, hyper-hostile to debate, and any loose definition of facts. It can be argued that it isn't just the left but that this condition afflicts the entire political spectrum.

The only thing missing was an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.

And now we have arrived at this moment in history.

Some remember the hostilities of 1968-- others compare the event to that moment when Ronald Raegan was shot. 

But what is odd is the way it all went down-- many people are wondering just how a security breach could happen. which allowed 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks to allegedly open fire on the rally killing one. injuring two and nearly killing Donald Trump.

The shooter in question is said to have been shot by the Secret Service, making this the first attempt to assassinate either a president or presidential candidate since an effort was made on Ronald Reagan’s life in 1981. One spectator was also killed, with two others “critically injured”. “Incredibly, such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead,” stated Trump.

President Biden, in condemning the attack, told reporters that “the idea – the idea – that there’s political violence, or violence in America like this, is just unheard of, it’s just not appropriate.”

Well, Biden again needs a history lesson. 

Far from this being incredible, such acts of violence spackle and bloody up US politics. Candidates have been previously gunned down in cold blood. Presidents, whether going to the theatre or appearing in public motorcades, have been very publicly assassinated.

RFK was gunned down. MLK was gunned down. George Wallace was shot and paralyzed, --again Biden demonstrated his hollow rhetoric and lack of historical knowledge. 

There were videos aplenty to choose from. Faint gunshots register in the background. Trump seemed to grab his head and proceeded to fall to the ground. Secret Service agents dogpile on him. Trump is then lifted, blood streaking his head, seemingly from a grazing wound. A moment of near-martyred glory follows: Trump, pausing the agents, salutes to the crowd.

He says the words "Fight Fight Fight."

CNN special correspondent Jamie Gangel suggested he was sending the wrong message.

Gangel said, "I do want to say there was one thing that when I watched the tape, I found odd because of all of the heated rhetoric, and that is after he was hit, former President Trump got up and said, ‘fight, fight, fight. "I think what we’re hearing from people is that’s not the message that we want to be sending right now. We want to tamp it down," she said.

The left can't let the man act defiant in the face of possible death-- he has to be critiqued on his post-assassination attempt moment.

Are these people serious?

Both Trump and Biden have been seen by their respective detractors as satanic bringers of doom should they return to the White House, the moderates have a mere sliver to work with. The tedious words of “existential threat” are used as wounding weapons to excoriate opponents.

It is cheap but effective language, when you perpetuate a psy-op meant to radicalize this loner --lone wolf gunman to do something that will make them look like heroes. 

But are we really a headwound and an angry inch away from civil war? 

The United States has previously endured an effort to constitutionally and tangibly divide it, leading to a Civil War that continues its haunting reach.

This may all but guarantee one -- we are still a few days in-- and the shock still has not worn off enough for people to ask the right questions.

The left-wing media reaction was if they were throwing tomatoes at the former President and not bullets -- Some were claiming they had a senior moment startled by fireworks. 

It was obvious that he had been shot -- it was as if the media wanted to mock him even when he was bleeding from the side of his head.

Afterward the media was more concerned about praising the Secret Service and the police for a job well done -- protecting the president from death --when it was just simply a turning of the head that saved the President's life.

The Secret Service and all involved acted suspiciously and many were quick to say that the breach was highly suspicious.

The potential lack of drones and the “DEI” protocols at the Secret Service contributed to the failure, but the biggest reason Trump’s life was put in danger is because rules of engagement prohibit snipers from engaging until the assassin shoots first.

The blowback against the Secret Service started within the hour of the assassination attempt and continued even after Trump and others credited the agency with saving Trump’s life by quickly killing a shooter crawling across a nearby rooftop.

However, a source within the Secret Service community reported that the agency's rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.

The Secret Service protocol requires that a counter-sniper aware of a potential shooter to radio directly to the intelligence division team to respond and investigate. In this case, the investigation may have been cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, so the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return.

The people who guard our leaders are supposed to be the most highly trained security personnel in the world. So how could something like this have happened? 

Does the sniper need to shoot first? This is outrageous.

This was either incompetent -- or it was intentional.

The shooter was able to crawl onto a roof 135 yards away without being detected. He was seen by various witnesses, and they even tried to notify officials -- officials ignored them.

A man who was present at the Pennsylvania rally said police ignored him when he told them there was a man with a rifle crawling on a rooftop moments before the shooting.

In the immediate aftermath of the deadly shooting, a man wearing a red “Trump 2024” visor spoke to BBC News from the community of Butler and claimed he tried to warn law enforcement officers about imminent danger regarding the president.

“Probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking… we noticed a guy crawling – bear crawling – up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us,” the man said.

Every roof that had a direct line of sight to Trump should have been covered, again incompetence or intentional security failure?

According to testimony from another eyewitness, the shooter actually had time to “move from roof to roof” before he started shooting at Trump. If people in the crowd could see this movement, why couldn’t the Secret Service?

Once the shooting started and Trump hit the deck -- there was a pause before he was scrammed.

After Trump is shot, there are several long seconds before a couple of agents finally get to Trump.

If the shooter had better aim, Trump would not have survived.

Many attendees who have followed Trump from rally to rally claimed that there was less Secret Service protection at the rally and more local police presence.

Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., is alleging that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denied stronger Secret Service protection for former President Trump multiple times.

Is this how they put a target on the back of a mark? Is this how we use a deep-state patsy to try and eliminate an adversary?

The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.

Now the President expects us all to let bygones be bygones. 

But Biden wanted Trump in a Bullseye -- he got it, and no one has claimed that this comment was a call to destroy his enemy. As I pointed out earlier, when those on the left continue to push the felon, rapist, and Russian spy rhetoric this is the result. 

When some even go as far as to say we need to put a bullet in him, they get what the government is getting what they have ordered.

Does anyone who looks back at history remember the 5000 flyers that were distributed in Dallas days before the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

The flyers accused Kennedy of treason.

They also accused him of being “lax” on Communism, to “appointing anti-Christians to Federal office,” to lying to the American people about his personal life and his womanizing.

Looks like history tends to rhyme. Traitor, rapist, womanizer, latter-day Hitler, it has been more than four years of all of this taking center stage in the media -- it has been inescapable.

In fact, things are so bad that MSNBC has taken "Morning Joe" off- the- air Monday morning reportedly on fears that their well-known leftist hosts could say the wrong thing or something deeply insensitive about the assassination attempt.

This is how Trump bashing, and vilifying have become the talking points day after day.

Indeed there is a long history of show hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski making astounding and highly incendiary claims which leave network executives facing scrutiny and having to field difficult questions.

The left is self-censoring now because they are afraid of incendiary remarks that could trigger a civil upheaval.

On social media, you could also rely on the liberal denizens of X to be nasty. The hashtags #onejob (a reference to “you just had one job and you messed it up”) and #theymissed trended for hours.

Many tweets bemoaned the shooter’s inaccurate aim, including a few that branched into outright hysteria at the “missed opportunity.”

Others claimed this was a false flag, created by the Republicans to buy voter sympathy and votes.

Now the left is creating their own conspiracy theories -- the irony is thick along with the hypocrisy. 

From Robert DeNiro wanting to punch Trump in the face to the decapitation satire of Kathy Griffin, we have seen the ugliness that is being focused on one man.

But in a wider sense, if the common referent day after day on the Left is that Trump is another Hitler then it seems reckless not to imagine an unhinged or young shootist believing that by taking out somewhat identical to one of the greatest mass murderers in history, he would be applauded for his violence.

The school loser who is bullied will show them -- he will be the hero who saves the world from the latter-day Hitler. 

If you want to claim that this was an inside job -- then you would have to say it was an inside job that was 8 years in the making. 

Recently The political magazine "New Republic" issued a cover where Trump is literally photoshopped as Hitler.

The New Republic defiantly explained their Hitler-Trump cover photo this way, "Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, “He’s damn close enough, and we’d better fight.” 

Well, New Republic, someone took you up on your argument that Trump was “damn close enough” to Hitler and so he likewise chose to “fight”— albeit with a semi-automatic rifle.

Joy Reid is screaming about Trump as a Hitlerian dictator or Rachel Maddow is bloviating about studying Hitler to understand Trump, then finally the message sinks in that a mass murderer is about to take power—unless....Pop Pop Pop -- you get it yet?

But the left is saying again that this is all the consequences of allowing a madman to run for President. They talk about the attacks on Nancy Pelosi's husband and January 6th.

The same tired talking points with hollow sympathy. They can stop with their feigned concerns -- no one is buying it. 

We really are moving into a time of unprecedented chaos, and what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. It certainly isn’t going to take much to push our nation over the edge.

If Trump had not moved his head at the last moment, he almost certainly would have been killed.

That would have completely ripped our nation apart, and it is probably only a matter of time before someone else tries again.