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Transcript for 7/18/24: BLUE ANON – KING KILL 45 W/ JP BOVENZI

It was a shock to the mainstream media that the left was capable of spinning conspiracy yarns about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The accounts of the left or the so-called conspiracy theories are claiming that the whole incident was taken out of the pages of the WWE. 

Last night a caller into the show was overwhelmingly certain that Trump staged the whole event.

There wasn’t enough bleeding the caller noted. There was no blood on his caller, no blood on his hands.

It was insinuated that the blood on former president Donald Trump’s ear was from a theatrical gel pack; that the shooting was a “false flag,” perhaps coordinated by the Secret Service in collaboration with the Trump campaign; that the scene of a bloodied Trump raising his fist under an American flag was a perfect photo op -- a picture-perfect scene that was made to engender sympathy for the candidate.

That is a lot of trouble, to guarantee votes for a man who was already ahead in the polls with a challenger who still faces critics who want him to step down because he is too feeble to continue.

Now, the same conspiracy theorists on the left are saying that Biden's Covid diagnosis is also part of the cover-up.

So the media has come up with clever little marketing labels for liberal conspiracy theorists -- they are calling them Blue anon.

A play on words of course -- the opposite of Q-anon is Blue anon. 

As more Americans lose trust in mainstream institutions and turn to partisan commentators and influencers for information, experts say they are seeing a big uptick in the manufacture and spread of Blue Anon conspiracy theories, 

That theory was boosted by at least one influential Democrat: Dmitri Mehlhorn, a political adviser to Democratic donor Reid Hoffman, encouraged supporters in an email late Saturday to consider the “possibility — which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally — … that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash.”


On Sunday, Mehlhorn apologized, saying he now regrets the email, and that he “drafted and sent it without consulting team members or allies.” In a text to The Washington Post, Mehlhorn wrote: “We must unite in condemnation of such violence in every instance, without reservation. Any other topic is a distraction.”

He broke the fake binary that is in play that again raises suspicion in another direction --far and farther away from any connectivity with alleged shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks and the same criminal element being used in intelligence agencies to wipe out any adversaries to the current administration. 

The reason the media is struggling to keep their sanitized story intact is that there has always been a rich history that details that gunmen, from assassins to school shooters are said to be acting alone -- but the failure is that we never know how these relatively young assassins are receiving military grad weapons and explosives to carry out their missions.

How do you take a kid who plays call of duty, and wears a tube gunner shirt and make him a marksman with the idea that it is up to him to kill what the left calls an existential threat to democracy?

The quick answer is that he along with other shooters in history is being helped by deep state operatives-- if you thumb through the pages of history you start to see the truth behind agendas meant to imbue terror -- the people then demand that something to be done and that something always leads to taking away more rights and freedoms guaranteed by a worn out constitution, 

One of the classic cliché of conspiracy theory is the idea that when an assassin or a shooter goes on a rampage and kills a political leader or shoots up a mall we can attribute the killer's mental disintegration on mind control carried out by dark figures that use magic, hypnosis, and drugs to trigger someone into becoming a killing machine.

When our government undertook their various individual programs for exploring the possibility of mind control they were seeking out a way to disintegrate the personality of a subject and then replace it with some other convenient form that they could easily control.

During the Cold War, the purpose of this mind-altering was of course to create an army of unwitting “Manchurian Candidates” but it was also a way to create a cult of intelligence that can be called on or triggered at a moment’s notice to carry out some clandestine mission.

The puppet masters who do the manipulative thought implants have a method where they create an alternate personality in the candidate. They use mind-altering drugs, lack of sleep, starvation, and bombardment with audio and light triggers.

They use these triggers so that the candidate can obsess and provide the candidate with a fantasy world where his psychosis can develop.

The CIA utilized shamanistic or black magic ritualism that included hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, astral projection, mental torture and whatever methods necessary to bury an alternative personality inside the brain of the test subject.

It was like a black magician’s initiate process, however, the CIA psychiatrists wanted all the benefits of getting a fresh initiate and complete control over the product they had ordered.

The idea was to create a killer who would surrender his volition at the hint of a trigger word or phrase. His kills are according to plan and they are layered like an onion. Each skin is peeled away to reveal that some very interesting programming has been implemented in the brain of the killer. 

Some of the things you hear in most of these cases are that the killer not only kills but he has some strange ritualistic fascination with numbers, words or phrases and possible literature.

These oracles are used to trigger an implanted thought or hypnotic suggestion.

These assassins literally become dormant zombies waiting to go off like ticking time bombs.

The United States has a rich history alleged programmed killing machines. We remember Charles Manson and the artistic and synchronized way “Son of Sam” killer, David Berkowitz carried out his deadly handiwork. Mark David Chapman, Manson, and John Hinckley all had certain triggers that somehow jumped out at them in record albums and books.

Charles Manson once said “If you're going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy.”

There appears to be plenty of witchiness that is evident in the Highland park shootings -- a pattern that we see many times with these so called Lone wolf attacks. 

The Lone Wolf phenomenon appears to be a real threat. But unlike the threat posed by organized crime or even known terrorist organizations, Lone Wolf shooters or bombers are the most difficult to investigate – by their very nature, they act with the power of anonymity.

The Lone Wolf explanation to all acts of terror or mass murder is a convenient way to keep the court of public opinion satisfied. The people hear that the police got their suspect, either buy shooting the suspect or the suspect commits suicide after his vicious acts.

Once again, the power of anonymity keeps any and all inquiries at bay and even though the so-called Lone Wolf is found to have a tremendous amount of military type weapons — the public enmasse are expected to believe that the Lone Wolf acted alone in getting these weapons.

If there is no note or manifesto, if there is no threatening indication on Twitter or Facebook of what motivated the killer, then again, we have the power of anonymity at play. It is convenient – there are no witnesses and the easy explanation by authorities that the suspect acted alone.

They become nothing more than a single cell of resistance, intelligence nightmares, ticking time bombs and another reason for political fodder for discussions about fortifying the police state and re-examining the Second Amendment.

I contend that Lone Wolf's explanations of mass shootings are proof of a convenient and deadly intelligence failure.

In the past, convenient Lone Wolves used to patsy Lone Nuts and if you trace them through the psychopathic family tree, you begin to see their acts are not solely their own.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a “Lone Nut” who we are told acted alone in the assassination of John F. Kennedy – as history has unraveled, and as documents have gradually we know that there were shadowy actors that were behind the scenes calling the shots. You cannot read any book or investigation on the JFK case without hearing about collusion with the CIA, FBI, KGB, the mob and Castro.

Conveniently, Oswald was gunned down by another intelligence asset Jack Ruby before he could face a trial; this again, created the power of an anonymity.

James Earl Ray the alleged assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King was often confused as to why he was implicated in the shooting. He claimed he was manipulated and framed by a shady agent whom researchers suspect was linked to the FBI or the Memphis Police.

James Earl Ray was effectively exonerated of the assassination of MLK, Jr. by Dr. William F. Pepper in a trial at The Circuit Court of Shelby County, Tennessee, 30th Judicial District at Memphis, in 1999.

There were no headlines and no fanfare, no acknowledgement by the mainstream press.

The trial was covered in its entirety by one independent journalist, and one reporter from outside of the country. About the only thing the American public heard about the trial was some filtered coverage through CourtTV.

Coretta Scott King, the wife of Dr. King said this about the trial:

“There is abundant evidence of a major high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations.

This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury deliberation. 

The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.

I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law.”

Sirhan Sirhan is another Lone Nut operative who was the known assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. He is said to be one of the first known triggered assassins — a victim of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program.

In 1968, the idea of a “Manchurian Candidate” was still dismissed as a Hollywood fantasy, but unknown to the public or Sirhan’s small army of psychiatrists, the CIA had in fact been secretly trying to create such a programmed assassin since the early 1950s. One of the program’s chief instigators, Richard Helms, was Agency director at the time Robert Kennedy died. Until Congress discovered the secret MKULTRA programs in the 1970s, the American public and the court of psychiatric opinion were still in their own twilight state, dissociated from what the CIA was doing in their name — assassinations, experimental testing, and mind control.

Leading psychiatrists at Harvard and Columbia medical schools now believe Sirhan was hypnotically programmed to kill Kennedy.

Of course, later we learned of Charles Manson who was said to be the master planner of the Tate/LaBianca murders. His ties were deeply connected to CIA mind control groups and the Process Church of the Final Judgment – a Satanist Scientology hybrid that was also the same religion followed by Son of Sam killer, David Berkowitz.

Lone Nuts Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley Junior both had ties to the CIA-fronted religion World Vision, who had a strange interest in purchasing Jonestown after Jim Jones led hundreds of followers into a suicide pact resulting in 909 people taking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide, a third of them children.

World Vision did espionage work for the CIA in South America and Southeast Asia.

The Aurora shooter James Holmes another so-called lone gunman was found to be part of a U.S. government research project headed by the Salk Institute that included neurologically enhancing soldiers’ abilities on the battlefield.

The project was also overseen by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense.

As an investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen wrote back in the Summer of 2012:

“Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. Holmes is a graduate of the University of California at Riverside with a Bachelor of Science degree in neuroscience. Although Holmes dropped out of the PhD neuroscience program at Anschutz in June, police evacuated two buildings at the Anschutz center after the massacre at the Aurora movie theater. Holmes reportedly gave a presentation at the Anschutz campus in May on Micro DNA Biomarkers in a class titled “Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders.”

In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.

The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons Army Medical Center was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected “neuroprosthetic” limbs for soldiers whose limbs were amputated or paralyzed in combat.”

Some believe that the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho, who shot his victims some 25 miles away from Roanoke, was also a victim of a mind control super soldier program.

Cho’s sister worked for a State Department contractor with ties to the Department of Defense called, McNeil Technologies. They are linked to military training, classified military operations defense intelligence, and Human Intel Ops. They also provide front-line security at sensitive classified facilities.

Virginia Tech hosts “The Farm,” where mind control experimentation is conducted under the aegis of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. When the massacre occurred in April of 2007, Virginia Tech was involved in an earlier stage of Operation Noble Resolve.

Cho killed 32 people and then turned the gun on himself. When his body was removed from the scene he had on his arm the words ISMAIL AX.

Some believe that Cho was triggered by reading Daniel Quinn’s book, Ishmael. The book paints a grim commentary about planet Earth and how humans are destroying it. In the book, a gorilla seeks out and recruits humans to save the planet. It depicts humans as the enemy of the world and that the world does not belong to them.

When Cho sent a manifesto to NBC News before his rampage, he signed it, “A. Ishmael.”

Now does anyone see the pattern?

With each round of killings, a script is activated: initial horror, hot tears of indignation of never again, and then, the stalemate on reform till the next round of killings can be duly accommodated.

It is a loop that begins to sicken and tire everyone as the media focuses on one aspect of these tragedies and that is the use of a gun. 

There are never questions about how these so-called amateur incels get all of their video equipment to stage a Youtube show, where they get the money for their armor --and the purchase of guns that would total into the thousands of dollars.

In Uvalde, Texas, a teenage gunman made his way into an elementary school and played his role in the mounting list of lone nut assassins.

When he had finished at Robb Elementary School, 19 children and 2 adults had perished. But even this effort, in the premier league ranking of school killings, failed to top the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012. On that occasion, 26 lost their lives.

The horror and indignant tears were duly cued. The thoughts and prayers seemed hollow and the 

President of the United States, Joe Biden had to say something -- but it was nothing profound -- just more of the shame “Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen?” he rhetorically intoned at a press conference. 

“For every parent, for every citizen in this country, we have to make it clear to every elected official in this country: it’s time to act.” This would involve the passing of “common sense gun laws” and combating the gun lobby.

The next day, Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated the formula.--and now as we can see the formula for events like assassinations or attempted assassinations remains the same.

It is scripted and repeated until the media can take their other suggestions and dismiss them as baseless.

When you start to connect the dots, they lead right back to the intelligence agencies and the police state we are in today. It is the corrupt and criminal element within the military-industrial complex that continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives.

It is all predictable -- and it continues without much of an in-depth investigation as to who is getting at these kids or young adults and why they are always suited up for a lone battle with an arsenal of many guns and bombs.

It never takes long for the economy of tolerable massacres to generate the next round of scrappy arguments, with the corpses barely cold.

it is all in the subtext of the issue -- and how the American subconscious mind reacts to the event of a political official being executed on live TV-- much like the Kennedy assassination that was compared to an ancient KING KILL ritual.

It harkens back to ancient rituals conveyed to the American group mind. It has spun into several conspiracy theories and the mainstream is shocked that even the left can participate in such things.

Again to break the fake binary which is attempting to shift the attention away from the usual suspects we have to ask who would be in a position to put forth so quickly and didactically the claim that the accused had no other assistance, direction, or encouragement. 

Who would have the confidence to state publicly the certainty that no other guilty parties or accomplices will be discovered? Only the accomplices themselves could make such a statement, in the expectation that it will be accepted by the public as well as the media who are supposed to be tasked with investigating the veracity of official statements.

Again all things point to the suspects that we all suspect are behind this.

It was not staged-- but it was planned, and the motive is still being contemplated even though the people are now being vocal more about what they did not see rather than what they claim to have seen.

The “only blame Crooks” lone nut or lone wolf theory, now elevated by a rock solid FBI determination, is not simply testing our cognition and alertness, it is also mocking us -- using the same fake binary they used during the election, during 9/11, during January 6th.

When challenged on the idea of the lack of security and the bold accusation of letting it happen-- the media's rush to judgment is to say that it is baseless. But only because they refuse to pin any of it on the possibility of an inside job -- a sustained criminal element that has been involved with a lot of the shootings that have brought terror to our country.

The accounts thus far of the attempt on the life of Trump comprise a message to the subconscious of America and it’s not a very subtle one. 

In fact, it’s fairly sloppy -- and obvious. Yet people want to argue for whatever crazy conspiracy theory they wish to push --because they think they are saving face for their criminal political party-- and a corrupt government that has been lying to them for 8 years. 
We see various connections to government contractors like Black Rock Incorporated as the suspect was seen in a Public service commercial for the shadow bank. 

BlackRock Inc. is said to be among the largest “asset managers” in the world. Controlling more than $8 trillion in assets under management, BlackRock is the world’s largest shadow bank. Investments made by the BlackRock crooks include major corporate players in war profiteering and the military-industrial complex.

Crooks was spotted in a television advertisement for BlackRock. In the ad filmed at Bethel Park School, Thomas Matthew Crooks can be seen in the middle of an economics class, watching the whiteboard.

It would seem that the odds of this being a “coincidence” are somewhat astronomical.

A TV advertisement for the world’s “largest shadow bank” — one that is heavily invested in Federal government-linked military contractors, just so happens to include a future shooter of a former president of the United States at the youth’s Bethel high school, under a BlackRock-supplied video caption reading “that guy made this place a special place to come to school.”

So, I am sure we may see more connections to the Military Industrial complex and intelligence agencies with regards to this case. 

Our guardians and Overlords are lying and misleading us. Our awareness of this truth is anticipated. It’s part of their tired and worn-out procedure – if we don’t callout this criminality, 

The joke’s on us.