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The more you read about the technocracy the more you want to hang on to old values and invest your time and money in things that are going to keep you alive. We are headed towards an undemocratic technocratic financial system. Technocrats don't care about people, they care about systems. 

That's what the most important thing is. The formulas that guide all of those systems is not how a republic is represented or how a democracy is supposed to work. 

This is why the buzzwords are being used to declare democracy in name only -- not because the elitists and globalists believe in it , it is because most people do not understand it -- so anything can be given the definition of freedom, or democratic-- the definition is made by the elite and those who wish to force upon us the reset.

Essentially, what they are trying to do is get all wealth held in cyberspace and the title to all wealth held in cyberspace-- so that you spend it witin the house rules.

The world is a casino, where you can pretty well go about your day hoping for luck -- wondering if you can ever win against the house. 

This is not a really good plan for the future.

You do not need a crystal ball to understand that every fiat currency will reset against gold and silver, and if it happened today, some estimates are saying that "gold would be more than $9,300 per ounce" and "silver would be more than $625 per ounce." Given all the unpayable debt in the world, those are conservative estimates.

People are doing anything and everything to hang on to what wealth they have -- some things are sound investments while others sound as if they have been taken directly out of a science fiction novel.

There are rich people who have opted to be cryogenically frozen just before they die. The idea is that in the future science will be able to revive the frozen body, and cure whatever aliment the person had before.

ALCOR is a 52 year old company that was established to research and performs cryonic suspended animation, the freezing of human corpses and brains in liquid nitrogen after legal death, with hopes of resurrecting and restoring them to full health if the technology to do so becomes available in the future.

Alcor Life Extension Foundation, is he world’s largest cryonics facility with 1,400 members and about 230 people already frozen. 

By one estimate, about 5,500 people are planning for cryogenic preservation.

Now, Estate attorneys are creating trusts aimed at extending wealth until people who get cryonically preserved can be revived, even if it’s hundreds of years later. These revival trusts are an emerging area of law built on a tower of assumptions. Still, they’re being taken seriously enough to attract true believers and merit discussion at industry conferences.

The revival trust is a twist on the dynasty trust, a tool used by ultra-wealthy people who plan to pass wealth down to multiple generations.

Both can help avoid the 40% federal tax on estates worth more than $13.6 million, though investment gains are subject to income tax and trustees charge fees that can be steep. 

The difference is the beneficiaries.

Now you can't be a beneficiary of your own death trusts -- so a loophole is needed in order to secure the benefit and that is it can be said that the person who is frozen will be different -- a new person in a sense and so wealth can be extended into the future once the person is revived.

So the only beneficiary by law is a revived person.

Trying to reverse a death certificate muddies the legal waters, so there needs to be a trust protector—some person or entity that can modify the trust agreement—with the power to determine whether revival has happened.

I still question how that will happen --as it may take a hundred years or more to develop a biological way to revive the frozen dead.

trusts need active beneficiaries, so perhaps that the client’s family members or cryonic facility will receive money while they’re frozen. Including the cryonic facility or a charity allows for some assurance that the trust will have a beneficiary, even if the client’s heirs die.

It sounds like something Bill Gates would do -- philanthropy that benefits the philanthropists fortunes --and who cares about those who are living that truly need the assets.

Another loophole is that there can be an argument that would be Transhuman in nature, stating that there may be augmentations or even genetic changes that may have to happen to the client -- this would indicate reparations and not death-- so the revival trust can be unfrozen to pay for medical upkeep.

Revival trusts also push the limits of laws against perpetual trusts, which are intended to prevent rich families from hoarding money for generations.

Many state laws restrict trusts’ lifespan to 90 to 100 years. But some states have repealed or extended the rule against perpetuities, to compete for the investment income tax from trusts.

In Arizona, where Alcor facilities exist, now allows trusts to continue for 500 years. In Florida, it’s 1,000 years.

Much like the prospects of revival, the trust structures are a leap of faith that could go sideways if policies or businesses change.

When you are dead, you can't have a say in how laws are changed.

Cryonic estate planners are grappling with the potential implications of the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling in February that frozen embryos are children and subject to the state’s wrongful death law.

An arrangement must account for the emergence of technology and medical procedures not yet invented. The federal government could conceivably outlaw perpetuities. Trusts typically are managed by trust companies or banks, but no one knows if a trustee will still exist when a person is revived.

That’s why flexibility and succession planning for trust managers and protectors is key.

The revival trust should specify what happens if some term in the trust fails or if, years from now, scientists figure out it’s impossible to resurrect the dead from a human popsicle.

If revival isn’t possible, a court would review the trust. The terms of the trust should include what happens to the money in that scenario, such as naming a charity that could receive the funds.

Still, the fascination with immortality and its implications is undeniable.

As science improves, more people are seeing cryopreservation as their last great experiment. Tech moguls Jeff Bezos, Sam Altman, Larry Ellison, and Larry Page have pledged hundreds of millions of dollars toward companies trying to defy death and aging.

Earlier this month, Cradle Healthcare Co., led by biotech child prodigy and longevity investor Laura Deming, came onto the cryonics scene with $48 million and a promise to develop rewarming technology that’s key to revival. The move added much-needed credibility to the industry.

It is a case of your money or your life --and the way things are going the rich want both to live forever in a technocratic cashless society.

You see, the numbers are eternal, and the investments will not be counted in cash or any other denominations. The plan is for ones and zeros on the blockchain --and tangible gold and silver to be held in safes all over the world.

Governments are seeing the writing on the wall and are teaming together to ensure that their wealth will continue for a thousand years or more/

It can now be said that the valuable assets are still Gold and precious metals. Otherwise, all you have are numbers on a computer screen that tell you what you are worth. Having a tangible mode of increase has more value than a trust that is dead until someone decides that the laws can revive it.

Or until a password is given so that the person who has the numbers can use them to thaw out their broken body.

We can all see that Cryptocurrencies may be the theoretical final outcome of the new world order. The token cashless society has been waiting in the wings for some time now as world governments are fighting to switch to these systems.

They sell and incentivize people with cash --and selling the transparency of these systems -- given that anyone can see a wallet and the transactions associated with it.

We can already see that this all could backfire on the financial manipulators who prefer to hide their market manipulation in the shadows. 

While cryptocurrencies are being used as tricky side hustles. The World coin crypto will be highly regulated by the central banks. 

It is one more way the globalists are moving towards a centrally controlled, one-world currency, that it is an outlet against the current system of centrally controlled fiat currencies.

At this point, it may be too early to say for certain what role cryptocurrencies will play in the elite's plans for a controlled, cashless society.

But are you willing to gamble?? It is no different than hoping that trust will be available to you if you freeze yourself in a cryo-chamber.

Yes it all sounds crazy -- but in complex times it is best to simplify and diversify.

Central banks are buying more gold than ever before. This shift shows a lack of confidence in the dollar and a preference for stable, tangible assets.

Next, the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are ditching the US dollar in their trade and investment activities. This is a significant change in the global economic landscape.

Just this past Sunday, Forbes reported that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted to a serious collapse of the US dollar. The headline read: "Janet Yellen Quietly Admits Serious U.S. Dollar Collapse." 

This is coming from the person who signs off on the printing of our money. She warned that countries worldwide are moving away from the US dollar due to the spiraling $34 trillion US debt, fueling fears of a collapse, cryptocurrencies are also chipping away at the power of the U.S. Dollar.

The Beast system awaits -- more of a horror film where the dollar meets its death and we meet the biometric machines that decide if we get what we have earned or rent everything we need.

More than a sketchy cash-for-biometrics scheme, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and friends at the Worldcoin project is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity and financial infrastructure that could upend traditional finance and governance structures as we know them.

A second group of startups was awarded funding by Worldcoin to work on extensions and applications of its digital identity and iris biometric technologies.

Wave1 of the Worldcoin Community Grants Program consists of 17 projects. One of them, Taceo, was awarded a grant as part of Wave0 to apply multi-party computation to iris code comparison. This led Worldcoin to adopt the new system for iris codes, and Taceo has received another grant to continue its work.

Grant recipients include Axiom, Proof of Passport, Farcaster Humaniser, Alphaday, Agora, Only Dust and BBB & Company.

Encode Club is getting a grant to create a series of live workshops and YouTube videos to educate people about Worldcoin. Wormhole will bring WorldID verification to Solana, and zkSnap provides a secure voting protocol for system governance. Cometh will create a mobile native library for World Chain wallets to integrate passkeys and other tools.

Launched in mid-2023 and described by founder Sam Altman upon launch as “a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood,” Worldcoin has made a big splash in its efforts to grow an identity and finance network using the unique, orb-based iris scans of every individual on Earth. 

Some are excited by the project, many fear it.

Worldcoin’s orb-based iris scans have been suspended in several countries, including Spain, Kenya, and Portugal due to mounting privacy concerns and the organization’s sketchy business practices.

the scans have recently become popular in Argentina, where pervasive economic crises and record inflation rates have made many hungry for instant money : in January 2024, Worldcoin boasted it had scanned the irises of about one percent of Argentines.

Amongst the tech world’s most ambitious projects today, Worldcoin is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity, finance, and Universal Basic Income (UBI) infrastructure that is poised to undermine, if not subvert, traditional financial systems and governance structures internationally — all in response to problems attributed to the growth of the AI industry, which is arguably led by Altman’s own OpenAI. 

Altogether, Worldcoin positions itself as an infrastructure that can (eventually) facilitate a society-wide transition to AI-powered Universal Basic income in light of AI’s predicted impact on the international economy, while also connecting the realms of digital finance and identity. 

For context, Universal Basic Income would give the general public regular salaries to pay for living basics, such as rent and utilities. 

On one hand, UBI could boost living standards and reduce poverty if provided truly unconditionally. Indeed, elite-gilded groups like the World Economic Forum have touted UBI as a possible solution to employment and inequality issues exacerbated by the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution.

I don't know if I would trust the moves that are being predicted for the not-too-distant future.

Your wealth and your family’s wealth depends on whether or not you want tangible currency in your possession that you can control rather than highly controlled digital currencies that can be manipulated over time -- or deleted if you so much as to speak against the ruling party.

If you are rich enough there is at the "Dead Money" plan where as you are sharing refrigerator space with Walt Disney -- you can bet against the house -- that someone will remember your wealth as you are dripping away during your thawing process.

Or you can simply do what the Governments of the world are doing-- they are buying gold and silver in reserve for emergencies.

Some see the future and know that tangible gold and silver will retain its worth, 

They know what the end result will be in the CBDC infrastructure.

The possible end result, would be the formation of economic and social governance structures that the population has little to no control over.