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Transcript for 7/17/24: DREAM A LITTLE WORLD WAR III

As I have been pondering the attempted assassination of Donald Trump I can only determine that if the bullet had killed him, we would have seen one more indication that war -- or world war was coming, and even though for the time being we are not talking about war escalation -- it is important to realize that there were many other motives to kill Former President Trump.

One major reason would be that Trump wishes to end the wars and try to bring peace between the nations that have been fighting and continue to fight with no prospects for peace.

Trump had voted to bring leaders to the table and ink out a deal. This is something that the deep state would not allow-- and here is just one major point of the conspiracy to assassinate Trump.

If you hire a gunman to kill someone, you point to that person, and he pulls the trigger, in a court of law, you would be charged with conspiracy to murder, and the fact you can claim you did not pull the trigger has no legal basis to escape the charge. It has been the modus operandi of the deep state for decades.

Those in the shadows of the conspiracy never stand trial for their crimes. 

Thomas Matthew Crooks like any other patsy, pulled the trigger for someone or some group that hired him. 

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914, set off a chain of events that led to World War I.

Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination and issued a series of demands, most of which Serbia accepted. However, Serbia wanted to investigate the murder without interference from Austria-Hungary, which Austria-Hungary refused. Austria-Hungary then declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914, starting the July Crisis.

Because of Europe's system of alliances, other countries were soon drawn into the war:

Russia: An ally of Serbia, Russia ordered its forces to mobilize for war.

Austria-Hungary asked Germany for assurances that it would support Austria-Hungary against Russia and its allies, including France and possibly Great Britain. On August 1, 1914, the German Kaiser announced general mobilization.

France soon became at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary, also known as the Central Powers. 

Several US media reports say that the US government received intelligence in recent weeks that Iran was working on plots to assassinate former president Donald Trump. 

A US national security official said the Secret Service and the Trump campaign were aware of the threat before Saturday’s rally.

So why did it appear that security was lax at the event and that it seemed that the shooter was able to proceed with his mission?

The Trump campaign would not disclose whether it was made aware of the Iran threat.

The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations denied there is an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.

There have been anonymous agents reporting that his assassination attempt was in retaliation for Soleimani’s killing, which took place during the Trump administration.

Iran has repeatedly vowed revenge for the US military’s killing of Soleimani. 

In August 2022, the Justice Department announced criminal charges against a member of the IRGC for allegedly trying to orchestrate the assassination of John Bolton, who served as Trump’s national security adviser. US prosecutors said the plot against Bolton was “likely in retaliation” for Soleimani’s assassination.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also a target of the Iranian assassination plot, according to a federal law enforcement source familiar with the investigation and a source close to Pompeo.

For months, law enforcement officials have been concerned about the persistent threat of Iran potentially attempting to assassinate former Trump officials and the former president himself, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. But the recent intelligence suggested a significant uptick in the threat.

If this is the case then why were these open-air rallies continuing and why wasn't there more of a security detail protecting Trump in Pennsylvania?

Was the assassination attempt a plot to trigger either civil war or to connect the dots leading to an Iranian plot? Could this have led to a final straw in moving forward with a world war?

Very few people anticipated that World War I would erupt, but it happened anyway. And very few people anticipated that World War II would erupt, but it happened anyway.

Unfortunately, even though very alarming warning signals are flashing all around us, most of the population of the Western world seems absolutely clueless about what is really going on out there. Leaders all over the planet seem to have come down with a really bad case of “war fever”, and preparations for apocalyptic showdowns are being made. 

Again all that is needed is a nationally televised catalyzing event like 911. The execution of a former President who stood against the ideas of world war --would have been all that was needed. Because all of the signs are out there demonstrating just how close we are to a worldwide conflict.

Iran has been very vocal about an obliterating war if it embarks on “full-scale military aggression” against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN warned on Friday.

The announcement was made on Twitter and it said:

Albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue? All options, incl. the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table.

By “all Resistance Fronts,” Iran means not just Hezbollah and Hamas, but also the Houthi rebels in Yemen as well as other groups in Syria and Iraq.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that a major with Iran is inevitable because he believes that the Iranians have plans to conquer the entire Middle East.

Netanyahu emphasized that the fight against Iran’s terror proxies is critical for other nations in the Middle East, as Iran aims to dominate the rest of the region, including Sunni Muslim nations.

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to be ready to evacuate Americans as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies, according to three U.S. defense officials and a former U.S. official familiar with the plans.

While the Iranian and Israeli chess pieces are being moved for yet another conflict in the North -- The Ukraine-Russia theater is definitely changing for the worse --and a unique plan is underway that sounds as if the war machine is ready to be fired up even more than it already has.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly interested in developing a coalition of nations that would “rival the West and NATO.”

Putin wants to organize a Eurasian security coalition which is part of a Kremlin plan to create a group of Moscow-friendly countries to rival the West and NATO.

Putin is also warning that Russia will need to begin production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons systems.

Of course, the Russians already have more tactical nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world by a large margin, and they have developed brand new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles which are so advanced that they aren’t even worth comparing to the Minuteman missiles that the U.S. is depending on which first went into service in the 1970s.

Dmitry Suslov, a top figure at the Moscow-based Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, has put forward the idea of Russia carrying out a “demonstrative” nuclear detonation, this is another flash point in the possibility of the advent of World War III.

This alarming suggestion arises as tensions with the West intensify due to Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weaponry against Russian forces.

Suslov’s think tank, known to occasionally sway government policy, made this proposal public shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivered a grave warning to NATO countries. Putin warned that if Ukraine were to employ Western arms for attacks on Russian soil, it could spark a worldwide crisis, reinforcing his point with threats of severe repercussions.

Again let me emphasize that If you hire a gunman to kill someone, and he pulls the trigger, in a court of law, you would be charged with conspiracy to murder, and the fact you can claim you did not pull the trigger has no legal basis to escape the charge. 

Same for the conspiracy over the attempted assassination of former President Trump-- and the use of our weapons on Russian civilians. This is an even bigger conspiracy that can be considered a war crime.

If the conspiracy leads to Iran-- it would be a convenient false flag for the deep state.

All of this is happening at a time when 72 percent of U.S. voters believe that the guy with his finger on the nuclear button does not have “the mental or cognitive health to serve as president.

Are you seeing the scenario for what it might lead to?

Call it a conspiracy theory if you like -- but we all have questions that seem to be unanswered --and the Republican Convention is an excellent distraction from revealing just how close the assassination attempt on Trump has moved us closer to World War III.

We are in far more trouble than most people realize. And it is far later than most people think that it is.

The ruling class has been pushing the globe toward a major third-world war for years now, but as things increasingly become more tense, that possibility inches closer to reality. This world has been one misstep away from war for a while now. 

We still maintain that the only thing keeping it relatively calm is Russia’s hesitance to retaliate for the West’s aggressive “red line crossings.” Once Moscow has had enough, and makes that very clear with actions and not rhetoric, this will explode.

The Middle East will also erupt in war --and perhaps the Pacific theater will then be the focus with China and Taiwan.

Trump may have dodged a bullet-- but isn't it obvious that for the moment that timeline rests at a crossroads --at what is called a Jonbar hinge?

A Jonbar hinge or Jonbar point is the fictional concept of a crucial point of divergence between two outcomes, especially in time-travel stories. It is sometimes referred to as a Jonbar hinge or change-point.

Jonbar hinges often refer to small nondescript events that had an important effect on history, but a glitch or event in the space-time continuum caused the outcome of the choice or event to be changed and to lead to a different future or to an alternate history.

Was the missed attempt to kill Trump a bigger event than we realize?

Has it held off a war that is death would all but guarantee?

Now, it can be proposed that in an alternate timeline, Donald Trump fell dead to his assassin, and in the different dimension we find that the plot to kill him began in Iran, and just like World War I a chain of events begins -- plunging that dimension into World war III. 

But if we are to see the linear timeline, and fate is that we do go to war, then the timeline will realign and we may still have to contend with a major war before the election and the question will be who is more capable of officiating over a world that has now become a chaotic battlefield.

The agent in the timeline alignment will be J.P. Vance, Trump's pick for Vice President.

He took a hawkish tone toward Iran in an interview following the news that he had been selected as former President Trump’s running mate for the November election.

“The most important part of the Trump doctrine of foreign policy is you don’t commit America’s troops unless you really have to, but when you do, you punch and you punch hard,” Vance told Fox News’s Sean Hannity at the Republican National Convention on Monday.

“A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran but not these weak little bombing runs,” Vance said, apparently referring to President Biden’s airstrikes against Shia militias in Iraq and Syria.

“If you’re going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard, and that’s what Trump did when he took out Soleimani,” he said, 

Vance claimed the assassination “brought peace” to the region, but the incident brought the US and Iran to the brink of a full-blown war. Iran responded by firing a volley of missiles at a US base in Iraq, which caused traumatic brain injuries but didn’t kill any Americans. Two months later, in March 2020, a rocket attack in Iraq the US blamed on Iranian-allied Shia militias killed two US troops and one British soldier.

Vance accused Biden of “doing nothing” about Iran. “You have the infrastructure there, sitting there, to weaken Iran, to strengthen our ally Israel. Joe Biden’s done nothing with it, Donald Trump would reinvigorate it,” he said.

This is the man that will replace Trump if he dies or god forbid is assassinated while in office.

The neocons want their wars --and we are the ones that will suffer from it.

There’s a subtext to this assassination attempt on former President Trump that must not be ignored, and it is simply this: America is being pushed towards a civil war -- or that bad agents are working behind the scenes to push us even closer to World War III.

Our politically polarizing culture of callousness, cruelty, meanness, ignorance, incivility, hatred, intolerance, indecency, and injustice has only served to ratchet up the tension.

The continued war-for-hire scenarios produced by this Administration and the weaponizing of the Deep State against its adversaries paint a dark picture for the future of the United States and its standing as a superpower.

We are imploding on multiple fronts, all at once. This is what happens when ego, greed, and power are allowed to take precedence over liberty, equality and justice.

This is the psychopathic mindset adopted by the architects of the Deep State, and it applies equally whether you’re talking about Democrats or Republicans.

I appears that things are calm now --but it is only temporary, it won't be long before this so-called Kumbaya moment goes away and we get back to the backbiting polarizing country we have been used to. This kind of psychopathology can spread like a virus among the populace.

The hate still exists, the deep state is still plotting along and their focus is on a war that will kill billions of people. Enough to make a point about the need for a reset --where the New World order they envision will pave over the bodies of those who fought for sovereignty and freedom.

We have been making grave mistakes for four years and now we know why-- and now we know that the government acts like a mob and they use patsies to try and whack their opponents --and they will carry out their mission using a nobody, that gives them plausible deniability.

We can only hope that this close call will motivate Americans to stand up for what is real and right -- for what is good and balanced. 

By failing to actively take a stand for good, we become agents of evil. It’s not the person in charge who is solely to blame for the carnage. It’s the populace that looks away from the injustice, that empowers the totalitarian regime, that welcomes the building blocks of tyranny.

Every disruption that is used to spark chaos puts us one step closer to Martial Law.

Freedom demands responsibility. It demands that we reveal that the deep state is responsible for the chaos in the world and that they are the puppeteers in a major conspiracy.

JFK was killed in 1963 for daring to challenge the Deep State. King was killed in 1968 for daring to challenge the military-industrial complex.

Ask yourself why someone tried to kill Trump,

If you answered that he is like Hitler -- you are too naive and brainwashed by those with Trump derangement syndrome.

This a complicated issue, where his enemies were so great that appears that even his own security detail wanted him dead. 

Fifty-plus years later, we’re still being terrorized by assassins’ bullets, but what these madmen are really trying to kill is that dream of a world in which all Americans “would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

They want your dreams to be nightmares as we dream a little World War III -- a dream that becomes a tailor-made nightmare brought to you by the unelected officials, that dance around at Bohemian Grove and use hookers and blow to get through their world control meetings at Davos.

When these meetings happen and policies shift towards tyranny people ask "How are we condoning this stuff?'

For years now, the government has been bombarding the citizenry with propaganda campaigns and psychological operations aimed at keeping us compliant, easily controlled, and supportive of the government’s various efforts abroad and domestically.

We have been seeing the world drastically pivoting its conversations --as the media manipulates and gaslights people.

The government is so confident in its Orwellian powers of manipulation that it’s taken to bragging about them. For example, in 2022, the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, the branch of the military responsible for psychological warfare, released a recruiting video that touts its efforts to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

“Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?” the psyops video posits. “Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”

This is the danger that lurks in plain sight.